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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/2024 in all areas

  1. I'll be honest, it was a long read and to save the last vestiges of what few functioning neurons I have remaining, I avoid 'sources' on Twitter named anything along the lines of "America First XYZ". You should too. My advice to you is to recognize that this bill is imperfect - anything short of major immigration reform would be - but to simultaneously understand that you're never going to get 60 Senators to agree on a different bill. If you truly believe that Donald Trump will be able to get 60 votes on something next year, by all means, continue to be anger farmed by the MAGA movement. This bill is it. There won't be another bipartisan agreement. 60 votes on something else isn't happening. You either actually think the border needs to be addressed or you just want to use the border to elect Donald Trump.
    7 points
  2. There are tremendous future consequences to not assisting Ukraine, including future Russian invasion of NATO countries if they feel that America won't fulfill the defense commitment - which seems increasingly likely to be the case based on pro-Russian trends developing on the American right wing. Additionally, assuming you pay more in taxes than you receive, most military assistance to Ukraine is in the form of older equipment that isn't often used. The old equipment is used and replaced by newer, updated equipment courtesy of our domestic defense industry. Most of the money "spent" for Ukraine military assistance is stimulus for American defense industry jobs. Lastly, America's military has learned a great deal helping Ukraine in a major war. From how Drones impact warfare, to the amount of artillery shells needed to conduct offensive operations (hint: the US has learned that our current ability to manufacture artillery shells is WOEFULLY short of what would be necessary), assisting Ukraine has taught America lessons they never would've learned... all while not risking American lives. In short, there is literally no downside to assisting Ukraine. There are exclusively positives. America First Legal is certainly my go to source for unbiased and comprehensive review of what I'm sure is an agenda free analysis of any legal matter.
    7 points
  3. Makes a lot more sense when you remember Republicans don’t care about actually solving problems. They care about propagating their worldview, much of which they can already accomplish through the courts. They certainly don’t want to legislate. They view their job as winning elections. They want power simply for the sake of power. They want to remain in Washington as long as possible to reap the benefits for themselves while trying to break the government, making it as dysfunctional as possible, with a thin veneer of being serious people trying to do the job they were sent there to do. Also, of course they complain current enforcement isn’t enough. They don’t care “tougher enforcement” means toothless, unconstitutional EOs, directives already ruled illegal or abject cruelty. The modern GOP doesn’t give two rips about the Constitution. They want their way, they want it now and they simply want to pin this issue on Biden; see the “craven power hungry twats” excerpt above.
    6 points
  4. There once was a time when you could rely on the GOP to not just roll over for the Ruskies attacking our allies. Sadly, that time has passed and is gone, so now we have to use cute little tricks like this to drag them along with beating back the commies. Shame so many of them grew to idolize Putin, truly.
    5 points
  5. We get it...you don't want thousands more border agents and billions in support on the border along with tougher Asylum laws with an increase in support to process and detain people that do come in.
    5 points
  6. Poland has so many allies, Russia will never go near Poland. Poland will be dictating what goes on. Those commies are toast.
    4 points
  7. No….it doesn’t. But, your party wants you to think it does.
    4 points
  8. I did not mean to imply that they are your country. I apologize if that was the case. Secondly, I and most people would fundamentally disagree with the CATO Institute's assessment of why Russia invaded Ukraine. They are a conservative think tank and aren't exactly unbiased. I'll do my best to summarize why helping Ukraine, a flawed former Soviet Republic, fight against Russia. The first thing to understand about Russia is their geographic vulnerability from a military point of view. Russia is a massive country, however, 80% of the Russian population and economic activity lives within Western Russia - known as the Russian Core. This has been the case throughout the entirety of Russia's history. It's located here approximately (sorry for the poor circle drawn using my finger on my phone): The second thing to know about this region is how vulnerable it is to foreign attack. The geography of Eastern Europe - Belarus and Ukraine- is very similar to the Great Plains in the US, it's massive and essentially flat, and the borders of which are hundreds of miles long. From a military point of view, this flank is nearly impossible to defend. Russia has been invaded multiple times throughout history, notably by Napoleon in 1812 through Belarus and again by Hitler through Ukraine in 1941 killing 30 million people - invading through the flat terrain of Belarus and Ukraine represents a massive security risk. Therefore, Russia has always sought to push its borders as far Westward as possible. The further West the border, the more secure the Russian core (circled above) becomes. Pushing the border west was the manifest destiny of the Russian Empire and later the Soviet Union. It's why the Soviet Union invaded Poland and Finland during WWII. They seek to narrow their borders to neighbors as much as possible. As you can see in the map above, the Soviet Union essentially created a buffer zone protecting the Russian core. The dark red border of Russia is massive, impossible to defend. The light red borders of the Western most Soviet states is much more narrow. The Baltic sea provides protection from the northern flank, while the Black Sea south of Ukraine and the mountain range just to the West of Maldova protects the southern flank (pictured below): Russian ultra-nationalists - like Putin - truly believe that the fall of the Soviet Union represented betrayal of 200 years of Russian history and sacrifice. The wars fought to create the scenario above and protecting Russia - so they can reach their destiny of being a super power - were all for naught. It is therefore critical from their perspective that Russia recreate what the Russian Empire and Soviet Union did: push the sphere of influence as far West as possible. It's why the original attack plans called for an invasion of Moldova: It's why Putin said as recently last week that the Baltic States are run by Nazis. They're trying to set the stage for eventual confrontation with them. It may not be in the immediate future, but in 15 or 20 years, you can bet that they will try. In short, Ukraine chose in 2014 to leave the Russian sphere of influence. This is seen as a massive vulnerability to Russian nationalists who wish to recreate the borders of the Soviet Union to protect their flanks. They seek to undermine America's commitment to NATO in order to accomplish this. Supporting Ukraine presently sends a message that this will not be tolerated, and weakens their ability to conduct further aggressive operations.
    4 points
  9. The article also notes the other possibility of 'house arrest' type of situation - confined to Mar a largo. That J6 judge may have the balls send him to jail. With all of the stern sentences that court has based down, it would be hard to see Trump getting a slap on the hand. If he isn't in jail, the chaos will continue. But I see your point - it is hard to see a former president thrown in jail - but at one time it was unimaginable that a president would lead an insurrection against his own govt.
    4 points
  10. First and foremost, they are not my Country. They are not NATO. They have been known to be the most corrupt Country in Europe. But please discuss your points. I love congenial discourse. I would be more likely to approve of the funding if the numbers in the bill were all reduced. It is obscene to me when you consider another $60 billion for Ukraine, $15 billion for Isreal, and only $15 billion for our own security here in the US. It's laughable to me that we are funding to secure their border, and repel invaders from Ukraine, but not here at home. Isreal has proven they can take care of themselves. We give them about $3 billion in aid yearly, and I don't hear them or others insisting it should be more. And, I think they have tarnished their reputation by continuing to unilaterally destroy Gaza, and killing innocents by the thousands. I understand the geopolitics of wanting Ukraine to defeat Russia. I also think that the US is one of the main causes of the conflict. This article shares that view https://www.cato.org/commentary/washington-helped-trigger-ukraine-war I think it has been asked here before, but I can't remember. Hypothetically, what would you want the US response to be if China funded ever growing military and procure more and more armament, and fomented public outcry in an anti-US Canada? Or in an anti-US Mexico? I think I know what that answer would be. Again, for the umpteenth time, just because I have these views does not mean that I am pro-Putin or in love with Russia. I would simply rather see that needs here at home are provided for first.
    4 points
  11. Thank you It does Ehh You are
    4 points
  12. I see the GOP talking points got sent out to the usual suspects for why the bill just isn’t actually good without delay. “We want 100% of our wishlist or we’ll take our ball and go home. Yes it’s a crisis. Yes it’s out of control. No we don’t care. This is how politics actually works. We’re a serious party and demand to be taken seriously.” What a hoot.
    4 points
  13. There is no other bill. This is your only bet. There isn't anything unserious about this bill, unless you've succumbed to lazy right wing talking points to help Trump get re-elected. As somebody who is much more conservative than most Democrats on immigration, I find it humorous that right wingers don't' want this pass. You are aware that the alternative is the status quo, correct? You truly believe that this bill makes the problem worse? If so, it further proves there is no hope for the MAGA crowd. You give them what they want and they retreat further into their shells. There is no amount of policy that will make them happy; being angry at anything is their base political motive.
    4 points
  14. This is hilarious…..and sad. The number one reason powering MAGA, illegal immigration (aka “the wall”-for the mentally challenged), and NOW they don’t want to do anything, something that will help curb the flow. No the bill isn’t perfect but please name any bipartisan bill that is/was perfect. Absolute joke of a party and supporters. Just change it to MASA, Make America Suffer Always, and get it over with.
    4 points
  15. That is one reason Big Ten teams don't do well in the NCAA Tourney most years. They get officials who have a vested interest in calling a fair contest if they want to keep working and Big Ten teams get into foul trouble 10 minutes into the first half.
    4 points
  16. Some people use a broken dishwasher as an excuse to stop doing the dishes...
    4 points
  17. I remember seeing this play live and wondered where the foul was. Upon replay from another angle Wilcher closed out quickly and bumped into the shooter.. It was a good call. Likewise the play with Mast at the end of overtime should have been called with Mast shooting three free throws. The Illinois defender made contact with Mast's arms causing the ball to pop free.
    4 points
  18. I disagree, and others do too.
    4 points
  19. What happens to person 1-4,999 each day that tries to cross illegally with this new proposal? Do they all get deported or diverted to a port of entry? Why does it take 5,000 encounters a day, on average, to get strong legislation? Put the number down to below what we had before Biden and maybe you got something to work with. I noticed Steve pointed out we already had Title 42 and enforcement is going backward from that.
    3 points
  20. There is no reason for Democrats to not support that number for bipartisan reasons when they are getting so much more in the bill. Instead, Republican Senators doing the negotiations just went along to get along and got rolled. BTw….this is why it was a feature for the border to be a disaster these past years and not a bug. Now the ruling class idiots in Washington can say “see, we are making it a little better so get on board or you are against immigration reform” when in reality the “fix” is still way worse then what it was a few years ago.
    3 points
  21. The cost of preventing a direct conflict with an expansionist Russia is high, but the cost of a direct conflict with Russia is higher.
    3 points
  22. Again, I get what you are saying, I don't think it is right though... And it is a perfect analogy. I would be okay with a flat tax. I mean you could start arguing that no one should be able to make over 50K a year, since you can live just fine on that and that every penny over 50K goes to the Gment and they will "help us" all.
    3 points
  23. What if Osborne had not promised the job to Frank, and let the AD hire Bob Stoops as he was interested in doing? I still feel like we would have continued being pretty good the last 20 years if not for that change. Hiring Frank was the beginning of the downward trend.
    3 points
  24. I can't be the only one that never sees him going to prison, right? Guilty verdict and everything I just feel like he won't end up behind bars.
    3 points
  25. What if Steve Pederson had never been AD at the University of Nebraska?
    3 points
  26. That is what I don't like. It is like people that get mad at a MLB player for signing a big deal. I mean, he earned it and someone is will to pay him for his services. I get your point, I just don't like that idea. With that said, I would rather pay zero taxes.
    3 points
  27. Not possible to pass in the Senate. That bill falls short of many things, including expanding legal immigration which it does not address and what many sectors of the American economy rely on. Next time you see a crew roofing houses, paving roads, or visit your local slaughter house and let me know what you see. Hint: there are not a lot of legal workers clamoring for those jobs (A meat packing plant in Grand Island Nebraska was hit with fines after it was discovered that they employed child labor of illegal immigrants). H.R.2 mandates the use of E-Verify which would gut those industries but does not expand legal immigration to make up for the shortfall. Thus, the bill will never pass and was not designed to pass. The current agreement compromises on slightly less restrictive immigration policies but expands legal immigration visa's to makeup for the shortfall. It also expands the number of Asylum judges and officers to properly adjudicate asylum petitions. They're enforcing existing law to the best extent that courts allow. Furthering the enforcement of law requires executive orders, which are challenged in court. It's been the base immigration policy for decades and why immigration policy seemingly changes by administration as their immigration agenda goes through the courts and eventually dies. The current bill codifies certain administrative powers into law to avoid this. I'm much further to the right on immigration than other democrats, this bill is mediocre. But it's also the only one that has a chance of passing. This is it, there are no alternatives. You either want to address the issue with what can actually pass in Congress or you can continue with the status quo of immigration policy which is Presidency-to-Presidency via executive orders, where the policy goes through courts and changes based on what judge see's the case.
    3 points
  28. What is the status of this? https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/2/summary/00
    3 points
  29. It doesn't. 10 Republican Senators agree. It's well known that any Executive Orders get killed in court and that 'enforcing existing law' is what's happening now. Any Fox News segment on what Biden could be doing to "enforce existing law" gets tied up in courts, is outright illegal, or based on conservative interpretations of the law which are nonsense. The source you posted selectively posted excerpts of text of the law and violently misconstrued and made assumptions of what it meant. It's obvious anger farm bait. I get it, you don't actually want to address anything at the border because you know that no other bill has a chance of passing. It's okay to want to protect the Cheeto Man, he wouldn't last long in prison. Not sure what the end game is for you guys but I guess the Republican Party using and abusing their supporters is sort of what they come to expect?
    3 points
  30. Mast getting fouled at the end was not the only time Illinois "stripped" the ball and no foul was called. Virtually every time they drove and the ball was stripped there was a lot of arm & a little ball (especially in the first half), but on the other end it was always called. The other thing that annoys me is that every time Keisei comes off a screen the defender is grabbing his jersey and it gets called maybe once per game. If they truly want to have freedom of movement, then that needs to be called every time. Tominaga would shoot 20 free throws a game and the other team would be in foul trouble five minutes into the game.
    3 points
  31. NU also shot lights out from 3 and the FT line. Did an amazing job battling back from down 10 with 3:27 left.
    3 points
  32. There were some questionable calls but this was not one of them. Wilcher clearly runs into him on the way up.
    3 points
  33. Yeah, I am with you on this. Also, I hate the idea that someone is rich they should pay some bigger "fair share", that just doesn't sit well with me. Now, if legislation is passed and they are forced to pay more, I get it. For instance, teachers should not have to pay state income tax BUT we do, so I deal with it even though clearly, as educators and heroes (to some), we should get a break but we don't. Now if that ever changes and laws are passed that say we do not need to pay state income tax, well, I will gladly no longer pay them as opposed to paying my fair share.
    3 points
  34. No there isn’t. Our legislature has decided that what they pay now is actually their fair share as long as they pay it.
    3 points
  35. There’s a difference between what they legally owe and “their fair share”.
    3 points
  36. Boy if they’re too scared to lead the pack on killing DST, you guys back home can probably look forward to legal pot a day or two before the sun finally craps out.
    2 points
  37. You only know this because of The Dark Knight. Don't lie!
    2 points
  38. Maybe maybe not, but what I noticed is you didn’t disagree.
    2 points
  39. Uhhhh Chris knows no one is talking about commerce/trade when the words “close the border” is discussed in this immigration reform bill. Chris knows it’s in reference to closings incoming illegal or asylum seeking immigrants from entering. But Chris now knows the mistake he let out of the bag and is not trying to cover said mistake by gaslighting and goal post moving.
    2 points
  40. Yeah, I get that. I just don't think they should or do have an additional responsibility. Unless the G'ment passes legislation that they have to pay more.
    2 points
  41. XFL and USFL merge to form new UFL spring football league Eight-team United Football League to start on 30th March 2024. UFL Reveals 2024 Schedule https://www.theufl.com/schedule
    2 points
  42. Last I heard it got no bipartisan support in the House. So it wasn't really a bill, but a Republican wish list.
    2 points
  43. The shooter drives and tries to jump back to his left to counter-act his momentum taking him to his right. Wilcher's chest runs into his shoulder which pushes him back to he right. That's about as easy of a call as it gets.
    2 points
  44. One of the main complaints with the NET is that it over emphasizes margin of victor/loss & Nebraska has been blown out on the road a lot.
    2 points
  45. Yeah, I think Trump (among many other crazies and extremists) have driven many away from the R party. Honestly it is how I believe Biden was able to defeat him. I don’t think Joe has been terrible or really even bad but he was not my idea of anything approaching a good candidate in 20 when I voted for him. And I’ll do it again because the Rs have gone bats#!t.
    2 points
  46. If we do he will have accomplished something never done in Husker Basketball History.
    2 points
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