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Status Updates posted by Bradr

  1. Too many apple donuts. Stomach hurts in such a good way.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JTrain


      Do you know Wurtele?

    3. Bradr


      Doesn't sound familiar. I *know* the main guy at Union somewhat. He at least recognizes me.

    4. Jskers95


      Ernie Lechner?!

  2. How did ASU blow this???

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GSG


      Damnit, I should have said "on their knees" in response to "How did ASU blow this?"

    3. Bradr


      The blow has been reversed!

    4. GSG


      By Pinky himself!!

  3. We've got to be getting close to Texas in all time wins. Anyone know how many we've got?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. VectorVictor
    3. NUance


      And both Texas and Notre Dame are likely to make coaching changes. They might get worse before they get better.

    4. VectorVictor


      We'll likely catch the 'Worns at the end of this season, and pass Notre Dame next year (assuming our own transition doesn't fall on its face).

  4. At work & not able to watch or listen. Cliff's notes on the half pleeeeaaaase?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cdog923


      Everything sucks, and no one wants to be at the game.

    3. Bradr


      Well damn. The score doesn't look terrible. Those stats tho...

    4. NUance


      RB Newby injured. Out for the game.


      When it rains it pours.

  5. Are Irish car bombs an acceptable side dish/appetizer to a St. Patty's day dinner party?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ratt Mhule

      Ratt Mhule

      Yes, most def.

    3. 74Hunter


      they are at any time :)

    4. NUance


      Acceptable? Ha! They're mandatory!

  6. Caramelizing onions. 4 down, 4 to go. And 1 hour in. Anyone know how to do this faster?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. knapplc


      C N Red is right. Are you doing them whole or something? I can't think of any reason it would take that long to caramelize eight onions. What are you making, Bradr?

    3. HUSKER 37

      HUSKER 37

      Why not cook them on a grill, so the house doesn't smell like one of Moulton's rentals with the carpeted indoor halls on "D" street..

    4. Bradr


      Yeah, cut into 2 inch strips, thin. Making a caramelized pear, onion, fontina, provolone, and gorgonzola pita wedges, with a mixed greens gorgonzola mix on top for easter. The darn onions are jumbo sweet ones. Used olive oil, butter, and sugar, but too high of heat was burning/scalding instead of caramelizing, so I had to set heat to med. Took ~10 minutes to get 4 to translucence, adn then another 30 minutes or so to get them a nice golden brown and about 15% original volume. Added some ...

  7. I'm at Mall of America with my wife! SEND HELP!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jsneb83


      Cancel you credit cards ASAP lol

    3. CornHOLIO


      Is Mall-O-Canada across the street?

    4. Bradr


      There was a mall-o-beaver at the university. But I wasn't allowed to go in.

  8. Can't see the line, can ya Russ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ADS


      Is Rusty still in the navy?

    3. NUpolo8


      Honey, have you checked our shitter?

    4. HANC


      wouldn't be the Christmas season if it were any less hooter, I mean hotter in here

  9. After the sideline interview, looks like Paul has a little Camstache in him...

    1. haymarkethomer


      Everyone should have a little camstache in them

    2. Bradr


      I would if I could

    3. GSG


      I'm not even allowed facial hair at work. I rock the scruff as often as possible though.

  10. Cigars are good for you right?

    1. GM_Tood
    2. HUSKER 37

      HUSKER 37

      depends on the orifice-B.Clinton

    3. 74Hunter


      freaking wow, 37. that is sum funny shite!!!!!

  11. Just bought Minnesota tickets - section 103 & Aisle seats!!!

    1. GSG


      I'm considering this one too. I have a few buddies that live in St. Paul, so that would definitely help some costs out.

    2. Bradr


      Yeah, I gave up on the Wiscy game. $200 plus for nosebleeds, not to mention hotels were getting out of control. Get your tickets soon though. Stubhub has them for around $125-$150 right now. There were some last week for around $100 that are gone now.

    3. Minnesota_husker


      I might be living in MN.. so I will be there, with my sister who is a U of M alum


  12. Morning guys and gals, who wants a Bloody Mary?

    1. NUance


      Red beer! You bet!!

    2. Hoosker
    3. krc1995


      zing zang is the best

  13. The best day as a Colorado fan is apparently still pretty crappy.

    1. Enhance


      But I thought it was still better than being a Husker fan!?!?

    2. suh_fan93


      If I were a Colorado fan I would be happy. The only thing that could go wrong is if they make a really bad hire. Should be real interesting to see who they actually get.

  14. My grandfather is going to the game this weekend and would like one of those stadium seat chairs. Anyone know where to pre-order them? Pleeease?

    1. Skers!


      You can get them at the stadium I believe.

    2. Hingle McCringleberry

      Hingle McCringleberry

      You cannot bring your own in anymore. I think they only do the reserved for the entire season...

  15. Not trying to be sexist, but I really can't stand the female announcer on ABC right now. Something just isn't right.

    1. husker98


      I think she is a man in disguise, but more likely than not this is ESPN proving it is an EOE.

    2. suh_fan93


      It wouldn't happen to be Michelle Tafoya would it? Very irritating and quite man like as well.

  16. For whatever Scout is worth, we have 1/20 of the top 100 players of next year's national recruiting class coming to NU. Nice.

    1. The Maudfather
    2. Bradr


      Just go to the team rankings: http://nebraska.scout.com/a.z?s=204&p=9&c=14&yr=2011

      It displays the number of top 100 players committed to a team in the first column.

  17. Had a South Carolina fan today tell me that we're lucky we don't play them this year. Suuuuure.

    1. Ratt Mhule

      Ratt Mhule

      In what sport? Surely not football

    2. NUance


      We would step on the c$%ks. With cletes.

  18. This T Boone guys sure seems like he knows alot about the future of OSU. One would think he's running things the way he's talking.

    1. tschu


      He is running things.

    2. walksalone


      Yeah, if you've got a billion dollars, chances are, you are running things at some level or another

  19. anyone else see the espn2 recap? When the huskers are shown takingvthe field, looks like espn editted out the american flag

    1. It'sNotAFakeID


      I'm sure they didn't

    2. Husker Richard

      Husker Richard

      The flag was wrapped around the pole. They forgot to unravel it.

  20. Glad I didn't pay to see this mess.

    1. NUance


      I would pay now if I could go back and unsee it.

    2. Haspula


      I called in sick for work just so I could watch the game. Bad decision

  21. How much are beer labels for home brewers?

    1. ShawnWatson


      50 BILLION dollars



      Just depends on what you want honestly. Go to homebrewtalk.com and research it some over there.

  22. or peppermint schnapps?

    1. Minnesota_husker


      hahahh..been there.

  23. Mmm, first sip of beer for the day is like candy.

    1. RedNLeader


      I like candy!!!

  24. WHy one earth is basketball still on!? Where's Arizona Oregon?

    1. suh_fan93


      It is on. ESPN.

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