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Status Updates posted by GSG



  2. 'Murica!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thanks_Tom RR

      Thanks_Tom RR

      Clicked on the link and saw a 4+ min commercial for Sizzler. I'm sure it's funny but not worth the time.

    3. NUance


      The real Murica!

    4. It'sNotAFakeID


      How in the blue hell did they have 5 minute Sizzler commercials. America was weird in 1991.

  3. Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. 4skers89


      Looks like it knocked him out. Maybe broke his jaw. He's probably fine.

    3. ShawnWatson


      looks like somebody had a case of the moondays.

    4. The Dude

      The Dude

      Good stuff.

  4. Ahem:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Hoosker


      *sigh* 2 more months..

    3. famoustitles


      Ya you're right GSG. not sure why I was thinking this was the final season

    4. Mike Mcdee

      Mike Mcdee

      I'm jacked to the t!ts for this season!

  5. Already ordered mine!

    1. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Sure to let you know when T's & P's are really needed.

  6. Anybody ever read this book? The movie looks interesting

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GSG


      lol, well the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting pool wasn't constructed until the 1920s, so I'm guessing that's a modern-day shot of DC used for the trailer.

    3. RockyMountainOySker


      I read the book and loved it. Will be interesting to see how the movie turns out. Book really was great.

    4. broganreynik


      Yeah, read the book and thought it was a pretty enjoyable read.

  7. Arizona and Rich Rod, y'all

    1. ColoradoHusk



    2. NUpolo8


      I would have bet money a YouTube clip titled "Arizona Speed" would have been on a different subject matter.

  8. Bad Lip Reading from the first debate:

  9. BOOM!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GSG


      Idk. I'm sure he was, but I didn't watch the actual show. He was breathing and looking around, so that's a good sign.

    3. Blackshirts007


      how the hell did you find a video with only 80 views??

    4. GSG


      It just happened tonight. I filtered the results down to anything posted in the last day

  10. Buy beer and dudes will show up to your house!!

  11. Can't believe this lady ran over a dog

    1. RedRedJarvisRedwine


      Can't even bear to watch the clip. I have murdery tendencies when it comes to people that abuse/neglect animals. The dog was probably some little kids pet/family member. Add to that my feelings about women drivers and we have quite a cocktail to fuel my wrath!

    2. Danny Bateman

      Danny Bateman

      Its not quite as heavy handed as GSG led you to believe Jarvis. It's no ASPCA commercial...

    3. MLB 51

      MLB 51

      Why? People are stupid you know.

  12. Dedicated to Jim Tressel:

    1. It'sNotAFakeID


      For when it's announced:


  13. Fan video of the faux ref last night:

    1. CornHOLIO


      at the end out the back of the end zone..lots of sombreros. Reinactment of the border crossings into Tucson or just a racist halftime show?

  14. Haha! Yes!

    1. Chaddyboxer


      My fiance just showed me this on Facebook ha

  15. Hangover 3 trailer

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 95huskers


      i hated the 2nd one too... it was the first one just different city. ill pry watch this tho...

    3. teachercd


      First one was over-hyped. Second one was not funny.

    4. Blackshirts007


      Giraffe hahaha

  16. High school basketball player in Florida attacks referee

    1. UGAHusker


      What a jerk. I can only imagine what my parents would have done to me if I had pulled something like that.

    2. Husker Richard

      Husker Richard

      That was weak. I was expecting something more vicious. If you're going to do something that stupid, at least do it right. He made himself look like a moron.

    3. kansas husker

      kansas husker

      Husker Richard is right, if you going to do it don't fall down while trying to throw him. But than again if he knew how to throw he would be wrestling and not playing basketball.

  17. Homeless dog living in a trash pile gets rescued and then befriends another rescued dog

  18. Hooray sports!

  19. I leave you with this:

    1. ZRod


      I'm going to punch you in the face.

    2. Dr. Mantis Toboggan

      Dr. Mantis Toboggan

      That shouldn't have been funny. But it was

    3. huKSer


      Party! GSG is leaving the board! Woot, woot!

  20. Lonely Island feat Akon - I Just Had Sex:

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