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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/2023 in all areas

  1. There has to be other places you can sit to watch the girls on the treadmills
    6 points
  2. On the other hand, someone like me will literally leave the gym if I have to wait for a bench to open up.
    5 points
  3. Yep! the fact hat some people can't admit that it so clearly came from that lab is just weird.
    4 points
  4. Everything you just wrote is refusing to listen to people in the know saying Hood will be a project.
    4 points
  5. The evidence remains inconclusive.
    3 points
  6. I'm not deflecting anything. I'm simply pointing out the absurd nature of modern conservatism and the lengths individuals go through to make their conservative identity work. I fully support research and further investigations into the origins of COVID-19. It is still most likely occurred naturally, but it's possible (although improbable) that it originated in a lab. What I find amusing is that Conservatives like you latch onto the DOE report as if it's gospel - because you WANT it to be true. Conservatives have to reject reality to make their conservative identity make sense. So the nanosecond an institution publishes something that confirms any portion of that identity, its latched onto - despite what any number of other reports or studies say about the matter. Furthermore, scientific findings and near total agreement among scientists about climate change is rejected because it runs counter to your conservative identity. The same can be said about scientific findings about COVID death rates in counties that voted for Trump, efficacy of vaccines or Ivermectin or any number of things. This is not treated with the same vigor because it runs counter to the Conservative identity - and it would really suck if conservative voting led to all these terrible outcomes and therefore must be false.
    3 points
  7. North Korea level bulls#!t here considering she's on Fox News with Hannity defending Trump
    3 points
  8. Ummmm isn't football a game where there is opportunity for injury due to twisting and people falling into you and what not? You can only prevent injury by practicing scenarios where they might happen - I say go at it, it may very well help him be better conditioned to not get injured in the season.
    3 points
  9. There’s a lot to unpack here. First let me start with Trump calling it the China virus. Immature, irresponsible and needlessly inflammatory for sure…but not entirely wrong, except for who it was and the way he went about it. The hatred it spawned against Asian people was/is horrible and was not acceptable (like most everything Trump). Personally I’m not rooting or hoping one way or the other and I don’t think anything about it has been conclusive. In fact I would be relieved to find out for sure it was the result of some naturally occurring species jump. I just think given the location and the Chinese government’s attempts to cover up and not cooperate are pretty damning. People that don’t have something to hide generally don’t go out of their way to hide things. Occam’s Razor and all that…
    2 points
  10. Or that's just something that players say when the approach is different. Darrion Daniels said similar things when he transferred here from Oklahoma State.
    2 points
  11. Elite athletes want to be pushed to get better, get stronger, and get faster. It's part of what makes them elite. If Haussman wasn't getting that at NU under Duval and the prior staff, that is concerning. I wouldn't be surprised if other former players felt that way, as well.
    2 points
  12. Interesting comment by Hausmann on leaving NU for Michigan. I wonder if other current players are glad for the new S&C as well. Hausmann says that above all he was most impressed with the Wolverines’ secret weapon: strength and conditioning coach Ben Herbert. https://wolverineswire.usatoday.com/2023/03/01/why-ernest-hausmann-decided-to-become-a-wolverine/
    2 points
  13. I don't think China is moderating this site. This isn't TikTok.
    2 points
  14. I know! Look, I am just a normal everyday person. But if you think it wasn't made in a lab, well, you are lying to yourself because you probably were so against the idea that it was from a lab.
    2 points
  15. He was good to go until he got a slight tear in the other knee. It wasn’t even close to as bad as the first one but while he was out, they went back into the first knee and cleaned some stuff up. He could have actually been back for the start of the year if they didn’t work on both knees. He was cleared to play after the OU game.
    2 points
  16. Read! He needs to build strength & refine his pass blocking skills. This is a kid that got lost at Georgia. He is like any other freshman lineman.
    2 points
  17. It’s the standard go to…Just couldn’t have been she was a terrible mayor I guess
    2 points
  18. Because we wouldn't any woke diversity, equity, and inclusion programs tainting the world view of our youth. How horrible would that be?
    2 points
  19. This was probably already posted. Voted to abolish DEI. https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/28/us/new-college-florida-board-meeting-reaj/index.html
    2 points
  20. This is all pretty funny, but the majority of scientists still think COVID19 is animal in origin. https://www.science.org/content/article/evidence-suggests-pandemic-came-nature-not-lab-panel-says I'm not rage farming or being hyperbolic at all. I'm simply pointing out - accurately - that you reject overwhelming scientific evidence that runs counter to modern conservatism (and thus your identity as a Conservative person) when it comes to issues like climate change, among others, but you simultaneously immediately accept the DOE report on COVID19 while still ignoring the MAJORITY scientific opinion that the report is likely incorrect. This is the modern duality of Conservatism in a nutshell. A Choose-Your-Adventure of beliefs - often contrary to each other - to make the conservative worldview make sense. It's possible that the DOE opinion is correct, but unlike you I let expertise and science guide my beliefs all of the time. I don't pick and choose based on my political beliefs. If and when the majority of scientists believe COVID came from a lab, then I will too.
    1 point
  21. Actually originating in Haskell County, KS and mass spreading from Ft. Riley.
    1 point
  22. Like I said before, he is looking for reason to pick NU. That is what we want.
    1 point
  23. Had it been from Russia and it was the 80's we totally could have called it the Commie Flu! Man, we hated those commies!
    1 point
  24. Maybe most of you have already seen this since it’s an older series but Boardwalk Empire on HBO Max is really really good. I’m surprised I hadn’t watched it much sooner. It’s about the rise of organized crime in prohibition era 1920s. Some of the characters are fictional but many were actual gangsters. I think it weaves in and out of actual events, based on actual events and fiction. Al Capone’s early days, Johnny Torrio, Lucky Luciano, Meyer Lansky….a whole bunch of actual mafioso guys. And a great cast, Steve Buscemi, Michael Shannon, the guys that played Junior in Soprano's and Omar in the Wire to name a few. Anyway I’m finding it very historically interesting as I Google the names. Guess I didn’t realize how much influence prohibition actually had on the rise of organized crime.
    1 point
  25. So a guy working at the Wuhan Institute of Virology got on his Honda Wave not once but twice in a matter of weeks and drove directly from work to the Wuhan wet market over 10 miles away. Each time he did so with a different variant...variants for which a linked variant has never been identified in humans. He went directly to the racoon dogs and red foxes, which just so happen to be susceptible to coronaviruses, being kept in cages because he had a hankering for some forest meat and infected them without first infecting anyone else along the way or in the course of his daily comings and goings.. He then infected the animals with a coronavirus which incidently have jumped from animals to humans a number of times recently for example with the common cold, MERS and SARS. In doing so he was the unwitting source of the global pandemic. Turns out he is the one that lead to the epicenter of cases being the wet market. He didn't infect anyone at the lab, his home, the pub down the street, or the market near his work. Who knew racoon dog was so delish that it's worth battling Wuhan traffic on 100cc motorscooter? Not saying that didn't happen but yeah it's definitely weird to believe that animals at the wet market were the hosts, I mean since most of the evidence points that way. Scientists are weird.
    1 point
  26. Bypass the community gym shower while you are at it....
    1 point
  27. "They say we are gross ?!??".... "We are gross !!!!!! Hoooraaahhhhh !!!!!"
    1 point
  28. God he's creepy...
    1 point
  29. I remember hearing some of these conspiracy stories before but I've never figured out how they have any credibility. Not that conspiracy theories have to have credibility to be believed. But apparently I don't get on TikTok enough.
    1 point
  30. I’m pretty sure the safe fall back position on China is to not trust anything they say and to assume the worst. They have not shown to be trustworthy or mindful of ethics. I would call that simply being realistic and not necessarily xenophobic.
    1 point
  31. Oh no. Now you two have done it Soon you are gonna have someone saying you don’t understand science and you don’t understand what you are saying. Next your gonna have someone say your conservative and immediately latch onto anything to support your views. And a few more will accuse you of raging. Good luck and God Speed.
    1 point
  32. Boston is going to be tough to beat this year, for sure. Ugh, that's so gross to even think about.
    1 point
  33. Well yeah but I don’t like Boston so…. I don’t think the Avs have what it takes this year. Too many injuries still and there are 2 or 3 teams in the East playing at a much higher level. Heck New Jersey made them look stupid tonight and Boston has been insane.
    1 point
  34. It’s not a world view, it’s actually just a view about a virus origin. But nice hyperbolic deflection. Nope. It’s a sentiment and not proven true. Again nice hyperbolic deflection
    1 point
  35. If it matters what I think, my money is on a leak from the Wuhan Lab. I think it’s overly coincidental that the first cases were near Wuhan and that lab happens to “study” the Coronavirus. Toss in an unhealthy dose of coverup and obfuscation by China and well…. The only thing I’m not completely convinced of is if that lab was trying to weaponize the virus and if the “leak” was intentional or accidental. I’m all but ruling out natural occurrence. But even I realize that is speculation if and until we are able to get more information or access which may never come. None of our agencies reports prove anything and do not illicit a high level of confidence.
    1 point
  36. Hahahahahahaha. This is hilarious. The DOE report about lableak confirms your worldview and thus must be true but overwhelming scientific evidence pointing to human caused climate change attacks my conservative identity and therefore must be false. Such is the duality of modern conservatism. Glad to know your commitment to science is apolitical and in no way do you pick and choose what (poorly) suits your belief system.
    1 point
  37. Have to beat Hawaii, and see what happens with other two top 10 teams
    1 point
  38. He is good to go. He could have played last year after the OU game but the coaches didn't let him.
    1 point
  39. Schaefer is as likely to change his prediction to Georgia as he is to increase his confidence; just depends on which radio station he's on at the moment.
    1 point
  40. That is false. Truth is, the Huskers were 4-5 with Casey Thompson. And with the exception of OU, the Huskers had leads in 3 of those games with Casey (4 if counting Illinois). Defense was an issue. Against NW, Casey and Huskers had a 28-17 lead in 3rd QTR, and all the momentum after scoring a touchdown. The team was amped up. But that momentum lasted about 30 seconds.... because of the onside kick attempt failed, which gave NW a short field, momentum, and soon a touchdown on that drive to close the gap and make it a game. It gave new life to NW and the Huskers struggled on both sides of the ball after that. NW offense had 85 plays and 527 yards, converted 4 of 5 in redzone. Against Georgia Southern, Huskers took lead 42-38 with 3:05 left in game. Not only did the Defense allow 642 yards to Georgia Southern on 86 plays, but the Husker's defense also could not stop Georgia Southern with a lead, at home, and lost the game. GSU marched down the entire field a scored the winning touchdown with 00:36 left in the game. Against the Blackshirt defense, one single GSU running back had 132 yards rushing on 10 carries, and their QB also passed for 409 yards. Against Wisconsin, CT returned after missing 2 games, still playing injured, but the Huskers were up 14-3 going into the 4th quarter. With 3:05 left in the game, Huskers leading 14-9, the defense could not stop Wisconsin and gave up the winning TD with 00:35 left in game. The Illinois game was incomplete (Casey had the Huskers at home, leading #17 Illinois, early in the 2nd QTR 9-6, then the injury happened). It was the most points scored against Illinois in a 1st half in 7 games. With 9 minutes left until halftime. With Casey sidelined, Illinois took over, won the game, and improved to 7-1. So, I disagree with "why run back 4-8 season" jab at Casey, because context matters a lot. IMO the Huskers had opportunity to be 7-2 with Casey with a better defense and stupid decision making by the HC in the NW game.
    1 point
  41. I was only about 20 yards away from Crouch at one point during this play. Then I was about 130 yards away.
    1 point
  42. Yeah for years I've been thinking "the only missing piece for the Chicago Bears is Kevin Warren... Man, if we only had that guy"
    1 point
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