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Count 'Bility

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Status Updates posted by Count 'Bility

  1. What in the hell is the deal with the clowns? Jesus. What the hell is wrong with our society?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. C N Red

      C N Red

      That's a clown question bro.

    3. TAKODA


      Count, not sure but thought I would add my 2¢ in this rodeo. Oh wait, there are rodeo clowns too?

    4. TAKODA


      That's it, we all need to stop clowning around. Hehehe

  2. What play call was that on 3rd down? again, stupid little things that riddle us.

  3. What the hell is this crap!!!??? I wake up this morning and sun is shining??!!

    1. krc1995


      I was ok after the game, but woke at 4 thinking Ouch, that was embarrassing.

  4. What was that deal a while back about Trump and his supporters not accepting the results of the election? That was like 6 years ago right?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Michiganball


      Referring to trump as pervy is name calling? It's a fact, maybe I should have been more detailed and went with sexual assaulter, so forgive me there. Again sport is not the same as Bitch, how do you connect the two?

    3. Waldo


      How can anyone name call Trump when they support Killary. Just another sheep of our society.

    4. Judoka


      Waldo, have you seen Black Mirror?

  5. What you guys think the fallout would be if Bo called out our scoreboard operator?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Count 'Bility

      Count 'Bility

      Junior. This was not meant to be a serious discussion.

    3. Junior


      That said, I've always thought Peyton was a bit of a whiner.

    4. Count 'Bility

      Count 'Bility

      Yeah. But this was more funny to me. HE'S PUBLICLY CALLING OUT THE SCOREBOARDS OPERATOR. Now just imagine Bo doing something like that after a win or something. How would he do it.

  6. What's dirtier? SEC play on the field, or off the field.

    1. MLB 51

      MLB 51

      Coin flip to decide. Like to know how it turned out?

  7. What's everyone so upset and shocked for? We played a texas team in texas. Who was dumb enough to actually think we had a chance?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TAKODA


      Sorry Mr A, I was!

    3. Count 'Bility

      Count 'Bility

      Takoda is drunk.

    4. TAKODA


      Whaaaaaaaat! LOL, no, I be at work. Just hoped is all.

  8. What's Notre Dame's problem? theyre catholic. They recruit. This shouldnt even be a game.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. True2tRA


      That one was right over their "star" players head. I predicted 31-3 Bama. I'd say I'm looking like I might have went a bit low on Bama's score.

    3. QMany


      ND needs to put something together here or it will get out of hand QUICK.

    4. Count 'Bility

      Count 'Bility

      and....fumble Q. The agenda of the officials will be revealed with this failed review. hahaha. SEC SEC SEC!!!

  9. What's with all the southern folk around here all a sudden? They come acting all friendly and then lure us into smack talk. oober confusing.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more


      Maybe not fun, but funny?

    3. GSG


      It's only funny for a little bit. I have southern family

    4. huKSer


      What I miss are threads taken over by our southern opponent and their rival.

  10. What's wrong with societ? I'll tell you. Trying to watch some football on espn last night with my 5 yr old son and all a sudden I find myself coming up with a bullsh#t explanation for the word g-spot. Regardless of what it was for-I really didnt pay attention-why is there a commercial on espn 8oclock at night that mentions "g-spot" numerous time in a 30 second clip/

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Creighton Duke

      Creighton Duke

      But everywhere, upset little girls and boys just like you are Googling it as we speak

    3. Count 'Bility

      Count 'Bility

      Did you see it? What is it about? What was it even advertising?

    4. Creighton Duke

      Creighton Duke

      No. I don't have cable TV. I only see the horrible ESPN360 commercials.

  11. Whats the idea behind Baylirs 400 ib TE? So

    1. Landlord


      The idea is pain and suffering.

  12. Whats westerkamps problem? Horrible effort tryin to tackle that guy on the int return. He cost us 6 there.

    1. zoogs
    2. It'sNotAFakeID


      Yeah, first runs the wrong route and then doesn't give any effort.

    3. Count 'Bility

      Count 'Bility

      You guys arent any fun. I was hopin for a few kneejerkin weekend warriors to jump down my throat.

  13. When do spring game tickets go for sale again?

    1. knapplc


      Wednesday at 8am.

    2. GM_Tood


      Bump the tailgate meetup thread. err

  14. When do we get our avy's for starting lineup? I am oober excited.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Count 'Bility

      Count 'Bility

      Ever google "rob ryan gif" images and just watch? Them Ryans, that whole bunch is messed up in the head.

    3. True2tRA


      Congrats on winning the FB position.

    4. Count 'Bility

      Count 'Bility

      thanks True. It was a hard-fought victory. Couldntve done it without the help of those who voted for me.

  15. When the hell is Nebraska and/or TO gettin a 30 for 30? Dupree. Bama/Auburn ridiculousness. Miami. SMU. and now Ricky Williams(nothing against Ricky by the way).

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. husker ponsler

      husker ponsler

      Miller Time is the best one.

    3. VectorVictor


      I would say that mid-90s Nebraska football resonated moreso than either the SMU scandal or ThugU ever did. It still reverberates to this day.

    4. tschu


      But it's boring because we won the right way. There's no larger story other than the fact that we won 3 titles

  16. When the tough got goin and the star went down, the ballers manned up. And got an even better glimpse of the potential against a pretty physically overwhelming group.

    1. RedRedJarvisRedwine


      Terran still takes lazy fouls. He needs to understand that taking lazy fouls helps nobody.

    2. TonyStalloni


      Tarin Smith is going to be a good one. It takes big cajones for a new freshman to shoot a deep corner three when the game is on the line. He already knows the little things that make him valuable.

    3. C N Red

      C N Red

      That crew, with the nazi karl hess, was horrible as usual. Call them the same both ways!! 28 NU fouls to 17 for FSU.

  17. When was the last year that neither Super Bowl team was a wild card team?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Count 'Bility

      Count 'Bility

      Baltimore may have won their division, but they were a wild card team in terms that they did not have a bye in the playoffs. I guess that's how I shouldve worded it.

    3. ColoradoHusk


      Accountability, you are correct that B-more was a 4-seed and hosted a game in the Wildcard round. But, they were not a "wildcard" team since they won their division.

    4. Junior


      Accountability, that's the way I understood your post too. This time we're on the same page.

  18. When we win a championship, do you think Bo will receive a 24 hr/day, 7 day/week lovefest from ESPN?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sd'sker


      will he be coaching in the SEC?

    3. HuskerNationNick


      For maybe a week. lol

    4. CornHOLIO


      Maybe, if he pops a nut while ogleing the QB's girlfriend on tv

  19. Where do some of you frickin trolls come from? max and the other boards overload again. You only stop by to spew f'ing garbage all over the place when we're losing, and no where to be found when we win? Get the hell of our board dooshbags.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. blackshirtsftw


      Could not agree more, beanman.

    3. Count 'Bility

      Count 'Bility

      screw yourself beanman. I dont mind the negativity. Ill argue with it, but these idiots showin up idiotic thread after another is riducoulous. Youre upset? you must claim to be one as well then

    4. beanman


      You're so smart. Teach me how to be a fan that doesn't get upset when our team get's embarrassed on national TV for the 3rd time this year. Please put a positive spin on it for me oh wise one.

  20. whew guise. I've been watchin SEC football all afternoon. However will I be able to tone down enough to watch a Big Ten game. LOL

  21. Who the hell is Albrecht? Did Michigan pick him up at the local youth center on the way in? And, officials once again proving why basketball should just eliminate the position and let the players make their own calls.

  22. Who was the dandy that called into Finebaum complaining about the media hating on the SEC? Where do these people crawl out from?

    1. StPaulHusker


      Must have been Agmarauder04

    2. MLB 51
  23. Who's Aaron Rogers?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NUance


      And Aaron is with a "D" I believe.


      / that one flew over ur head. LOL

    3. NUance


      Or perhaps you meant another kind of D? LOL

    4. Count 'Bility

      Count 'Bility

      LOL. I thought it was, but wasnt sure. I didnt wanna be the one to implicate him with one of our legends.

  24. Why cant we stretch the field in the pass game? Taylor is perfectly capable. This is UCLA playcalling all over. What the hell. This dink and dunk sh#t aint gonna fly when it's the only thing we do. I dont understand.

    1. ObamaRocks91


      Honestly, if Taylor throws any of those balls accurately, they are all 15 yard gains. He needs to put the ball in their hands to they can get YAC because there is plenty of opportunity for it

    2. Lyons in the Sea of Red.

      Lyons in the Sea of Red.

      Right? We are perfectly capable of running for 300 but we have better athletes on the outside so let's try 30 bubble screens

    3. Count 'Bility

      Count 'Bility

      Well he's perfectly capable of throwing the deep ball. He launches a perfect strike to Bell for 40 yards, and then we completely abandon it. We gotta get the receivers down field to get the back 4 out of the box so that thread can open up the run game and the short pass game. Right now, it's just too much traffic.

  25. Why did I wake up this morning. I was under the assumption this day wouldnt come.



      i think thats tonite

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