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Women's Marches

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Okay, I'm done trying to talk in P&R. I am a minority conservative on this board, and I think what you guys say is stupid. On the flip side, what I say, you guys think is stupid. It's like trying to fit a circle block in a triangle hole. No, protests don't help with anything but dividing us even more. Case in point, this.

Protests affect reasonable minds. When you steadfastly refuse to even consider the other person's point of view, your mind is closed and no amount of reason will affect it.


Instead of saying "I think this is true," examine why it is true. Question your beliefs, because if they're sound and logical they will stand up to the test.

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Okay, I'm done trying to talk in P&R. I am a minority conservative on this board, and I think what you guys say is stupid. On the flip side, what I say, you guys think is stupid. It's like trying to fit a circle block in a triangle hole. No, protests don't help with anything but dividing us even more. Case in point, this.

Dude, don't take this the wrong way, but stop and listen to what other people are saying and then think about it. If people don't stand up for what they believe in then we would get no where. Sure it can and does divide, but it also can unite us, and propel us forward. The night is always darkest just before the dawn.


I don't agree with much of the tea party, but I fully support their right to protest peacefully. This country was started out of protest man.

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Okay, I'm done trying to talk in P&R. I am a minority conservative on this board, and I think what you guys say is stupid. On the flip side, what I say, you guys think is stupid. It's like trying to fit a circle block in a triangle hole. No, protests don't help with anything but dividing us even more. Case in point, this.


I speak for almost all of us when I say all we want here is to challenge each other's beliefs. Sometimes we agree, sometimes we don't. But the hallmark of good political talk is when it can get you to reconsider some of your own views.


I understand your view on protests. Maybe there's just some virtues of them you hadn't considered yet?


FWIW, I've enjoyed your time here. It is good to get another reasonable conservative voice in P&R.

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"What kind of rights are you fighting for?"


This was something I heard yesterday, and it saddens me that people can't (or won't) see it for themselves. A world where this is no longer true would be a good start. This forum might be a good place to actually have an extended dialogue, for those who have the same skepticism.

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Okay, I'm done trying to talk in P&R. I am a minority conservative on this board, and I think what you guys say is stupid. On the flip side, what I say, you guys think is stupid. It's like trying to fit a circle block in a triangle hole. No, protests don't help with anything but dividing us even more. Case in point, this.

I want to echo the others. Don't go, because you are in the minority of one conversation. We may disagree on this one thing and probably others, but I don't think anyone thinks you're "stupid". I might have missed a deleted post, idk.

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I have two young daughters of my own, and being on the right side of history, is something that weighs heavy on my mind. More so, when important societal differences come to national attention. Generally, I'm of the mind that any kind of feminist claims of (modern) oppression, are fabricated, or exaggerated. From the research I've done, I find the wage gap to be a myth. The thought of an abortion, for any other reason outside of saving the mother's life, disgusts me.But, I take pride in really, truly trying to understand opposing viewpoints.


Even though I staunchly disagree with some of the reasoning behind these marches, being open-minded is something I find necessary for a man with the responsibility of raising two daughters who will have to someday live in this world without me.

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GBR Houston, you just fail to make any actual defense of your beliefs. Nobody here thinks you're stupid or dumb, we're just hoping you'll engage in dialogue other than, "I disagree." For instance, you think protests don't work, at all, period. So, if protests don't work, can you answer these questions?


1. How would America have rebelled against Great Britain and started a new country if they didn't protest?

2. How would blacks have been given equal rights and had a legal end to segregation if they didn't protest?

3. How would women have been given the right to vote if they didn't protest?

4. How would the corruption of the Catholic church ever been combatted if Martin Luther hadn't started the Protestant Reformation in protest?

5. How would the Berlin Wall have come down without the protests?

6. How would the corruption and fraud of the 2004 Ukranian presidential election been overturned without the 12 days of protests?




You keep saying very clearly that you don't think protests work. It's fine for you to think that. But people are offering you plenty of examples of successful protests that have brought about change in our country and in the world, and you aren't giving any kind of rebuttals.

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The Tea Party movement faced ridicule from many on the left because they disagreed. The Womens' March is facing ridicule from many on the right because they disagree. But we can all agree that peaceful protest is a valid and powerful way for the people to make their feelings known and try to make a difference. The Tea Party movement made a huge difference in 2010, we'll see about 2018.


It's a shame the Tea Party was coopted by the Koch Brothers. It just seems antithetical to a grassroots movement for the people against the government to be bankrolled by the epitome of shady, smoke-filled room donor types. But I suppose they needed resources from somewhere.


Still, I'd venture a guess that a lot of self-identified Tea Partiers don't even realize the connection to the Kochs.

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Insulting the figures of the women who marched. How fitting of someone who supports Trump, a man who described Ms. Universe Alicia Machado as "Miss Piggy" and an "eating machine," and lambasted both Carly Fiorina and Hillary Clinton on their looks.


And let's not forget these gems he tweeted:





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