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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/2020 in Posts

  1. The epitaph of people who defend Trumpism in 2020.
    6 points
  2. It is amazing to see how little these a$$h@!es care about "the people" Again there should be two bills One for us One for businesses The one for us is an easy pass, everyone knows that. The fact that they are using us as pawns is so insane.
    5 points
  3. I am critical of the Dems including any unrelated measures, like climate change, in this bill. I do think it needs to include voting procedures since experts have forecasted effects through November. Giving Mnuchin free reign over $500B is a nonstarter. And why would it include a 6-month disclosure exemption? F THAT NOISE.
    4 points
  4. Yes, exactly. Just give us a clean damned bill dealing with THIS CRISIS and stop with the pork-barrel politicking. It's disgusting.
    4 points
  5. This made me realize a strange phenomenon I'm experiencing right now, but it's sort of hard to describe. I've essentially gone into a full lockdown since last Tuesday, and I consider myself very blessed/fortunate to be able to do so with my line of work and overall life situation. But, it also wasn't that hard. I've definitely had to make some sacrifices to make it work. The inside of my home office is beginning to feel like a prison. However, it's the right thing to do. So, when I see things about people choosing to NOT social distance, and that pockets of the country are not doing what they're supposed to be doing, it's almost hard to believe. I've only seen my wife the last four days. I've left the house to go on dog walks, exercise outside and the grocery store; nothing more. And if me being an effective hermit for the foreseeable future has even the smallest chance of helping to save lives... that feels pretty worth it.
    4 points
  6. That's interesting... Which party continually proposes lowering the voting age? I wonder why maybe because young people don't know anything about anything and they're easy to manipulate with emotion? Hmmmm.... Also... I take part in a lot of different forums on politics. Out of every political forum I've observed, the one filled with the most idiotic, skewed, and fascist viewpoints... is Huskerboard P&R forum. It's Orwellian tbh.
    4 points
  7. That's exactly what he's doing. He's telling his followers that he wants to open up the businesses, but the local governments will keep the stay-at-home orders in place. Trump can then respond "I tried to open things up and get America back and running, but these local leaders wouldn't do it. So, if the economy is still dragging, blame your local leaders, not me."
    4 points
  8. That may be true. I know people at the other end of the spectrum, highly educated people, that are asking around for all natural ways to combat the virus. Spoiler alert..there isn't enough fish oil or whatever you want to try that will kill this. Then you have those with essential oils....I don't even know what to do with them. I don't know why some of you are so mad at Trump right now. You wanted him to embrace science and it sounds like he wants to embrace natural selection...what is the big deal. /sarcasm
    4 points
  9. How many people can you sacrifice for the stock market and still claim to be pro-life?
    4 points
  10. I am gratified to see that many are starting to take this seriously. It is important that we do what we can to "flatten the curve" so that we do not overwhelm the medical system. The fact of that matter is that we don't really know what the attack rate for this virus will be (i.e., how many will catch it. We don't know what the final case fatality rate will be, 3% has been postulated, but we won't know for some time. One thing to remember is that, at least locally, we are not very many people with mild symptoms, so the actual number of cases is likely much higher than the reported case numbers. I do not know if that is the case for New York. We are still on target for 50,000 cases by Wednesday, but it looks like it will not be 90,000. The last 3 days or so have seen a slight slowing in the overall rate of increase of new cases, but it is not enough to say it is a trend. The danger in positions like Thurston's is that if we under-react, by the time we figure that out, it is too late to try to put the genie back in the bottle. Distancing is the only tool that we can be confident in at the moment. It is important to use it. We should all please remember that we are all in this together. If you have friends or neighbors in a high risk group, offer to pick up groceries for them if you are going. Also, we need to be cognizant of the fact that those with little means are likely to be most affected by the economic impact of this thing. Don't forget your local food bank. Stay home if you can. Go out if you must, but keep your distance from others (about 6') and wash your hands. 'There is a difference between panic and being smart. Again, if you have a fever and cough, please call your medical office before coming in. They can tell you if you need to be evaluated , or if you can care for yourself at home. Everyone with a cough that comes in burns up a mask that is hard to replace most people with have mild symptoms that do not require special medical care. Be Safe. will check in on Wed.
    4 points
  11. Talked to a neighbor the other day.....Coronavirus came up. Happens he is a research scientist that studies respiratory virus. Works at our local (prominent hospital). Says we are not doing much to flatten the curve. Thinks things are worse off than they appear to "prevent panic". Thinks we should do a nationwide lockdown. Says hand washing and social distancing are the key. Doesn't see a lot of that save for the cities going into lockdown........Had a neighbor just lose both parents in CT in a matter of days to Covid. It is a MFer....Plain and simple. People need to listen to the CDC. Gas, grocery and doctors and that's it.....NC Gov just cancelled school (K-12) until May 15....All colleges/universities on line only.....Bars/Restaurants already closed. Weds tattoo parlors, sweepstakes, movie theatres , nail salons, hair salons etc..... Stay well Huskerboard. Help those who need it. Be human... And if I am wrong, who cares. I spend more quality time with the fam, get back to basics, be a better human......
    4 points
  12. I never thought I'd use"Matt Gaetz" and "voice of reason" in the same sentence.
    3 points
  13. President Trump's entire presidency is perhaps one of the world's greatest historical examples of what happens when people outright ignore facts and choose to believe what they want to believe. What's the media supposed to do? They report the facts and get criticized. They write editorials and get criticized. And then, at the end of the day, people are going to believe what they're conditioned to believe.
    3 points
  14. Do not listen to Doctor Death Cult Cheeto Face. Stay the course. Stay at home.
    3 points
  15. Obviously we can't be shut down forever but we can't go back to normal now. The best way to fix the economy is to deal with the virus as hard and fast as possible. Stock markets will continue to crash until we get the virus under control. Can't fix one without the other
    3 points
  16. Best numbers will be a antibody test, some have beat the virus and don’t even know it, they are carrying immunity. In a related story New York is testing the use of plasma from recovered to treat it, that’s a big step. Science will beat this, we just need to buy science time.
    3 points
  17. Former Kansas City Chiefs Great Will Shields Donates To Families Impacted By Coronavirus By Oliver Vandervoort March 21, 2020 www.inquisitr.com Shields announced earlier this week that he was donating 96,000 meals to Harvesters, as well as the Food Pantry at Jewish Family Services. Both organizations are well-known to the Kansas City Chiefs community. LINK
    3 points
  18. Nitpicking here and I’m sure you’re aware but even without the flu vaccine a s#!t ton of us don’t get the flu because we’ve built up defenses.
    3 points
  19. A) they need to not use the 2019 income level. They need to use 2020 or 2021. B) My fear is this is going to be something where they come out and say, you need to decide by April 1st if you are going to take the money. That shouldn't be the case. Everyone should have a window of over the next 12 months if they need the money or not. If they do, they go on line, fill out a form and they have the money. Then, if their income on the next tax return is over $150,000, they start paying back the money.
    3 points
  20. Don't be so hard on yourself...
    3 points
  21. The problems with the GOP bill, especially with the "slush fund" is: 1. There is no oversight for who gets that money. It's at Mnuchin's discretion. 2. The recipients are anonymous for six months. Which is a super odd and rather alarming stipulation. Why would we need that? 3. There are no safeguards that corporations won't use that money for stock buybacks, which they've largely done with past stimulus money. 4. It does nothing to address the fact that many of these giant companies received massive tax breaks from Trump last year - and they pocketed that money. Why do we need to bail out businesses which just got a huge tax windfall? This is the very definition of corporate welfare. I would like to see a stipulation in their bill that if they retain board members or corporate officers who were around for the 2008 crash, and those people need another bailout, they must be released from the company with no golden parachute. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, you don't get another bailout. The thousand-or-so dollars for every adult is nice, but I think it's a pipe dream if they believe this would only need to be a one-time deal. And it wouldn't be on par with recent practices from the GOP toward bailing out corporations.
    3 points
  22. Also a few things I've been thinking about. Two of the industries that are struggling the most are still operating. Last I checked you can still get on a cruise and you can still take domestic flights. These companies aren't suffering because of closures and cancellations. Social distancing isn't what's causing the market downturn, a global pandemic is more the reason. You can't fix the economy unless you solve the public health crisis.
    3 points
  23. Remember when Democrats were decent, honest human beings? Yeah me neither... Click tweet to see a full thread of all the ridiculous, idiotic, and downright slimy things Democrats are trying to procure funds for - NONE of which have Jack $hit to do with coronavirus relief. Republicans aren't much better, but they are objectively better. This 2 party system blows...
    3 points
  24. 2 points
  25. It's not out of context. And of course you have a favorable view of Biden when you take your cues from grifters like Maddow and Matthews who make their living reusing old takes of why the establishment is good.
    2 points
  26. One thing that bugs the hell out of me is media not being willing to clearly and bluntly state the truth to/with/about Trump in person. They'll write a headline, "Trump lies about _______", but when they ask Trump a question, they leave it open-ended for him to squeeze out of and improvise and shift. Why can't the question be, "Mr. President, why did you lie to the American people when you said ______?" Hell, don't even phrase it like a question.
    2 points
  27. This is funny! Also, +1 if you did the quick glance up at the eclipse too!
    2 points
  28. I guess I agree with actualcornhusker - the media are making it 100x worse
    2 points
  29. The amount of people triggered by this tweet is about what you'd expect and I'm here for it.
    2 points
  30. Rivalries in the age of coronavirus.
    2 points
  31. I’ve seen a number of weird fatality rate calculations on this site. CFR = Fatalities/Cases. IFR = fatalities/infected. Infected Fatality Rate is impossible to calculate right now because we have no clue how wide spread it is. CFR is flawed as well (arguments can be made both ways), but sits between 1%-2% for the US.
    2 points
  32. Tonight, we slaughter the Buffaloes! https://gfycat.com/incomparablefantasticarabianwildcat One of the more amusing things to happen in turn 1 was little ol' UTEP taking two territories... https://external-preview.redd.it/RczWyC2nEz_TcYeTGlXtsCdd1seWDpdC4sbP0afei2g.gif?format=mp4&s=58dfbf78c0feaf58aad0babdeeac7ee3aa87a1ff
    2 points
  33. Yeah, this is a good point. It's one of the reasons why I'm hesitant to take any money from the feds. I mean... on the one hand, you want to give me $1,000? Who doesn't want $1,000? But if there are strings attached, I've got concerns. This is a good idea.
    2 points
  34. I don't like this part. A small company in the middle of Nebraska might be paying, say $11 per hour. Maybe with their market and what they do they can't pay more. The cost of living in their small town would be so that the $11 per hour is actually better than $15 per hour in LA or Dallas. Why should they be required to pay $15 per hour? This is an example of the Dems trying to push something through that they couldn't normally.
    2 points
  35. Note: this is just my own estimates based on very simple assumptions. Someone mentioned that the flu caused 80,000 deaths two years ago, which got me thinking about how long until covid-19 hits those kinds of numbers given it's exponential increase. The current doubling time for deaths in the US is 3 days and there were 553 deaths as of yesterday. So the doubling time is: 80000=553*2^x => x = log2(80000/553) = 7.2 => 21.6 days to reach 80,000 deaths in the US
    2 points
  36. So...here is what we have so far: Republicans - Want to help companies through loans. Tend to key on large public corporations. No restrictions on stock buybacks. (even though the President tried to act like he wants it in the bill) Individual payments are a one and done program. It's all done behind closed doors so we can't see what really is going on. Democrats - Added fluff they couldn't get passed otherwise. (cut that s#!t out) Put restrictions on stock buybacks and executive pay. Individual payments are over several payments. Added help with healthcare costs associated with Covid-19. It's done more openly and we know who gets the benefit. Both- Direct payments from the government to people. What I don't get is, why don't they do it through company payroll systems like what is already being put in place in my third post in this thread? The systems are already set up. It makes sure individual benefits such as healthcare is sustained. It allows companies to retain valuable workers. Workers retain their relationship with their job. If a person is unemployed (prior to the crisis) that benefit could be done through the unemployment system.
    2 points
  37. These are my big concerns wt the GOP plan as well. It seems to be a very SWAMP building measure. The San Fran Nan's plan has too many unrelated items that need to be removed - this isn't the time to squeeze in climate change stuff or other pet items you can't get passed during normal course of doing business in Congress. However, I think the Dem plan does a better job reaching down to the person on the street and making sure he/she is taken care of.
    2 points
  38. LOL...let me guess. Your other ones are. MAGA is Us Libs Destroy America I Love Trump
    2 points
  39. I think he's just preparing to try shift the blame away from his own feet. Its his MO.
    2 points
  40. The guy that died... drank fish tank chemical.... just because it had chloroquine phosphate in it does not mean he "followed Trump's direction" Jesus people... get a grip...
    2 points
  41. I was a Republican for more than 2/3 of my life. Volunteered to campaign on behalf of local politicians. I was raised with a strong sense of right & wrong. I know what makes a person good, or why they're not worth my time. Good Nebraska upbringing taught me that. And that's why I stopped being Republican a long time ago. Just couldn't stomach what this party has become. Maybe it's always been this way and I just grew up, or maybe it changed and I didn't. Either way, this is not a party I could support. And I think a lot of people are waking up to this realization. There are going to be a LOT of folks joining the ranks of Independents in the next few months. We just gotta figure out what to do with ourselves. And find some leaders who can represent us on a national stage.
    2 points
  42. 900 people once died because a leader they trusted told them to drink cyanide. Cults are dangerous as hell. And we have a cult leader in the Oval Office right now.
    2 points
  43. Trump loves the uneducated and they love him.
    2 points
  44. I'll never understand how so many normal people got duped into caring about "job providers" so much more than workers that they started to think the latter were lazy or stupid if they need help but the former have to be helped for the good of the country.
    2 points
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