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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/2020 in Posts

  1. Trump: “Nobody does Self-fellatio better than me!” ...Melania: “Thank God!”
    7 points
  2. pops in...compares the very beginning of a pandemic to the full course of a previous pandemic. proclaims everyone is overreacting because the current pandemic in 2 weeks hasn't killed as many as the entire course of time in the previous stated pandemic.. then runs away scared that someone might point out how wrong he is . .
    6 points
  3. This is an incorrect assumption. Testing is a means to see what we're dealing with. It's the intelligence we need to understand where to put the resources so they're most effective for the most people in the shortest amount of time. We're in a dark room full of sharp edges - testing is our flashlight. I'm not really sure where you're going with this. Your math is way wrong, and that's coming from a guy whose claim to fame on HuskerBoard is that I'm terrible at math. If you've been looking at this thread AT ALL you've had to see the charts explaining how epidemics grow exponentially. This virus is more easily spread than the flu. We're going to see WAY more infections in the next several weeks from this because of two things: More people will get it, and more people will be diagnosed. Frankly, with all we know, this is a baffling post. What's your point?
    6 points
  4. On the first part: no one here thinks the test is the cure, no one at all. The point of testing to keep it from spreading. As the second part: I don't feel like explaining this any more in depth because you apparently won't even bother reading about it.
    5 points
  5. I am sure this has been posted before, but this twitter thread on how Omaha dealt with the outbreak a century ago is interesting how similar things have been.
    4 points
  6. I wonder if in March of 1918 there were people out there saying 'come on folks this ain't the bubonic plague'
    4 points
  7. The point of getting everyone testing is so they can be properly diagnosed, isloted, and cared for; to prevent further spread of the disease. It has absolutely nothing to do with a cure, and no one here is even close to thinking that. You're trying to compare years old data for the swine flu with a virus that hasn't even hit it's peak in the US. The current fact of the matter is that this virus is more highly contagious than the other you listed. That fact alone should be scary, because this is a new virus that no one has immunity to. When combined with current diseases we know, and expect, COVID-19 has the potential to overwhelm our healthcare system. Hospitals are literally on the verge of running out of ventilators right now. Do you not see what's happening in Italy??? But yes, we should try to remain calm and go about life as close we can to normal given the circumstances. But we should respect the potential this disease has and not diminish it, or people will not take this seriously enough to curve the spread.
    4 points
  8. South Korea has tested SIX TIMES more than the US per capita. Why would anyone assume Donald Trump is being truthful?
    4 points
  9. I'm not really religious anymore, and our current situation kind of solidifies it for me. But one of my favorite college pastors had a FB a message something like the following: "Now that churches are closed, it's time to show we were never about the building, but the people." My hope is that he is right. If so, then my question would be, once this is over, why are you going back? Why do you need to waste money on these huge auditoriums when the money could just as easily be spent on service?
    4 points
  10. We just got a Stay-at-home order here in Larimer County, CO. Doesn't effect me though since my job is considered "essential"
    3 points
  11. There’s a very comprehensive solution that a person as smart and knowledgeable as yourself should easily identify. If the viewpoints here on good ole Huskerboard are too idiotic, skewed and fascist for your taste, you could stick to just visiting those other political forums that support your notions and preferences. I mean I’d hate to think you were somehow being forced into some Orwellian experience. It’ll be our loss and your gain but I’m sure we’ll find a way to go on.
    3 points
  12. I hate the liberal media, the center for disease control and the world health organization are the worst liberal news rags out there.
    3 points
  13. Actual Conversation I had. Completely illustrates the mental hoops some people are willing to go through to support current leaders and the lack of testing being done. Maybe I got through to him? Other guy: So test everyone? Even though they show ZERO symptoms? Giving people false hope? Really? I can agree to test those who are symptomatic, but to test asymptomatic is asinine. Me: Help with the title. "Rand Paul test positive for Covid-19, says he is asymptomatic." Rand Paul, is what is known as a carrier. Even though Rand Paul does not exhibit symptoms, he is passing the virus along to everyone he encounters. Rand Paul is effectively killing people by being in the public while harboring the virus. Most people don't want to be like Rand Paul. https://www.wymt.com/content/news/Rand-Paul-tests-positive-for-COVID-19-569009761.html?fbclid=IwAR0INl1tYAvESMZ6ADd3uSs80YYOc9IGMWWr9W1PFhsPpisQwBRP4N-k-Gk Other guy: he (Rand Paul) is self quaranteed, so he is not spreading any Covid 19 Me: Well hello! How did Rand Paul know to self quarantine... come on I know you'll get there. Other guy: crickets....
    3 points
  14. @BigRedBuster, without getting into China's politics, public health, etc., I think every country will get to a point where we start lifting social restrictions. Yes, cases will go back up when you do so. But it is about no;t overwhelming the health care system. Banning restaurants and bars is only a mitigation technique to flatten the curve, not a permanent solution to starve the virus out to zero. Until we get a vaccine (12 months), I think it will be a balancing act of restrictions to make those ebbs and flows shallower.
    3 points
  15. Daily reminder, Trump is a cult.
    3 points
  16. That may be what you or I do with whatever pittance they bestow upon us. But I’d venture to say the vast majority of people will spend it on either necessities (those who really need it) or whatever frivolous crap they’ve been wanting to buy (a whole bunch of people in the next tier) before the check even clears the bank. Have you seen the rate of savings for the average person? It’s not good. I’m really impressed by how they hold $1000 in such high esteem when it’s going directly to a taxpayer but simultaneously they act like millions or billions are nothing when it’s going to their campaign contributors or pork projects. They’re all scum.
    3 points
  17. UK will have mass antibody testing available within “days”....potentially big.
    3 points
  18. business as usual by easter basically means trump has given up on the elderly for lent.
    3 points
  19. Vote by mail provision is included. Crucial step for November.
    3 points
  20. Here's some good news to come out of this legislation.
    3 points
  21. Return of Deontai Williams excites Husker coaches, players By BRIAN CHRISTOPHERSON www.247sports.com March 25, 2020 <snip> What didn't need to be repeated is how significant the blow was when Deontai Williams had last year cut short one quarter into one game. Shoulder surgery was required. His return to the field for the Huskers, whenever football starts getting played again, is as large as any newcomer addition you can name. Just ask someone like junior Cam Taylor-Britt, who had to fill the gap at safety for many snaps. Williams' injury not only took away a top talent, but challenged Nebraska's secondary depth from the opening gate in 2019. "He's so fast he can move and get to the ball when he needs to," Taylor-Britt said. We need that, especially with us. LINK ============================================================= Finally a ray of sunshine in an otherwise bleak spring of football! Glad to see Deontai back with the Blackshirts.
    2 points
  22. I immediately thought of this:
    2 points
  23. Nothing has been posted here for 8 days and I'm starving to death because I don't know what to eat. So....here it is. Prepare a pizza crust mix from the store. Spread it on non stick aluminum foil. Put it on the grill on high (pizza ovens are hot) till the crust is partially cooked and firm. Flip it over directly on the grates. finish cooking. Spread a good pesto sauce on the crust. top it with grilled chicken, sliced tomatoes, olives...or whatever the hell you want.....and a little mozzarella. Put back on the grill. Cook till the bottom is charred and cheese is melted. Enjoy. WINNING!!!!
    2 points
  24. Embarrassing. None of these clowns know how to work with the rest of the world.
    2 points
  25. He said the quiet part out loud again...
    2 points
  26. I'm almost positive he's living extremely comfortably unemployed. But...he should be doing that in a 10x10 cell.
    2 points
  27. Unless something is done in the 4 to (unlikely imo) 8 years about: • gerrymandering • voter suppression • stacking conservative judges • the poison of fox news • the ease of social media spread in a post-truth era Then we won't be stopping a movement by defeating Trump and electing Biden, we'll just be pausing it. If the ideas are valid but none of the above get solved, it also doesn't matter if the ideas are valid, they will never materialize.
    2 points
  28. If you can't take the heat you are better off just staying out of the kitchen all together
    2 points
  29. Serious question ... from most of these posts ... it appears that people believe that testing is a cure to this virus? Now, I've got a Masters degree, but my brain can't compute what the hysteria is over the need to get tested. The test provides no cure to the illness. From what I understand, we have had 728 deaths from this virus ... and we have shut down the entire country except for basic, basic services. What else do folks want? I was talking to a lady this morning on Facebook who lives in South Africa, this is how she is dressed today [attached a pic]. As I counseled her on her fear, I was puzzled to discover that in her country 700 have been tested positive with ZERO deaths. Quite a "pandemic", isn't it!????? Here is a post where I communicated my thoughts on Facebook. It's the only post I've made on the topic. I thought I'd share it here as well. All the best to my fellow Huskerboard members ... 728 ... that's the number as of now. 728 people have died in America from the Corona Virus. THAT, my friends, is really good, amazing news! You would think that we have a pandemic on our hands and a real "Walking Dead" situation occurring. By my count, we have 674,272 more deaths to endure to get to the real pandemic of the Spanish Flu that killed 675,000 Americans. There was just over 103 million people in America then in 1917, verses the 328 million now. So, with three times more people, we have a long ways to go to get to a real pandemic. The math on that would mean that we would need to reach 1,800,225,000 deaths to mirror the Spanish Flu. As is usually, no stat of truth means that these lives lost don't have value. They have incredible value ... just keepin' it all in perspective. So today, I'm going to compare these 728 that died in the month of March to the lives/stats of a few other situations/circumstances: Swine Flu - 60 million Americans were infected, 300,000 hospitalized and 4,000 died [anyone remember this back in 2012?] Flu - Between 12,000 - 61,000 die each year [yawn ...]. Digestive Disease - 25,000 a year on average [um, never heard of this]. Abortion - 500,000 - 600,000 a year, roughly 50,000 each month [it's a Mom's choice and right ya know]. Thus, amidst whatever "pandemic" or "political" viewpoint one wants to look at the Corona Virus at ... in relation to what happens day in and day out ... 728 lives in one month is certainly no "pandemic" or anything worth getting fearful over or losing sleep over. This is not meant to hurt or harm ... just keepin' it real ... and maybe other sane minds can relate. If not ... flush this read. May each of us not live with a spirit of fear ... but rather a spirit of love, empowered by a Higher Spirit with a controlled and sound mind during these days of calamity. May your spirit, body and soul find peace and rest in whatever truth makes good sense to you. I'll end with a clip that describes this situation to me ... PS. I'll treat this thread as I do Huskerboard after a loss now ... bye :-)
    2 points
  30. There may be a snag, folks. Seems a few Senators don't like the Unemployment Insurance stipulation. Notice how they're concerned we may be giving CITIZENS too much money, but not CORPORATIONS.
    2 points
  31. And he will proclaim his administration has done an "incredible' job of discovering that antibody. all of his boasting during those press conferences just make me sick. Always promoting himself even during the worse of times.
    2 points
  32. You will make hundreds of very small house payments.
    2 points
  33. Harvard laid off their dining hall workers! They have a 40 billion dollar endowment! I love when people try and tell me how liberal Ivy league schools are...they have fooled people for years.
    2 points
  34. 2 points
  35. Is that in the plan? I haven't read it and haven't seen much details regarding that. Hopefully that also includes not cutting hours for non-exempt employees as well.
    2 points
  36. Yeah I think their point is, until we get antibody testing, we have no clue. This could be everywhere, or it could just be where we’re looking. Lockout is good for now, but in order to get to the next phase, we will need mass testing and antibody testing.
    2 points
  37. I saw a New Orleans pastor is leading services with over 1,000 people. He says they are following social distancing, but that is such a terrible idea, especially given that New Orleans has one of the highest rates of the illness per 1 million people. EDIT: I guess it's not surprising for pastors to try and lead full church services, they have to keep bringing in that tax-free money for themselves.
    2 points
  38. It's still early, but it appears California's slightly earlier and still flawed Stay In Place mandate may keep its numbers considerably lower than what New York is going through.
    2 points
  39. Yeah, GM said the same thing. Fiat Chrylser is making masks in China too.
    2 points
  40. I"m confused...are these the odd of the game actually happening?
    2 points
  41. Agreed. Political wars are lost because of moral purity standards. If Biden beats Trump and beats him soundly, it will set back the type of 'conservatism' that trump holds. Sometimes we have to put the finger in the dike for a while. I expect the more progressive wing will have their say not only in a Biden admin but more likely in the years to come. Movements take time. This is the time to stop a movement in its tracks by defeating trump. Pause, stabilize politically - then let the progressive wing present their case under new leadership. If the ideas are valid, it doesn't matter the spokesperson. The ideas should be bigger than Bernie. If Trump wins, progressives will have no say in the next admin. I think Biden has a better chance of winning than Bernie - thus giving progressives a voice at the table.
    2 points
  42. It's like Trump wants people to get sick, and not have the tools they need to be treated. Why? That will further crash the economy.
    2 points
  43. For the people who think once warm weather is here it will all go away because, you know, the stable genius in the White House said so. It hasn’t been cold in Louisiana.
    2 points
  44. I respect your different opinions as well, but for me the reality of the situation is that a Biden administration with a bluer Congress is far, far more progressive than another four years of Trump. I know that may seem like moderates giving progressives an ultimatum (vote for Biden or get Trump!) but it's just an objective, factual statement as far as I am concerned. When I said I don't think it's about policy, I meant it. Biden adopting Warren's bankruptcy plan and tuition-free college as a nod to Bernie were met with derision. Biden could adopt Bernie's platform wholesale and these folks would not be on board. For this small subset of progressives (i.e., the Bros), it's not about policies or plans. It's that they morally reject BIden or moderate liberalism themselves. But I don't think that group is very large, so I think the advice to just ignore them is probably a good idea.
    2 points
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