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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/2022 in Posts

  1. Fellas I hate to break it to you but this one was never going to happen
    7 points
  2. First year voting in a republican primary. Also voted Lindstrom. When I was doing my Ballot research it was interesting to see multiple folks running on 2020 election being fraudulent. Jennifer Hicks is running for AG - my research indicates she's bat s#!t crazy, also not an attorney. Robert Borer is running for SOS, he's running on the fact the the incumbent didn't fight election fraud hard enough (in a state Trump won by 20 pts).
    5 points
  3. You proved my point. Thanks. Fact is, you claim everyone else is brainwashed or indoctrinated…..meanwhile, you are radical in your own thoughts because of media that you have obviously consumed.
    5 points
  4. So can we get our money back on our O-line coach now? I'm not sure how returns and/or exchanges work in this particular establishment.
    5 points
  5. This is why it is just easier to not have the nutjobs part of the process. And, how can you have honor classes that are open to everyone? I don't get that one. I know that was not your take, just the one you were replying too. I have to approve students for certain classes. Of course, their parents can override me, because, well, they are parents. I mean if there is a shop class and advanced shop...shouldn't I have to take shop first and then advanced shop?
    4 points
  6. Maybe that'd be easier to do if there weren't years of evidence of Trump encouraging or failing to discourage violence at rallies and on social media. "these THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd and I won't let that happen... when the looting starts, the shooting starts" "When you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon, you just seen them thrown in, rough. I said, 'Please don't be too nice. When you guys put somebody in the car and you're protecting their head you know, the way you put their hand over [their head], like, 'Don't hit their head and they've just killed somebody, don't hit their head.' I said, 'You can take the hand away, OK?' "Any guy that can do a body slam, he is my type!" - in reference to a politician who bodyslammed a reporter for no reason "If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, OK? Just knock the hell ... I promise you I will pay for the legal fees. I promise, I promise," "He's walking out with big high-fives, smiling, laughing," Trump said. "I'd like to punch him in the face, I'll tell you." "Get him out," he said of a protester. "Try not to hurt him. If you do, I'll defend you in court. Don't worry about it." "See the first group I was nice, 'oh take your time'. The second group I was pretty nice. The third group I'll be a little more violent and the fourth group I'll say 'get the hell out of here" he was a guy who was swinging, very loud and started swinging at the audience and the audience swung back and I thought it was very, very appropriate.” “He was swinging, he was hitting people and the audience hit back and that’s what we need,” "I love the old days, you know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out in a stretcher, folks. Oh, it’s true.” For benefit of the doubt to work you kind of need some doubt.
    4 points
  7. You can try to whitewash history all you want. We have the receipts. You also, probably mistakenly, I'm sure, left out quite a few of the cheeto's quotes. I'm sure that was an oversight. Trump Supporters’ Own Explanations For Assaulting The Capitol Are Undercutting His Impeachment Defense
    4 points
  8. Do you believe that all accounts that promote violence should be banned? I am ok with that as long as it is applied to everyone...including leaders from other political parties and countries.
    4 points
  9. Well, I voted for Lindstrom. I hope to hell whomever wins it's not Herbster.
    4 points
  10. I HIGHLY doubt Bannon is talking about throwing Esper in prison for criticizing Trump, but of course lefties (and republicans as well) love to chop up clips so they can morph what people are saying to fit their narrative...
    4 points
  11. I mean there's a 50/50 shot Frost is fired before Dylan graduates HS. He needs to hold a spot at OSU, Nebraska would take his commitment anytime between now and 2029...This was bound to happen.
    4 points
  12. But we hired his (inexperienced) uncle to our coaching staff!
    4 points
  13. I've read this sentence about 10 times and......you gotta help me out here. What are you saying?
    4 points
  14. Ohio State win's football games.
    4 points
  15. No one's getting in bed with him. My position has been pretty clear: 1) There are plenty of criticisms I could level toward Trump, but reasons anti Trumpers use to hate him are largely silly and most times exaggerated & 2) Trump's corruption is no anomaly when it comes to presidents or politicians at large. Almost all of them, especially over the past 100 years, have been pretty horrendously crooked individuals. Most of them just receive cover by the media and the bureaucracies that Trump did not receive. Somehow that makes me a Trump worshipper on this forum... So frankly, if you can't acknowledge the absolutely reasonable points I put forth then I don't really care what you think about my credibility
    3 points
  16. It’s moronic for so many reasons. They lay eggs outside of their bodies. They can destroy the eggs if they want. They can abandon the eggs if they want. He’s implying (if he even thought it through this far) that people who are pro choice want to harm even the babies of those who want to have them. That’s the closest thing to his dumbass example. If he wants to use that example he should use it as a reason to improve women’s health care and reduce the infant mortailty rate for wanted pregnancies.
    3 points
  17. I’m so f#&%ing tired of the stupid.
    3 points
  18. Embarrassing? You're right, in that I would be embarrassed to defend something like this being posted online by the Mayor of our 3rd largest city. I am in your camp.
    3 points
  19. Definition of call to arms (from the link) 1 : a summons to engage in active hostilities 2 : a summons, invitation, or appeal to undertake a particular course of action
    3 points
  20. I have no idea what she intended, but I did know that there were a few here that would defend her statement. A call to arms means prepare for confrontation. A compelling plea to fight. Arms refers to weaponry. I see on the intereebs that lots of people see this as inappropriate.
    3 points
  21. Then I guess you won't mind applying the benefit-of-the-doubt precedent to your favorite cheeto either when he says "We've gotta fight like hell", especially when he explicitly instructs people to remain peaceful... K, cool.
    3 points
  22. Lightfoot says this is a "call to arms" which is pretty obviously an encouragement of violence, and you dismiss it. Trump explicitly tells people to protest peacefully, and you say he incited "insurrection" Your judgements are obviously not based on any sort of precedent or underlying principles. If it's anti-trump you'll support it, and if it's not even pro-trump but just neutral-trump your head pops off with rage.
    3 points
  23. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA And you prove my point that you don't care about precedent, only your hysterical emotions surrounding the issue.
    3 points
  24. And you claim that Trump "incited insurrection" when this is what he actually said: *sigh* ....
    3 points
  25. Definitely not anyone who tries to tell me how I should think or what I should be allowed to do. The real question is: WHY, after mountains of evidence of horrendous malfeasance, corruption, and lying to the American people would ANYONE trust a single person within the federal government or its bureaucracies? ESPECIALLY after the last 2 years of constant lying and manipulation by public officials...
    3 points
  26. You're just hysterical about everything huh
    3 points
  27. Remember when the Republicans rammed Gorsuch and ACB into the court and we said they were going to end Roe, and we got this kind of response? Lightfoot is right. Obergefell is next.
    3 points
  28. How about General Flynn... https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-flynn-entrapment-11544658915 Or an FBI attorney whiting out info on his FISA application that would have shown no basis for the spying operation on Trump... https://www.justice.gov/usao-ct/pr/fbi-attorney-admits-altering-email-used-fisa-application-during-crossfire-hurricane Seriously, voters like you who put their trust in politicians to make important decisions (tRuSt ThE eXpErTs) remind me that this country is in a complete and hopeless situation.
    3 points
  29. We most certainly do not live in the same reality. I'm sure by "framing and trapping their political opponents" you're referring to Trumps phone call with Ukraine, requesting they "find dirt" on Biden, then maybe on second thought we agree on more than I thought. Seriously though, voters like you remind me that this country is in a complete and hopeless situation. In 40 years, let's hope that the liberal democracies of Western Europe are powerful enough to solve the world's problems will simultaneously propagating democracy across the world. I have my doubts, but all we can do is hope at this point.
    3 points
  30. My guess is that they don't have enough staff to teach multiple levels of the same class. And they are trying to cover up staff shortages by saying fancy words. For example, my district says teachers aren't leaving any different that past years (this is a bunch of crap). Yet, we are pulling a Science teacher from our High School to come teach one period of 6th grade Science because we won't have enough teachers already here. That decision most likely takes away a period of AP Chemistry at the high school because those teachers will have to spread workload.
    3 points
  31. Sounds pretty stupid. OK, if kids of color are being tracked into lower level classes, figure out why and fix THAT instead of taking things away from other kids.
    3 points
  32. Went to Husker Hounds on 84th St near Center on 5/10/22 Was wanting to get the 2022 schedule poker chip, and got a window sticker, and was asked "is there anything else today?" Was curious about their cost for a guitar strap, to see how much they would be. Shown where the straps are located and the price is $2.00 yes, two dollars. Also got a pack of guitar picks for $1. Items are going to to great with my scarlet red bass guitar. Love finding great prices on clearence
    3 points
  33. Pretty sure they are saying that is it more likely that Nebraska will have 8+ wins since that is the "favorite" at -140. 7 or less is the "underdog" at +120. If you bet the over you have to lay $140 to win $100. If you bet the under you have to lay $100 to win $120.
    3 points
  34. Hard to blame the kid. It was always going to be a tough pull, but until we can prove our O-Line can protect quarterbacks, we're going to have to keep getting guys from the portal.
    3 points
  35. Thanks. 2 meanings for a phrase can confuse some people. Wasn't sure why Devo was getting negative push back, so I checked definitions from the link and posted for all. I will go back and un-highlight the 1st definition.
    2 points
  36. It's not really about benefit of the doubt but rather the context of what else was said. I agree that "gotta fight like hell" by itself is pretty innocuous but taken in context with the other things Trump said helps to clarify the meaning and intent. It's certainly a gray area where not everyone is going to agree.
    2 points
  37. Let's just skip over the fact that women aren't sea turtles, birds, or other nonmammalian things, or that such things are not punished if they destroy their own eggs but it appears he's setting up the logic for a ban on contraception. Gotta protect those eggs, right? Oh wait, he's probably not bright enough to think that far ahead.
    2 points
  38. I trust my wife, my business partners, my parents and in-laws except for my sister in law, Jesus Christ, and my friends. And just for a comprehensive list, I trust Luke Combs, Justin Moore, and Morgan Wallen to continue to make great music. That answer your question?
    2 points
  39. Just taking notes on what you're saying: *BRB says he doesn't come on here calling people brainwashed *BRB claims I'm the only one who calls people brainwashed *BRB calls me brainwashed
    2 points
  40. You constantly post tweets from a guy with a Ukraine flag in their twitter name because he satisfies your anti-trump kink... something about glass houses and stones...
    2 points
  41. How about on SCOTUS?
    2 points
  42. Would have been nice if it would have been done a decade ago and supported by more people.
    2 points
  43. You're correct long term. But throwing half a trillion at it right now will do nothing to address "current skyrocketing prices"
    2 points
  44. Question. What party does the Barrington school board belong to if they decide to get rid of honors classes in the name of equity and inclusion? Seriously, can we think about how to give low income kids more opportunity without bringing honors students down? https://www.providencejournal.com/story/news/education/2022/03/21/barrington-ri-schools-eliminates-honors-classes-parents-want-them-back/7076134001/
    2 points
  45. If framing and entrapping their political opponents doesn't count as worse than those things, we don't live in the same reality.
    2 points
  46. This has been an area which makes too much sense to be ignored. If we are too ever find the middle ground you have to start here if you are pro-life. Doesn’t it make sense to stop abortion at the point it wouldn’t be needed?? This seems to be the easiest point to find common ground but some have a all but nothing attitude.
    2 points
  47. Likely all part of a bigger plan to have Raiola commit to the Buckeyes so they turn away Davis, then he will flip to Nebraska in the final hour. This will leave them no time to sign a qb and will likely ensure dominance in his 3 years here.
    2 points
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