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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/2024 in all areas

  1. Pretty sure hating Texas is a prerequisit of being a Husker fan.
    10 points
  2. Hot takes on the matter: * Republicans aren’t serious about any policy whatsoever. They merely want power. * They’re also fine rolling over to dictators like Putin. Hell half of them probably admire him because their cult leader loves him. * Ukraine and the border getting boned by a guy who probably shouldn’t be in Congress at all, let alone guiding a whole party, sucks. Double sucks that he’s so to help a corrupt, fascist, blowhard traitor try to return to power. * The GOP immigration bill sucks. It’s just hardline immigration reduction across the board. It’s only good if your primary objective is to curtail all forms of immigration, not if you want to do it in any kind of intelligent, beneficial way. They don’t want compromise because, well, see the first point.
    7 points
  3. The two had to be linked because the deeply unserious clown show of a party you still support can’t be trusted not to sell out our allies to thugs like Putin without being thrown a bone. Said bone is thrown and of course it’s ignored. Because they don’t want compromise to solve problems. They want everything on their wish list or nothing at all. Not exactly shocking if you fundamentally don’t want the government to work anyway. But that’s not how life works and it’s not how government works, either. But they’d rather hold the border hostage hoping it sweeps them into power so they can just pass their bad immigration bill and whatever other damaging pieces of policy they can actually manage to drag across the finish line on their own.
    6 points
  4. Lol, going to have to pass on that. I just can't get behind a guy, or a team, that climbed to the top by breaking the rules. Their "turn around" lines up perfectly with their start of their rule breaking. JH was desperate as he was squarely on the hot seat. Some respect that he found a way out but doing it without integrity doesn't sit well with me and it casts a shadow over all the athletes that he took down that road. BS to me.
    6 points
  5. Don't care for him or michigan. He got away with cheating, with a minor slap on the wrist. Won a championship and is now running away because more punishment is due. Screw that guy and their 1997 2nd place team.
    6 points
  6. .... they don't want to negotiate. It was Senate Republicans idea to negotiate a stand alone immigration bill tying aid to Ukraine with immigration compromise. I'm not an expert on Senate rule making, but I don't think they can add things like military aid to Ukraine to an Immigration bill like HR2 that already went through the house. But - THROUGH ADMISSION - large numbers of Republicans don't want to fix the border because it's anger fodder for the Republican base that will never punish themwith their voting choices. I don't know what to tell you on this one Archy. The evidence on the Republican stance on this is laid bare for you to see. It's up to you to open your eyes.
    5 points
  7. The unserious attempt that does not deal with expanded legal immigration to actually comprehensively address immigration? I'm sorry that the Republican Party would rather anger-farm voters than put forth real attempts to address problems, but I guess caving to Vladimir Putin and praising Viktor Orban is showing us the true colors of the party.
    4 points
  8. Yeah...they are not getting min wage. They are getting exactly enough to get them to work. I am all for easy immigration but I want them to come here AND get treated well. Not like some posters who want them to come here and take "those jobs" so that they can have more oranges.
    3 points
  9. So the full screen ads will still be there got it.
    3 points
  10. The problem is the crazies that are out there on both sides. Like, you have people that hate Joe because they are pro-pally dorks. s#!t, they are probably Pro-Houthi too! Then you have the crazies that are mad they have to pay for their college. So they "disapprove" of Joe.
    3 points
  11. You gotta admit, the party installing razor wire and a buoy system on rivers literally drowning immigrants because the DEMONcrats arent tough on the border only to have that same party continually reject any effort to actually deal with the border because drowning said immigrant kids is better politics... That... *chiefs kiss* perfectly encapsulates Republican soulless politics.
    3 points
  12. I got burned out. OTR (Over the road). I wanted be home and have a normal life. Home on weekends. So I switched to driving local. At the time, Walmarts was paying super good (6 figures). But for years before that all Drivers knew that Walmarts was the gold standard. It just was mysterious and crazy to get on with them. Heard from 50+ drivers that they might hire a guy that has 2 years driving experience, plus an accident, and yet, they turn down the Driver who has 10 years of perfect record. Not nobody can figure it out. I was about to apply with them at the time, but I found a really good local gig, doing 10 hours a day, local. I have a lot of free time. And it pays well. I'm happy. I'm home every night. I'm cooking. I'm living normal. My GF is happy. My fam is happy. I'm not a super trucker from the 80s that drove 15-18 hours illegaly every day and snort coke.....Driving 62 mph max. I hate those super truckers and their stories. If you hate the bada$$ Firemen mentality, than you know what I mean. OTR is like this - if the wheels aren't rolling, you're not getting paid. But you can drive only so much lawfully. Local - You paid your dues. Now You get paid hourly Plus OT and you do 10-12hrs per day. At FedEx you do that and get $1250-$1400 a week with the right route, with only 3-4 stops a day, and less than 100 miles total. Mostly just waiting on warehouses to load and unload. Drive. Park. Sit. Wait. Unload. Load. Roll out. Repeat a couple times. It's super easy.
    3 points
  13. Sorrento, huh? So you also ditched your balls? Hahaha!
    3 points
  14. Congress has kicked the can on any meaningful immigration reform for decades. The recent focus on it is an electoral tactic. Looks like the Turtle has decided to keep it that way.
    3 points
  15. 11am? Good lord, you have complete and total control over the date and time you you make it 11am? Make it 1pm, help out the fans, the tailgaters, the bars the restaurants.
    3 points
  16. Nope, that would be his brother! HOW DARE YOU SIR!!!!!
    2 points
  17. the republican platform this year leading up to the election is let's crash the economy and keep the borders open
    2 points
  18. As long as he has a drivers license and social security number….we’re good
    2 points
  19. Why anyone would think Trump has loyalty to anyone but himself is beyond me. He'd send his own sons to the guillotine if he thought it benefited him.
    2 points
  20. have you seen the guy the republicans are trotting out?
    2 points
  21. I still don't believe you.
    2 points
  22. Fleeing to the NFL to avoid sanctions is a pretty classic move. Pete Carroll is another one.
    2 points
  23. Rendering is probably the worst thing I ever smelled. I toured a plant one time where there was a lady packing hog brains into a plastic dish. I had to stop and do a second take because I wasn't sure what I was watching. But like you said, you get used to it eventually. And abcesses are gross. It's like a zit that can be softball size or bigger.
    2 points
  24. Here’s the thing. If Schumer would take up the bill and add in/subtract what the Senate wants, a negotiation is then started between the two houses of Congress. Issues like immigration caps, combined with funding for processing and security are discussed. But hardliners like Schumer won’t allow the process to happen.
    2 points
  25. People have been and keep fighting for wage increases and now some of you are like "Oh...well if THOSE people are not here to work THOSE jobs...what is going to happen?" What is going to happen? Those f#&%ing jobs are going to have to pay more money to get people to work those jobs and the cost of all that stuff is going to skyrocket...just like everything has. You can't pretend to care about one and not care about the other. Unless you just really don't care at all.
    2 points
  26. Not their concern. That bill was written by the immigration hawks specifically to limit immigration of all stripes. It is the brainchild of the anti-immgration folks over at the CIS. They don’t care about any secondary effects as long as they get their way.
    2 points
  27. This doesn't look bad. I would watch it.
    2 points
  28. I always get a chuckle any time he mentions corruption. It takes an absolutely breathtaking brand of stupid to take him seriously. Why not let Bernie Madoff run the SEC or Bill Cosby head up a sexual abuse support network. Jared Fogle can be the new host of Dateline: To Catch a Predator. And heck, appoint this guy to run the DoJ. They’d all be similarly terrific!
    2 points
  29. You had me until you mentioned guacamole. I used to work in packing houses cutting hams and guacamole has the same color and consistency as the stuff inside abcesses. One time at Farmland a guy laid open a ham along the femur and the entire inside of the ham was abcessed and it gushed up onto his face. He promptly puked all over the line. The foreman shut down the line so it could be hosed down with scalding hot water. The poor slob that puked was over at a sink dry heaving while trying to wash his face off while the foreman was yelling at him for puking on the line. Gnarly times.
    2 points
  30. This may surprise you, but huge swaths of the economy - agriculture construction, house building, roofing, etc. - rely on illegal immigrant labor. There isn't exactly an army of legal white people clamoring to work in Californias farms picking strawberries or to roof your house in Kansas. It doesn’t surprise me that illegals are prevalent in ag or construction. I thought that was well known. Is your point we should just continue as is? I got a new roof in 2021 but the company I chose uses E Verify. It was a half white half Latino crew from what I saw. Does HR2 not expand legal immigration?
    2 points
  31. lol Even Republicans are saying the quiet part out loud.
    2 points
  32. It is a new Google Ads feature. Should only happen if you leave a tab open and come back to that tab an hour later. I have reported it to our ad ops to make sure it only happens in that context.
    2 points
  33. What does Putin and Orban have to do with passing immigration/border security bill? Or is this more non-helpful political rhetoric?
    2 points
  34. The unserious attempt that does not deal with expanded legal immigration to actually comprehensively address immigration? Ahhh gotcha…..if you don’t like the bill it’s unserious. If the bill allows almost 200,000 illegals in a month it serious. Good to know
    2 points
  35. I agree, I simply think the AD is trying to show all sports love here. Right or wrong.
    2 points
  36. Well, The House already passed a bill. Schumer won’t take it up!
    2 points
  37. Let me guess. You probably hate Texas too! Amirite ?!!?
    2 points
  38. He's saying you shouldn't do it. I'm saying sometimes you do even if it's a calculated risk.
    2 points
  39. You’re right. He’s just about the model example of a trash human being in every regard, but these rubes decided he’s their guy and they’re absolutely not unhitching the wagon now. I also think it says a bit about how useless approval/disapproval and right track/wrong track numbers are in modern society.
    2 points
  40. Lots. But I also drove a skateboarder for 6 years. From the state of Washington to all across the US. Lots of miles. Got to listen to some Pelini games, Riley games, and Frost games. Skateboard is slang for flatbedders
    2 points
  41. Okay, I am 100% jealous! I buy this stock...but I sure have not profited like she did!
    2 points
  42. the stars r aligning for us boys and girls. Michigan will surely take a step down, at least a minor dip. Washington could take a major dip. There's a power vacuum occurring in the big ten. Hopefully a new Rhuler stands up and takes what's his. GBR
    2 points
  43. This site has really gone to s#!t ad wise. Slow, deletes posts via refresh, ADS all over the place. Look.. I get you need to make money but holy heck there’s gotta be a good medium this is terrible.
    2 points
  44. 2 points
  45. This belongs in the recruiting forum.
    2 points
  46. Hopefully, we get Ernest home. He already won a natty*, seems like a good time to come home to me.
    2 points
  47. Michigan does look "winnable ", but until this group can summon the will and fortitude and mental toughness they've only produced at K-State on the road, there is reason for trepidation.
    2 points
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