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1 hour ago, commando said:

there was a massive troll army hitting russian restaurant reviews.....leaving messages like the food was great but putin ruined the atmosphere by invading ukraine and killing innocent civilians....or similar messages.    same with hotel reviews.  those reviews have been turned off now

Thank you for sharing, that made my day!

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37 minutes ago, JJ Husker said:

I can understand some countries flocking to NATO but I’m not sure the EU would help anyone in Ukraine’s position, militarily anyway.


I feel sort of sick inside that we cannot, will not, provide more help than economic sanctions. Our military and Air Force could stop Putin in his tracks if we wanted to. I understand the reasons but I was left feeling extremely empty after Biden’s remarks on it in the SOTU. Have to guess it meant nothing to the Ukrainian people.


There was a Ukrainian rep on the today show this morning. She said the same and was not impressed. She went further to claim that part of the deal for Ukraine giving up their nukes was assurances that they would have NATO like protections. Does anyone know if that is true?  If so, they have to feel extremely betrayed.

https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2016/mar/23/ted-cruz/ted-cruz-wrongly-says-ukraine-gave-nukes-due-ameri/#:~:text=Ukraine voluntarily gave up its nuclear weapons because,are a couple of elements in Cruz’s statement.


The agreement stated that "the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and  the United States of America reaffirm their commitment":

  • To respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine.

  • To refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine

  • To seek immediate United Nations Security Council action to provide assistance to Ukraine, as a non-nuclear-weapon state party to the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons, if Ukraine should become a victim of an act of aggression or an object of a threat of aggression in which nuclear weapons are used.

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2 hours ago, teachercd said:

Does anyone else wish Vlad had social media just so we could see the amazing troll jobs on him?

He's probably on Truth Social now....oh wait that's working about as well as his military is now.

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6 minutes ago, Scarlet said:

He's probably on Truth Social now....oh wait that's working about as well as his military is now.

not sure how many know this...but the official soviet newspaper was called "Pravda"   the english translation was "truth"

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Russian soldiers - deceived, low morale and nothing to fight for.  




Who needs NATO when you have Ukrainian farmers: 





This is the moment a £12million Russian missile system burns in a field after reportedly being seized and set ablaze by Ukrainian farmers.

The victorious villagers who captured the vehicle said the Russian soldiers fled like "rats" abandoning the anti-air battery.


The video was filmed near the city of Bashtanka in the southern Ukrainian region of Mykolaiv Oblast on March 1.

Boris Filatov, 49, mayor of the city of Dnipro, shared images of the burning Pantsir-C missile system on social media, claiming that farmers seized and destroyed the vehicle and that it cost around £11.3 million.

He added that villagers had described how the Russian soldiers were forced to run across the "Ukrainian fields like rats".



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If you remember the '60s, the massive protests and the social disruption and the huge youth movement, you may forget that America still elected Richard Nixon twice.


I'm afraid Vladimir Putin has more support inside Russia than we want to believe, and they are being encouraged to blame America for everything currently befalling them. 


Still, this could be a fulcrum for the final chapter of a 20th Century story. History suggests unintended consequences either way. 

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21 minutes ago, Guy Chamberlin said:

If you remember the '60s, the massive protests and the social disruption and the huge youth movement, you may forget that America still elected Richard Nixon twice.


I'm afraid Vladimir Putin has more support inside Russia than we want to believe, and they are being encouraged to blame America for everything currently befalling them. 


Still, this could be a fulcrum for the final chapter of a 20th Century story. History suggests unintended consequences either way. 



You're right. It's a huge longshot that they depose him. 


They believe the propaganda Putin's government puts out just as much as our fellow Americans believe right-wing media. We see it here on this very forum every day.

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18 minutes ago, knapplc said:



You're right. It's a huge longshot that they depose him. 


They believe the propaganda Putin's government puts out just as much as our fellow Americans believe right-wing media. We see it here on this very forum every day.


The scary thing is regimes like that will "remove" anyone who shows any kind of dissent. Leaving only the least moral to assume leadership positions and further drive loyalty and "end" dissent. This is how Hitler became so protected, how Putin has retained power, and how Trump ended up with only yes men in his cabinet. 

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1 hour ago, knapplc said:

You're right. It's a huge longshot that they depose him. 


They believe the propaganda Putin's government puts out just as much as our fellow Americans believe right-wing media. We see it here on this very forum every day.



This is why what's happening now in the U.S. should be way more concerning to people. Once we lose freedom it'll be gone for at least decades, and no one is going to help us. About 5 years in people will realize how stupid they were, and it will be far too late by then.

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3 minutes ago, Moiraine said:



This is why what's happening now in the U.S. should be way more concerning to people. Once we lose freedom it'll be gone for at least decades, and no one is going to help us. About 5 years in people will realize how stupid they were, and it will be far too late by then.


Yep. It starts with owning the Libs and it ends in, "But I never thought leopards would eat MY face!"



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6 hours ago, Guy Chamberlin said:


A couple semi-valid points tucked in there, but for the record Putin is not invading Western Ukraine, he is marching to Kviv to depose its democratically-elected leader and take over the country. Proportionally, this is worse than anything Europe has seen since World Ward II according to pretty much everyone but you. 


6 hours ago, Guy Chamberlin said:


Technically, the previous administration had committed to terms for our withdrawal from Afghanistan after 20 years. Technically, Russia preferred to have Donald Trump as the U.S. president and NATO didn't, for reasons that should be obvious to everyone. Technically, Europe has agreed to both sanctions and lots of armed support. Technically, Biden got on board with supporting the Ukranian fighters well before the fight; the guy you voted for is still rooting for the bad guys, while the rest of the GOP has put its wet finger in the air, noticing how bad their pro-Russia narrative is looking. 

You don't seem to read my posts before replying to them so it's not surprising that you also have no idea about the Republican position.  Trump sent weapons to Russia's enemies.  (Biden sent blankets)  That isn't a pro-Russia position.  When someone does that to US, he qualifies as a terrorist. 


Note the date on this report https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/trump-warns-putin-through-senator-no-normal-relationship-with-future-president-if-russia-invades-ukraine


If anything good comes out of this, it will be that Biden has at least temporarily adopted some of Trump's policy positions such as sending arms to Eastern European allies and ramping up domestic energy.

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6 hours ago, BigRedBuster said:

What?   CNN isn’t bothering with the SOTU?  I literally watched it on CNN. 

The post speech analysis: they talked the about the subjects like UKR but barely mentioned the speech itself.  Within 5 minutes it sounded like just any old daily pravda.  And I can understand that because it was a boring and largely off-topic speech.  Many believe it had been written two weeks ago and they didn't trust Biden to handle a last minute rewrite. 


3 hours ago, commando said:

not sure how many know this...but the official soviet newspaper was called "Pravda"   the english translation was "truth"

One of our fansites labels ND's Spring Practice Reports as "Daily Pravda."

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