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  1. I was all for Frost staying if he switched up assistants but then I got to thinking, it would be like having a car with a s#!tty a$$ motor and you put new tires on it hoping that it would make it run better.
    12 points
  2. BOB would recruit at a level we haven’t had since Callahan. Those that say he can’t recruit have no idea what they are talking about.
    8 points
  3. Luck rating over Frost tenure: 2018…74th 2019…114th 2020…118th 2021…130th (dead last & worst ever recorded!) “Champions make their own luck”- Vince Lombardi
    8 points
  4. Beamer at VT was a master at creating "good luck." It's not an accident that Frost hasn't been able to, or that Beamer could.
    7 points
  5. This article by Dirk shows me that these issues under Frost have been a consistent problem. This year is an extreme, but it's not a one year blip. Frost's teams look great/improved in the stats, but lack of focus on the small things is what fails Frost. A new coach who can do the big things AND the small things is what we need.
    7 points
  6. I thought the coverage was way too soft against Minnesota and saw similar results against Purdue. The lack of a pass rush is really killing the defense.
    6 points
  7. I don't even care that you think BOB isn't a great fit, that's fine. But to act like BOB is a bad coach when won B1G coach of the Year, and 3 different major National Coach of the Year Awards at Penn St, then went on to be voted 2nd place two separate times for NFL Coach of the Year - that's just ignorant.
    6 points
  8. You can throw all the $$$ at the wall doesn't mean it will stick. If Alberts doesn't have someone locked in, I don't see how firing Frost is the answer.
    5 points
  9. There is no way Davison sticks around after Frost is fired. He's getting paid a nice salary to be Frost's best friend. I'm sure Trev has gone to Davison at times and pulled the old Office Space quote "What is it that you actually do here?"
    5 points
  10. Loyalty to Frost has very little to do with my current support. My support comes from the absolute fact that constant coaching turnover has done nothing for our program but drive us further into the abyss for 20 freaking years. The only thing we haven't tried is giving someone the time to rebuild and grow. Thought about this last night. What if Callahan had kept Pelini on instead of bringing Cosgrove? Probably would have rocked it. What if instead of replacing Callahan, Pelini was brought on as Co-headcoach/ d coordinator. - Pelini had his time. Some of us think he should have gotten more. Riley was too damn old to grow. Each time we jettisoned the coach though, Nebraska paid out contracts to get WORSE. I've already said, the storms Frost has weathered, the schedules he faced, that statistically we are one of the top 5 teams performance wise - and did this against the hardest schedule in the land, gets him another year. Next year, Northwestern is the first test. WIN and we are undefeated heading into Oklahoma. Lose, and we better have a dang good showing against OK, and got 8-4 or better, or else I'll 99% agree Frost has earned his pink slip.
    5 points
  11. The fans that wish to see a 5th year under this Coach are loyal to Scott Frost the player, the ambassador and the native son. Performance metrics have little to do with their reasoning. In the end, I think it is for this reason that we end up with a 5th year. To me the better question is whether these loyalists are prepared to accept and even embrace transition following a similar 2022. For the compensation being offered, it is unreasonable to continue pushing back the horizon of success any further. People quickly forget, but Alabama under Dennis Franchione and later Mike Shula underperformed as a program for years. Shula (a former Tide Quarterback and son of legendary coach Don Shula) had the coaching pedigree and university ties necessary to achieve great success (sound familiar?). What resulted were 3 poor seasons and 1 bowl appearance under Shula. Absent the bowl appearance, this story feels very familiar. My point is, Alabama was prepared to go all in for a return to success and we should do no less.
    5 points
  12. But we are so close to getting over that mythical luck hump.
    5 points
  13. Anyone thinking things will change if we keep Frost is doing some incredible mental gymnastics. There will be widespread and deep apathy that sets in if you keep a coach that goes 3-9 in year 4. For all those who will say "let's let the year play out" and "we don't know we will finish 3-9", look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself which team we are going to beat in those 3. If we beat Iowa, is 4-8 really better than 3-9? The bowl game hopes truly end on Saturday, and my guess is the defense's resolve finally cracks as they can't take the rest of the team's crap anymore.
    5 points
  14. And look what those coaches are doing this year. Nice turnaround for them.
    5 points
  15. But it also smacks of how close we are to having something special here in Lincoln. More and more, I keep thinking we should give Frost time, but we need to get proven commodities for assistants around him, and get some analysts that can work with Frost behind the scenes to help shore this s*** up.
    5 points
  16. To the guys pushing him? 1) He's not Scott Frost 2) He's breathing and he's not Scott Frost - so he's guaranteed 9 wins every season (in their minds anyway) 3) He did ok at Penn St. 4) He failed out of the NFL (all the greatest college coaches do!) 5) He probably won't get us to the promised land 6) But he might be a halfway decent stop gap for 3 years 7 Before we fire him and rebuild again to find another coach who will probably get fired 3 years after that. What people don't realize is that to build something great, you need a strong foundation. Each time you tear down to rebuild, you weaken your foundation. Eventually your just putting new trim on something that imploding in on itself. This is where we are at with Husker football. We've stopped the imploding, we're starting to build. Dont freaking dynamite our foundation again. I don't know how many more rebuilds it can take.
    5 points
  17. He got fired for being a bad GM. Not a bad coach. And he did well at a school that had essentially received the closest modern equivalent of the death penalty. Plus one of the perks of him attending the Nick Saban School for Kids Who Want to Learn to Coach Good and Do Other Things Good Too is that he is getting additional experience in how the best program in this era is run so he can take that experience and apply it here with a seasoned staff supporting him rather than trying to go it alone like the last couple years in Houston.
    5 points
  18. FYI: This was Mike Farrell in 2014 upon Nebraska hiring Mike Riley Rivals.com national recruiting director Mike Farrell tweeted that the hiring is a "home run." "I don't think Huskers fans realize what a well-respected game coach Riley is and how hard it is to win in Corvallis," Farrell wrote.
    5 points
  19. I'm more worried about Yantz leaving with the way Frost sporadically uses him.
    4 points
  20. Gopher fan here – I am probably looking through maroon and gold colored glasses but, having said that , my observation is that many/most Husker fans seem to think NU has better talent than most of the other teams in the Big10. I think that is clearly wrong. It seemed to me that during the MN/NU game that the Gophers clearly had the better O and D lines. AM was kept locked in the pocket the entire game and was unable to use his legs. AM has never been, as far as I can see, a great passer. The problem for NU is that SF has not developed the talent he has recruited. Take Bryce Benhart for example, MN tried hard to recruit him as he seems to have all of the tools to be good but… he has no business starting as a freshman. It takes time for big men to develop their full strength and techniques. At another school, WI, IA, MN, and now IL under BB he would not see the field until he was a Jr or Sr. It will be interesting to see if his experience at NU has ruined him as a future player. In short, NU does not have better players than other Big10 teams – NU has better athletes perhaps but not better football players and that is why NU is losing games. I’m done, fire away.
    4 points
  21. And Minnesota fans say Nebraska is terrible, even in years we've beaten the Gophers. Whatever profound point you think you're making... you're not.
    4 points
  22. You know, if you wanted to go away as fast as both the CYHawks top 10 rankings, that'd be great.
    4 points
  23. Defense is pretty solid man, against the toughest schedule in the country, we are the 22nd best defense in yards per play allowed, and up there in nearly every other category as well. The most "Blackshirt," like performance we've seen in years. The only thing they aren't doing is forcing turnovers and getting defensive scores.
    4 points
  24. Yeah the mass exodus and stuff like that was not as big of a deal as the media tried to portray it, he basically had a strong two-deep.
    4 points
  25. The NCAA also gave Penn St players a free transfer with eligibility to play right away. So they lost a QB with starts, their best RB, their best WR, their starting TE, a starting LB, and an all B1G Kicker - among other depth players, and three 4-star recruits.
    4 points
  26. It is extremely funny to me that a lot of people automatically blame the coaches when guys don't meet OUR expectations. Didn't Stepp get recruited at USC ? Didn't he gradually lose playing time? Didn't he enter the portal? I baffles me to no end when we get guys from the portal or JC and when they could NOT make it at another school (or excel at lower level juco), we are up in arms when it doesn't work here. Look at guys who have left here. Outside of Wandale, not many over the years have made major impacts, but yet we expect it to be different when guys portal into Nebraska. Maybe the guys just aren't talented as some "*" indicated. So much easier to blame coaches. SMH
    4 points
  27. In the past we had to give up on the run because we were being boatraced and had to throw to have any kind of chance. This is the first year we've had a defense that could allow for a run game, all game against anyone we played. We still, however, do not have an offensive line for that.
    4 points
  28. I don't care all that much about the stats on close games lost in years 1-3. I knew by early 2019 that this was going to be a 4-5 year rebuild because of how badly Riley had tanked the program. So, I'm looking at this year. If we had won 2 out of 3 against Illinois, Minnesota, and Purdue and were 5-4 instead of 3-6, fans probably wouldn't be extremely upset. So I'm looking at those three games. Why did we lose those games by one score? Well, in my opinion it's because Frost just didn't get the run game going. And specifically against Minnesota & Purdue he kept trying to have Martinez throw the ball when it was obvious he was "off." Our defense definitely played well enough in those three games. But offense was terrible. Martinez being off was a common thread in all three of those games and I also think Frost & Lubick did a poor job of adjusting once it was obvious he was off.
    4 points
  29. Because he was never present and didnt keep any kind of leash or accountability on Frost.
    4 points
  30. Some people just don't get it. It is becoming cult like - this loyalty to Frost.
    4 points
  31. And he increasingly comes across as someone who doesn't know what the answers are to getting to that breakout season. His last post game interview was evidence of this.
    4 points
  32. The Frost "luck factor" has been terrible for 4 years. That's a trend! I keep on hearing "make tweaks to the assistant coaching staff" but the head coach establishes the culture, the little things, and the attention to detail. All of that has sucked under Frost. Expecting that to change with "new assistant coaches" is foolish.
    4 points
  33. But Scott Frost followed his 5-7 season with 3 more losing seasons…
    4 points
  34. That sounds like something that happened to me a few times in college. The “luck hump”. Lol
    4 points
  35. Yeah, years later. But if it were one year post being fired, you'd be on a messageboard calling HOF coaches "Fired NFL Coaches, no one wants". Thanks for proving my point.
    4 points
  36. The above would require the fan base and donors to be content with the following growth model for Nebraska football: We are going to need to get a HC for our HC.
    4 points
  37. The practice violations thing is a joke and everyone knows it.
    4 points
  38. And do any of us believe that will happen under this staff? Frost has had 4 years to get to a bowl game. A bowl game. Not a double digit win total, not finishing in the top 2 of the West. Hell not even beating Wisconsin and Iowa. Literally just getting to 6 wins. Show some level of improvement in the W/L column in 4 years. Those of us who are saying it is time to move on lowered our bar to 6 wins. I would not have said that for Riley, for Pelini or for Callahan. With all of our resources etc we have no reason to not get to 6 wins by year 4.
    4 points
  39. Who knows if O'Brien would stick around, but he'd be a good hire. Not a guaranteed success but nothing besides Saban is. Definitely overperformed at Penn State considering their sanctions and disarray at the time, and did better than most coaches do in the NFL. Plus, now he's been in Saban's system, which you really can't understate the value of. The proof is in the pudding. Kristobal, Sarkisian, Kiffin, Kirby, Jimbo Fisher, etc. All great coaches that coached under him, and a lot of them weren't good coaches until they coached under him.
    4 points
  40. Faux outrage from the people who brought you migrant caravans and pizza-based pedophile rings? Why I never...
    4 points
  41. No, when you lose at home to a 31 point dog you are horrible. Minny is horrible, NU is horrible, PU is horrible, NW is horrible, Iowa has scored 14 points in their last two games and they were ranked 2nd, Wisconsin can't complete a pass. The west is horrible.
    4 points
  42. One reason that Alberts may look to get rid of Frost is his poor performance against the weaker division foes. Nebraska should be able to consistently beat Illinois, Northwestern, Purdue and Minnesota yet he has struggled. Here is a breakdown of Nebraska against those schools: 2011 to 2014 (Bo Pelini): Went 9-3 2015-2017 (Mike Riley): Went 7-5 2018-2021 (Scott Frost): Is 6-10 I know a great deal is made of being more competitive against the top teams, but the real reason Frost is on the hot seat is his inability to beat some of the weaker competition that often has lower recruiting classes than Nebraska.
    3 points
  43. We were ranked #1 in the country in special teams in 2014, Bo's last year. Riley was mid 30's all 3 years in ST. Frost has been 110+ all 4 years and dead last this year. Turnovers have been an issue but one of these things is not like the others and they W/L record is proving it.
    3 points
  44. You're on. If you could also assume Special Team duties, I can put that salary towards a Gulfstream G700 for recruiting trips and stewardess "tips." The culture change starts now.
    3 points
  45. Yes, it's confusing. Martinez's amazing broken pass play scramble for the 75 yard TD against Illinois completely skewed the rushing stats in that game. If you took away that play then we would have been at 85 yards rushing on the day and 2.23 yards per carry. It was 160 yards on the day and 4.10 yards per carry with that play. Then against Minnesota & Purdue, we were at 4.38 and 4.48 YPC respectively, but we ran it fewer times and also at a lower ratio of run/pass plays. So my conclusion there is that Frost & his offensive staff have failed in the second half of the season offensively. As Johnson & Yant started turning it up and getting into a groove, the coaches intentionally chose to use them less. For me that's a "WTF" kind of thing. Martinez is the easy scapegoat, but in my opinion Frost & the offensive staff absolutely deserve the lion's share of the blame.
    3 points
  46. I think he is one of the all time under rated coaches of the modern era of college football. I always had a lot of respect for that guy.
    3 points
  47. I think that should have been done prior to this year. The covid year was a big fail and changes could have, would have, should have been made then.
    3 points
  48. Who is on the top of your list? bTW, O'Brien isn't on the top of my list but I don't think he'd be a failure here.
    3 points
  49. https://theathletic.com/2927901/2021/11/04/college-basketball-experts-predict-who-will-be-the-biggest-surprise-team-this-season/
    3 points
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