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Status Updates posted by Scratchtown

  1. Get comfy. This offseason is going to be a long one.

    1. NUance


      Hey, 'crootin season isn't over yet. Or IS it?? lol

    2. Redux


      I'm glad this season is over honestly.

  2. Glad wyoming is incapable of playing decent pass coverage. Tommy may have a good day!

  3. Go take out your political rage in the weight room! BLARRRRGH!

  4. Going away for a while. Gotta reevaluate some stuff.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. zoogs


      Yeah, same. I don't know what happened here, but it's always a pleasure to have you on here. Take care and come back soon.

    3. Stumpy1


      Good luck with wrestling this year Coach and hope to see you back again.

    4. Creighton Duke

      Creighton Duke

      Godspeed, brother. Be back when you can.

  5. Good day for a bday. Thanks for the wishes everyone.

  6. Good grief, Alshon Jeffrey is a horrible interview....

    1. darkhorse85


      He has head trauma from when Alfonzo Dennard punched him in the helmet.

  7. Good interest rate for a 2012-2015 pick up....go!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RedRedJarvisRedwine


      Straight cash homie!

    3. RedSavage


      Can get less than 3% from a lot of CU's right now with a good score. I'd go to 3 different banks/CU's and see what rate they'll give you.

    4. RedSavage


      If you're going through a dealership, you may also want to consider financing through them to get additional rebates and then turn around and re-fi with a bank/CU.

  8. Good lord. 44-20 WSU over Oregon. 8 mins left.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Judoka


      Damn....we broke the ducks.

    3. Day by Day

      Day by Day

      Haha Judoka. I was about to say that.

    4. Savage Husker

      Savage Husker

      At least NU was the team to pop the top and start their slide.

  9. Good Luck to all you HS coaches tonight!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GSG
    3. huKSer


      Kansas HS starts next week. Missouri started last week

    4. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Thanks coach.

  10. GOP debate candidates BLASTING mainstream media tonight. So awesome. I hate the mainstream media, more than I hate anything.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. ZRod


      Why don't the candidates man up and say f the debate, have a real sit down talk with their opponents. Maybe some mior moderation, but a truely open discussion.

    3. zoogs


      Because they love the theater. It's an opportunity to get attention and "win".

    4. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      ZRod- that would never work. Then they would have to actually say something. They're just looking for an opportunity for sound bites that will play well. Actual substance does not enter the equation. The candidates are almost as bad as the media members.....almost.

  11. Gosh, I really don't like watching NFL Football.

  12. Got Oregon tickets for face value thank goodness! I wasn't going to pay 200+ for them.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BIG ERN
    3. ZRod


      I'll give you a bjer for to if you're into it.

    4. Landlord


      I got presented with club seats for no cost to me. Very happy camper.

  13. Gotta say, I really like Huskerboard. We have our moments, but damn, I respect the hell out of the virtual "you's" out there.

    1. Blackshirt_Revival


      Keep up the good work, Coach! You're one of the best on here (and I mean that sincerely haha)

  14. Grand Island got 1.6+ inches in 2 hours last night

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. darkhorse85


      How much did Omaha get? Somewhere around 5" wasn't it?

    3. teachercd


      Ha! Nice one Sd!

    4. EbylHusker


      Eppley reported about 5.25 inches or so, I think. I'm sure some places got over 6 locally.

  15. Great episode of Castle going on right now.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TonyStalloni


      My wife watches both. Pretty much interchangeable.

    3. zoogs


      Woah, Bones has been running for a long time. I caught a few, but didn't get much into it.


      I'm *okay* with Castle -- mostly for its cast. Nathan Fillion is a joy. I'm not sure crime procedurals are really my thing, unless they're Psych.

    4. The Dude

      The Dude

      Bones was great for a long time. Unlike most crime lab shows they at least tried to get the science right. Plus Dr. Bones and Angela were smokin' hot in the early seasons.

  16. Gurley just said he would rather run away from someone than run through them. You'd never hear LP or AG say that.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Scratchtown


      Yea, Jaws, they said that. But Gurley himself said he'd rather run away.

    3. Hoosker


      Whoopity doo.

    4. jaws


      What is wrong with that? If he is heading towards the endzone isn't running away from people a good thing?

  17. had 4 tickets offered to me for 100 bucks. Declined. I didn't want to see Minnesota play in Lincoln for the 3rd straight time.

  18. Had a senior break the Squat, Bench, Clean and 3 lift total school record over the last 2 days. 1240 lbs total, (550 squat, 360 clean, and 330 bench).

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Dude

      The Dude

      Hey, I guess they're right. Senior citizens, although slow and dangerous behind the wheel, still can serve a purpose.

    3. Decked


      Wifi laughs at this

    4. HuskerfaninOkieland


      You coach HuskerJen?


  19. Half way to 27 and I got my first white hair, you guys.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Moiraine


      What NUpolo said.

    3. Ulty


      Maybe he's albino, and he's really just talking about, you know, thoooose hairs, down there. Congrats!

    4. StPaulHusker


      First gray hair at 13 and I am now 35 and will probably be full gray by 40

  20. Halo 5 is awesome, you guys

  21. Happy 1st Anniversary to my wife and I. Yay me!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Dude
    3. huKSer


      And you have had half of all the sex you will ever have with the wife. The other half is spread out over the rest of your marriage.

    4. True2tRA


      Oh, I'm sorry.

  22. Harrison Phillips product out of Millard West(not sure?) Starting on the DL for Stanford. Just referred to as a "STUD" on ESPN.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Decked


      I'd say so. And a lot of people thought the same thing.

    3. ladyhawke


      Northwestern leads Stanford 10-3! GOB1G!!

    4. Minnesota_husker
  23. Has NU ever lost 5 games at home in a season?

    1. CheeseHusker
    2. NUance


      Could be a new record!





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