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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/06/2021 in Posts

  1. Congratulations to President Biden on passing the stimulus bill.
    4 points
  2. Lots of irrelevant questions here. Just like, it doesn’t matter if the police officer who killer an unarmed Black man is White or Black. Systematic racism is what policy can account for. Individual racism isn’t really something the government can do much about. So when it comes to police violence being more prevalent with Black victims and trying to solve the problem, you look at things like the war on drugs. Blacks have lower drug use overall than Whites but their arrest rate for drug possession is much higher. That leads to a higher prevalence of homes without fathers in Black communities. Individual accountability is a factor but when you have 4x the arrest rate but the same rate of crime, that is where systematic racism comes in and policy changes can help fix it. Talking about individual accountability when it comes to this stuff is off topic as far as I’m concerned because there is data point after data point showing that Blacks, even with the same characteristics, income, criminal background, etc. are more likely to face negative circumstances. It isn’t even hard or complicated to find this information or to gather the data. Just look up what happens when mystery shopping is used if you want an example. If you’re Black it’s harder to get a loan even with the same income and credit score.
    4 points
  3. This isn't that hard I've already explained to you, quite thoroughly, how your argument is a false equivalency. Again, try reading. Your attempt at a gish gallop in this last post is just furthering the logical fallacy, because once again these are not the same circumstances. I fully understand where you wanted your original post to lead, but anybody who takes a step back to look at the situations with an open mind understands they are not the same.
    4 points
  4. You should read or reread the Axios article. The tweet you posted is a s#!t post making your post a s#!t post. The kids in cages issue started long before COVID. This is not the same issue. These are not children who were separated from their parents by government agencies, they are children and teens who crossed alone. There are no shipping containers mentioned. The picture taken shows intensive care tents being used as over flow shelters due to lack of room. The lack of room is due to an increase of children migrants up 47% from January. The CDC recommendation came about only as a result of the increase in migrant children, because children are less affected by COVID. It does not apply to group settings, and is temporary. They recommend that new arrivals are screened, a 14 day quarantine is used, masks are used, ventilation is adequate, and that room is saved to isolate children who test positive. The only other alternative is to wave the limits at other facilities as well. This is not a policy decision it is a recommendation born out of circumstance.
    4 points
  5. The Colin Kap who refused a 1 year contract so he could launch his career in social justice or the Corporation that had to make exactly zero changes? I challenged people to find a conservative corollary to liberal censorship this week and no one did. The British newspaper The Sun and multiple media outlets are all propaganda?
    3 points
  6. I wish someone would laugh at my posts. I love the notifications!
    2 points
  7. Just what we need, another project QB.
    2 points
  8. Have you considered trying decaf?
    2 points
  9. him and Biden drinking from the same trough.
    2 points
  10. It's Intolerance on full display by the liberals. Denying it is the equivalent of saying there was no anti-semitism in World War 2. Speaking of which, Dr Seuss banned from Ebay, Mein Kampf and Che Guerrtshirtguy still okay.
    2 points
  11. Rugged individualism and all that!
    1 point
  12. I came very close to naming our new dog Pawpoochus a few years back. So glad I didn't.
    1 point
  13. He does throw a good football accurate nice spiral I'm cautious of all the dancing he does in the backfield though I just don't think he's going to be able to do that in college. The game is much faster however he does remind me of Trevor Lawrence. So I think it would definitely be worth the ship offer
    1 point
  14. 7.02 60 meters indoors 22.09 200 meters indoors 11.21 100 meters outdoors last year. 49.56 400 meters outdoors last year. That's moving pretty well a nearly-200 pound sophomore/junior.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. https://twitter.com/Husker_Baseball/status/1368284241247694850
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. I would like to be able to hire them.
    1 point
  20. My "quibble" is that you s#!t posted a tweet that isn't even relevant to the article it cites. Read!
    1 point
  21. Yes and I said bummer. Would rather have the takeover happen through legitimate elections and legitimate districting. Let’s not kid ourselves though. Democrats would do the same if they were in charge.
    1 point
  22. Interesting this isn’t considered a scandal the way it was during the previous Administration. Amazing what happens with the Press stories and what little focus and how stories are framed for the least damage when a President has a D after their name.
    1 point
  23. So it's not WYSIWYG? Who cares about gut feelings now. During his campaign JB clearly stated he was for the people, all people. So why disbelieve it? Why turn anyone down? Are you immigrant phobia? Homophobia? Let them in and do what they want, man. I have no problems with it. Neither should you or you or you or you... So smile and be happy. Cheer it on. It's time for people to be free and do whatever they want. And bring people into the US. The admin was all for it during his campaign, so we need to get on board with it. I love immigrants and so should you. Let's make it happen, and bring anyone in that wants to be an American (Merica). This admin campaigned for it and rightfully so. We should not deny immigrants from this country, or anyone that wants to be free and happy and part of the US. We are all in on being democrats. And it's a great day to accept anything, as we are for anything, that does anything for democracy and the democratic principle.
    1 point
  24. Heading to the bottom of the 9th, 5-5 tie First, game I'm not going to worry unless it become consistent.
    1 point
  25. Honest question: Do you think that kind of profiling is unique to the white business owner?
    1 point
  26. "Woke" people seem to absolutely have a problem with white people partaking in, or providing commentary on, diversity or other cultures. Meanwhile, white folks, specifically southern white people, are routinely mocked in cartoons, movies, comedic material, etc. And I don't have a problem with that in general, but the double standard in that regard is what I find mildly laughable. President Obama has another clip where I speaks on wokeness/cancel culture and it's a spot on take.... Maybe I can find it.
    1 point
  27. They better get us while we are down. They will be adjusting to us in future years. :-)
    1 point
  28. There are currently thousands of prisoners in our county jails waiting hearings for minor offenses like possession or driving on suspended licenses. I'm okay if this traitor has to wait his turn so long that he dies in his cell.
    1 point
  29. PR perhaps getting closer to statehood. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/gov-pedro-pierluisi-e2-80-98puerto-rico-will-be-the-first-truly-hispanic-state-e2-80-99/ar-BB1efupw
    1 point
  30. 40 years ago we had the Reagan Democrats, This article (quoted in part below) now argues that we have the Biden Republicans. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/03/04/reagan-democrats-biden-republicans-politics-stan-greenberg-473330
    1 point
  31. Cuomo denies the allegations, but just because he denies them, why should we believe him? Seems the evidence does not point in his favor.
    1 point
  32. How far back in the past should we go? 7 years ago when they started gutting the Voting Rights Act and kept going? Two months ago, when the President of the United States told Confederate flag waving insurrectionists "you're special, we love you." The stunning rise of violent white supremacists and millions of their barely-cloaked enablers, happening as we speak? Or at some point do you realize this goes on every single day in ways you choose not to imagine, and 150 years ago means nothing because it's one long horrific history that white conservatives want to blow off with anecdotal pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps horse s#!t. The mere suggestion that this is the "far past" and Black people need to let go of something that would outrage you to the very core suggests a profound lack of empathy.
    1 point
  33. You didn't want to play so I will take your turn. A total of 1 liberal has been cancelled recently. She alleges that it was over mean tweets. Ironically she does not believe in cancel culture. Dr. Lora Burnett on Twitter: "While you're here... No, this isn't "cancel culture"; there's no such thing. This is *government* retaliation for free speech, which is illegal and actionable. wrote about it here: https://t.co/oSN54gJTXw" / Twitter
    1 point
  34. When I saw the thread title all I could think was, WTH does Jimmy Carter have to do with football or stadiums or game attendance.
    1 point
  35. Posting a ton about the NU win tonight on both IG and Twitter. Pretty cool to see how all N he is. Really excited to add him to next year’s team.
    1 point
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