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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/2022 in all areas

  1. Ok let's break this down for you. I posted a study showing Ivermectin was not effective in the treatment of Covid. People have been eating Ivermectin containing horse paste. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2021/sep/20/ivermectin-shortage-horse-owners-covid I took the liberty of extrapolating that maybe eating horse dewormer (i.e. ivermectin containing horse paste) might not be such a great idea after all since the study showed the same active ingredient, in human form, was shown ineffective against Covid. Still following? I'm I wrong at this point? You came in apparently triggered by my posting as such and claimed that the study wasn't about eating horse paste but about Ivermectin in the form for human consumption. Ok. Still the same active ingredient no? I'm not sure what to make of your take that study didn't use Ivermectin in the horse medicine form. Were you thinking that somehow a study using that form would yield different results?
    3 points
  2. This is pretty much it. So at my school, I have a list of all my students and their health issues, sometimes the kids will see their name with the little "health" symbol next to their name and be like "What is that?" and so I tell them it is just a health issue that their mom/dad let the school know about. No joke 9/10 times the kid is like "Wait, I have what?" or "Oh my god, I fainted once in 4th grade and now my health issue is that I get light headed"? I am sure it is difference with like preschool and kids that age.
    3 points
  3. https://cdispatch.com/news/2021-08-21/ivermectin-sales-surge-at-pharmacies-feed-stores-despite-inconclusive-studies-on-effectiveness-against-covid-19/ it certainly looks like people were buying it from feed stores The human form of ivermectin is available by prescription only, but no prescription is needed to purchase the ivermectin used for animals. “I started seeing people buying it for COVID back in January,” said one farm supply manager who agreed to speak on the condition of anonymity because he realizes the drug may be controversial. “It’s really picked up in the last four or five weeks, about the time we started hearing about the Delta variant. Compared to last August, my sales of ivermectin have increased probably 50-fold.” Bonner notes that purchasing animal medicines for human use is illegal. “There’s no punishment for it, but if you do get sick after taking an animal medicine, you don’t have any liability claim,” he said. “You’re on your own. It was your decision.”
    2 points
  4. I agree with most of what you said, but there is some clinical evidence to support HCQ +therapies in COVID patients. https://www.henryford.com/news/2020/07/hydro-treatment-study
    2 points
  5. And yet, it’s still not medication for horses.
    2 points
  6. And yet people were literally gobbling down horse dewormer. The point is Ivermectin has been shown to not be effective for the treatment of COVID.
    2 points
  7. Then leave the game hungry or thirsty, I guess.
    2 points
  8. I'm with you on this one. Calling it a horse dewormer when it has perfectly valid uses for humans, and is on the WHO list of essential medicines is extremely dishonest. It's just lazy tabloid journalism.
    2 points
  9. Next level stupidity right here or in other words just another ordinary day in the world of Republican lawmakers. smfh Seriously God help us all.
    2 points
  10. But they didn’t, because the Ivermectin they used in the study is a drug intended for human use. Despite all the moronic jokes about it being horse medicine.
    2 points
  11. Good on Maher calling out the hypocrisy of the Hollywood Left, and our government as a whole.
    2 points
  12. almost wasn't true? it was actually FAKE NEWS!
    2 points
  13. Any update on the frothy right-wing "Hillary is spying on a sitting president" news posted earlier in this thread? It's almost like it wasn't ever true.
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. They might as well have. It would be just as worthless. This is a prime example of a study being done because of what idiots believe.
    2 points
  16. I knew there was a reason I didn’t get sick much… https://www.studyfinds.org/attractive-people-immune-system/ healthcare related, not reform related.
    2 points
  17. Let me know how it works for you.
    2 points
  18. I thought we had upgraded our talent. But other than BMcGowens, we are out-classed by Maryland across the board. Maryland is 3-11 in conference.
    2 points
  19. Huskers head on the road to Evanston to take on the Wildcats
    1 point
  20. Well, this sucks. Both are adults so, fine do what you want. But, sucks for the team right when they need to be focused on finishing the season string and the post season.
    1 point
  21. The NCAA will do what they always do and find a way to totally screw up
    1 point
  22. And that's a Nebraska winner, Nebraska gets their first win of 2022, 12-9 Nebraska!
    1 point
  23. nice to see Gomes hitting the ball well. 3 years ago he was such a liability at the plate.
    1 point
  24. https://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/coronavirus-disease-(covid-19)-hydroxychloroquine
    1 point
  25. @commando the fact that Scarlet referred to it as horse medicine is mostly thanks to the media sensationalizing it. They smeared Rogan for taking a medicine "used as a horse dewormer" when he most likely took the tablets made for human consumption only, but you didn't hear that from the talking Lemon's on CNN. It's lazy and completely dishonest (it might even lead idiots to try to find and take literal horse dewormer at the horse size dose). Yes, there is no clinical evidence supporting ivermectin as a treatment for COVID. Same as there was none for hydroxychloroquine. Just report on the bozos who take the literal horse paste or fish tank cleaner and how wrong dangerous that is, and how there is no evidence that the human form is effective. It's dishonest to say that doctors are prescribing a drug that's used as a horse dewormer, when they literally are not doing that. They are prescribing a drug meant for human consumption only.
    1 point
  26. can you show me where it was called horse medicine in the link? the poster called it horse medicine...not the study or the headline. i don't think calling it tabloid journalism really fits in this case. the point that has been walked away from in the responses was that ivermectin didn't do anything to help covid patients.
    1 point
  27. If NU wins 3 out of 4, it's a successful weekend. Even 2-2 isn't the end of the world.
    1 point
  28. Relative to all the rest of students, it’s not that big. But, I can honestly say that nobody I went to school with had these allergies. So, one or two out of 150 is a big jump. Every one of my kids had a kid they went to school with with these allergies.
    1 point
  29. Homer NU Prediction 125--This assumes Ybarra wrestles, NU by dec 133--IA by MD 141--Red pulls out some magic, NU by dec 149--if Turk wrestles, NU might win by DQ lol, Turk is such a piece of $h%^. NU by dec 157--Robb by dec 165--The Bull by MD 174--Labs by dec 184--Venz by MD 197--Schultz by dec 285--Slim Cass by dec NU 22 IA 11 What I actually think happens 125--True toss up, slightest of edges to IA 133--DeSanto by TF 141--Red gets super close to a couple TDs by Eiermann's funk is too much, IA by dec 149--Lovett wins by dec over Murin or MD against Turk 157--Robb gets an early TD, proceeds to never shoot again, loses 5-3 in SV because he gives a riding time point that sends it to SV. 165--Marinelli by TF 174--Might be the best match of the night. Grandpa Mike by the slimmest of margins. 184--Venz hasn't been in good recent form but I think he gets the dec 197--This one will be an absolute rock fight, Schultz/Warner are 2-2 against each other and both are in good form. I think Schultz pulls it out at home 3-2. HWT--Lance has been a great surprise this season and is wrestling well, Cassioppi is just a tier above him, Cass by dec IA 25 NU 9
    1 point
  30. That's why we need a big-name coach that elite recruits that kids will want to come to Lincoln to play for. I thought Frost would be the answer, and I'm still willing to stick by him, but if not, and we're serious about reviving the program, we gotta throw the bank at a big name.
    1 point
  31. This team very little toughness. I still can not figure out why Mayen gets minutes let alone starts.
    1 point
  32. Sloppy and lazy out of the gates for the 2nd half. Never seen this before
    1 point
  33. Yeah, like I was saying, I have taught forever and usually there are 3-4 kids in the entire school that have a nut allergy. You know what is big all of a sudden. f#&%ing asthma! No s#!t, ever kid seems to have that.
    1 point
  34. Big one this weekend chaps! https://www.flowrestling.org/articles/7446915-the-big-ten-dual-finale-2-iowa-vs-8-nebraska-preview
    1 point
  35. Given this specific choice, I’m definitely opting to watch rifling. Don’t care if she wins or not
    1 point
  36. It really is not that big, I get the health issues of all my students and out of the 150 or so that I teach I think 1 has nut allergy. The difference today is that now things are done for that one kid where when we were in school it was just "Yeah, don't eat nuts"
    1 point
  37. That's not true though...we saw with our own eyes that Smothers is a capable QB and the common denominator, Frost, has us fair catch at the 6 and pass out of the endzone....same as with Martinez.
    1 point
  38. Logan wasn't making that throw either, no offense to him. Some of the blame is for Adrian IMO - he'd earned the right to tell the coaches whether or not he could still play, and he decided he could. He threw for 193 yards in the second half after the injury, it's not like he was completely incapacitated and had no business being in the game. In retrospect you don't try and make a 60 yard throw with a torn labrum, and he admitted as much. I think Frost should have made the call to not play him against Minnesota - they knew what he could and couldn't do all week. For an in game injury I think you've got to trust your player until it's clear the backup is a better option, and against Wisconsin it was that one deep ball. Which he can blame on the shoulder but I don't think he was getting it over the top anyway. He would've had to put it outside the hash on about the Wisconsin 30 to get past the safety, and he threw it from our 11. Maybe if he can put it outside more it's a jump ball for Manning, but the safety was there and even with an intact labrum he wasn't getting that over the top.
    1 point
  39. Yeah, fans won't give a s#!t about bad weather if it is a playoff game.
    1 point
  40. No reason to get personal with your first sentence in the last paragraph. —please point me to the charge/conviction of someone close to the campaign for obstruction or collusion from the Mueller investigation. Mueller had u limited resources and time and couldn’t find one. Maybe you have more info than he does. Would love to see it. —Trump is no longer a sitting President, TNG is. Why hasn’t the the DOJ charged Trump or those around him with Obstruction of Justice related to “Russia investigation”.
    1 point
  41. Braunagel #2 is because they are brothers. Braunagel #1 beat Wilson.
    1 point
  42. Caught most of the dual yesterday, feel asleep for 25 minutes or during it lol. #Middaynaps 125--Nice job by Reno, looked aggressive 133--Not much you can do, Byrd is pretty tough 141--Nice to see Red get the win, probably should've been awarded the pin. Duncan was definitely the aggressor but Red did a nice job countering Duncan's mistake. 149--Nice solid win by Lovett, would've been nice to see him try and get the MD 157--Same old Robb. He seems to wrestle to the level of his competition. 165---Braunagel absolutely put it on Wilson. Woof. 174--Good job by Labs. Dominated. 184--Braunagel #2 wrecked Venz. Really impressive display by him. Venz couldn't get anything going. 197--Awesome job by Schultz, really pushed the pace. The Illinois wrestler wasn't doing jack squat during the match, should've gotten dinged for stalling a few times. HWT--Man, Lance is wrestling well. Big ol dual coming this week against Iowa!
    1 point
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