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Status Updates posted by Decked

  1. Just had a Texas fan tell me they would beat Bama....LMAO

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hoosker


      A much better Notre Dame team than the one they beat thought they could beat Bama. Lol

    3. Scratchtown


      Well Hoosker that Bama team was also better than this one as well. But I do think Texas is dumb.


    4. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      This is good news. Reality will be that much harder on them.

  2. Jerry was a racecar driver

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GSG


      Wynona's got herself a big brown beaver

      and she shows it off to all her friends

    3. Hoosker


      primus sucks!

    4. commando


      smells like 7 layers

  3. In 7 loses against Oregon, a Mark Banker led defense has given up an average of 578 yards and 45.6 points. Yikes.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NUance


      Thankfully OC Scott Frost is 3,000 miles away now.

    3. Decked


      Really scares me for this weekend. Oregon vs Banker seems like a liability

    4. Redux


      Banker > Hoke


    1. Moiraine
    2. CheeseHusker


      I don't like OSU but gee that's a brutal way to lose.

  5. Foosball?

    1. The Dude

      The Dude

      Huck it. Chuck it. Football.

  6. K. Williams + Gerry are going to be a crazy good duo.

    1. ScottyIce


      + Reed and AWill are both really exciting too. See Bowl Game

    2. MLB 51

      MLB 51

      Great group of DB's. Hope they stop playing that 10 yard cushion, though.

  7. So did newby get injured or what? Didn't see him much after ozigbo

  8. So did newby get injured or what? Didn't see him much after ozigbo

    1. Huskerzoo


      I don't think he was injured so much as Ozigbo was clearly the better back.

    2. ZRod


      Seemed like they planned on a rotation, and then stuck with the hot hand in the close game.

  9. Targeting has destroyed hitting

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lilred


      I'm OK with that. For the longevity of the sport. I don't think huge hits should really be celebrated. But as long as it's going to be flagged, the penalty should just be called "Big Hit on Receiver"

    3. jsneb83


      I wouldn't be so upset if they weren't trying to confirm a guy was not targeting instead of trying to confirm if a guy was targeting.

    4. NUance


      There needs to be some incidental head contact for like a 10 yd penalty. That wasn't targeting. Helmets barely touched.

  10. SEC SEC

    1. ZRod


      Good badger!

    2. krc1995


      LSU will probably still get in the playoffs.

    3. Redux


      What does this mean for LSU?


      "Nothing, they still play a bunch of great teams in the SEC blah blah blah smoke SEC pole blah blah."

  11. Wisconsin straight giving the game to LSU

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Redux


      Not impressed by him at all

    3. Decked


      Some dropped passes and a fumble hurt them a lot

    4. Day by Day

      Day by Day

      Might have just won it.

  12. How the hell did Houston get so good so fast?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. jaws


      You guys are welcome to Tim Beck once Urban is done with him.

    3. ZRod


      No thanks. You can keep him. Although he's not that bad of an OC. A QB coach he is not...

    4. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Ummmm how about NO, Mr.jaws.

  13. Slept right through the earthquake. Here in Kansas we only wake up for naders.

  14. Bush to transfer

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedRedJarvisRedwine


      Good for him. Probablya year too late.

    3. ZRod


      Wish we coulda seen him in action. I like the raw talent he seemed to have, but I guess he just wasn't quite there yet...

    4. Creighton Duke

      Creighton Duke

      I guess they did want to come back down from this cloud.

  15. Jerry was a race car driver

    1. VectorVictor


      And he drove so goddamn fast...

    2. Danny Bateman

      Danny Bateman

      My roommate tried to convince me that the Seinfeld theme was laid down by Primus. We got into a heated argument.

    3. GSG


      South Park's theme was

  16. Boy this has been a pretty painful offseason..

    1. NUance


      Meh, it's always something. :shrug:

    2. MLB 51

      MLB 51

      Yep, always something.

  17. Commence recruiting meltdown

    1. ZRod


      What now?

    2. Decked


      See status below

  18. Sounds like Greg Simmons was carted off the field with a neck injury...uh oh..

    1. zoogs


      Any time I hear that, I just hope there's a career left to be had. But hopefully it's one of the less serious incidents.

    2. The Dude

      The Dude

      Hopefully just being precautious.

    3. NUance
  19. Does Banker even know what he's saying half the time?

    1. ZRod



    2. NUance


      Fran is worse. Barely.


  20. Looks like Rose-Ivey tweaked his knee again at practice. Severity to be determined.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Redux



    3. gbr93


      sounds like "a sore knee" initially. lets hope so anyways

    4. NUance


      Damn it. He had so much promise when he came to NU. Dude just can't stay healthy. Hope it's not serious. :/

  21. Last Chance U....binge worthy!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Huskerzoo


      I would love for it to be able to get into D1 ball.

    3. SUHperman


      Their coach is insane. I couldn't believe he got in a shoving match with a ref in the middle of a game.

    4. Saunders


      The ref was talking crap and was getting in the coaches way in the sideline and told him to move. Coach totally lost his cool, but the ref was picking a fight there too.

  22. Anyone hear what Paul Finebaum had to say about MSU and Bama at the SEC media day? Exposed some of the ridiculous suspensions coming from within the SEC.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Savage Husker

      Savage Husker

      Zrod- lol I have no excuse

    3. C N Red

      C N Red

      Bout time he got off his SEC parade float and became a real media person.

    4. Landlord


      Pawwwwwl is the only one who EVER plays tough with Saban.

  23. Whiskey bent and hell bound

    1. ZRod


      You did what with your dick last night?

    2. JJ Husker
    3. Redux


      ZRod beat me to it

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