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Status Updates posted by StPaulHusker

  1. Hello Nebraska. I'm home.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. beanman


      Oh. Well enjoy the weather.

    3. StPaulHusker


      I did enjoy it. Nothing like drinking.g beers outside in the sun in March

    4. beanman


      I'm liking it too. I'll probably be bitching in July when it's horribly hot and humid, but that's just reason to escape up north.

  2. I punched the first drunk, annoying Irish person I saw today. My mom should have seen it coming.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Danny Bateman

      Danny Bateman

      He doesn't have mirrors at his house, for obvious reasons.

    3. StPaulHusker


      I wasn't drunk and annoying.........yet

    4. NUance


      Ha haha! Your mom will get you back when you're not expecting it. And she sobers up. lol

  3. RIP, Oderus Urungus.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. True2tRA


      I once had an Oderus Crotum.

    3. MLB 51
    4. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      I read the article about his death. I still have absolutely no clue about him or his band or music. Completely unfamiliar with any of it.

  4. Joined the Dollar Shave Club, you guys. So far, I think it was a good move.

  5. Heading back to Nebraska tomorrow. Always look forward to going "home" for a few days.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NUance


      Has anyone told you the secret handshake? It changed recently.

    3. GM_Tood


      Have you traveled to West Africa recently?

    4. StPaulHusker


      Tood-What does it matter if I did? Omaha takes patients now.

  6. Remember when voters thought Texas A&M was the 5th best team in the country and they had a Heisman Trophy candida at after one win against a terrible South Carolina?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Creighton Duke
    3. Count 'Bility

      Count 'Bility

      Hey. Remember when they made Miss St #1 cuz they had wins over a terrible Lsu and a now terrible Texas A&M?

    4. redout22
  7. Just ate lunch at Denny's. Not one of my best life choices.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GSG



    3. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      I'm sorry. T's & P's headed your way.

    4. StPaulHusker


      I didn't just get released from prison or got drunk last night. For some reason my son loves their pancakes and wanted to go there for lunch. Last time I let a 7 year old make dining choices for me.

  8. Is it safe to be on Huskerboard yet?

  9. SCotch, Whiskey, or Beer tonight?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chaddyboxer
    3. Something Clever

      Something Clever

      Scotch all the way

    4. HUSKER 37

      HUSKER 37

      One of the other ¨brilliant Mad Scientists¨ I work with wrote ¨Scott's Tape" on the chalk board for stuff we need to order

  10. I'm going drinking in Davenport, IA tonight. That's all I have.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ZRod


      Why do you have to objectify women like that at a trade show?

    3. StPaulHusker


      Believe me. If there were women worth objectifying at these events, I would without question.

    4. B.B. Hemingway

      B.B. Hemingway

      On a Thursday??????????

  11. Haven't seen Huskerboard this quiet.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. StPaulHusker


      Looking at all of the forums, no one is talking about much.

    3. Saunders


      It will pick back up in 4 weeks when Spring ball starts. Happens every year.

    4. RedRedJarvisRedwine


      It will pick up as soon as a member gets thrown out of a bar.

  12. Crushing some over priced pizza and water before taking my boy to his first CWS game

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. StPaulHusker


      Yeah. I'm $60 bucks lighter already

    3. huKSer


      So how did it go? Son's reaction?

    4. StPaulHusker


      He loved it! Wants to come back next year. Might have to. It was a lot of fun


  13. Where is the spreadsheet that shows what players we have on scholarship? I think Mavric used to do something with that.

  14. I met with the Russian ambassador. Just wanted to get that out before someone uncovered the truth.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. QMany


      Russian Ambassador is her stage-name.

    3. StPaulHusker
    4. Thanks_Tom RR

      Thanks_Tom RR

      When can you start?

  15. Cornhusker fans--Always pissed about something.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Danny Bateman

      Danny Bateman

      Ever since the late 90s!

    3. Waldo


      StPaulHusker-- 'that guy'

    4. Enhance


      "Sports" fans is more accurate.

  16. Good bye Greg bell

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. StPaulHusker


      Grissle was dessert when I was growing up

    3. huKSer


      Was it Bell or Washington that was super elusive in pre-season practices?

    4. StPaulHusker


      Against our defense it was probably both

  17. My 6 year old told me that the worse thing about the day camp he is attending this week is that several girls fell in love with him at the swimming pool. I got a little misty eyed.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ADS


      I'm guessing the looks came from his Mother?

    3. StPaulHusker


      All 3 of you are correct.

    4. tschu


      And then one of them got pregnant and you were like whoa, son, slow down

  18. Alabama has 20 verbals for 2014. Only 3 are from Alabama and 7 are from out of SEC country.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HuskerNationNick


      Same thing as last year. Sad thing, they will over sign, like last year, and cut 10 kids from their scholarship because they are the weakest link. Pathetic if you ask me. Good deal they can get those kids there, but honor your word, since they honored theirs and signed the LOI.

    3. StPaulHusker


      I agree. I was more drawn to only 3 of 20 being from the state.

    4. NoLongerN


      That is amazing.


  19. Just bought 2 cases of Sam Adams Oktoberfest and 1 case of Leinenkugel Oktoberfest. My beer supply for the Gophers-Huskers game is complete.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. B.B. Hemingway

      B.B. Hemingway

      Give Sam Adams Pumpkin Ale a chance.... Worthy of gameday drinking....

    3. StPaulHusker


      $65 from SAMS and Costco

    4. Judoka


      I'm pretty open-minded when it comes to beer, but pumpkin ale just isn't for me.

  20. 400 miles from home and one of my kids gets sick and throws up inside the car. -3 degrees outside on the side of the highway trying to clean it up. Christmas in Nebraska is off to a great start.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ShawnWatson


      My daughter pukes in the car like its her job. I feel your pain.

    3. StPaulHusker


      My boy actually rallied afterward. Still disgusting and cold to clean, though.

    4. BigRedPowerWagon


      I learned my lesson a long time ago when looking at houses. We now have dedicated car barf buckets.


  21. If no one saw it last night, James Earl Jones was hilarious on Big Bang Teory

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TonyStalloni


      He has a great sense of humor that rarely gets to come out in most parts he plays.

    3. StPaulHusker


      Those phone commercials he does are pretty funny too

    4. ColoradoHusk


      I love it when "serious actors" show a great sense of humor and aren't so full of themselves.

  22. So if anyone needs any snow, PM me and I will give you directions to my place to haul it out.

  23. I have 666 rep points. Evil has arrived!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Minnesota_husker


      subtle pat on your own back

    3. StPaulHusker


      Yeah. I guess I could have changed my name or something

    4. Foppa


      Luke...Luke...I am your Fathe...oh damn you Shawn I almost had him!

  24. Khal Drogo will be Aquaman in Batman vs Superman

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ZRod


      Johnny Drama says you suck GSG!

    3. TonyStalloni


      Where does Aquaman poop?

    4. The Dude

      The Dude

      I'm over the superhero thing.

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