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Why is Donald Trump a racist?


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He is not a racist. He made a comment about Mexico not sending their best but instead we have had criminals come over our border (this is undeniable). The left used this to message that he is a racist. I used to be much into politics but really learned all you need to know from my dad. I fought him for years on this but he always told me "Son, there are only two things you need to do as a politician...1) Get elected/re-elected and 2) Embarrass the other party." If you look at politicians through this lens, you will basically have the answer on 90% of the stuff that has caused so much angst in our country It makes things really simple. Just choose the party that you align with more and go with that. If you want government to be the answer to everything, want redistribution of wealth, lean socially liberal, want abortion, are anti-gun, then vote left...if you want smaller government, lower taxes, are pro business, are socially conservative, pro-life, pro-gun, then vote right. Most the noise surrounding Trump was stupid and just to cause distraction and embarrass him. While Clinton was the most corrupt politician of our lifetime. The protests going on now...much of it noise to embarrass the other side...damn, people are getting paid good $ to protest....this is what you do when you want to embarrass the other side...you pay them to go make a fuss. Stop being a pawn and think for yourself.

So...(Bolded) Your father taught you that politician's job is to get elected/re-elected and embarrass the other side. From that you get that the best advice is to latch onto a party (RED) So...from that, you have obviously latched onto the Republican party, so therefore you believe the (BLUE) .


By hitching your wagon to the Republican party, I'm sure you consume their media that is, I'm sure, unbiased and tells it like it is....while at the same time believe all those liberal media outlets just lie and don't tell the truth.


Wow, how smart you are. Yes, I do lean Republican/conservative. That's because I mostly align with that party and frankly can't stand some of the stuff the left supports (partial birth abortion, violence against police, big government to baby me). But that doesn't mean I align with all of the right's opinions...like the birther stuff was stupid and just an attempt to embarrass the left. I don't think Trump's ideas are all good but Clinton was pure awful. I used to get worked up about it (like many posters on this site) but it's not worth it when you realize what mostly is going on. It is actually quite sad there is very little unbiased news today. Answer me this...if Trump supporters were out rioting like idiots I am sure the left would be fully supportive of them to express their freedom of speech and herald them as real Americans...gimme a break. You know the two sides would switch to the exact opposite side of their argument today to support their side and embarrass the other side. Think about it...but not for too long because you already know I am completely correct.

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For sake of example, one could protest Obama because they don't want insurance companies to cover preexisting conditions. Or they could protest him because they don't like black people. Not the same thing.


I happen to think there's quite a lot worth protesting Trump over. There are also some things to protest about Hillary. For example, I can imagine peace activists making it clear that they find hawkish ME policy unacceptable and want the drone program to end. I sympathize a great deal with that, and would have applauded such actions to put the right pressure on an HRC administration.


I think perhaps not being so eager to declare moral victory over idiot opponents is a better way to go than "politics is all the same, therefore my partisanship is the right one."

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All protests are not equal. Depends on what's being protested.

= "I will only support freedom of speech when I agree with it!" Game, set, match.


“Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in.”

― Isaac Asimov

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Imagine what Ronald Reagan would think of Vladimir Putin.


And then think about how Republican voters during the Obama presidency idolized Putin. And how they still do, to this day.


Makes you sick when you think about it.

Yep. Reagan would not recognize the current party. Reagan would be trying to find a way to move Putin to the ash-heap of history.



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