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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/2018 in Posts

  1. So to add to the "facts" ... the WHO (World Health Organization) evaluates the ICD (International Classification of Diseases) and makes changes when its deemed necessary. The last update was in 1990 (I think that's when this transgender number was added) and they are updating the entire book again this year. Funny thing, they have submitted that transgender should be taken out of the classification of mental disease. It's been through multiple committees and been approved, so I expect that you'll see this go away this year. So @Ric Flair when the APA guidelines change as planned, will that change your opinion of these folks and where they belong in society? The funny part is, they bucketed transgender into the mental disease group because of the "if you have it and it makes you distressed" definition. After doing clinical trials and looking at data they found out that it wasn't the transgender part that distressed them, it was the social rejection and violence - NOT being transgendered. So expect the new codes to include gender incongruence in sexual diagnosis, not mental disorders. And it will be viewed as a medical and biological disorder. Exactly like homosexuality has moved and "hysteria" (often used for labelling women) and then have both fallen off all together. The reason gender incongruence will still be included will be so that these folks can get the medical help they need. And not just for surgical sex changes and hormones (I"m assuming that will be what you question immediately). So in a nutshell - the society around these folks are what is really a mental illness - not them. I anticipate that your opinion will stay the same, similar to the thoughts you've expressed about abortions. Even though that is a medically approved procedure you think it's indefensible and should be curbed. So that medical coding procedure, and all the opinions and data hasn't made you feel differently about it. I'd expect when this changes you will hold your position as it too seems deeper than a definition in a billing book or a medical procedure to you.
    7 points
  2. When you start appreciating being a "part" of this forum rather than an "opponent" you may realize discussion (and even minority opinion) is appreciated.
    5 points
  3. When trump does stupid things or absolutely makes things up or attacks law enforcement or his kids do corrupt things...an outlet reporting that isn’t “in the tank” for the democrats.
    5 points
  4. @Ric Flair, let's go ahead and set this record straight once and for all. First, and most importantly, the APA removed gender identity disorder (GID) as a listed mental disorder in 2012. They publish the DSM. They replaced it with something new called "gender dysphoria" to help diagnose and treat people who are stressed by the gender mismatch between their identity and body. The intent with this move was to destigmatize transgenders, help spur better health care and recognize that the mismatch between someone's birth gender and identity may not be pathological. The cornerstone for your argument is essentially a misunderstanding of the DSM and the APA's position, along with the position of other leading health care professionals. Second, in the early release of the World Health Organization's ICD-11, they've moved gender identity disorders from the classification of 'mental and behavioral disorders' to a new category called 'gender incongruence.' Third, you were suspended for two reasons last month: 1) You were trolling a thread 2) You explicitly referred to transgenders as mentally ill while ignoring the highly controversial and potentially offensive nature of doing so. You presented your opinion from a position of intolerance. The way you posted your opinion was interpreted as a violation of board rule number five. Finally, I have personally told you once before that there is a place on this board in the Woodshed for airing grievances about warnings and suspensions. Consider this the last time we will politely ask to not pollute the board or a thread with misgivings about suspensions.
    3 points
  5. I don't know many conservatives that seek out liberal sources of information. There aren't a ton of people in rural Nebraska tuning in to MSNBC or reading HuffPo for their info. People self-sort when it comes to media. Most people I know try to consume a variety of sources, and that's what I'd tell anybody who asked how to get news. But again, I think your initial assertion is wrong. There may be a slight bias in favor of liberalism in the U.S. media as whole. But they certainly aren't automatically, reflexively in the tank for libs. I think you're discounting the extent to which Trump is a polarizing figure on his own, and the amount he just says and does really dumb sh#t. Media outlets have to report on that stuff, even his idiotic tweets. Plus, there's often an overcompensation by the media in trying to combat a perceived liberal bias that winds up making liberals look bad. See: Hillary Clinton's emails.
    3 points
  6. This post basically shows the problem you are having on the site. Hint, it’s not your opinions.
    3 points
  7. Posts intentionally inflammatory thread crying about intolerance. Thread is tolerated by both Mods & the people the OP intolerantly labels "liberal." Sucks when your victimhood is disproved by your own claim of victimhood.
    3 points
  8. Having realistic fear based on facts is extremely important and make decision with rational thought. The problem is, this administration has done nothing but fabricate fear based on totally made up crap to build support for their extreme policies. That should be called out and they should not be rewarded for it by supporting them.
    2 points
  9. You purported the claim about 90% so it is on you to provide the numbers and documentation to support it. The article you posted does not at any point support your assertion that "90%" of the media leans left. In fact, it directly contradicts you. You're purporting and defending a position that has no factual backing.
    2 points
  10. Great post MC. Thanks for sharing. I suspect most people don’t know anyone who is openly transgender and thus haven’t heard a first-hand account of what that is like. Good luck with your journey. I hope it works out for you.
    2 points
  11. Didn't know Daniel Tosh played football
    2 points
  12. I have no other reason for posting this, other than to demonstrate what an empty suit and ideological flimflam man this young conservative "intellectual" is. This is one of the people conservatives expect to be at the forefront and take up their mantle someday. Somewhere along the way politics became more about trying to humiliate the other team and make punchy-sounding arguments than lead the country. It's a shame.
    2 points
  13. UCF 72 plays a game - 57th in country Nebraska 71 plays a game- 77th in country Nebraska had the ball on offense that much because their defense was constantly giving up scores, usually quick ones. UCF has the ball that much because they were scoring so many points. I don’t remember the stat, but they had a very high amount of points per possession.
    2 points
  14. Hey don't group me with these people. I intolerantly reported the OP for calling all the mods liberals.
    2 points
  15. So your problem isn't that your opinions aren't tolerated, it's that you don't understand what "tolerated" means.
    2 points
  16. I disagree with this part. That's basically saying 9/10 journalists are biased against Trump and Republicans. 1) There is no way to prove this and 2) I've worked in different roles in the news business my whole career; anecdotally, that percentage is simply untrue and impossible. Most people's perception of 'bias' in the news media is grossly over-exaggerated. Trump says a lot of things that are either misleading or wrong. He, deservedly, gets called out for it. He's made it a part of himself so much as a sunrise is part of the world. It's who he is and it's largely his fault that it gets talked about so much - he keeps doing it and at an incredibly large scale.
    2 points
  17. Here's the deal: "capitalism" is intolerant (*). Hear me out. We like to cry that Laura Ingrahm can't say what she feels. Alex Jones is being silenced. Some reporter from a "left" publisher is pro-life and has an "in your face" way of saying it and is fired. We can yell "censorship" all we want, but you know what matters? Customers. If I'm a manager at Walmart and my cashier is handing out Target coupons; well they will be dealt with. If I'm a salesman for a Ford dealership and talk about how GM has much better value, I'm being dealt with. These people get paid for their opinions, but there is a limit. I don't care where you lay on the political spectrum there is eventually a line between making your readers/listeners "think" and just plain "pissing them off." This isn't "intolerant", it's "business". (*) People will be in charge of themselves, this can be a good thing. But to be a successful individual, you have to care about what others think. Fact of life, better get used to it....
    2 points
  18. We are in absolute agreement. Letting him have a Twitter account is like letting your uncle drive home after drinking about a case of beer. Take away the damn keys already.
    2 points
  19. I am making a trip to a road game for the first time since Mizzou in '07 to see NU in Columbus in November. That night, I will be content if we make Ohio State punt for the first time in 3 years. Every other game I would be surprised if each is not competitive. I expect close games all year with way more fight than has been shown in a long time.
    2 points
  20. I am a liberal and I wear that mantle proudly. I'm pretty tolerant. I believe everybody should have a right to say whatever they want to say, short of direct threats of violence. Even hate speech. But what a lot of people don't get is that while the 1A allows them that right, it doesn't protect them from the consequences from how they use it. I read the article from Ric's OP. It was a pretty long and tortured defense of the conservative dude recently fired from the Atlantic. For reference, he was fired because he tweeted in the past that women who got abortions or medical professionals that provide them should be lynched. But the author went to great lengths to explain how the conservative guy was the victim and the only truly tolerant one in the situation. That's right, the guy who wants to lynch women and doctors is the tolerant one. He even goes into a descriptive passage describing how the guy was born shortly before Roe v. Wade and therefore "narrowly escape abortion" and how "he’d be sharing office space with people who believe it would have been totally fine, completely morally acceptable, and possibly virtuous if a doctor had ripped him to pieces in his mother’s womb." The whole thing reads like an outlet for the author's victimhood complex as a conservative. He attacks the weakest examples of progressivism to make his points. But nothing changed in the fundamental 1A equation: Williamson expressed a pretty strong, controversial view and he was canned because of it. The equation shouldn't change regardless of his political stripes. This is all to say: Free speech (and its ramifications) don't really care about your politics.
    2 points
  21. I think agreeing on facts gets back to taking citizenship seriously. A good citizen is an informed and educated one. If people actually loved and cared about their country they would understand the importance of solid education system. One provided to every child and teenager regardless of their socioeconomic background, and one that stresses critical thinking. It's no shock at the situation we find ourselves in when we have cut funding and devalued education for the last 20 or so years. We are reaping what we've sown.
    2 points
  22. If thats true im not sure Nebraska will win another game. Ever.
    2 points
  23. The tolerance of liberals is on full display here. You’re perfectly cool with silencing the opinions of those you disagree with. How sad. The other thread was deleted Denver....because ....you know...tolerance.
    2 points
  24. Think we beat both Northwestern and Iowa. Along with at least 1 of the other 4.
    2 points
  25. This is an awesome award to be a part of. Congrats to all 27 of these athlete's!
    1 point
  26. There in lies the rub....Ingraham wasn't castigated because of her opinion. She was pushed back against because she took a personal attack at a person that happened to hold a differing opinion. Something that might get a person banned from a site such as HuskerBoard because it's just plain rude and immature.... edit: if this person really wants to look at each "rude and immature" take and label it as "rude and immature" I guess I'd be okay with it. And that would go for 'both sides'..
    1 point
  27. What’s that saying? Save the best for last? Maybe this is the McCaffrey we finally land.
    1 point
  28. No problem. Media has opinions: FoxNews = conservative, and MSNBC = liberal, I don't have a problem with that; I don't think these companies really hide it. But when a company starts buying up "local" accounts to create a new "middle ground", or basis of facts, that is a problem. I'm sure many on the "right" would have a problem if Soros started buying up local TV stations. My thought: Local TV should be that: local. How are current policies affecting our area? It might be a tall order, but one I hope for. I know I'm daydreaming, but I would actually watch local news if they led off with current policy decisions, and then set up a panel to discuss what it means. But really I don't care to hear a segment from someone in Omaha about the situation in Syria followed by the cutest cats in the metro area....I will browse headlines of local news, but I never watch it because it seems to be really pointless.
    1 point
  29. I think the difference between the two will be the production of the plays.
    1 point
  30. What didn't matter? That people don't see your point of view? Is that what you think "intolerance" is, when people don't conform to your worldview? This seems like begging for an excuse to be an ass to people. "The truth often hurts feelings." Yes, it does, but that doesn't give a person license to be a jerk. There are ways to discuss unpopular truths without being inflammatory, condescending, or an asshat.
    1 point
  31. These are puff pieces advocating for letting in more refugees. Where are the descriptions of the actual vetting?
    1 point
  32. You have to admit though, Trump says and tweets some pretty outrageous things. And more often than not he's factually challenged.
    1 point
  33. Just watched The Jungle on Amazon. Good flick featuring Daniel Radcliff. It took about 5 minutes to get beyond seeing Harry Potter so not very long. True story, I'd recommend.
    1 point
  34. You cant call your self ric flair and be this s#!tty and making promos.
    1 point
  35. If GSG boils any ribs I will personally make the 30 minute trip to slap him upside the head. Low and slow my friend, low and slow.
    1 point
  36. I will add to what Enhance said. Living in the Detroit metro I am blessed to hear both extreme conservative and extreme liberal radio stations, both are equally deplorable. NPR is about the most unbiased source of news on the radio. However even their local programming is a bit liberally slanted. People need to take their citizenship seriously. They need to consume multiple sources and multiple types of media. They need to understand that people like Limbaugh, Hannity, Maddow, Lemon ,etc. are dangerous for this country. They argue on emotions not facts.
    1 point
  37. That seems to be an insane amount of muscle mass in just 7 weeks.....I'd love to get that workout and diet plan.....Regardless, it does seem to be a drastic improvement over last year.
    1 point
  38. When you're so far right of center, anything to the left of you is "liberal." There was literally a thread on this board less than two years ago where some of the more right-wing members wanted a section of the board of their very own where they could post without any "liberals" countering their opinions with facts. There has never been such a thread from the self-avowed liberals. The problem with the ultra-right posters on this board is they want to fight fact with emotion. Or, in some extreme cases, fight fact with untruths. Our good, honest, dyed-in-the-wool conservatives have no such problems because they allow facts to form their opinions. BRB, TGH, JJ, and a couple others whose names are escaping me right now (sorry) are excellent at this. Of course, like jsneb83 said, most people here are moderates, but they're conflated with liberals by some people who lack perspective. So it goes.
    1 point
  39. If we're being honest, there isn't much of a sample size here other than liberals for you to make this "claim".
    1 point
  40. I think we have one additional trump card in our hand that most are forgetting to factor in to the coming season and the one after that. Tom Osborne has been seen making his presence felt in and around the football offices, etc and certainly is quite proud of Scott Frost and all indications are he supports everything he is doing. His advice, counsel, suggestions, etc have got to be invaluable in the effort to revive Husker fball. TO has forgotten more about college football than the commentators etc of ESPN will likely ever know. His aid and comfort are surely worth a couple wins in a couple of the close ones. We are hearing the team is actually getting in much better physical shape and this will add a great deal of confidence and help the physical matchups against the bottom half of the schedule certainly. Assuming the general reporting is relatively accurate, the team is doing well and learning and making the effort to get better. We won't be world beaters but we are going to be a lot harder for the middle of the road teams to push around. A 7-5 record ought to be very reasonable and 8 or 9 winse is not all that unreasonable. And a team that ge. ts a few wins gains confidence and can believe in itself enough to pull an upset or two vs teams with the talent edge. Last year was very disappointing to me and I expected much better. I see no reason to think this team can't be better than last year's team. Being an optimist, I will say we win no less than 9!
    1 point
  41. This will be a fantastic failure
    1 point
  42. Mike Ditka vs a hurricane who do you take?
    1 point
  43. Well you're clearly viewing it wrong. The only way to watch the movie is with 30 years of fan boy day dreams and 10 ideas of how YOU would have written the movie.
    1 point
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