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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/30/2023 in all areas

  1. Most Americans, yes. Most republicans ….dont think so.
    5 points
  2. Sorry I know they were short handed but that was an embarrassment to your season FSU. Pathetic on all levels. Never cry again.
    3 points
  3. I think Nebraska is being credited with 33 years and they just used a picture of Osborne because he was the HC for most of it. It was HuskGuys who tried to credit it all to Osborne.
    3 points
  4. I have only a few possible explanations for this. 1- A significant number of potential voters are detached from reality. 2- Also it’s possible that, for some, their reality is much different than others. For example, personally I think the economy has been great. Sure there has been some nasty inflation and most everything costs more but for many income is also up and my business has been doing great ever since the start of the pandemic. I can’t complain but I can see how many could. And to be clear, imo, elections are always primarily about the economy and how people feel they are doing in that economy. It is somewhat human nature to feel you should be faring better than you are. 3- And this one may be harsh but Trump supporters are, how did Hillary put it, deplorables. It has been obvious for quite some time that many of them have racist tendencies, don’t really understand the basis of our country, are more than willing to push their religious beliefs on others and are perfectly content to watch it burn as long as they feel their scumbag candidate will cater to their ugly desires. 4- Neither party has a single candidate (or senator or congressperson) worth a damn. Joe may look like a saint compared to Trump but he is not a strong candidate imo. He is just plain too old. He only seems good because the alternative is so much worse. Our system is broken. Better people won’t strive for these offices because the current state of affairs favors extremism and not working together. And the ones who do strive for office do it for selfish reasons and not out of any sense of duty for others. Basically we’re f#&%ed and it will likely only get worse. Happy New Year!
    2 points
  5. Dems kept Bernie out. My friend is a hardcore Dem. We had a conversation in te summer of 2016. He said if Hilary loses it would be because she is arrogant. A great article in the Atlantic, I think??, stated that people on the ground in Wisconsin, Penn, and Michigan were telling her she was losing. She said told them they didn't know what they were talking about...they did.
    2 points
  6. I think that in order for the Trump administration to have had policies compromised, they would have needed to advance policies in the first place. Whatever they did or didn't do took place in a partisan rancor in which the Mueller Report was treated as political theater by both sides. Without the Mueller Report, the vacuum is filled by any number of jaw-dropping and unprecedented actions by Donald Trump, who did much of the galvanizing on his own, by design. And are we really tracing the roots of impossible compromise? Any room for the 100 attempts by House Republicans to repeal Obamacare? Or the 33 investigations and 4 public hearings on Benghazi? Fun fact: the Mueller Report specifically did not absolve Trump. The Russia interference story may have been a lot of things, but hoax is not the accurate term. As a "normie" I think you would take these lessons learned and encourage your party to drop its obsession with Hunter Biden.
    2 points
  7. I'm glad Maryland didn't run up the score on us like they're doing to Auburn right now.
    2 points
  8. I'd say the burden of research falls on you. Climate scientists have been using pretty simple straightforward metrics for a few decades now. They clearly demonstrated measurable trends in global warming, severe weather patterns and sea level rise, and the more recent research suggests it's happening even faster than original projections. The normally pragmatic and non-bleeding heart Pentagon ranked climate change as the #1 threat to global security in the coming decade. Can you find some non-expert claiming the world will end in 12 years? Sure. But they're idiots. Every scientist and most of us normies understand that we are talking about a window in the coming decade or so for making substantial changes before carbon levels reach a tipping point --- at which point projections for more catastrophic consequences typically stretch out over the next hundred years. All that being said? Climate change rarely makes the news and barely breaks the Top 10 in voter concerns. The cost of health care is usually #1. The inability of Republicans and Democrats to work together is #2. If you want to make a strawman argument out of the most hysterical liberal exaggeration you can find, you're part of that #2 problem.
    2 points
  9. I think most want them to vote based on the Constitution.
    2 points
  10. I’ve never been threatened or accused of disloyalty and seeing as how I support people within a party and not a party I wouldnt care if I was accused of disloyalty That is what being a normie is all about. And why I voted for Laura Kelly twice. She was better than Brownback and did a good enough job to get a second term compared to who she was running against. Plus I don’t mind divided government. Normie things
    2 points
  11. Well, feel free to start researching the climate change ragers who told us the world would end in 12 years (about four years ago) and/or told us Europe would be snow free by now, and told us polar ice caps would be gone by now, that the Midwest would not see snow anymore, etc etc etc…or you could check out the open border ragers who railed about kids in cages during Trump admin and haven’t said a peep since 2021, and who think immigration policy should be…..no policy, just let ‘em in. After that, there are others we could discuss if you want.
    2 points
  12. Tell me more about this "rage against normal life" and why the news cycle would otherwise ignore the former President who remains the leading candidate to become the most powerful man in the world. While quoting Hitler. As long as we're spitballing, what do you think the Russia Collusion charges slowed or prevented Trump from achieving? How does it feel to support a party where "normies" like you are not only a near invisible minority, they're accused and sometimes threatened for their disloyalty? What does it say if the "next man up" is desperately trying to mirror Trump?
    2 points
  13. the people who demand same day results might not like that system. i can see it taking awhile to get final results sometimes If no candidate wins a majority of first-place votes, the candidate who finished last is eliminated, and his or her supporters’ second-place votes are allocated. If there’s still no candidate with a majority, the process is repeated with the next-to-last candidate. This continues until someone gains a majority and is declared the winner.
    2 points
  14. Plus also we can beat some Ohio Cornnuts! Good nect year for best GBR TuffTiger
    2 points
  15. This is sooooo true! Gun lovers can recite every letter of 2A,, they obsess over it and it consumes them but for the most part it seems like we focus on two or three amendments and that is about it. Use the 14th.
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. How dare those judges... <checks notes> uphold the Constitution.
    2 points
  18. Maybe get more good OL guys who can block well
    2 points
  19. Hard to say which policies could have been compromised and passed exactly, but I can say for sure that it galvanized each side of the aisle so much that compromise on issues was nearly impossible.
    1 point
  20. Wouldn't that be a hoot? A frightening and dangerous hoot, but a hoot just the same.
    1 point
  21. If she would get together with the woman from Florida, they could make a lot of money on only fans.
    1 point
  22. I hope ranked choice catches on rapidly. Regarding the results, if it is advertised and known ahead of time it will be tabulated in 72 hours, it could make a difference.
    1 point
  23. Can't. Day's contract ..... Black Beard For Men
    1 point
  24. (ESPN source) .... "With Caleb Williams watching from the sideline, sophomore Miller Moss threw a Holiday Bowl-record six touchdown passes in his first college start" Almost seven TD's ..... Moss was intercepted at the goal line. 2024 meeting, November 16, Huskers at USC. Miller Time !! 2024 B1G character cast
    1 point
  25. I say we just take the 2 apparent candidates and have them take a cognitive test and whoever scores the highest can be president. That is as long as they score higher than a stump.
    1 point
  26. If I were to venture a savvy intelligent guess, it would be that Fervent Always Trump supporters believe in his cult of personality while also being very opposed to the left wing viewpoint. I believe they also saw him get unjustly persecuted for the Russia collusion scam that derailed a few years of his Presidency and unfortunately are willing to forgive the crazy s#!t he is saying since Dec 1, 2020 because of it. You also have the Never Trumpers/Trump haters who make a living off of Trump but in the opposite way. They need him in the news cycle to make their cheddar. Dem Politicians need him in the news cycle to get themselves re-elected. Bats#!t crazy liberals need him in the news cycle to fuel their rage against normal life. Normies like myself would prefer to move on from him to the next man up.
    1 point
  27. With Raiola at QB, I feel good about our returning receivers and tightends. It is a collective group that got their feet wet. Fidone, Boerkircher, Lloyd, Coleman, Doss. They all gained valuable playing time & some experience from last year. They have tape on them, and they have the offseason to get better. Add Carter (TE), Brice Turner, Charles, Bell (those guys will now be redshirt freshmen, except for Carter)..... I do not see the need for a transfer portal WR. If you get one, then he better be the best #1 target on the team. Like, he will be the best guy the day he sets foot on the turf. Otherwise we are just adding a portal player to an already talented group of players. I think, with Raiola at QB, and the talent we already have, that we can grow together with this group. That's football 101. Nothing is always solved with a transfer portal player. You have to work together with what you have, and give it time.
    1 point
  28. Fleming has already committed to PSU. He just hasn’t put it into the public space.
    1 point
  29. Linkon Cure? As in the fix we've been looking for?!?! He is from Kansas, can't miss this opportunity.
    1 point
  30. I don't need judges doing what they did. In Colorado we can vote to retain or not to retain judges. I have the names of 4 judges that, if given the opportunity, I will not vote to retain them. I have the names of 3 judges that I will vote to retain. All 7 are democrat appointed.
    1 point
  31. The J6 insurrection is the lowest hanging fruit with the best video clips, but I wish people wouldn't make it the single disqualifier. It's really a sidebar to a much bigger story: unambiguous, from the horses mouth evidence that Donald Trump actively plotted and strategized overturning the election, interferring, manipulating and threatening various branches of government to lie and decieve the American public in an attempt to hold office like a third world dictator. Most of it was done within the confines of the electoral system, so an electoral-based punishment makes perfect sense. If you're a Supreme Court judge, the act of threatening various Secretaries of State to find you votes by any means necessary is a much clearer and actionable charge than parsing responsibility for a public riot. If January 6 had never happened, the case against Trump remains huge and unprecedented.
    1 point
  32. You've posted this take a couple of times. You either believe: He poses no threat to democracy even though he's already attempted a coup and currently has a plan in place to stay in power if elected again indefinitely . Or you believe he has no chance at reelection which is pretty flippant considering the stakes are so high. Or you're ok if, in all his incompetent glory, he attempts to burn down our way of life and institutions and goes on his revenge tour solely to salve his fragile ego and fever dreams of being a dictator. Kind of weird that you think people posting about this guy in the "Politics and Religion" forum is an obsession. Rightfully wary of a second term would be a better description.
    1 point
  33. Cam Jurgens got a flamethrower
    1 point
  34. SIAP, Callahan is reporting that Ruggeroli (we all knew that one) Taylor and Koch did not sign NLI’s and will be walk-ons. They will all have NIL deals instead.
    1 point
  35. Let's figure out how to add drama so our coaches and husker gear can still be in national ads weeks after losing 8 of our last 9 games.
    1 point
  36. For a class that is somewhat more quantity and not as much quality, we still did end up with guys on several of these "top" lists.
    1 point
  37. I don't know if Trev can lift the curse, but damnit he's trying. Is it just the version where the hand gesture is changed, or something more?
    1 point
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