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The King

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Status Updates posted by The King

  1. Forgot Dennard was a Patriot.. can't root against them now...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Danny Bateman

      Danny Bateman

      I'll do it too. Me n C N Red are teaming up.

    3. Count 'Bility

      Count 'Bility

      Ruud plays for Houston and love for Dennard cannot overcome dislike for Brady and Bellicheck. Just plain ole' jealousy I guess.

    4. HANC


      Woodhead hasn't seen field today has he? Wife works with his mom, so a little interest there

  2. Alexander, Clark or Stringfellow is my best guess. Have no clue honestly though.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MLB 51

      MLB 51

      Would we take Alexander's brother as well? I say Stringfellow.

    3. corncraze


      Could be Stringfellow. His process has been very quite for a while.

    4. Blackshirts007


      The tweets suggest its a defensive player but who the hell knows

  3. This LeBron guy is a real special person.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NUance


      He catches a lot of flack. But he da MAN.

    3. Husker Richard
    4. beanman


      I wonder why he gets a lot of flack? " LeBron got a little frisky with the media after the game, telling some members to “Leave me alone. Get the f–k outta my face.”

  4. How'd you get life insurance, Lana? Don't they know you're in the danger zone?

  5. Anyone else want Q to have a MONSTER season for his draft stock? Haven't liked a receiver as much as him in a long time.

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    2. Hoosker


      I believe it was Kenny Bell who said he looks like he's made of marble. He's very tough to bring down, but he seems to have trouble going up and getting it, then staying on his feet. There was a couple times in that NW game when he went up to catch a deep post pass and landed awkwardly. He just needs to fine tune some things and his stock should rise

    3. The Dude

      The Dude

      There was a lot of times in that NW game, though, that he looked like a man among boys.

    4. Hoosker


      Oh definitely. He was towering over those corners. Could have had a 200 yard day.

  6. I fully expect some negative things to come out of practice here pretty soon. Gotta get in the hype in check.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. True2tRA


      Yea, but I can handle that bullsh#t Bo usually says. I just want a year without any major bad news on the injury front.....(knock knock)

    3. Chaddyboxer


      Defense blowing ass?!

    4. HuskerShark


      In his press conference today, he said that the offense has looked sharp at times, but the O vs. D battle has gone back and forth a lot. That's good to hear... I think.

  7. Jamal Turner, punt returner, got a nice ring to it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GSG


      Also, no ding-ding before the ring-ring

    3. ZRod


      Man, woman, and child!

    4. Nobody


      "Jamal Turner returns the punt for a Touchdown!! 6 Points Huskers!" ...That has a slightly better ring to it. =)

  8. Tempted to fly out for the UCLA game...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EZ-E


      Pull the trigger

    3. The King

      The King

      I already "drunkenly" pulled the trigger on booking a flight to LA for the Rose Bowl. College students can't afford NICE THINGS!

    4. Frida's Boss

      Frida's Boss

      dont do it ....too many other good things on tv that day to miss...wait for the rose bowl


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Omaha-Husker


      Lots of football tonight! Got to get it all in.

    3. 308_Husker


      My god, he is so hyped that if he doesn't kill somebody with a tackle, it will be a disappointment.

    4. ZRod


      He looks out of shape.

  10. This place is hilarious

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. True2tRA


      Don't let he extremes to one side or the other rule your train of thought. Both sides have points. This is and is not what we should have expected.

    3. True2tRA


      Moreso not though. By a longshot lol.

    4. The King

      The King

      I'll admit I didn't expect this - but knew they would put up points with that offense, especially in our first game.

  11. Bo has made lots of changes this off-season. I hope he is willing to do what is best for the ball club, despite his loyalties.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Junior


      He wore red on the sideline instead of gray. I think that counts?

    3. NUance


      Bo's loyalty should be to NU. Not to employees of NU.

    4. MLB 51

      MLB 51

      You are correct NUance. Wonder if he figures this out soon enough though.

  12. Told you guys the future is now. TA! TA! TA!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HuskerNationNick


      TA still doesn't fix our defense. Defense wins championships/big games.

    3. PaulCrewe


      So, if by some chance TA struggles a bunch against a defense that is hell of a lot better than SDSU, does JSVII become the future

    4. walksalone


      Great, another face in the crowd yelling "I told you so"... f'ing wundebar...

  13. Couldn't be happier with Bo Pelini staying. Hopefully he makes some staff changes, though.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheSker


      I'm happy as well. Let's finish this recruiting season strong.

    3. KJ.


      Yeah, best case scenario for the season. No doubt.

    4. husker ponsler

      husker ponsler

      Yes he needed to stay but needs to make changes on the staff. Starting with Dc and special teams

  14. What did EZ do to get banned? Hahaha

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. beanman


      I can't say that I miss him. Oh well, the "R" word is overused anyway.

    3. B.B. Hemingway

      B.B. Hemingway

      How long is he gone?


    4. beanman
  15. Wonder what happened to Hedley... disappears again..

  16. Brett Okamoto ‏@bokamotoESPN 35s Doctor that operated on Anderson Silva said he asked in the pre-op area, "When can I train?"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ratt Mhule

      Ratt Mhule

      That's good news, I guess

    3. The King

      The King

      6-9 months until he can train

    4. C N Red

      C N Red

      But that leg wont be anywhere close to back to normal for probably 18-24 months.

  17. Shawn Watson = QB coach, not OC. Texas going to have a helluva staff.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TonyStalloni


      Probably got a raise in salary and a demotion in position.

    3. NUance


      He started out as the QB coach of Louisville too. All just part of SW's plan for world domination.



      Now if Cosgrove could get a coaching job somewhere in Texas, Nebraska revenge would be complete.

  18. Charlton Warren ‏@CoachCwarren 52s Jus when u thot it was done.....another future #BOOM this morning!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The King

      The King

      Huge start to 2015...

    3. huskerfan99


      Wow coach Warren is the man! Guy recruits his A$$ off!!!

    4. Warrior10
  19. Joseph Keels ‏@Jkeels_9 2m Cut 11 since I been tightening up and like I promised my first step will not be a weakness come fall.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Haspula


      Hope he's better than ankrah

    3. Warrior10


      Keels is of the biggest "make or break" guys for next season. We need another standout DE.

    4. Hoosker


      I like where his head's at. The spring game is a ways away yet and he's already thinking about the fall. I'm eager to see what he ends up doing in his time here. The fact that he is a Wisconsin native is an interesting twist.

  20. Chaddy, delete some messages buddy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ZRod


      F U C.. never mind...

    3. Chaddyboxer
    4. Chaddyboxer


      What happened? I was away from the site doing work, you guys

  21. 9-3, better than 8-4. staff still needs to go. Pap, Beck, Els at minimum

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ZRod
    3. Warrior10


      I've been more leaning towards this all along. Hope this helps.

    4. The King

      The King

      Preferably proven coordinators. No more learn on the job guys. What's Zook up to?

  22. As fans, we owe Bo a lot

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dr. Mantis Toboggan

      Dr. Mantis Toboggan

      I think his buyout is enough. We owe our AD more for listening to the fans who pay for the success of this program.

    3. beanman


      Exactly Watson. The guy leaves here rich and can pick up a D-coordinator job somewhere without a problem. He'll be fine. The only person I feel sorry for is Ganz. And Ron Brown.

    4. Dr. Mantis Toboggan

      Dr. Mantis Toboggan

      Is Ron Brown fired also?

  23. Reuben Jones : Nebraska doesn't know what they are doing, they are gonna lose this class. thanks, Boss. this is bigger than one class.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Count 'Bility

      Count 'Bility

      It was a small class anyway. And there plenty of established youth on the team to begin with. Its actuall perfect toming for a change.

    3. Chaddyboxer


      Please Davis twins....stay!

    4. True2tRA


      2015 is a year that obviously could be a wash. It could go either way but who would be shocked with any letdown? We just fired our HC. To be honest though, I don't expect a huge letdown. Let's see if the current players will man up.

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