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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/2018 in all areas

  1. I remember when Bo told Suh that he needed to get better before going to the NFL, which is a major reason Suh returned for his senior season. It worked on Suh and he had one of the most dominant seasons of any player in NCAA history in 2009. Maybe it'll light a fire under Jackson.
    4 points
  2. Bo Kittrell & Jacob Weinmaster came to the running club last night to talk about the Football Road Race (to benefit Team Jack). They did a "fun facts" about them as an intro. When Kittrell was 4 years old he dressed up as Scott Frost for Halloween.
    4 points
  3. Welcome to Trump's America, snowflake cuck social justice warrior. Go cry in your Obummer pillow.
    3 points
  4. Charles Barkley If you don't believe me, just ask him
    3 points
  5. Been awhile since this thread has been bumped. That pesky ole slush fund the Trump Foundation just won't go away. Edit: Thread with good info. This actually goes deeper than I thought. Not only did they use his charity to decorate Trump golf courses and pay off legal fees, it appears they sent money to people from the campaign. That would definitely be some type of campaign finance violation.
    3 points
  6. There's one guy on the team that will be every groups #1 pick.
    3 points
  7. In a "much better spot" after the 2nd visit.
    2 points
  8. As of right now, I don't think you can objectively put Frost ahead of Meyer, Franklin, Dantonio, Chryst, Ferentz, Fitzgerald or Harbaugh. All seven of those guys have accomplished things at their current schools. Frost hasn't done anything at Nebraska yet. In the near future though, I think Frost will be much higher.
    2 points
  9. It's another incentive for playing out of position and trying to be the hero.
    2 points
  10. Pushed his decision back, possibly still this summer. Still very interested in Neb. OV planned for Colo game.
    2 points
  11. #79 Rich Glover. Highlights. Glover was every bit as dominant on the interior line as Ndamukong Suh.
    2 points
  12. Plans to attend 2nd FNL to peer recruit. Will be in Nance's ear.
    2 points
  13. Plans to attend 2nd FNL to peer recruit.
    2 points
  14. Silver Linings Playbook
    2 points
  15. Supposedly almost pulled the trigger.
    2 points
  16. Imagine Obama saying this. And then imagine Republicans heads spontaneous exploding like that scene from Scanners.
    2 points
  17. 2 points
  18. Sorry if this was already posted. https://journalstar.com/sports/huskers/football/chinander-fisher-touch-on-new-defensive-culture-we-re-trying/article_c0fef3de-4f10-5d51-bdbf-8a4734d666eb.html
    2 points
  19. There is a very small, but somewhat legitimate, reason for this IMO (in the context of regular every day Americans who identify as Republican/conservative -- not in regards to politicians): Conservatism has lost the culture "war" in America. Because of a few reasons. The two biggest ones being the correlation of conservative/liberal ideas and rural/urban lifestyle, and also the rise of the internet, social media and general connectivity. The world and the country have become a much bigger and more connected place. What's interesting is that while conservatives (rural citizens) have a disproportionately powerful voice in government, liberals (urban citizens) have a disproportionately powerful voice in culture, because while the percentages of people who believe X vs Y might not really be all that different, cities seem to naturally be much more progressive, and cities are where the progression of technology, and specifically the technology of mass communication and the sharing of ideas with like-minded people all over, have incubated. Conservatives (rural citizens) very often feel forgotten, ignored, and more importantly feel unfairly mocked, scorned, and patronized to. A lot of that is imagined in their heads, and exacerbated by partisan news. But at least some fraction of it is legitimate. Most anyone who has or does live in a big city knows just how easy and effortless it is to start painting a mental picture in your head of how conservative/rural people are dumber, more ignorant, more uneducated, and more clueless than you are. I am entirely guilty of this.
    2 points
  20. So I'm gathering that I need to start my own "Mets Misery Thread" That seems to be the key to getting the team to play better......
    2 points
  21. What the hell are we supposed to talk about. It’s summer. We can only discuss frosts greatness in so many different threads. I for one am not uncomfortable to acknowledge frost had options. ESPN rambles about worthless crap all day and lots tune in to watch 2 people give their opinions on topics. It’s fun to debate and speculate. I actually think that’s why this board was created
    2 points
  22. 1) Another example of why Wins are a terrible stat upon which to judge pitchers 2) Dang, we're taking sucking to a whole new level
    2 points
  23. Don't know, don't care
    2 points
  24. This is defcorn 11!!! We are going to ruin everything about the Huskers, throw away our tradition and stomp all over Bob Devaney's grave if we don't hand out the Blackshirts the way God & Tom Osborne intended!!!!! I pray to God, little baby Jesus & Ndamukong Suh's swim move that we hand them out after the last week of camp, before the first game. If we don't do it exactly like that and no other way, the terrorists have already won.
    2 points
  25. Here's what Sam suggested: Yeah, no.
    1 point
  26. Here is a video from his Freshman year where he ran 11:55 in the 100 yard dash.
    1 point
  27. Cook's salary for 2009/2010 was $211,978 meaning he's making more than 3x more than he was eight years ago. In 2011/2012 he got a raise to $350,000. In 2012/2013 he got a raise to $375,000. In 2013/2014 he got a raise to $400,000. In 2014/2015 he got a raise to $426,537. In 2015/2016 he got a raise to $456,451. In 2016/2017 he got a raise to $600,000. Now, after his second national championship in three years, he's making $675,000. That's not bad. You can live on that in Lincoln, NE.
    1 point
  28. He's pretty obviously compromised by something at this point, right? Either Putin has something on him or he's so insecure he just wants to go down this road to show he can. Either way, this is very bad. The U.S. president is either a Russian puppet or a useful idiot. We've got to band together and oust this cancer before it metastasizes too much further.
    1 point
  29. Oh, you mean like when SF committed to NU back in 1993 coming out of high school? Make no mistake. Scott Frost is smart. But that's one of the reasons he's a good HC.
    1 point
  30. Probably some disgruntled fan who didn't get an autograph. People are assholes. OTOH, it's intredasting that Millie Bobby Brown has her own anti cyber bullying Twitter account. Related? :shrug:
    1 point
  31. Yeah, he's probly been through basic training that would make this look like kindergarten recess.
    1 point
  32. I’m incredibly impressed by the amount of UV’s Frost and company have secured from prospects outside the 500 mile radius. Flying into LNK is NOT cheap. Looking forward to seeing how this visit goes
    1 point
  33. We've "evolved" into having to ask when and how many shirts will be handed out. And what the criteria is. And did they check with McBride. Simpler was better regarding this area of Husker football.
    1 point
  34. 2,632 consecutive games played will never be beat. Cal Ripken Jr. was the true iron man.
    1 point
  35. Strenuous physical activity, strenuous physical activity, sipping wine and strenuous physical activity.
    1 point
  36. Add the 99 Backfield to that buttery hands group.
    1 point
  37. That's what you get for showboating.
    1 point
  38. Don’t get confused with big names assistants, here or not. I feel like Frost is the big game catch, he knows what he needs to lure talent; coaches and players. If if we don’t have the success we think we need in a couple years (need to fire/hire new coaches) or we have so much success that these coaches get jobs elsewhere; then we can start to wonder. There is a long leash with Frost. But he knows what’s working or not. He’s in the film room, he’s in the meetings, he’s seeing it day to day. If Frost gets this train rolling but there are glaring weaknesses at a position group or recruiting he’ll make the changes. Or, if they’re super successful and we lose coaches to head hunters he’ll find the right people. This discussion is all nuance and conjecture, I mean..who cares. Let’s just go play the games and see how it shakes out over time. We just CAN’T be worse than 4-8...right?
    1 point
  39. So ..... more or less how Bo handled it.
    1 point
  40. No “look who’s in first” post. I’m disappointed
    1 point
  41. Fans worried about Troy... Thanks Riley!
    1 point
  42. An American Life - Ronald Reagan's autobiography. Very enjoyable read with all of the stories told with the Reagan humor. I think liberals would like it also! He talks a lot about his upbringing, his family, how he got into politics, and his the importance of his faith. Starts with his birth and goes through his transition from being a Dem to a Repub (although he would not identify with the current class of Republicans - regardless how they try to claim his mantle) and covers his fight against communism (starting during his acting days) and also his desire to reduce the # of nukes.
    1 point
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