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  1. Do you happen to have any examples other than the same 2 or 3 people keep bringing up? Do you really think Jackson (or any of our corners really) are anywhere even close to the top of the list of our defensive issues this year?
    7 points
  2. Power to anyone trying to argue any strengths for our defense. Folks we gave up 24 points in the 4th quarter to what has amounted to a bad Colorado team. We couldn't stop Indiana. We couldn't stop Purdue's 3rd string walk on QB from going 6/6 and orchestrating a game winning drive. Our defense is bad in all categories. There may be a bright spot in two or three players, but no matter what unit on the D those players are apart of, the rest of the unit brings the whole thing down.
    5 points
  3. My question here, I guess, would be how can you gauge a team ‘not caring’ simply by evaluating the results of their performance? Does Mo Barry not care because he failed to fill a gap that led to a long run in the Gopher game? i would agree that this stuff is in line with the ‘culture’ in that it is a nebulous thing that frustrated fans can point to without fear of being disproved...and provides the convenience of blaming players solely.
    4 points
  4. I would assume for 31 pages, there would be more attrition to speak of.
    4 points
  5. 4 points
  6. What does the litmus test of "electable" even look like when running against literally the worst person to ever hold the office? That baffles me. Trump is a traitor to this country. I would vote for a baboon if it ran against him.
    4 points
  7. Our O line sucks, end of story. Bigger o line with more talent = more effective and consistent run game, opens up the pass, more time in the pocket, keeps our offense more in rhythm and gives defense more of a breather, sets up 2nd and 4s-6s not 2nd and 8s-10s. i also think some changes to defensive scheme are imperative but nothing takes priority over the o line. Luckily, there’s a couple massive o line recruits who seem to have a foundation of talent we prolly haven’t had since Bo had a few quality o lineman.
    4 points
  8. Did you guys actually read the article? It's well-written, well researched, fair and honest, and, yeah, having an outside journalist with a non-homer perspective spend a week in Lincoln and talking with Frost, his parents, his mentor, his staff, his former teammates and his current teammates is how you tell this story to the larger college football audience. It also weaves together specific info and perspective that is new to me as a lifelong fan, and I actually walked away from the article feeling better about the future of Nebraska football. The headline might seem like ESPN clickbait: but it's essentially the question posed by our own Jason Peter. Sports journalists can either ignore Nebraska out of pity or irrelevance, or write articles like this. It's pretty much the opposite of fluff.
    4 points
  9. That's a lot of interesting info. A lot of people had been talking about it, but i don't recall the coaches specifically mentor Farniok to guard, glad that is indeed the plan. And nice to hear about Henrich - again we assumed if healthy he should be good enough to play, but nice to know that's the case.
    3 points
  10. One more time for the people in back, it ain't the front three, it's the LBs that have been the problem.
    3 points
  11. huh... so a mechanic shouldn't tell people he knows how to work on cars..?? Your logic is a bit baffling... "dont tell me that you know about the subject because... well.... you know about the subject"....??? SMFH
    3 points
  12. Everyone go vote! http://www.louisvillesports.org/paul-hornung/award-poll/
    3 points
  13. I'm his mom! No seriously, I think he's played well and it just bothers me that he's basically a punching bag for a vocal group of fans. He was terrible and seemed to have a terrible attitude early on in his career. I think he has corrected both of those, and it feels like some fans are completely unwilling to give him any credit for it. I'm probably a little over-aggressive defending him - mostly because he gets randomly bashed out of nowhere a lot, a lot of times for reasons I don't agree with. And I'm sure that makes me seem obnoxiously defensive, but IMO some people are obnoxiously critical of him. I have been similarly defensive of Martinez, and to a lesser degree Farniok.
    3 points
  14. This is the point in the season where you decide it's time to prove everyone wrong and be determined to get some respect as a team. No one is expecting you to beat Wisconsin and Iowa to get bowl eligible. Well how about you dig deep and find what is needed to try and prove those doubters wrong and demand respect for how many years of effort you've put into being here. Unfortunately this is where I think most of this team falls short. I've seen it too often vs Wisconsin in the past and Minnesota this year. Just get trucked over and seemingly don't care that you're getting embarrassed and completely owned. That is the culture people talk about needing to change.
    3 points
  15. Right, I could see it being a bit hard to be excited with the way the season has gone but at the same time if you don't want to be here, GTFO. That is the kind of stuff that is dragging us down.
    3 points
  16. I hope not. It would send the board into a frenzy. We all the know the practices were horrible, the backups are better than the starters, and the schemes are bad.
    3 points
  17. Since there seems to be an abundant of fear or thought of the entire team transferring, think of this as we look toward the future. So far no one has been transferring out. Sort of tells you what this group of guys think of their future here at Nebraska and the trust and faith that all this will get turned around.
    3 points
  18. People are going to be real angry when Jackson is pick in the first or second round. Probably the same scouting experts who thought rex burkhead was a first rounder.
    3 points
  19. At first, I didn't want the vote to be secret because I wanted to know who voted to support this pathetic President with all the evidence. But, the more I think about it, I think that's the only way these idiots will have the guts to vote to remove him. They don't want their constituents to know they voted to remove dear leader. But....wouldn't it be funny if it was unanimous so....well....we would know that everyone voted to remove him.?
    3 points
  20. My prediction, if it's a public vote in the Senate, it'll play out just like @Decoy73said, where they won't confirm the impeachment. Trump will use that for a rallying cry saying it was a sham and all bets are off for 2020, and more meddling will happen from foreign interests. If the Senate makes it a private vote, I predict he will be impeached, he will not go quietly and it will fracture the Republican party for the 2020 election and a Democrat will win in a landslide, and there will be meddling from foreign interests. Sadly the 2016 and 2020 elections will be the new norm until special interest groups get run out of DC, but considering those groups are lining the pockets of Congress members, it will not happen and we as citizens will continue to see s*%%show elections for the foreseeable future.
    3 points
  21. That's what is so sad. We are seeing clear-cut bribery, extortion, campaign finance violations, obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and on and on and on. Many think it is a foregone conclusion that the Senate Republicans will condone this behavior. But it is the Dems that need to get their stuff together and nominate someone who's electable.
    3 points
  22. Not as athletic, but he'll always make the smart play. Coach on the field.
    3 points
  23. Thought it was a great story. Hopefully Frost can get it done. I hate watching some of these games this year, but realize that this isn't an easy fix. We all want it to happen over night, but we all really know it will take a couple more years.
    3 points
  24. I didn’t read the article, nor this thread. But, based on the title, I have to say. Good friggen Lord.....if we aren’t some huge turnaround within the first two years of a complete rebuild, we are “too far gone”??? Give me a break....welcome to the instant gratification generation.
    3 points
  25. Neil Patrick Garris.
    3 points
  26. Front Page of ESPN.com. The article to me has been written before. I personally don't believe you can say if Frost can't do it no one can. It takes the right person and the right formula, which I believe Scott ultimately has but if it doesn't work are we just canceling the program? John Blake didn't work at OU so did they throw in the towel? Just terrible logic but that's what happens in the moment. Let's not give up on Scott, we could easily be (should be) 6-3 right now. The narrative would be totally different. 6-3 and still a long ways from where Scott wants to be would feel pretty good. Trust the process, oh and we are still relevant. https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/28021916/is-nebraska-football-too-far-gone-even-scott-frost Story link
    3 points
  27. So my fiancee has been vegetarian for about six weeks now, which means I've been part-time vegetarian for about six weeks now. I thought I would share some recipes that we have made and actually enjoyed. My first suggestion, even if you're not looking to go full vegetarian, would be to download the Mealime app. There is a free and paid version. Each week they add new recipes based on your meal preferences (omnivore, pescatarian, vegetarian, vegan, etc). Pick some recipes and it automatically creates a grocery list for you which is extremely handy. These are a few we've picked up off Pinterest and whatnot: TUSCAN KALE POTATO BEAN SOUP INGREDIENTS 1 medium yellow onion, small dice 1 carrot, small dice 2 celery ribs, small dice 1 Tablespoon minced garlic 1 ½ cups vegetable broth *(See notes for ratio) 3 ½ cup water (or broth) 1 Tablespoon lemon juice 4 sundried tomato halves, finely chopped * 1–3 teaspoons miso 3 cups red potatoes, skins on, small dice 1 – [ 15.5 oz. can ] cannelloni beans, drained and rinsed 1 Tablespoon Vegan Parmesan Cheese or nutritional yeast (optional) 3 cups Tuscan kale, vein removed, strips-cut into thirds (or baby spinach) Spice/Herb Ingredients: 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon onion powder 2 Tablespoons dried minced onion flakes 2 teaspoons dried basil 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1 teaspoon dried crushed thyme leaves * 1/8 teaspoon dried marjoram 1/8 teaspoon ground rosemary 1/8 teaspoon cumin (optional) 1 bay leaf 1 teaspoon sea salt (+/-) * ¼ teaspoon black pepper (+/-) ¼ teaspoon red pepper flake (+/-) Optional Toppings: Vegan Parmesan Cheese Chopped parsley Red pepper flake INSTRUCTIONS Place the Spice/Herb Ingredients (except the red pepper flake) in a small bowl, mix well, set aside. In the large ceramic/enamel lined Dutch oven/pot (or similarly large stockpot) add the diced onion, carrots, and celery, sauté over medium-high heat for 5 to 7 minutes (add a little splash of water or broth if sticking.) Then add the minced garlic and sauté for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Add the vegetable broth, water, lemon juice, finely chopped sundried tomatoes, Spice/Herb Mix, and Vegan Parmesan Cheese (or nutritional yeast), then increase the heat to a boil, stir well, then immediately lower to a low simmering boil. Then add the diced red potatoes. Cover and simmer until the potatoes are almost tender (approx. 15 to 20 minutes). Then add the miso and cannelloni beans, stir to incorporate, simmer for 5 minutes. Taste test for flavor, and add additional seasoning to achieve the desired flavor. Add the dried red pepper flakes and chopped Tuscan kale. Simmer until the potatoes and kale reaches the desired tenderness. Discard the bay leaf. Ladle soup into a bowl and top Vegan Parmesan Cheese, fresh chopped parsley, and red pepper flakes. VEGGIE LOADED LENTIL SOUP Ingredients 2 tbsp. olive oil 2 c. julienned carrots (about 1½ inches long) 1 c. diced celery ¾ c. diced onion 8 cloves minced garlic 10 c. low-sodium chicken broth or vegetable stock 1 tbsp. herbs de provence 1½ tsp. kosher sea salt ¼ tsp. ground black pepper ¼ tsp. paprika 1 sprig rosemary 2 tsp. white vinegar or red wine vinegar ½ c. yellow split peas ½ c. green split peas 1 c. green lentils 2 c. cubed butternut squash 1 c. cubed potatoes 1 c. cubed celery root ¼ c. olive oil 2 c. chopped kale ¼ c. chopped fresh parsley ¼ c. parmesan cheese, grated or shaved (optional) Directions In a large stock pot or Dutch-oven set over medium heat, add the olive oil. When the oil is hot, add the celery, onion and carrots, saute until tender, about 3-4 minutes. Add the garlic and cook until fragrant, about 1 minute. Pour in the chicken broth, turn heat to medium-high and bring to a boil. Add the herbs, salt, pepper, paprika, rosemary, vinegar, split peas, and lentils. Reduce heat and simmer uncovered for 30 minutes. Add the butternut squash, potatoes and celery root, simmer for an additional 30 minutes or until the veggies and the peas/lentils are tender. Place 4 cups of soup in a blender with ¼ cup of olive oil. Pulse until smooth and creamy. Pour back into the pot and stir to combine. Add chopped kale, parsley and parmesan, simmer for an additional 5-8 minutes. Remove from the heat and allow to rest for 5 minutes before serving. Notes -Cheese is totally optional but delicious! LEMONY ORZO CHICKPEA SOUP INGREDIENTS 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 small white onion, peeled and diced 3 medium carrots, diced 5 cloves garlic, minced 10 cups vegetable stock 2 (15-ounce) cans chickpeas, rinsed and drained 1 cup orzo* 4 eggs 1/2 cup freshly-squeezed lemon juice, plus extra lemon slices for serving 2 large handfuls fresh baby spinach 1–3 tablespoons chopped fresh dill* sea salt and freshly-cracked black pepper INSTRUCTIONS Heat oil in a large stockpot over medium-high heat. Add onion and sauté for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add carrots and garlic and sauté for 5 more minutes, stirring occasionally. Add stock and chickpeas, and stir to combine. Continue cooking until the soup reaches a simmer. Then reduce heat to medium (or medium-low), whatever works to maintain a steady low simmer. Add orzo and stir to combine. Continue cooking until the orzo is al dente, stirring occasionally so that the orzo doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pan. Meanwhile, as the orzo is cooking, whisk together the eggs and lemon juice in a separate mixing bowl or measuring cup until combined. Ladle out 1 cup of the hot soup broth, and while whisking the egg mixture with one hand continuously, very very slowly drizzle the broth into the eggs until combined. Repeat with 1 more cup of hot broth. Once the orzo is ready to go, remove the stockpot from the heat. Then while stirring the entire soup with one hand continuously, very very slowly drizzle the egg mixture into the soup until combined. The egg mixture should make the soup nice and creamy. (But if the eggs look like they are scrambling when you add them in — kind of like in egg drop soup — stop and let the soup cool down for a few minutes before adding the rest of the eggs.) Return the soup to low heat. Stir in the spinach and dill and stir for 1-2 minutes until the spinach has wilted. Then taste and season the soup with a few pinches of salt and black pepper, as needed. Serve warm, garnished with extra dill and lemon wedges. NOTES *Or you’re welcome to sub in 3/4 cup rice in place of orzo. *Just add however much dill you would like, to taste. Or if you’re not a big fan of dill, feel free to add in some fresh (or dried) oregano instead, to taste. Or fresh basil!
    2 points
  28. Problem is, you have to first realize and admit you've been fooled for this to kick in.
    2 points
  29. I think of this when referring to someone who is 'electable' : There are still so many trump voters out there (speaking of baboons... but I digress) and just enough red state electrical votes that Trump could pull it off even if without capturing over 50% of the popular vote. And while I would guess the average baboon could run the country better and represent us better than the current occupant, we need a baboon who will turn one or 2 of those red states into Dem electoral votes.- or turn Fl, Oh, Mich, Penn, Wisc away from Trump. Litmus test: someone who can pull over enough former trump voters over to the other side to cause a state or two to flip from 2016. However, My gut tells me Trump doesn't take FL, OH, MICH, PN, Wisc this time - no running the table on these big states. He barely won Florida in 2016 and he won't do that against a candidate not named Clinton, he hasn't filled Mich, Penn and Ohio with Manufacturing jobs as promised and the Wisc farm economy is taking a hit like the rest of the farm belt. I think Warren, Bernie could beat him. I'd hope a Biden like person is nominated to make it a sure thing. Even if a more progressive candidate is nominated, I think their 'newness' along with the trump fatigue that has taken over the country will be enough to win.
    2 points
  30. Oh right, that's the Bunch reference - my bad. I don't follow all of the transfer portal stuff obviously, but I haven't heard many situations like Bunch's where they ended up staying. His is pretty unique too where I think he's good enough to play somewhere, and is just behind guys who are better. I know Bryant is only a redshirt freshman, but given our RB situation and the fact he doesn't seem close to sniffing the field, I dunno why he'd stay.
    2 points
  31. Ok, if you don't have high spirits this late into the season, maybe I get it because you're 4-5 and it has been another brutal year on the gridiron. However, this is where the separation between a player and non-player begin. Are you pouting and down in the dumps and having zero desire in the remaining outcome and just want this thing to end? Or are you seeing this down spirit as motivation to go out there and start winning and finish the season on a high note? That is the difference in mentality between success and failure.
    2 points
  32. Any word on if this was the best week of practice?
    2 points
  33. That's fine. Get surgery over and get recovery started as early as possible.
    2 points
  34. Four years ago, Trump lied saying he would release his taxes. Now, he is desperately going all the way to SCOTUS to avoid it.
    2 points
  35. Their season is over so they can come in on Friday night.
    2 points
  36. 2 points
  37. Maybe this article isn't for Nebraska fans but more for college football fans in general? When I see articles about my team in a national publication, it usually isn't anything new, but it is for others.
    2 points
  38. Was she somehow inaccurate when she quoted Jason Peter directly? Is the overall sentiment of the article not shared by most fans outside Nebraska and many inside? The gross thing is implying that a graduate from another university was mischaracterizing our situation. Which is ironic considering how much time Nebraska writers in general pumped up the team, without much reason, in the off season.
    2 points
  39. It will feel better if Frost can get it done. And he will get it done. It’s ordained that way, right? But it if he doesn’t win and win a lot and eventually moves on...someone else will coach the team and I’ll still be there watching and cheering. It’s my team and I’m not going anywhere. Win or lose.
    2 points
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