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  1. He's got the makings of an All-Conference Left Guard, guys.
    14 points
  2. Because virtually 100% of our arguments are based on the sources that agree with us, and we constantly use them to prove our point. There's a misperception that Brietbart, OAN, Ben Shapiro, Newsmax, InfoWars and other even tinier rightwing news sources are the equivalent of the leftwing's Washington Post, New York Times, MSNBC, Politico and Slate. But they're not. They're the equivalent of the bipolar leftist shouting on a street corner in Berkeley. Mainstream media shows a liberal bias by what it choses to cover, highlight, and omit. Rightwing media is just making s#!t up at this point.
    9 points
  3. You do realize this doesn't need to be some big conspiracy, right? Imagine for a moment that it is not the tail wagging the dog. Maybe playing/not playing football has broken down red state/blue state because of the tendencies of the majority of the people in those states. Red states have more of the people who have been denying this deal since day one. They support Trump and are simply and unthinkingly mimicking dear leader. Whereas people in blue states are actually applying science and logic to deal with a very real pandemic that has taken 180,000 lives in less than 6 months. Do you need more clues? How about the fact that neither side wants to destroy local or national economies just to assure a change of the WH resident. The only people who think this is some dastardly conspiracy are those just not quite sharp enough to realize dear leader blew the response and mitigation effort. It's not a far left conspiracy. It is a total and complete lack of leadership and a failed response. Nothing more. Occam's razor. BTW, I agree with the premise that continued shut downs would not be necessary IF we as a country would/could do just three simple things; wear masks, social distance and avoid large gatherings. Unfortunately we as a society have struggled with this. If there is any conspiracy to be had here, it resides in the conundrum of supposedly patriotic, brave, gun toting freedom lovers not being able to comply with extremely logical science backed mask mandates. The easily performed yet slightly sacrificial action of wearing a mask when in public seems to be too big of an ask for some of these “patriots”. If there is any conspiracy to be recognized it is that too many in this country are brainwashed beyond being able to be reasoned with.
    9 points
  4. Welcome to Huskerboard, I hope all of your wildest dreams come true here. But you posted your hot take in a thread about a glam rock band. Please be more careful and more selective in the future.
    8 points
  5. OK...I'm going to create a website and write an article that lays out evidence that Alamo City Husker, contrary to everything anyone actually knows about him, is really a droid from planet Meckulous sent here to infect the human population with a virus that allows his home planet to control everything we do. Now..that starts getting spread around the internet on message boards. Hmmmm....should people on those message boards question the source? Do you really believe everything you read on obscure websites that just so happen to align with your agenda/beliefs? FYI.....not every obscure website is all of a sudden noticing or discovering deep state facts that...OMG....the MSM don't want you to see. There's a reason why groups like QAnon are doing the things they do and maybe you need to look at that a little more. Just because someone claims there is a conspiracy, doesn't mean there is one.
    8 points
  6. Calling it now: he pulls out a new N hat or shirt
    5 points
  7. we are now at the point of blaming Dr. Tom for there not being a season. what's next? Bigfoot and/or aliens?
    5 points
  8. Set to decide/announce soon. Fong upped his confidence to N to a near lock.
    5 points
  9. ^ and i’d guess they’ll all be fine. a positive test and a recovery is a GOOD thing.
    5 points
  10. 4 points
  11. Went from 39th to 27th.
    4 points
  12. I hope he picks up Iowa hat, tosses it over shoulder, grabs the correct one
    4 points
  13. Those aren't the voters to be concerned about. What about the voter who voted for Trump in 2016 because they disliked Hillary more than they disliked Trump? Those voters existed. My question is, what earthly good does it do Joe Biden for her to open her yap about anything? That's the point. It does absolutely no good and is potentially detrimental. Y'all should trust some people who are a bit further right and understand those folks maybe a tad bit better.
    4 points
  14. Sometimes your shtick gets old when people are actually being murdered. Its not really funny anymore.
    4 points
  15. 4 points
  16. This is pretty f#&%ing scary. These Boogaloo asshats (look it up if you don't already know, they're psychos) are out there instigating violence and now apparently shooting people because they think it HELPS TRUMP. I've heard reports of other bad actor right-wing groups doing the same. At this point, does Biden need to address this? Clearly it's not his fault but it's also clear Trump is trying to weaponize it against him.
    4 points
  17. that would be 100x better than reading any more posts from Roundball or Brokejaw.
    4 points
  18. You know what's even crazier with how the deep state was able to do this. They convinced almost every single infectious disease expert from around the world to buy into it. They convinced foreign governments even to put out fake death numbers and convince their populations to wear masks and social distance just so they can help bring down our dear leader. It's absolutely amazing when you sit back and think about it. They even were able to convince other countries to put in travel bans on the US to make it even more believable.
    4 points
  19. Gotta hand it to the deep state, they sure know how to put on a scamdemic. It makes it so much more believable when people actually die from it. Too bad it's all such a fake emergency
    4 points
  20. I believe in a thing called love.
    4 points
  21. I moved out of Nebraska to Michigan earlier this year. It feels good to have a governor that treats a public health emergency like COVID-19 seriously instead of Ricketts dragging his feet and obstructing when local governments try to address things. Things are going generally well here with most people (with the exception of a few selfish asshats and kids who can't take anything seriously) having no problems abiding by the mask mandate and distancing guidelines. We are not well-equipped as a nation to cope with this because we've failed to have an effective federal response guiding the states and making it a team effort. If that means no football this fall, so be it. I want to do whatever it takes so this virus doesn't stretch on for years and years prolonging the return to normal life.
    4 points
  22. We lived for a number of years in the bright sunlight at the pinnacle of college football. The sun was always shining on the Huskers. Then Tom retired and a few clouds began to pass through the sky. Steve P, with all the accuracy of a third rate weather forecaster assured us the clouds would be blown away. Then Callahan happened. There were still a few rays of sunlight, but it got pretty cloudy a lot of the time. Then Bo happened. The sun seemed to shine a bit more, yet when the clouds came, they were all out prairie thunderstorms and tornadoes. Then Smiling Mike came to town. His smile and demeanor were all sunshine, with flavored sprinkles. But the sunshine was a two-bit sun-lamp that burned out before it even began to shine. Coach Frost came to town after a great deal of uncertainty and tumult. The first game of his first season was literally wiped from the field by real storms in the night. The clouds seldom parted after that first storm, but the forecasts were positive. Scott's second year had the low level of clouds blow away only to reveal the storm cell was much broader and much deeper than imagined. Slight improvement was seen, but the clouds continued to return to cover the sky in Lincoln. What little light there was seemed to be overshadowed by lingering storms. Then came COVID, the killer of seasons. Truly, right now, the state of our football program is still not known. Most of us have a strong confidence in the coach. We have a combination of optimism mixed with decades long disappointments that make it hard to clear the sky. I think this is as bad as it gets. The darkest moments before the dawn. When the clouds and covids are cleared away, I think the Huskers will come back into the light.
    3 points
  23. Psssst.....they could still have an October start. That’s what’s so frustrating about this.
    3 points
  24. They're going to move Jurgens back to TE?
    3 points
  25. Yes, that is what I am saying. While being AD he also worked 2 nights a week at Ameristar.
    3 points
  26. called it. +1 +1 +1!
    3 points
  27. Good leaders and honorable men step aside after their time is up to let others lead by staying out of the way. It has been the history of our presidents with the exception of one for most of our recent history. Glad coach is taking the dignified high road and not putting his nose into this.
    3 points
  28. My favorite aunt shared a huge rant from an alt right freak on FB about the little white boy who was murdered and the george floyd protests and it said black people were cheering the white boy’s death. And a bunch of other bulls#!t. The only source was that this idiot posted it on FB. I really don’t know how this happened to these people. Most of them are in their 60s and 70s. They just somehow weren’t prepared for the internet’s existence. And don’t get me wrong there are morons of all ages but it’s natural to respect older people and they’re supposed to be wiser. The younger people are expected to be dips#!ts. It’s far more depressing that an old person I love and respected is this stupid and susceptible to manipulation.
    3 points
  29. BuT tHe CoAcHeS sAiD iT wAs SaFeR tO pLaY
    3 points
  30. The press bears a HUGE burden for this. Trump commits an atrocity a day, but they graded him on a curve in 2016 and still do to this day, despite his bluster & crying about 'presidential harassment.' "Grab 'em by the pu&&y" would have generated such howls of outrage for literally any other candidate in history that it would have sunk his campaign. Gary Hart's campaign was ended by one photo and a boat named "Monkey Business." Swift Boat ended it for John Kerry. For Trump, nothing mattered. The press still treated him like a novelty - and still does. So did all of those things about Hillary happen? Yes, definitely. The fainting spell & return to immaculate health a couple hours later really jarred me, for example. And you didn't even list everything about her campaign that troubled people. But every thing she did, big & little, was just amplified. The emails was the craziest thing. Trump & all of his cronies all use private email servers, and have throughout his term, and nobody cares. NOBODY! It's not even a minor story! It's just bonkers that the press - and specifically the New York Times - dedicated so much coverage to it. But the thing is, Trump has way more charisma than Hillary. She's just a genuinely weird and unlikable person. Trump - odious as he is - has that smoovy charm to him. And it works for some people. Almost everyone just held their nose to vote for Hillary.
    3 points
  31. I am hoping success this fall. I am hoping no one gets seriously ill either. It would be good news.
    3 points
  32. She just needs to go away....a long ways away.... Go play with your grandkids.
    3 points
  33. Some of these teams have figured out they have time to reach team herd immunity. If everyone has had it on the team, you won't have any delays during the season created by your team. If everyone is going to get it eventually, may as well do it while you have awesome health care watching over you.
    3 points
  34. I have no idea who Andy Wittry is, so if he's a suspect source please let me know and we'll go from there. Mr. Wittry has obtained several emails from Nebraska's side of the football/no football discussion in the Big Ten. I think everyone understands that, for maybe the first time in a long time, UNL is united in its mission all the way from the President to the water boy. This serves to underscore what we already knew. They were trying. We've seen this speculation right here on HuskerBoard, and it's a relatively easy idea to jump to. And the longer the Big Ten central office remains opaque about their process, in defiance of the wishes of at least a few universities and a LOT of coaches, players, and their parents, the more speculation like this will run rampant. This figures to be an ongoing story. I guess this is what we're going to do this Fall instead of watching Husker Football - dig through the post-mortem of the decision. Yay.
    3 points
  35. I have seen this kid play several times and he is an absolute stud! My son has played against his cousin who is in 8th grade and he will be a stud as well!!! I wish he would have come to Nebraska!!!
    3 points
  36. I thought everyone who's not a qb is in a "position group."
    2 points
  37. EDIT: If you read the RCP article on mail in voting, it addressed the 2018 midterms and how MIV was responsible for flipping traditionally red districts in Orange County CA to blue. You may remember that on election night they were called for the Rs, but as more and more ballots poured in via mail the Ds gained more and more ground until they won. That is what HRC is getting at. There is simply no timely way to count all the votes which could be postmarked as late as election day. And thus Biden shouldn't concede knowing that lots of late D votes will be coming to support him, one way or another. Yes it is a simple exercise. AOC&Bernie are true believers. If they said it means that they are preparing for some kind of actual political revolution and we should be worried. HRC is a robotic politician. It only means that she thinks it will make her stronger at the moment that she said it.
    2 points
  38. I know we all badly wanted football, but what if the fact of the matter is asking college kids to be responsible and make the right choices was just never going to work? At the two major Iowa campuses...
    2 points
  39. Guys, I could continue this thread with Darkness lyrics for about 7 more songs if you guys really want to.
    2 points
  40. I am saying I trust those "government" numbers, like I trusted George W. Bush's "weapons of mass destruction". The data all along this thing from several different areas has been sketchy. Constantly changing algorithms and formulas for calculating the numbers. Our historical seasonal deaths across the board are down in every area. So there is good reason for pause and apprehension with the government numbers. In Texas they claimed a 10% jump was due to an "error" and "upgrades". That was a Texas sized f#&% up IMHO. https://www.click2houston.com/news/texas/2020/08/14/texas-officials-blame-coding-errors-and-a-system-update-for-recent-covid-19-testing-data-issues/ That is my wife's test. I took it from my phone and blacked out her name and her work.
    2 points
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