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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2023 in all areas

  1. I mean, the guy admitted he grabbed him after the game. They blew two big calls in the eagles favor, plus they missed about 4 delay of games and 5 false starts on them as well. Seems like it all evened out
    6 points
  2. Was it the best one ever? lol I don't like country so I didn't care for it. I also don't care for the national anthem at sporting events in general
    5 points
  3. What the deal with the s#!tty fields for multiple Super Bowls? Everyone likes to b!^@h about the fake turfs, but the years with real grass have been s#!t shows
    4 points
  4. Who's worked up? It was an observation I made and you're trying tell me how much you don't care. I don't care if you don't care
    3 points
  5. I think Dylan Raiola should come to Nebraska.
    3 points
  6. If he's good enough to play in 4 games, then he's good enough to play in 12 games.
    3 points
  7. IMO it doesn't matter what conference Nebraska has been in the last 10 years. With our hiring decisions, we'd be in the bottom of the SEC or Big 12, just like we are in the bottom of the Big Ten.
    3 points
  8. Was rooting for the Eagles and I didn’t see him once either. I had a few edibles however so am not 100% sure myself. I do remember the penalty however.
    3 points
  9. But the reason to redshirt is to preserve a year of eligibility. If Riaola is any good, he’s gonna not need to worry about that extra season of eligibility.
    3 points
  10. This is why they’re not proficient in math. The employee identified it as 7” long which confused the students due to it obviously being only 4.5”.
    2 points
  11. #1 in basketball ?!!!??!!!? I'm Alabama ! "But my Fuhrer... basketball is good..." Nein!!!! Don't give me that BS!
    2 points
  12. Great. No you guys are going to start fighting over who's more sorry...
    2 points
  13. Not sure why GSG is all worked up over this. I can say that you and I don't often agree on a lot of things politically but this seems like much to do about nothing. So it's kind of nice that we can both agree on something. I thought Chris Stapleton did great. That was my opinion. If some folks think it's the best they've heard, that's their opinion. I dont know maybe i even agree with them. It had a different tune to it that i liked. I just dont know why some are trying to stoke this into some sort of political or societal argument.
    2 points
  14. Who cares if they think it's the best one ever? Not me.
    2 points
  15. 23 schools in Baltimore with zero students proficient in math. Is that for real? I suppose they need to lower the standards. https://www.foxnews.com/media/baltimore-parent-demands-action-23-schools-report-no-math-proficiency-systematically-failing
    2 points
  16. He is unlikely to play 4 full years of college football at his initial destination anyway, let alone redshirt one and then play 4 more. As a highly touted QB he will either be good enough to leave after 3 years, or more than likely will transfer if he's not playing at that level. You play him as soon as they're the best options. For top end QBs the redshirt is just a tool to preserve a year if you know you'll transfer. The bar is just a lot lower here. He'd be following Caleb Williams at USC, and (not directly) Stetson Bennett at Georgia. He could be very good and still not live up to those expectations - particularly with Georgia, if the defense ever takes a step back even someone playing as well as Bennett will be perceived as worse than him. Again I seriously doubt the fanbase's expectations of him factor into his decision - just pointing out our fanbase will absolutely be more forgiving of some early mistakes than Georgia/USC.
    2 points
  17. I don't follow those accounts, but were they also happy that the lighter-skinned Black quarterback won?
    2 points
  18. There are two big boy conferences as far as $$$$. We are in the easier one to win a lot of games in. That ends the discussion for me. We simply need to handle business now. Would you rather have to win just a playoff game versus an SEC school or go through that whole schedule in order to get there?
    2 points
  19. Yeah, he needed clicks and wants more listeners when he is on the radio.
    2 points
  20. This is where they called the hold (ignore the commentary by the tweeter in question):
    2 points
  21. Before the season, a LOT of people thought KC was going to take a step back due to the Hill trade, and the improvements the Raiders, Chargers and Broncos made.
    2 points
  22. I think the whole four-game redshirt rule has been dumb. It just creates a mess on managing rosters and redshirting guys. I think coaches should have redshirt decisions on guys before the season starts and just go with it. Either a guy is good enough to play and contribute or he's not.
    2 points
  23. Right now I may have to eat my words, and say "admo you don't know s#!t!" lol... because this has been an improvement season for sure. If Hoiberg returns, I think I am ok with it now...
    2 points
  24. Shooting splits (fg%, 3pt%, ft%) Curry: 48/43/91 westbrook: 44/30/78 Night and day.
    2 points
  25. They would work it out in practice.....oh...wait....
    2 points
  26. Too be fair. That was a really good national anthem by Chris Stapleton.
    2 points
  27. I'm a Chiefs fan. And, yeah....Kelce's comments were odd. When you have been in 3 of the last 4 Sbs and won two of them, at some point, you need to stop thinking people are disrespecting you. But..hey...if him thinking that gets him up in the morning to work hard enough to be that good.... The ref probably should have swallowed his whistle on that play late in the game. But, there were lots of non-calls that went the Eagle's way all game, as you pointed out.
    2 points
  28. Yeah that was pretty annoying from Kelce. They had the 3rd highest odds to win the SB at the beginning of the season lol
    2 points
  29. Raiola may be wise to avoid Neb. He can’t possibly meet the expectations for some. His first incomplete pass will be grounds for a lynch mob to form. I hope he’s half as good as some believe.
    2 points
  30. I noticed a LOT of MAGA-type accounts were touting that country-fied national anthem as "TeH bEsT oNe EvArRRr!!!"
    2 points
  31. I hope they don't try to push him to come back too soon. I'd rather have him healthy going into next season.
    2 points
  32. Word is that this is a good snapshot of what the new methods are like:
    2 points
  33. Visiting here the weekend of March 24th. We are making that weekend into a big weekend of priority targets.
    2 points
  34. Why can't it be Super Bowl Saturday? I would feel much better on Monday morning.
    2 points
  35. And Alabama did that with the SEC for years.
    2 points
  36. We’ve had bad hires, that’s true. However, we definitely aren’t afraid to fire somebody who is underperforming.
    2 points
  37. Redshirts are all but gone except for kids that suck or get hurt.
    2 points
  38. From purely a fanbase and support perspective, I've always thought the NU football program was most like an SEC program - "it just means more". Ohio St has the only other B1G football program I'd firmly state the same about. Penn St might have an argument, and maybe UW is changing toward that direction with the Fickle hire. I'd put no other B1G football program in that category, including Michigan and the California new-comers.
    2 points
  39. with god as my witness, i thought turkeys could fly
    2 points
  40. That's crazy talk. Ohio State made noise and even though they didn't win the game against Georgia it was a back and forth affair. Ohio State had Georgia on it's toes. Joining the SEC wouldn't make our identity any better.
    2 points
  41. Oh but of course. His virtue signaling about free speech wasn't really that. Anyone paying attention knew this already. It's all about the cabbage.
    2 points
  42. I loved Moses Malone. Gets left out of a lot of the debates, but he was a serious force and a winner. Where do Harden and Westbrook end up? I don't like their games and they don't win championships, but they've got a lot of big numbers.
    1 point
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