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  1. Just because you are registered as a republican does not mean you are okay with the far right antics that are being played in that party currently.
    15 points
  2. That's why I said Trev can be an a$$h@!e too. There's no way he comes out of this looking fresh. What he did is pretty unforgivable to a fan base that's been s#!t on for decades, and the only beacon in the limelight has been volleyball (thank god for John Cook and those women). His tweets the past 24hrs have also been extremely cringe. It's one thing for us 9 to 5 people to leave a job because our bosses suck, but he was getting paid almost $2M/yr to guide this program and deal with the bulls#!t. $2M in Lincoln Nebraska goes a loooong way. To lie to a fandoms face and tell them the things he did the past few years and then fly out the door to an old rival just when things are looking up is trash. Even more so when he never spoke out about the issues publicly. The dude would have had the entire state's ear. As an alumni and supposed lover of the program he had a responsibility to speak out, and he didn't.
    8 points
  3. 7 points
  4. by "accountable" you mean teach what YOU want taught..?? this is America my friend.
    7 points
  5. People like this tweeter are completely missing the point. Literally no one is saying "Trev is a liberal and wants to get away from conservatives". He's arguing with a strawman. It's about leadership style. One governor is trying to micromanage the university and the other governor might allow more autonomy in the state university system. These two people can both be Republicans and it's not contradictory at all. For the record, I'm not saying this is definitively WHY Trev left. I'm not even saying that this is true. I'm just saying it's a theory that's valid to speculate about and "Trev is a registered Republican" or "Republicans are also in power in Texas" doesn't disprove that theory.
    6 points
  6. Nichols will be a regional team. This is a BIG dub for us. Need to stay focused.. Tomorrow won't be easy.
    5 points
  7. There are politicians of all stripes who parlay a small local electorate into a larger role at the fancy state capitol, where they immediately get drunk on their ability to make life hard for people who are smarter and better than they are.
    5 points
  8. The committee always seems to have a sense of humor with 1 or 2 1st round games each year, so I am going to call it now: 7 Nebraska vs 10 Texas A&M
    5 points
  9. While texas is a red state on a national scale, the political meddling (from what a former colleague says who works at a small state school) is fairly minimal. He says there are enough opposing electorates at the state/local level to help balance it out so it doesn't sway too far in either direction for state universities.
    5 points
  10. Agree. We could have had DeSantis and fix this mess. Instead we get 2 80’yr olds
    4 points
  11. Isn’t it depressing to think that almost 75% of America is too poor to pay taxes?
    4 points
  12. Well he comes from the same line that got you social security, two day weekends, child labor laws, and Veteran Benefits reform. He can also run circles around you explaining how the private sector actually works.
    4 points
  13. I get tired of dumb people who end their thoughts with stupid trailing words that don’t mean anything. WTF does “but democracy and everything” mean? Democracy is a form of government. Nowhere in the description/definition does it state how taxes will be done in a democracy. They can be as “fair” or “unfair” as whatever the people or the people they vote in decide. Also, Devo, do you not see any problem with the stat they’re sharing that makes it stupid? Income tax is progressive, which I believe is your problem, but the numbers they’re sharing make the problem look worse than it is. The proper numbers to share are the income compared to the income taxes, not the # of people vs. the income taxes. 23% of people pay 98% of income taxes. Okay, neat, how much of the income do they make? Here is what someone who’s not a disingenuous a$$h@!e would Tweet: The top 5% make 38.1% of income and pay 62.7% of income tax The top 25% make 71% of income and pay 88% of income tax. But sales tax is regressive.
    4 points
  14. I am of the opinion that The Good Lord would rather people preach through their deeds rather than words. I think the person who lives a life with the golden rule and 10 commandments in mind and never goes to Church is much more in line with the Christian faith, than the person who goes to Church every single Sunday, sits in the front row, etc…but who’s everyday life is treating others like s#!t. And no, Trump is not at all living a life according to the Christian faith. Neither is Boebart
    4 points
  15. So.......it's not the good or horrible things you do, it's your faith -- one might say "loyalty" -- to God. Well that describes the Trump dynamic pretty well.
    4 points
  16. I think most of us here fully understand this. The political reasons Trev left are a symptom of the overall problem beholden to a specific group. Also, the state government and University can be FUBAR, and Trev can still be an ahole for leaving. None of it is mutually exclusive.
    4 points
  17. While I agree with them it seems wildly unprofessional for medical experts to discuss this without actually examining him in person. I get what WE do it here but that is different.
    4 points
  18. I'd be thrilled if Rhule is here long term. Maybe he's the next Devaney and builds a dynasty here. Sign me up. But his history and the general trend of our flagship university lead me to be skeptical that moving his folks here is indicative of anything. If he's here four years from now, and everything is stable, I'll paint my cheeks red and streak campus from Oldfather to the Union.
    4 points
  19. We would also have had a better idea of what was happening and who was stirring the pot if the World-Herald and Journal-Star had not been decimated of the reporters who once tracked this sort of thing. Like I said. Stupider and angrier. It actually is an agenda.
    4 points
  20. Yeah, let me clarify. Biden's only secret goal is to get elected. He's losing Muslim voters here in Michigan. He has problems in Minnesota and Georgia too. I doubt Biden does this if it were 8 months after the election rather than 8 months before. He wants to be seen as helping the Palestinians. The Muslim terrorist groups from Lebanon to Egypt have 10,000s of rockets and drones. They've hit targets over a 100 miles away, Gaza is 25 miles long. Look at the Hezbollah drone attack on our base in Jordan, 3 servicemen killed and 80 injured. I believe the pier will become a honeypot for all these terrorist groups. The Iron Dome protects Israel, not the Mediterranean Sea. Is our military going to shoot down rockets over Gaza? Or Lebanon? Or Syria? I just don't see how this doesn't become a quagmire.
    3 points
  21. I don't disagree with your assertion on other taxes. I shard a stat on income tax. The system needs an entire overhaul, but all I see from the left is tax the rich. When, in reality, top earners already carry more than their fair share, and bottom earners pay nothing. So how about we reform the system...but CUT spending first.
    3 points
  22. Great visual of why it’s crazy to say some groups aren’t paying their fair share. If people want them to pay more, just say it and stop with the fair share nonsense
    3 points
  23. I’m on board as long as by “house “ you include the governor’s mansion.
    3 points
  24. But 3 day weekends!!!! Come on!
    3 points
  25. It probably isn't liberal or conservative policy issues that are at play when discussing the "politics" that Trev is leaving behind. Anyone who has tried to work professionally in Lincoln in anything close to a state or university job knows that Lincoln is ran by a bunch of fossilized old hacks who throw temper tantrums, leverage political favors, and meddle in everything in order to get their way even on the most minute of things. When they don't, they are willing to burn the entire operation to the ground out of spite in order to try to enact their agenda.
    3 points
  26. 1. Perhaps the university shouldnt have dragged its feet with this elongated search for president. Trev had power, money and security; but with like many jobs- people can lose interest under bad leaders, temp leaders or absent leaders. Perhaps trev's interest drifted due to the ongoing uncertainty on who his boss was going to be in and it opened the door for others to swoop in. 2. We 100% need to bring in a guy who prioritizes the health and strength of the football program. I get the AD is the leader for all sports, but nebraska falls in the category that maybe 10 other programs do where its football or bust. We cannot afford to lose matt rhule and take a step back on what is being built. 3. Serious look needs to be done at the regents/higher ups. You just lost a relatively young AD who was doing great things who happened to be a literal nebraska guy. To have him just leave without a trace of suspicion is a bad look on leadership. Sounds like they didn't even have runway to try and see what it would take for trev to stay.
    3 points
  27. Welcome to Texas A&M Trev! Your first duty as AD is dealing with a defensive analyst who killed his girlfriend and unborn child. https://footballscoop.com/news/blaise-taylor-arrested-on-first-degree-murder-charge Blaise Taylor, was arrested Thursday night in Utah on a grand jury indictment with two charges of first-degree murder. Taylor, 27, was wanted for allegedly poisoning his girlfriend, Jade Benning, and her unborn child. Nashville Police state Benning and her unborn child died as a result of the poisoning. The son of longtime FBS running backs coach Trooper Taylor, Blaise Taylor had agreed to join Texas A&M staff earlier this month.
    3 points
  28. I'm okay with anything really as long as there are no guaranteed byes for certain conferences. Which would be the most ridiculous thing ever. Even if it benefited Nebraska.
    3 points
  29. I guess there really is a first time for everything.
    3 points
  30. Did you just make a coherent, logical, and we'll thought out argument in P&R? Are you feeling ok?
    3 points
  31. (Trying to not get political) Abbott signed an anti-DEI bill for state universities (A&M is one) last June that just went into effect a Jan 1. For public colleges and universities in Texas, Jan. 1 isn’t just the start of the new year. It’s also the day the state’s anti–diversity, equity and inclusion bill, SB 17, will go into effect—a development many institutions have spent months preparing for. But that preparation has varied greatly depending on the institution. Some universities jumped into overdrive as soon as Governor Greg Abbott signed the bill in June, immediately cutting DEI and related offices, such as multicultural and LGBTQ+ resource centers. Other institutions remain in limbo, unsure what if any actions to take ahead of the Jan. 1 deadline. https://www.insidehighered.com/news/students/diversity/2023/12/19/texas-institutions-prepare-anti-dei-law-go-effect
    3 points
  32. And this is why that crap keeps happening.
    3 points
  33. It isn't. If you won the lottery tomorrow you'd move everyone and everything you care about into better digs. With a couple million dollars at your disposal, you could make that move pretty comfy. And you for sure could provide a landing site that makes that move worthwhile. And you could for sure do it all over again, pretty comfy, if a couple million was only part of your winnings. The next month, or the next year. Moving is a hassle for regular folks. For millionaires, it's easy.
    3 points
  34. There's plenty of ways to be wrong about it. At its base level, being opposed to the indiscriminate killing of massive numbers of civilians isn't one of 'em.
    3 points
  35. This is why politics has no place in academia. Teach the facts about governments and strengths and weaknesses of all types from authoritarian to democratic republics but keep the personal opinions and beliefs out of the subject matter. Somehow the ultra left and extreme right can't get this through their thick heads and they both push their agenda's and indoctrinations. Enforce curriculum while also enforcing institutional indoctrination. I mean seriously, did the world learn nothing from the mistakes leading up to the 2nd great war?? Indoctrination of any type is purely disgusting be it political, religious, biological, or any other.. Just stop with indoctrination principles and a lot of the differences suddenly becomes indifference to/with one another and real change/advances occur.
    3 points
  36. True, I just picked the names people here would recognize. A lot of unintended consequences to this power struggle that general public doesn't see and don't realize. Loss of professors, inability to recruit good professors, the brain drain is real and will be devastating. The current desire to squash this 'woke' movement in academia is major problem in the not too distant future and is already having some very unsavory side effects. A lot of leopards will be full on faces.
    3 points
  37. There's rumors floating around that he felt like the way the regents were handling the sexual assault lawsuit left him open to being fired. To be honest, that feels like the most plausible explanation to me - bailing out while he could, before a potential career-ending firing. It'll be interesting to see if Amy Williams ends up getting fired...
    2 points
  38. The 60th percentile average household income is $93,900. The 50th percentile average household income is $75,000. i dont think that means people are too poor to pay taxes. We just choose to lessen the tax burden on those folks and make the top 25% pay the vast majority of it. Much more accurate than what the other person said.
    2 points
  39. https://www.thecollegefix.com/marriage-promotes-white-supremacy-george-mason-professor/ why do we pay these people? “I theorize that marriage fundamentalism, like structural racism, is a key structuring element of White heteropatriarchal supremacy,” Professor Bethany Letiecq wrote in the Journal of Marriage and Family. “Marriage fundamentalism can be understood as an ideological and cultural phenomenon, where adherents espouse the superiority of the two-parent married family,”
    2 points
  40. Anyone else cooking through The Gentlemen on Netflix? @teachercd show would probably be right up your alley. IIRC you mentioned that you liked the Guy Richie style British crime shows. I'm halfway through so far and I've enjoyed it quite a bit. It's pretty slick, has some good humor, pretty much a classic Guy Ritchie program except it's a TV show which is great because it's 8 hours of fun versus 2!
    2 points
  41. Whoa....the nascent spine we saw under a microscope is actually starting to undergo some mitosis.
    2 points
  42. BetMGM has 59% of spread bets on Ind +5.5 55% on over 145.5 73% moneyline on Nebraska
    2 points
  43. It's now safe to cancel my Hulu subscription until football season, because the last month of the sub will last through 4/13 which is after Nebraska's last game of the season, which I assume will be on 4/8.
    2 points
  44. f#&% that...Israel is doing what is best for them and what they should be doing.
    2 points
  45. Terry Pettit, legendary former Husker volleyball coach: "Talented people (Ted Carter, Ronnie Green, Trev Alberts) leave a team when the leadership above them loses sight of the team's purpose. The team is the University. When the leadership cuts funding, and undermines the team's purpose with political dogma they leave." Never one to mince words.
    2 points
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