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The King

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Status Updates posted by The King

  1. Kind of surprising how many people don't think Randy Gregory is very good, what say you? (Based on the status a couple comments down)

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. ZRod


      Or maybe they are Ed, since you they watched him all year. NFL scouts are just as hit and miss as the average fan. Look how many #1 picks actually pan out.

    3. NUance


      I bet he goes near the middle of the 1st round. Will probably start somewhere. But not nearly the impact player that Suh was/is.

    4. ladyhawke


      I just think he's not ready. I'm afraid they are going to chew him up and spit him out

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. The King

      The King

      At least if he did it repeatedly with the intent of hurting me.

    3. Creighton Duke

      Creighton Duke

      Yes, he did physical stuff, but he also said some pretty bad stuff...stuff that you shouldn't be saying to high school kids. Oh well, I turned out fine!

    4. TheRedCarver


      Are you sure???



      JK. :D

  2. 3 people die in Boston...16,000 die a day because of starvation... hmm. Wish we could try to solve that issue as passionately as this one.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Foppa


      16k dead every day? Welp...time for the U.S. to spend $50 trillion to go into every country that has that problem and try to fix it. That seems to work. Thankfully, no debt or problems on the homefront.

    3. Skull&Bones


      Foppa...I couldn't have said it better. No matter what we do it's never enough. ignoring that, not stroking it enough, stroking it to much....Oregon man i don't even have to ask because I know you are writing a check to

      Sally Struthers every week.

      This Country is the most giving and caring society in the world. What do you want from us?

    4. HuskerThor


      If our own children weren't starving, I might understand where you are coming from. We need to fix our own problems first, then worry about the others. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but I believe it is reality.

  3. First Husker ejected from a game for the new excessive hit penalty?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. The King

      The King

      Torn between Cooper and Afalava

    3. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Pelini- excessive glaring penalty. Brett Smith catches just a glimpse and has to be rushed to hospital.

    4. Minnesota_husker




      But i will take Santos

  4. Lol, Miley Cyrus' video "Adore You" is something else.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. strigori


      What's even funnier is once you leave England, if you mention his name, most people will think of the guy who smashes watermelons with a sledgehammer

    3. Foppa


      Isn't it something if you continually fight with your brother and it's constantly newsworthy?


    4. HUSKER 37

      HUSKER 37

      I don't remember feeling compelled to mute an Oasis song before..but Milley sure reminds me of bad porn background music

  5. Michael Rose-Ivey ‏@Rose_IveyNB15 10h thing is the same ppl cheering for these black athletes will be just as quick to call them a [N word], as applauding them for their good play... I could've swore Devnet said our players don't hear that word from our fans.......

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. The King

      The King

      It definitely should be taken into account, but with the passage of time **SOME** African-American's forgot the true meaning of the word. The word is unusually hip & cool amongst teenage boys to use with each other. As a product of their environment, they continue to use it as they age, IMO.

    3. Landlord


      I didn't claim to know your life, only that you're white via your choice of your words, and thus haven't ever been oppressed by it.


      I agree that it's stupid and agree that it just as soon be completely eliminated from all vocabulary ever, I just don't agree that because some blacks use it amongst themselves in an acceptable way, that anyone has free license to use it.


      Either way I'm confused between your first comment referring to blacks in genera...

    4. Landlord


      Eh it cut off.


      Anyways my thoughts of why it's used are based entirely off of my close relationships with black friends, learning their perspectives and culture in small part. Sorry if I offended you man.

  6. We have the most talent of any team in our conference aside from tOSU. Look. The. Part.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ZRod


      Oh I know. It's just funny.

    3. The King

      The King

      As I said the other day, depth could be a real issue, but if Bo doesn't win 10 games I'd be in favor of letting him go for the first time - obviously dependent on injuries. We look like we were built for the SEC. No excuses. Did you guys catch the interview of Alonzo Moore asking what its like to go against our defense and he just laughed & looked hopeless? A lot of teams will have that feeling this year when they play us.

    4. ZRod


      Oh I like that!

  7. Honest question: Mike Riley, underrated amongst the new hires? 2-2 vs Harbaugh w/a lesser OSU program (didn't have Luck nor the OL of Stanford, inferior resources, players) and gave Pete Caroll some TOUGH games vs loaded USC teams, including a win.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. beanman


      If only this fanbase had a rockstar alum in coaching to unify the huge fan base. Oh wait, we don't, so I guess TheSker can shut his trap now.

    3. Mavric


      Frost would have been well received by many.

    4. It'sNotAFakeID


      Both Riley and Harbaugh are right for their respective schools. Let's just leave it at that, k?

  8. Hope whoever called in on Tiger really feels good about themselves... Ruined what could've been a GREAT Sunday. Get a life.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. teachercd


      Imagine calling in for a hold, or a offsides.

    3. HuskerNationNick


      Rumor has it, it was Lindsey Vonn's ex husband.

    4. It'sNotAFakeID


      ...it was still a great weekend

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Count 'Bility

      Count 'Bility

      Not being a hater, but the NCAA set a precedent with Penn St. They will be expected to step in on this to the fullest extent.

    3. IllinoisHuskerFan


      ya and make their ruling in the fall of 2019

    4. scarletNcream


      Just read the Rolling Stone story. They make Urban out to be a god fearing saint and savoir. I don't know if he is or was any different than T.O. in his day or any other coach that wants the best for his players.

  9. So...where is this talk that RK3 should start because he has earned it? Because he has been here longer? Don't you earn it by being the better player in practice? You don't hand out starting positions based on feel good stories.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. HuskerFowler


      Coach speak. Sorry, need to start the guy thats going to be here for the future, even if they are as close as Pelini says.

    3. ZRod


      I honestly don't see the big deal with giving RKIII the first series and having Tommy take over from there. It's not like it's conference game or something. Maybe I'm just too old fashioned...

    4. ZRod


      And we'll probably go three and out on the first series like we always do anyways...

  10. My roommates dog won't shut the heck up. Unbelievable.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. The King

      The King

      Try petting him while I (attempt) to sleep? Lol

    3. HuskerNationNick


      I bet if you whack him in the head with a frying pan, it will fix the problem.

    4. TAKODA


      Yes, whack him in the head with a frying pan while you have a finger in his butt. Then do it to the dog. That is the ticket!

  11. What happened to Broderick Nickens - starter...ha ha ha

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. QMany


      He spends six nights a week at the bars? Does that mean KJ spends 7 nights at the same bars he does keeping track?

    3. The King

      The King

      I suppose I could have worded it better. Just the boards reaction when Nickens was moved for "depth" and "starter". I thought about it late last night how people reacted to it. Clearly Bo did it to light a fire under some other DL members. Nothing against Nickens.

    4. Count 'Bility

      Count 'Bility

      What if KJ only spends 6 nights at the bars? How do we know Nickens isnt spending 7?

  12. Despite the victory, Beck has to go. With all of this talent, there is no way he is putting them in a position to win. We should be flying all over the field.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. TonyStalloni


      I know it can't be easy to call a play on a cold windy day with a lot of players who aren't cold weather kids. He has to allow for what linemen are key to the play he will call and with his 3rd string Qb. Yes there were a few head scratchers but not terrible for the weather and what he's working with.

    3. C N Red

      C N Red

      Have to agree with King surprisingly. Watch Baylor. I really like how they run their offense and use their talent by spreading it around.

    4. The King

      The King

      Tony, that explains the last two to three weeks. Not the entire season. Honestly if we forced teams to make one on one tackles in space I think Wyoming amongst other games would've been a LOT different. Yes sometimes you'll have negative plays but you have to believe that sometimes it's not about Xs and Os and it's the Jimmys and Joes. For instance I can't think of q corner that should even be on the field with Quincy or Kenny for some teams we played

  13. Ameer supposedly got a 1st or 2nd round draft grade. Wow. Kudos to him for staying.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. husker07


      I just think that AA is a fan of the pitch option that Armstrong brings. Thought he mentioned once he was really looking forward to perfecting it with him. Looked really good at times this year.

    3. True2tRA


      Armstrong gonna light it up! AA wants to be along for the ride. Of course, Armstrong could be along for the ride with AA in the drivers seat. Either way, these two gonna be fun as hell to watch!

    4. husker B-rent

      husker B-rent

      Or Johnny Stanton.

  14. need to start making some coaching changes, Bo, it is about the big picture. you or them #QBcoachplease

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. The King

      The King

      Corey Cooper is the new damion Stafford...slllloooooowwwww

    3. Chaddyboxer


      Sad thing is...he's made awesome decisions and throws at times...just amazing sh#t..then he and the whole team play like dog sh#t...game would've been worse if Neb didn't capiltize on those turnovers...

    4. Danny Bateman

      Danny Bateman

      He's a very gifted runner. He makes awesome throws only when his first read gets open. Beck cannot help him grow beyond that. Coop whiffed absolutely terr-eh-bly on that first Gordon TD. Dove for the knees and no use of arms.

  15. Dwight to HOU. Ha Lakers.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. The King

      The King

      And he apparently has changed his mind, lmao. This is good.

    3. The King

      The King

      And he apparently has changed his mind, lmao. This is good.

    4. jsneb83


      I wanted to see him stay in Lakers, just so I can see them fail.

  16. Can't wait to see what changes Bo makes. I hope our whole 2 deep is under reconsideration. Love you seniors but... let the best man win. Even if feelings get hurt.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Chaddyboxer


      Ciante is suppose to be leader...later in the game, he wasn't showing leadership. His body language said otherwise...sadly.

    3. True2tRA


      I commented about that earlier Chaddyboxer. And Ciante was exactly who I had. In mind. He made a mistake and he was more down than anyone, real leaders don't do that. Jus sayin

    4. Chaddyboxer


      Yep and I agree. Need to brush it off and go onto the next play. MINDSET NEEDS TO CHANGE and QUICK.

  17. Turkey bacon is better than real bacon. Just saying.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      The end is near. Btw- you're apparently not getting the correct real bacon.

    3. walksalone


      he just put himself on the same level as Husker_99 and WayUpAbove...

    4. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Yeah, that's like admitting you're a vegan or something.

  18. Georgia has sold approximately 7k tickets. We've sold approximately 2.8k.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. tmfr15


      Just imagine what the stadium would like if we were playing in the Des Moines Iowa bowl game against Georgia. It's fair to say we would buy all of our allotment and most of theirs too. Just sayin'

    3. Junior


      There should be a bowl at Lambeau. It could be the Polar Antifreeze Bowl. I'd go.

    4. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Just imagine if the bowl game was in Des Moines, and Des Moines was actually a tropical locale not located in Iowa....I bet our ticket sales would be higher in that situation. I still wouldn't go but just sayin.

  19. Jessica Parker Kennedy... YES PLEASE

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. husker B-rent

      husker B-rent

      Agreed Kozz. Pretty average IMO

    3. TonyStalloni


      Likes: Big brown eyes, brown hair, 5'1", cute, great body.

      Dislikes: Large mouth

      Deal breaker: Can she cook?

    4. C N Red

      C N Red

      Actually most of the pictures I've found of her haven't been real good. Just watch Black Sails episode 3 and you might change your mind.

  20. how ya gonna delete my status smh

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. The Dude

      The Dude

      ah man how yall gon play da king lik dat.

    3. The King

      The King

      Ya it was just a joke lighten up brah it was just funny that's all

    4. The King

      The King

      Ya it was just a joke lighten up brah it was just funny that's all

  21. Welcome to Huskerboard, Mr. McDonald. - Tweeted Adam McLean the site.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ZRod


      What'd you say about my people ADS?

    3. ADS


      I didn't say anything, guy.

    4. Thanks_Tom RR

      Thanks_Tom RR

      What's McD's handle, King?

  22. Jack Mitchell ‏@JackM_KLINRadio 4m Chris Harriman just said on KLIN that official who kicked Miles out saw it on video and apologized to Miles & said he couldn't take it back.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. louisianared


      As someone who was training at one time to be a college official I know that if officials perform poorly they can be demoted by either not allowing them to call post-season games or demoting them to sister conferences for the next season. I know the BIG XII is a sister league with the Southland for officiating.


      Most of the time the officials are veterans and won't have anything done to them due to political pull (aka being friends with the head of officials)

    3. carlfense


      Still not nearly as bad as 2010 aTm.

    4. Junior


      That's remarkable


  23. Banker says they'll take up to 7 LBs this class LOL #goodevaluationoldcoaches

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. The Dude

      The Dude

      If we have any "extra" LBs, they'll likely spend a lot of their time with Coach Read.

    3. zoogs


      Yeah, our LB situation is a little desperate. Bo was great at getting his team to play behind him even in the worst of times, but stocking the cupboard...

    4. The King

      The King

      Yeah but still up to 7 just shows where our LB depth is.



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