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  1. Why on God's green f***ing Earth would any of you want Nebraska to go to the SEC?
    7 points
  2. we get it bro, u know the guy, u took a class with him, cool story... doesnt mean this isn't a dumb story 2.5 weeks before the season kick off that is ripe for ridicule and no run way for anything positive coming out of it. big10 and Kevin W was a cluster F last year, no doubt, but it was a year ago. I dont care, I just want football and i want this conference and this school to stop tripping over itself. Specially considering the "hype train" the past few days leading up to it just smells like a s#!tty PR stint for an even more s#!tty premise.
    6 points
  3. I don't think a single person on here believes that Nebraska doesn't have a turnover issue. The WHY is where many of us disagree. QBs turn the ball over at a much higher rate when they are trying to come from behind. They are trying to make things happen and N has played from behind a lot lately. QBs turn the ball over at a much higher rate when skill position players are substandard. They are trying to compensate for the lackluster play around them. QBs turn the ball over at a much higher rate when the O-Line stinks. Under pressure plays account for well over 50% of the QB turnovers we have had in the last 3 years. We have a turnover issue- no doubt. The reason we do does not lie completely on the QBs shoulders. Fans want something easy to point at. They want instant gratification and pointing to one guy does that. #2 gets the brunt of the complaints but I'll ask again- How do you think #2 would look at Ohio State? My guess is he would be squarely in the Heisman conversation.
    6 points
  4. Now a 4 star per Rivals
    5 points
  5. This definitely seems like an unprofessional idiot of a lawyer.
    5 points
  6. I think this pretty much confirms what those of us who pay attention have been saying. We're much better than we were even 3 years ago, but still room for improvement. I like how we looked physically from a body type last year, and even more so this year. Guys are leaner and more athletic looking; something closer to a line at Chip Kelly's Oregon, but taller and therefore heavier. *Edit* I just did a quick scan of the 2010 Ducks roster and our 2021 roster. I didn't actually do the math, but a quick guess looks like we are about 2" taller and 30lbs heavier on average compared to that team. We got some big boys!
    4 points
  7. I tuned out when he talked about the "mystery" of the cancelation then sudden un-cancelation of the Big 10 football season. It wasn't a mystery, scandal, or conspiracy. It was an entirely predictable clusterf#&%. A clusterf#&% shared by large organizations with public health obligations all over the world during an unprecedented pandemic. The Big 10 could have handled it better. But of all the muck-raking documentaries that need to be made, this isn't one of them.
    4 points
  8. I know, I'm just correcting you is all. and obviously you cared enough to search him. I don't think a movie that a sports lawyer not affiliated with the University of Nebraska is going to cause the school to trip over itself. Hell, we don't need anyone to do it, we do it ourselves. I'm sorry you feel this way my good sir.
    4 points
  9. Exactly. Plus, I don't think there is some huge plot to uncover here. Things didn't "add up" because B1G leadership was simply bad, inconsistent, and incompetent. Not allowing Nebraska to schedule a replacement game for Wisconsin because of different COVID protocols of the opposing team, but simultaneously being okay with sending teams to bowl games, is just stupid. No plot necessary. Chalk it up to bad leadership in a difficult situation and put this to bed.
    4 points
  10. He's asking for funding. Let's hope he doesn't get it, and this never comes to fruition.
    4 points
  11. The guy is obviously nothing more than a two bit ambulance chasing lawyer looking for a payday where there shouldn't be one.
    4 points
  12. Nebraska is the Big Red. Mars is The Red Planet. . . . . . . . We're playing a game on Mars! Suck it Elon!
    4 points
  13. no. when a lawyer says he has some info, but “has already said too much” that Cornhusker nation will like but the B1G won’t like… and tries to drop a “before the break” teaser…it’s pretty stupid, and douchey. I’m not holding my breath
    4 points
  14. So, by your own numbers, 42% of his fumbles and 67% of his interceptions FOR THE SEASON came in that ONE GAME. Yet you've apparently convinced yourself that, not only is that not a outlier, but that's what you think you were seeing from him most games.
    4 points
  15. It was sort of already addressed but here's my take on this. • Yes, he turned it over too much in that game. No question. But those two picks were half of his incompletions, and he also had two touchdowns on the ground contrasted against those three fumbles. • Two of the those fumbles were in the first quarter (3 points scored off of them), I believe all three in the first half (zero after he tore his sleeves off, which he wasn't used to, and it's not an excuse but it's an important contextual detail that it got fixed). • One of the interceptions was an insane #SCTop10 leaping one handed snag off an aggressive throw into the endzone. Not a great throw, not a great decision, but personally I don't mind the aggressiveness at all and sometimes people make incredible plays (that INT was more due to the unbelievable effort of the Rutgers DB than it was the poor execution of the QB, imo). Second one was awful with no excuse. His quantity of fumbles is at least to some degree related to his quantity of carries. His rate of fumbles per carries isn't nearly as alarming as a stat, and is the more important stat. Also in regards to his interceptions, outside of the Rutgers game he had 1 total INT in 6 other games.
    4 points
  16. if it is anything important desmond howard will be calling for nebraska to be kicked out of the conference again
    4 points
  17. I think we keep having losing seasons because we shank punts 12 yards, let the other team run the ball back to their own 35-40 on kickoffs, and have kick returners that don't know when to take the touchback and get the ball on the 25. We keep having losing seasons because of untimely penalties and because we snap the ball over the QB's head. Special teams and boneheaded penalties are the two top reasons. We were 5th in offensive yards per game last year, but these two things make our points scored per yard gained average pretty bad. Those things aren't on Martinez. He needs to do better with securing the ball when he's falling forward for rushing yards...but he had only thrown one interception heading into that Rutgers game. And benching him was such a dumb move by Frost...McNuggets goes in there and then has four turnovers against Illinois and we lose in embarrassing fashion...with one of those turnovers coming on a bizarre and panicked lateral on the first play of the game.
    3 points
  18. This thread and many like it, just screams, WE NEED FOOTBALL TO FREAKING START!!
    3 points
  19. I'm putting together a documentary on this exact possibility. Is Dan Lust the Sock Puppet? Have some bombshell evidance included in my trailer dropping later this week. Stay glued to this thread for updates, and trust me, Big Sock Puppet Corporations are NOT gonna like what I have uncovered.
    3 points
  20. I'll give myself a little pat on the back for my one correct prediction on the year. I don't have any negative feelings towards this guy as a person but he went about all of this completely the wrong way and it screams of desperately trying to hype up something because it doesn't have enough hype intrinsically built in to it. He seems to have gotten high off the attention from Nebraska's rabid online base last year going to bat for us in our fight for football, and is now trying to co-opt our fanbase into more attention. Just feels weird and slimey.
    3 points
  21. Can't be overstated what it would do for our program to have a couple of these young running backs emerge as strong, every-down type of backs that we could look forward to playing for four straight years. I still say it's hard to tell what our run blocking will really look like this season but I'm excited about seeing our RBs against Illinois.
    3 points
  22. This photo is from last year, during the whole debacle, he was one of the few who was behind us. Us, Nebraska fans on twitter called him an honorary Husker fan and they sent him and his family some Husker gear. But keep on keepin on
    3 points
  23. I'm more worried that you can't embed a tweet correctly! jk
    3 points
  24. Ehhh. Depends on the game and quarter. I still say that was a legal block and a crap rule.
    3 points
  25. I don't understand the hate. The university has nothing to do with this. Looks like a doc that explores what happened last year and seems to have mostly Ohio State people interviewed in it. Kirk Barton, BuckeyeScoop.com Bill Bender, SportingNews.com Matt Connolly, ClemsonSports.com Jonathon Cooper, 2020 OSU captain Tony Gerdeman, BuckeyeScoop.com Marc Givler, BuckeyeScoop.com Tom Kakert, HawkeyeReport.com Dan Lust, ConductDetrimental.com Jessica Moorman, OSU football parent Tom Orr, BuckeyeScoop.com Erin Sorensen, HailVarsity.com Tony Tskoulas, BamaInsider.com Randy Wade, OSU Football Parent
    3 points
  26. This is an embarrassment to UNL and the state of Nebraska for this guy's personal gain. He deserves to catch a lot of heat for this b.s. and I hope it gets squashed.
    3 points
  27. I have never been a fan of sweeping things under the rug. People made mistakes/bad decisions. They need to be held accountable for those and bringing everything into the open does that to some degree. There needs to be motivation to not screw up in the future so I am in support of the project. That said, I wouldn't donate any money and I'm guessing this guy is motivated by money rather than justice.
    3 points
  28. I think you are assuming it's an either or deal. No way that is the case. You only need each team to schedule one OOC game against P5 to satisfy the TV slot. That would be 4-5 games per week during the first 3 weeks. Your big name programs will not sacrifice the 7th home game and they won't be asked to.
    3 points
  29. It looks like it started with Ohio State folks. Fight For Football: Saving The 2020 Season I suppose that's a bit better, but it's still, to me, something we don't need our name associated with.
    3 points
  30. Poor leader, in new role, gets pressured from his bosses to do unpopular thing in unprecedented times. The build up and the documentary over it is just dumb and unnecessary. He's just trying to play into the Nebraska fans fears the world is out to get us. Don't over think what happened last year. It can be summed up in 15 seconds.
    3 points
  31. damn. Some of you are just hateful. I'm interested in seeing it. don't have to wish the worse for people.
    3 points
  32. He was sworn to secrecy about a low budget documentary? This is so dumb.
    3 points
  33. My own numbers? 7 games is what Nebraska played in. Look at the splits and you’ll see a different story (#2 didn’t accumulate a ton of stats in 2 games because he didn’t start because of turnover issues). Are you in capable of looking past 2020 as well? 2020 game log splits tell the same story but I keep referencing his entire body of work and you keep going back. If you don’t believe he or Nebraska itself, has a turnover issue, that’s perfect. Glad for you. One thing we can agree on, at least I hope, is that we both want #2 to succeed and have his best season this year.
    3 points
  34. Glad to know they care about rushing stats.
    3 points
  35. We're merging our football program with Central Florida?
    3 points
  36. Those things arent affecting other people. Being fat cant kill others, unless youre the revolting blob and sit on someones face. Being a smoker cant kill others. Being a drinker cant kill others, unless you drink and drive, which we have laws against. The only reason were still in this pandemic is because of unvaccinated people. We have an out. This should be over, but its not. Unvaccinated and anti-vax people are putting hospital staff at risk and immunocompromised at risk because of their stupidity/selfishness. My empathy for them is gone. They made their choice. They shouldnt be allowed to put hospital workers at risk, they shouldnt get a bed. Let nature take its course. I hope they live and learn a lesson, but they think their immune system can handle it, so let it at home.
    3 points
  37. That game was nothing close to his last two seasons in a nutshell. That game was an extreme outlier from a turnover standpoint. It was a frigid road game at the end of a trying season where and injured Martinez was trying to do too much to get his team a win and had ball security issues k in no small part due to the sleeves he was wearing. The part where people keep trying to act like that was what was happening all season is disingenuous at best.
    3 points
  38. No way any d1 university would hire a twat like that to do anything. dan if you’re reading this- you are a douche.
    3 points
  39. So he wants funding for a documentary...? It's over.
    2 points
  40. We pay more because we subsidize the rest of the world. Get Most Favored Nationa pricing passes and you would no longer see those other countries mooching off us. Either they would raise their prices or drugs would quite being sold there. The US would also see a drop, but keep in mind, over 90% of US prescriptions are already filled generic. From ncbi While the US IMR disadvantage is widely discussed and quantitatively important, the determinants of this disadvantage are not well understood, hindering policy efforts.2 A key constraint on past research has been the lack of comparable micro-datasets across countries. Cross-country comparisons of aggregate infant mortality rates provide very limited insight, for two reasons. First, a well-recognized problem is that countries vary in their reporting of births near the threshold of viability. Such reporting differences may generate misleading comparisons of how infant mortality varies across countries. specifically, in an unrestricted sample the US has much higher neonatal mortality than any of the European comparisons we analyze (World Health Organization, 2006), whereas our comparably-reported sample suggests that differences in reporting could be driving nearly all of that pattern. just a few things I have previously brought up when talking IMR across different countries.
    2 points
  41. People have wisened up a bit through the pandemic and started valuing themselves too much to be subjected and manipulated into the worst pay for the hardest work, and have realized they hold more power than they think.
    2 points
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