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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/2018 in Posts

    9 points
  2. At least you'll bounce off the cars since you are an inflatable.
    4 points
  3. I guess I read it as that's exactly what he's saying. Maybe it's not worded exactly right. But I thought he was saying the same thing from the other point of view. If you let your mind listen to your body and quit when you think you can't do any more, you're shorting yourself. You have to make your mind tell your body to keep going.
    4 points
  4. WTH, I got Flat Herbie. Sorta feel like Charlie Brown on Halloween...I got a rock. But at least I didn't get Lil Red
    3 points
  5. Good ole Harry Husker...dapper and professional and ready to cheer on the Huskers
    3 points
  6. I mean i guess when you put it that way it might be, but I think you may be the one taking things too seriously.
    3 points
  7. I dont know. I think this team was far better than last years team but that was because they had better players. This team has struggled to win games it should in the past and it overcame that this year. I think for a stretch, they did look like an NCAA team. The last few games, they didnt but at a point, they looked dang good. That is more a testament to Palmer putting the team on his back. I can say the only thing that Miles truly did to improve the system they ran was the 1-3-1 zone and figuring out how to stop the 3 ball better. They were awful a few years ago and seemed to get better at closing out on the shooter. I do think the team improved as the year went on. I do think they team improved from last year. I dont think that was because of coaching changing or improving. It was because of the guys getting more experience with one another. The Miles sunshine pushers are one extreme but Seaofred92 is so dang negative. Dude, regardless of our soft schedule, we won a lot of games. Try to enjoy that a little bit.
    3 points
  8. Sam Keller 1) The 2007 Season 2) Ruining EA Sports College Football
    3 points
  9. Sasse can take his sanctimoniousness elsewhere as far as I'm concerned. He's had nothing to say during the utterly dysfunctional year and a half since Trump has been elected because he got Gorsuch and most of their policy goals have been strongly conservative. Now he finds his voice when we pass a spending bill he doesn't like and decides to hit us with a big dose of "both sides, look how above it I am?" The complete and total lack of moral courage on the part of these so-called conservatives is extremely damning.
    3 points
  10. 4.4 for me. Hell, I'd even take a 7 second 40.
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. I got little red too. *sits on a porcupine* I'm like way smarter than GSG
    2 points
  13. I don't want to be negative and I apologize if my criticisms come off that way. I want us to win every game we play and obviously want Tim Miles to do well. I'm also just trying to provide a point of emotionless evaluation of the team because unfortunately a lot of people got caught up in the win total and thought "hey this team is pretty good!" when in reality the statistics show otherwise. I think a lot of the people view this as such a successful season is because of the poor past 3 seasons. So I do agree with the premise that we have improved over those seasons but the reality is we almost set the school record for losses in a season three years in a row. I just think when you put this season into context and you look at the games we played that really mattered, it was obvious that Miles was outclassed and the team was unprepared (minus Michigan and I guess Minnesota 1). This is unfortunate in my view because I was nervous it was going to make Moos lock up Miles to a long term deal and we would be stuck with this mediocre/sub mediocre team for the foreseeable future. Thankfully, Mr. Moos appears to be cautious about doing just that.
    2 points
  14. According to some the chance of war wt NK went up 4-5x with the appointment of Bolton as NCA https://www.vox.com/world/2018/3/23/17155796/john-bolton-trump-mike-pompeo-war-cabinet The era of Trump unbound quote below has this response from me: Mueller get this guy out of here NOW. or has someone once famously put it: obi wan kenobi you are out only hope! Another related link https://www.vox.com/world/2018/3/23/17155830/john-bolton-national-security-adviser-trump-mcmaster
    2 points
  15. The whole premise of the thread is who would beat who in a fight, FFS.
    2 points
  16. I think in a sense that is what he meant. The body will always be able to do what the mind tells it to do (to a degree) the part you need to train is the mind to keep going when your body "feels" tired. The body will keep going and do what is asked of it if the mind simply asks.
    2 points
  17. I'm still a little butthurt over the Whorns owning us for about 15 years, starting with the B12 Title game in 1996. There's just no explanation for some of those losses. And it still bugs me.
    2 points
  18. Also I'd point out Sasse is one of the conservatives who voted eagerly to add $1.5T to the deficit with their tax cuts, but now he complains about less than due to spending. What a complete and utter phony. Silent throughout but magically pops his head out of his hole when he sees the opportunity to fluff his conservative bonafides and "both sides" us. What a joke. We deserve better than we're getting as a state.
    2 points
  19. Apt, considering the current voting in this thread.
    2 points
  20. What a change that we could give up 16 points and blame the defense for losing the game.
    2 points
  21. Just thought of another one: The int that Tommy threw in OT against Miami and the field goal to win was so close to going wide.
    2 points
  22. Husker fans booing the quarterback early on in the 1997 season.
    2 points
  23. Another Harry Husker. First time I've been described as 'dapper and professional', though.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. Transferring back to St. Louis for senior year. Visiting Cuse this weekend.
    1 point
  27. Pence is a naked opportunist with no political virtue above power. Just like the vast majority of the GOP. He's definitely just trying to hang on until Trump gets the boot.
    1 point
  28. I had a Granpa like that. We didn't have a mini-bike, he drank Old Crow, and had close to 80 guns.
    1 point
  29. Signed the funding bill. As usual, his bluster is just all talk, no action. Trump is very good at posturing like a tough guy, but never follows through on his threats. Also, this: He's just SO ignorant about just everything in general. This man has no idea about any given topic he talks about and he runs the United States government.
    1 point
  30. The amount that some of you drool over the physical attributes of a teen-aged boy is disturbing.
    1 point
  31. It doesn't matter. This is a message board where people like to hem and haw over what a recruiting profile 40 time really translates to
    1 point
  32. I'm not coming on here to discuss who would beat who in a fight. The thing that kind of bugs me is the quote from Biden is taken out of context. You have to google long and hard to find video of the full quote. After he states what he would do to someone who bragged about sexual assault, he states "I shouldn't have said that." The quote in question starts around the 4:20 mark of the video.
    1 point
  33. Bolton is a mistake. This will not end will for anyone.
    1 point
  34. The nut job appoints a greater nut job to DNA as noted above^^. https://www.vox.com/world/2018/3/22/17153338/john-bolton-national-security-adviser-trump-hr-mcmaster My response: Nothing like war to get Trump sex scandals and Russia off of the front page.
    1 point
  35. So essentially what you're saying is the people who understand the game of basketball and watched the team all year long without seeing real improvement were correct in their criticisms of the team's performance? And the people who hopped on the bandwagon after 20 wins who bashed the people that watched the games all year long for their criticisms don't actually know what they're talking about? I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you.
    1 point
  36. I love this kid's film. There is an attribute that I want people to watch when he runs. You'll see a subtle bounce when he's toting the rock. I know that sounds a little crazy because he is running, but if you train your eye to notice, you'll see it. It is an attribute that says a lot about the players agility and movement. Yes he is fast, but the other important part is that he has tremendous balance. This allows him to curve and change direction without it being obvious. It is a defenders nightmare.
    1 point
  37. The quality of video from any years that NU dominated
    1 point
  38. Trump is a blob of gelatinous material. He would get winded a minute in. Also, this is why we need a woman president.
    1 point
  39. Started up Black Mirror about a week ago. Holy geez...I feel like I need 30 minutes in between episodes to unpack what the heck I just saw. I skipped S1E1 because literally 5 people told me to not bother watching it. All the episodes have been pretty good so far that I've seen. I haven't gotten into S4 or most of S3 yet. So far White Bear and San Junipero are top top. Other stuff I've watched/re watched... Master of None..super clever series by Aziz Ansari that kinda focused around relationships, modern dating, etc. Also has a kick a$$ soundtrack. Luther...BBC crime drama from a few years ago that stars Idris Elba (Stringer Bell for those that love The Wire) Luther plays a police detective with psychological issues. Really good, pretty dark stuff. Non Netflix It's really hard to try and get into much else as I'm also watching McMafia (pretty good so far), Designated Survivor and American Greed. Plus HBO is going to be dropping the hammer again with Silicon Valley and the new Bill Hader show 'Barry' which looks awesome. Also...BILLIONS IS BACKKKKKK
    1 point
  40. Depends--is Donald going to fight Biden, or sexually assault him?
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. The Ganz int in overtime against Texas Tech circa 2008 was a kick in the sack as well.
    1 point
  43. Shawn Watson Shawn Watsoning the 2010 Conference Championship. Also Shawn Watson Shawn Watsoning the entire 2009 season.
    1 point
  44. Yup. Since at least the 2018 cycle.
    1 point
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