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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2019 in Posts

  1. So you are saying this is par for the course for how Moos works.................... I will see myself out.
    6 points
  2. I get such a kick out of the defense of Trump being that Trump isn't the bad guy, it's all the liars and thieves and crooks that Trump hired and has worked with for decades who are the bad guys. It's even richer when you can find dozens and dozens of times where Trump has complimented and defended and praised all these men as good people, as honest/trustworthy, as all sorts of good things which they clearly aren't. So, either Trump is also a dirty liar who shouldn't be trusted, or Trump is a total f#&%ing clueless idiot the likes of which we've never seen before. What's that saying about the company you keep again? The one from the Bible and the most famous fables in history?
    5 points
  3. This is the main one that just makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. I have taught for 19 years and I have seen 16 year olds up close for many years. They are absolutely not ready to make a choice like this yet. I know that there are immature, uninformed people of all ages but I just think this would be a terrible idea. Most 16 year olds are struggling with who they are going to prom with and other high school related issues. This would lead to politics bleeding in to high schools all over the nation and lead to a lot of teachers sharing their opinions more with students. I can't speak for all schools, but our teachers all do a great job of teaching kids about politics rather than trying to teach them about which party they are in favor of.
    5 points
  4. 5 points
  5. I have not seen one single person on this board condone Maurice's alleged actions or void them of condemnation, so it's time to cut the nonsense and pious tone of your posts. You shared your opinion. It has been debated/contradicted. Either expound upon your argument without the quips and feathery insults or move on from the thread, please.
    4 points
  6. If Fred doesnt take the job, I hope it doesn’t put a wedge between them. (Bad anyway you slice it...) i
    4 points
  7. I think I just discovered the Moos back channel to Hoiberg. Mark Hankins (NUs golf coach that Moos hired this past summer) was Fred's college roommate at ISU. I would bet a large sum of money that Moos had Hankins reach out to Fred (similar to how he had Davison working on Frost).
    4 points
  8. NM as a conservative - I couldn't have said it better. @MNBigRedNorth - I'd encourage you to take a hard long look at your heart and your loyalties. I was in your position not so very long ago. All I listened to was talk radio & related opinion shows and news and my opinions were bent in an unbalanced way. Cultism begins when we throw out sound voices and sound reasoning from people who have a track record of conservative speech. Read my thread about the cult of Trump and the original post in which I apply the traits of a religious cult to that of a political cult - it can happen to Dems as well - I thought we were going to have one wt Obama the way that started out (Ocean levels ceasing to rise, etc, etc). Just because I can't stand Trump as a president - he is unfit on so many obvious levels, doesn't mean I disagree with all of his policies/positions - some I agree with and some I don't. However, he is the wrong man to be pushing conservative policies and being the face of conservatism. He does not have the depth of knowledge or maturity to be its spokesperson and so he has co-opt the movement and made it (or trying to make it) after his own image - which is an adulterated version of conservative thoughts and policy. Even more so, he has adulterated what it means to be a patriot and an American and by his personality issues alone is unfit to be the President of all Americans.
    4 points
  9. Per Rivals, he has his official visit set for April 6th, but he also has a Wisconsin official visit for set for June 7. So hopefully his visit goes well for him and his family and he will cancel his Wisconsin visit.
    4 points
  10. Hes not a proven liar. That is fake news made up by the MSM and corrupt house of reps. Adam Schiff is actually a republican in disguise put in by the deep state to infiltrate the democratic party and sabotage the mueller and SDNY investigations and get dirt on Hilary about uranium one and emails. Dont believe everything you hear. I know what Im talking about and everything will come out shortly.
    4 points
  11. oh boy...never mind. believe what you want to believe. hope you don't run out of tin foil anytime soon
    4 points
  12. 4 points
  13. gotta catch them all. dems as well as republicans. now.....if meuller charges him and it's all great.....are you going to support any other charges he brings up or are you going to stick with it's all a witch hunt?
    4 points
  14. We don't need an armchair diagnosis to know that Trump is mentally unfit to hold the Presidency.
    4 points
  15. Oh please, give me a break. Don’t read my posts then if it bothers you so much. Ignore.
    4 points
  16. Websites dedicated to investigating facts are the biggest liberal sites. Another confirmation that facts have a liberal bias. Go back up and read TGHusker's post. Take his words to heart. Just because you hold conservative ideals doesn't mean you have lose your mind along with the party.
    3 points
  17. lol...you only get your news from the biggest right wing propaganda sights. come on. you can do better than that.
    3 points
  18. "Lars and I" can now confirm the hire.
    3 points
  19. I'm here for the music
    3 points
  20. or someone can get a little more creative and hold up a sign like this: RHYMES WITH
    3 points
  21. Honestly I didn't know a single sentence could be so entirely made up of incorrect statements.
    3 points
  22. Those are fake charts from the msm and the liberal groupthink campuses across America you can't trust them use your eyes here is a chart that shows the obama economy it was a disaster wake up sheeple its right in front of you
    3 points
  23. You are wrong. The founders are affiliated with Brookings Institute. Ben Wittes, Robert Chesney and Jack Goldsmith. Wittes is a conservative, Chesney is a very well known, right leaning lawyer as is Goldsmith. Contributors regularly include other staunch R's like Bill Kristol, Geoffrey Corn and other Federalist members. These are your people, or at least who used to be what conservatives looked to. They are experts - hard stop. They are people who are and have been respected their entire careers as conservative contributors. They are constitutionalists. Perhaps you should look inward at your immediate instinct to label a publication or author as "liberal MSM" because the content doesn't line up with your opinion. I'd think you'd actually benefit greatly from reading a conservatives' point of view of the current situation. If you believe that any part of Lawfare is not respectable I challenge you to think that through. These guys have all humbly looked in the mirror, and like many in the republican party found that what they see today is not what they are aligned to, nor what the constitution stands for.
    3 points
  24. You don't believe this information, yet when an Obama administration official gets caught up in this same probe, then its real. Your tribalism is showing.
    3 points
  25. 3 points
  26. I have no interest in debating someone who still supports Trump after this s#!tshow of a presidency. Anyone still supporting him has issues and I dont have time for people like that. However, conservatives like TGHusker, I enjoy reading his posts and talking policies with him. We disagree on things, but he has changed my mind on things and he has obviously changed his mind on things also. More conservatives like him please and less MAGA losers.
    3 points
  27. 2 points
  28. We call those “plus twos” now.
    2 points
  29. https://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2017/oct/03/blog-posting/fake-news-posts-blame-puerto-ricos-truck-drivers-r/ https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cnn-altered-photo-umpqua-shooter/ https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/philando-castile-was-not-wanted-for-armed-robbery/
    2 points
  30. Trump hired these people to be apart of his campaign so he is at least somewhat involved. So you're telling me you'd be defending Hillary Clintons honor on this issue if she was in Trumps position?
    2 points
  31. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-last-refuge/ Analysis / Bias In review, The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) reports news with a strong right wing bias with all stories favoring the right and denigrating the left. There is considerable use of loaded language in headlines such as this: Sketchy Business: Grassley Releases Original Ford Letter to Feinstein… Although this particular article is written well and utilizes sourcing, it ends in big bold letters LIES!, conveying strong support for Judge Kavanaugh without evidence. On the website they also list a blogroll of favorite/similar media sources that come straight from our right bias and questionable sources list. Here are a few examples: Gateway Pundit (questionable), Geller Report (questionable), Jihad Watch(questionable) and Truth Revolt (questionable).
    2 points
  32. The thing with Trump is its not just the collusion thing. There is hard evidence of breaking campaign finance laws. I'm sure there is plenty of evidence of tax fraud/evasion. There are a whole host of other issues to impeach 45 on. We have a crime boss in office, so it is to be expected there is more than one avenue. To be clear, I don't think the Russia probe is a witch hunt either.
    2 points
  33. Good points and common sense. Makes one wonder about the lack of common sense & motives of those voting for this measure.
    2 points
  34. Guys, come on. If you can't tell you're being trolled, open your eyes. Stop wasting time with this stuff and get back on topic.
    2 points
  35. 2 points
  36. I understand that sentiment. I'm ready for a change too. I also liked this group of players we have and want to see their careers go out on a high note.
    2 points
  37. Once again, no facts just made up s#!t. Gallup poll for March shows his approval rating at 39% approval and 57% disapproval. https://news.gallup.com/poll/203198/presidential-approval-ratings-donald-trump.aspx Rasmussen shows 48% likely approve while 50% disapprove while only 34% strongly approve of Trump. http://m.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/current_events/politics/prez_track_mar20 Bro there is a thing called google. You can look tgis stuff up and easily find it instead of throwing s#!t at the wall and seeing if it sticks.
    2 points
  38. This is a pretty good read of how a significant chunk of the dossier has been verified, and nothing in it has been proven false. https://www.lawfareblog.com/steele-dossier-retrospective
    2 points
  39. That's what he should really be praying for. Look, most reasonable people, when wishing to engage in discussion, will ease themselves into a community such as this. Maybe start with a few innocuous comments, ask a few questions, tell a few jokes, use some of the other forums and threads on this site for a while to establish your credibility as a reasonable person that others might want to talk to, and read what others have to say. In other words introduce yourself and try make a positive impression. This guy jumps right in and goes on the attack, posts drivel that is clearly either false or inflammatory or non sequitur. He is clearly not interested in rational discussion, does not want to hear differing opinions, and does not even really make an effort to persuade others with his own arguments. Just flame bait. We've seen it on here many times before. It is either someone who has already been banned and under a new moniker, or someone who will shortly flame himself out and/or get himself banned as he gets increasingly more aggressive. There are plenty of rational people in these forums on all sides of the political aisle willing to talk, listen, and debate. This is not one of them. If he wanted an honest and thoughtful dialogue, he would engage in a more reasonable manner. That choice is his. The choice that the rest of us can make is to either 1) piss in the wind at this troll's nonsensical and inflammatory rhetoric, 2) ignore him, or 3) move directly to sarcasm and ridicule, knowing that no other intelligent discussion is going to come from interacting with this guy.
    2 points
  40. I think this is actually Trump.
    2 points
  41. You guys all bash FOX news and that's fine, I only watch one program on FOX in the morning alled FOX and Friends. I never watch anything else on FOX News. I also don't go to Brietbart or Info Wars and work most days 8-5 so I don't listen to Rush, Hannity or any other talk radio. Now let's look at what you watch. CNN, MSMBC and the many many ultra liberal sites that too are all opinion and short on facts. I hope you all know that you are in the minority today, with your need to have infants aborted, have 16 your old kids vote, have a need for the New Green Deal, flood our country with ILLEGAL Immigrants, and the great push for SOCIALISM. Yes you are all out of the closet now! The only reason you folks want most of these far far leftist liberal policies is to expand your dwindling voter base. How in the heck is it legal to have none citizens vote in our elections? Having 16 year old kids that haven't a clue about politics and most likely would be told who to vote for by their liberal civics teacher! The left is truly off their rocker! Trump will win by a very easy margin even larger than the last time. Also I'm not a troll, I just found this site and did realize the grammar police were out and when they have nothing other to attack a poster about, they choose grammar. Have a good day, I know that liberals live in misery daily! I will say a prayer for you all! This is my words of wisdom for the day.
    2 points
  42. The courts and Frost should mete out the worst possible punishment Take away his cell phone.
    2 points
  43. To the first bolded: what have the last 29 pages been To the second bolded: I believe he is back from California, so he is no longer apart of the team, and apparently he practiced last week so he is still a part of the team. But really I basically agree with what you said.
    2 points
  44. Let’s discuss Frost’s first full on Controversy then. It’s real. Should he stay or should he go now? Washington is full in the legal system. He’s pulled him from the media, questions, pics, interviews, etc...he’s flying to California to handle it...no distraction yet. washington remains.....nothing to see here move along? Im actually happy the way it’s handled so far. Once the legal part is done we’ll know more. Until then, play ball and see what happens. I’m sure of this: he’ll be apart of the team until he isn’t, I like the way it’s handled so far. Great on the process to let out, then decide
    2 points
  45. So he keeps this video of a 15 year old being violated on his phone and sends it to her? I don't mind if he doesn't come back. Of course I have this weird thing about putting things before football.
    2 points
  46. i'll 2nd that. and if that doesn't work, i'll nominate @MacNCheeze
    2 points
  47. Good for Tate. Hopefully it works out well for him in Miami.
    2 points
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