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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/04/2020 in Posts

  1. Reading Sooner football message boards. Haven't seen anything this entertaining since the Callahan days on Husker Board.
    5 points
  2. When the Proud Boys, the Ku Klux Klan and The American Nazi Party say they are thrilled to have one of their own in the White House amid a spike in recruitment and hate crimes, take them at their word. When the handful of American socialists tell you Joe Biden is not one of them, they're also telling the truth.
    5 points
  3. The fact Trump has downplayed the virus this whole time, paid $750 in taxes, and is now staying in a hospital suite bigger than many Americans houses, receiving the most promising medications (not the ones promoted by him, mind you) on the real taxpayers dime....all the while the GOP acts like he is some Warrior for fighting this, in the situation he created.....That should piss off a lot of Americans. I sincerely hope he makes it, I hope every American that gets COVID, makes it. But spare me the f#&%ing bulls#!t.
    3 points
  4. 3 points
  5. I feel like this may be the most succinct pitch one may see for this election.
    2 points
  6. Gotta love how this jacka$$ has singlehandedly destroyed the ability to know the truth. Either story and more are all fair game. He had it, he never had it, who the f#&% knows? I still think it is all BS but I was really hoping it was real and we would all be spared having the prick around. And no @TGHusker, I don't need or want your repeated admonishments for expressing that sentiment. The world is a worse place with that poor excuse of a human in it and even moreso in a position of power.
    2 points
  7. Maybe he just got around to watching to debate.
    2 points
  8. Not unlike the church photo op. He had the police, national guard, clear away peaceful protestors - but them and the police in danger- just for a self serving photo op. He has no appreciation of the danger his hubris places other people in- he is so self serving, he cares nothing for other. He believes the world circles around him. He is not worthy of the office and he demonstrates daily how unqualified he is. Presidents don't act this way. Period. He isn't worthy of the title.
    2 points
  9. BREAKING: Fans desperately want the backup QB in the game.
    2 points
  10. trump...an active covid carrier..is walking around walter reed visiting soldiers who are there exposing them to corona. that seems like someone who really cares about the soldiers. i would assume ill soldiers convalescing in the hospital are not at top shape to ward off this virus.
    2 points
  11. Close to a 3rd of those have been over the Aggies. Most overrated team every single year.
    2 points
  12. Ruthie was right and many others feel the same way as reflected in this new poll https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/meet-the-press/biden-s-national-lead-over-trump-jumps-14-points-after-n1242018
    2 points
  13. I was wondering if some panic wouldn't set in, misguided or not. Good thing we don't have any of those weird "expectations" things (whatever on earth THAT is)
    2 points
  14. The highest rate in the last 40 years was in March 2010. Dropping steadily to a 2019 low of 6.1 percent. Both Biden and Trump contributed.
    2 points
  15. If you weren’t listening , why did you reply? Look. People on this P&R section of the board and probably every other social media platform out there have had to sift through truths vs rumors vs just outright B.S. for the past 4 years. Who the hell knows what to believe? The post you are referring to is no different in that regard. I guess I don’t see the problem with posting someone’s tweet about the topic at hand. Just my $.02.
    2 points
  16. Damn right! It’s October and we haven’t won a damn game yet! Fire everyone!
    2 points
  17. Do you honestly not understand the difference between someone who said something stupid as an off color joke one time and some one who: Has been sued twice for housing discrimination against African Americans Called for the death penalty for the Central Park Five, and when they were exonerated by DNA evidence and a confession still claims they are guilty Said it was probably true that he told the writer of one of his books that he didn't want black guys counting his money Wanted to have an all blonde team versus an all African American team on a season of the apprentice. It was rejected, but when an African American male won the season Trump asked him to split with a white female Has been accused by multiple people of using racial slurs on the apprentice, including the N bomb Promoted the conspiracy theory of the first African American President not being born in the US Campaigned on a literal ban of Muslims entering the country Said a Judge would be biased against him simply because of his Mexican heritage Repeatedly suggested that Mexican immigrants are rapists, drug dealers, murders, and violent criminals Said there were very fine people on both sides when one side was literally white supremacists Referred to Haiti, El Salvador, and African countries as s#!t holes Said the 3 female minority members of The Squad we're from broken crime infested areas Pardoned Joe Arpaio for some of the worst racial profiling in US history Didn't do s#!t for Puerto Rico Said he would reject white supremacists, but when he was tossed the softball question he couldn't actually do it. There's more, but if you can't see it idk what to tell ya...
    2 points
  18. Lol..ok keyboard commander. All I am saying is he put on some pounds and looked slower cognitively and athletically, hence "getting into college" aka freshmen 15, etc and all the extracirriculars that generally contribute to that...purely my observation. Now I expect you to go back and man your post.
    2 points
  19. Listed Nebraska, Miami, Michigan State, Kansas State and Penn State as schools he'd like to visit. Hears the most from Nebraska, Michigan State, Kansas State and Miami. Has already visited Georgia Tech, South Carolina, North Carolina, Duke, Florida and Miami in previous years. He said Miami stood out among that group. 4.0 student while taking AP and college classes. Early enrollee.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Sounds more entertaining than listening to SEC wonks flagellate themselves and sniff their own farts today after MSU lost to Arkansas yesterday. I heard "I told you SEC defenses would figure out Mike Leach right away" and "every SEC team would win the Pac-12". I found a great time to shut off sports talk radio for the day and do something more productive.
    1 point
  22. I super hate this thread.
    1 point
  23. This is where I'm at. The clock has started.
    1 point
  24. I get what you're saying because I'm certain I did things at that age that would horrify me today -- and I'm sure I've pushed some of those memories out of my brain. That includes wearing a stupid pasted-on smile while some a$$h@!e friend of mine bullied someone weaker to show off for our peer group. I knew it was wrong even with that pasted on smile. I definitely remember the times I stood up to a bully or helped out a victim because those are the memories that make me feel good about myself. But that same young guy failed to stand up in situations that were more awkward or dangerous. Older me has gotten much better at it. So technically yeah --- there are good people on both sides. But at some point you have to become that good person who admits they were on the wrong side. There's actually a compelling history of people who convert from racism when given the chance, including a famous case out of Lincoln where a Jewish couple reached out to a local Nazi loudmouth. I give a dollop of blame to the guy in the White House sending out dog whistles to every fellow bully in the nation. But these kids are old enough to know right from wrong, and to suffer the predictable consequences --- which are mild for the moment.
    1 point
  25. graham was beaten like a rented mule all night long..... sadly, he will win again because it's south carolina and they want old white guys with an R by their name as their representative.
    1 point
  26. Watching Miss St yesterday the announcers said how switching to a zone D helped too slow down that air raid offense in the game against Arkansas......14 points.
    1 point
  27. Oops yes, I was trying to quote Joe and back up your stance
    1 point
  28. So we need saban to not blow out any more top 15 teams... Or just stop ranking overrated SEC teams thAt high... Which will happen first?
    1 point
  29. You might want to look at the graph of black unemployment over the last 15 years. And stop listening to Trumps BS.
    1 point
  30. Aired during the Bama A&M game. Peak SEC country.
    1 point
  31. Who's worried? I'm not worried, are you? I mean I hate to be "that" guy but I see way more downside to a full and speedy recovery. Not saying I'm hoping for a bad outcome but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.
    1 point
  32. When will whinny, unrealistic fans take the time to actually watch what's going on and actually listen to what's being said? No excuses have been given for anything. Frost, and the rest of the Nebraska adminstration, fought hard just for the opportunity to play. He is a big reason the B1G, and several other conferences, are even getting a chance to play this fall.
    1 point
  33. Which do you think would be more welcome to walk down the streets of those cities talking to black people, Trump or Biden?
    1 point
  34. This article sure seems to imply that UW football will (or should) be blamed for any further spikes in cases in Dane County, during the upcoming season, rather than putting the responsibility on the adults who choose to gather at watch-parties. To me, based on the tone of the article, county health officials are saying that fans who gather just can't help themselves and they shouldn't be held responsible...it's those damned football teams. Maybe I'm reading it with the wrong tone?
    1 point
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