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Danny Bateman

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Status Updates posted by Danny Bateman

  1. Am I actually cheering for Texas? I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. krc1995


      Hard choices.

    3. mrandyk


      I don't get how anyone could hate ND more. They've got a large following but at least their admin hasn't overstepped their boundaries to wreck a conference or two.

    4. famoustitles


      I hate Texas. But I really like Charlie Strong. I didn't know what to do

  2. Am I the only one who thinks Riley's pro style offense and Frost's Oregon roots make him an awkward choice as OC?

    1. VectorVictor


      No, which is one of the many reasons I'm not happy with this hire.

    2. Dr. Mantis Toboggan

      Dr. Mantis Toboggan

      There are other proven OC's out there. Hold off judgment until he gets his staff in place.

  3. And in other news, Kentucky is your new #1 in Rivals FOOTBALL recruiting rankings.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. irieboy8


      money changes everything

    3. ShawnWatson


      just wait until half their class decommits after seeing Kentucky play football this season.

    4. Atbone95


      Are you kidding? Give the kids the ol' "Look how much we suck, that's why you'll play Day 1" pitch and they'll all stay. Cash doesn't hurt either.

  4. And just like that, AP and Charles are shown the door. Two of the best players of their generation, if not top RBs of all time. Weird to think about them just sitting on the wire...

    1. whateveritis1224


      AP had a bad year with a terrible contract and ho many years has it been since Charles played a full 16 games?

    2. Huskerzoo


      Shelf life of RBs isn't great. The fact they've played as long as they have at the level they have is pretty remarkable. Especially for AP imo.

    3. The Dude

      The Dude

      Decent backups in 2017, but not much more.

  5. And that's how we regain leads over teams we shouldn't lose to.

    1. knapplc



    2. Saunders


      Boston sports fans are douches. News at 11.

    3. zoogs


      I can't argue with the above. I haven't read the article and I'm not interested.


      The NFL flubbed Deflategate, as is their wont (and perhaps right), but nothing's going to change with the penalties.

  6. Any of you fellows know of any good resources for someone interested in coaching someday? I'd be a football coach, so sport specific stuff is good, but also stuff about other overarching principles like leadership would be appreciated too. I've started grabbing a few books, found some websites, podcasts. Any suggestions? Feel free to PM me.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. GSG


      I don't think doing a coach is going to make you a coach. You're thinking of STDs

    3. ZRod


      Books are always a great way to learn, but like Shark said doing is probably the best way of all. Have you coached youth leagues yet? That's where I would start. Learning about leadership comes from study, but also life experiences. You figure out quickly in the real world what works and what doesn't when it comes to managing people.

    4. huKSer


      Apply to Youngstown State

  7. Any of you folks catch which spot Ameer took in the SC Top 10 on the four letter network last night??

    1. Redux


      BRASKA! #1 Two weeks in a row!

    2. Danny Bateman

      Danny Bateman

      NICE! I was thinking they pretty much had to give it to him... but still sweet! He's been criminally under the radar for so long... bout damn time!

  8. Any of you hooligans have experience setting up a VPN for home use?

    1. jaws


      Yes. Hope this helps.

    2. jaws


      PM me if you need a suggestion.

  9. Any of you MMA fans going to be tuning into the Rampage-King Mo Bellator event tonight? Seems kind of interesting....

    1. True2tRA


      I tried to stay up and watch it, but I've been a bit under the weather lately and I couldn't manage it. Was it good?

  10. Anybody ever get into the Hellsing anime or Vampire Hunter D movies? I've been on a serious vampire kick lately.

    1. Chaddyboxer


      There a good portion of Vamp movies...always liked them. BUT I highly dislike Twilight....straight vampire garbage in my opinion...

    2. Danny Bateman

      Danny Bateman

      Dude, if you said anything besides what you just said about Twilight... I'd be thru to revoke your man card by the end of the night.

    3. Danny Bateman
  11. Anybody ever watch HLN in the morninings? I would do EVERYTHING to the anchor Robin Meade :-)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GM_Tood


      It's ok...when it's in a 1, 2, 3....

    3. fro daddy
    4. Danny Bateman

      Danny Bateman

      Yet another reason to not watch Fox News...

  12. Anybody good with Windows repair (specifically, using Command Prompt to create a new boot partition), meet me in the A/V Club computers section. Go!

    1. GSG


      Don't most people just board up their windows?

  13. Anybody have any experience donating plasma?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Savage Husker

      Savage Husker

      @Diaco- had that happen to me once, the only time it took over an hour to fill my jar. It looked nasty, and I couldn't donate again until the color went away.

    3. Huskerzoo


      I second what Atbone said. I am not a fan of those trackmark scars. They stuck with me.

    4. NUance


      I did it during my UNL days maybe 20 times or so. Needed the cash. Plus it saved $$ on booze since it doesn't take as much. lol

  14. Anybody have any experience using Costco or Sam's Club? Trying to decide if I want a membership to either.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Eric the Red

      Eric the Red

      100% Costco all day.....return policy is insane

    3. macroboy


      Love Costco!! It's the jam!


    4. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      We've done Sam's for a long time. I would do it for no other reason than their meat but we also get other things. Their beef and pork is 2nd to none, at least around here. Just got some choice ribeyes $6.98/Lb. Some stuff you can get as good of a deal at Walmart or other grocery store but we easily pay for the membership fee. Have not tried Costco.

  15. Anybody have any experience with cars with a salvage title? I know one should definitely be careful but I found one that got one due to hail and everything else seems to be in working order. I'm not really that concerned with resale value either since I may try to pass it on to my little brother in a few years if I do get it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TonyStalloni


      One thing to check is whether a car needs body work (where the frame is not damaged). The parts can be replaced but the shops that do these cars often use the cheapest they can find and the paint job may not hold up over time but mechanically it will get you from Point A to Point B.

    3. Danny Bateman

      Danny Bateman

      Like I said, the one I found was salvaged due to hail, but they repaired the body and it looks great. The only thing I noticed at all is a white spot near the wheel well... The guy said it was because they lived on a dirt road. I'm hoping it's that and not what you said about cheap parts Tony. It's only got 83K in it and the initial salvage happened early on so mechanically it should be good...

    4. scarletNcream


      Check with your insurance company and see if they cover salvage cars. There are a lot of reasons for salvage titles. Generally if the air bags were deployed they do not replace them. Hail,in Nebraska, is a common reason.


  16. Anybody know if this guy has any eligibility left? https://twitter.com/Deadspin/status/854033345587675137

    1. knapplc


      That's targeting.

      - Ed Cunningham

  17. Anybody know the score of the Ravens-Bumblebees game?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mavric


      Baltimore wins 13-10.

    3. MLB 51

      MLB 51

      WTF were they thinking on that last play? Gotta go down field with that pass.

    4. Marf


      Leftwhich's maximum range is like 40 yards.

  18. Anybody know where I can get me some of that new fangled Chipotlaway?

  19. Anybody still watching South Park? Their take on the election has actually been pretty good thus far. And I thought they jumped the shark...

    1. Savage Husker

      Savage Husker

      The PC Principal plot had me ehhh, but they are doing a good job to start this season. About to start tonight's episode

    2. Hoosker


      South Park is life.

    3. Redux


      South Park is love

  20. Anybody who's fairly internet tweaking savvy (re: VPNs), shoot me a PM. I need help with something.

  21. Anyone got any experience with Playstation Vue?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ScottyIce


      Zrod. help me out with that? I don't understand the speed stuff

    3. ScottyIce
    4. ZRod


      My internet is supposedly slightly faster than mrandyk's. He can get up to 60, and I 75. Not really a huge difference. Anything over 45 should be good for streaming, but you could be getting much less than that. You're only guaranteed a "will not exceed speed" not a minimum speed. Really 12 mbps should be great, but I think last time I checked that's what I get while paying for that upper limit... the consumer is screwed!

  22. Anything worth watching on HBO, Showtime, or Skinemax?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      If it wasn't for GoT I'd get rid of HBO. Well, I guess, plus a lot of their older series, unless you're all up to date them.

    3. swmohusker


      GoT is why I have HBO. Ballers is fun.

    4. NUance


      "Lucy" on HBO is decent.

  23. AP wants Minnesota to sign Vick.... Hmmmm.... C'Mon All Day. Cmon. Let's use our heads.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Minnesota_husker
    3. Foppa


      C'mon! Michael Vick is AP's dog, man! Ohhh......

    4. sewardite4NU


      Randall Cunningham!

  24. Apparently Bears GM Phil Emery says that Jay Cutler is elite because of his winning record (59-52) as a starter. Dude's gotta be trollin', you guys.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NUpolo8


      Or in severe cover his ass mode

    3. ZRod


      Jay's is probably one of the toughest QBs though.

    4. onlyHskrfaninIL


      smokin jay knows qb mechanics

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