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Status Updates posted by teachercd

  1. Wow, Kobe King not coming to NU now...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. dubsker


      I just want a basketball team full of people who have one favorite movie:  Bloodsport.

    3. Toe
    4. krc1995


      Is there a minimum age to play college basketball? Wow, he looks young. 

  2. My Site:  Gundy still coach by 7/1/20:  -300

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. teachercd


      I think you are right...I don't see him getting canned.

    3. Xmas32


      I kinda feel like you owe me $8 for pain and suffering just for posting this lmao.  I promise to use it on some G.H. Cretors 3 mix popcorn that I will inhale in 24 hours.

    4. teachercd




      I will send that to you in a minute! 

  3. Rank them:






    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Danny Bateman

      Danny Bateman

      Pinhead wins on aesthetic alone. The other day on the actor reading Mary Shelley's Frankenstein on Youtube. It was quite surreal.


      My personal rankings:

      Jason = Michael



      Freddy's the best because of how silly he is when slicing and dicing people. It's unnerving. Plus he's the only one that used a Nintendo Power Glove!


    3. The Dude
    4. Danny Bateman

      Danny Bateman

      @The Dude The first TCM movie is incredibly disturbing in part to the crappy low-budget aesthetic.

  4. Doyle out at Iowa.  I wonder if they can Ferentz Jr...which would mean that KF might just quit???

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BigRedBuster


      Poor guy.



    3. Husker in WI

      Husker in WI

      I think KF has way too much pull, and Jr. isn't going anywhere. The only thing it might cost Jr. is being named the next head coach, and if so that's probably a win for Iowa anyway. Heckuva deal for Doyle, considering the review might come back and say he should be fired and sued. And it might not, who knows. But you don't usually walk out of these situations with a big buyout and benefits.

    4. teachercd


      Well, with a deal like that in place it is clear that Doyle has learned his lesson.  

  5. Lunch meat from the deli counter...you can only buy one...what are you getting?  



    Roast Beef



    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      @BigRedBuster  Jim Baldridge seasoning (in North Platte) used to have an old timer pastrami recipe on their website. It was a family thing passed down a few generations and involved curing brisket with saltpeter in your fridge for many days. I‘ve always wanted to try it but pretty sure the wife would divorce me if I left a full brisket in the fridge for a few weeks.:lol:

    3. BigRedBuster


      I've made the one I linked (and then realized it's mentioned in the video above) and it's easy.  I use my beer fridge in the garage.  My wife is well used to me doing strange recipes in that fridge.  She stopped complaining when she tastes it.


    4. HuskerInLostWages


      @JJ Husker my wife isn't a fan either haha.  She normally hits up port of subs and gets a sandwich while the rest of the family has smoked corned beef.

  6. Okay, @ColoradoHusk has said to wait a week but if you have emailed someone (that you work with) and they have not emailed back (yet), how long do you wait until you shoot them another email about the same topic?

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. HUSKERherc


      I've probably put way too much thought in to this.  For me, if it's not urgent, it depends on the day of the week.  If I email someone on Monday or Tuesday, I'm usually following up on Friday.  If it is later in the week that I send the initial email, I usually wait until the following Monday or Tuesday to follow up. 

    3. Enhance


      @GSG LOL I'll admit I'm the same way. I don't answer the phone unless it's certain people or a superior.


      I have a coworker that always tries to call me when I ask him the simplest questions through Slack. It's like... dude... take 30 sec. and just send me a response. You don't have to always call me.


      I'm also on the phone or on a call 50% of my day so Slack is usually a better way to reach me.

    4. teachercd


      Maybe I am just weird, I respond to emails pretty much the moment I get them, if I can.



  7. Remember when we were worried about murder hornets...I miss that day.

    1. Waldo


      We need more Wal-Mart updates 

    2. teachercd


      Ha!  As far as I know, they closed early.  

    3. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      March/April- Pandemic, coronavirus, Covid

      May- Murder Hornets and riots

      June- Race War, possible Marshall law and military involvement

      July- ??? Alien Invasion ???

      August- ??? Vampires ???

      Sept/Oct/Nov- Will the football team still struggle?

      Ah Murder Hornets. The good ole days.

      The problem is, none are going away. They just keep piling up and getting worse.

  8. Just went to Walmart, they closed at 4:30 and had barricaded up the doors.  Hy Vee closing at 6:30.  I think Target was closed all day.  These were all west O locations.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. knapplc


      Self righteous! Like a guy clearing out American citizens with teargas to hold a bible in front of a church he doesn't attend - that kind of self righteous?!?!


      LOL :D :lol:

    3. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      There’s a special forum, P&R, for comments like that.

      Here’s a link https://www.huskerboard.com/index.php?/forum/151-politics-religion/




    4. Minnesota_husker


      Things in MN are slowly opening back up but all the surrounding suburbs were closing grocery stores and Targets. 

  9. What items were left behind when you moved into your house?

    Paint cans

    Extra carpet

    Like 3 brooms

    Tons of mason jars

    and a drawer of cutlery 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      The previous house and one sketchy neighbor.

    3. The Dude
    4. Stone Cold

      Stone Cold

      A giant box of hyperdermic needles, a mile of fiberoptic cables, 2 giant antennas in the attic, 


  10. Nothing really fancy here but looks so good!  His videos are the best.



    1. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Damn you teach. I just ate super and felt stuffed....then I watched this and now I’m still stuffed but hungry at the same time.

    2. teachercd


      Ha...that guy has the best videos.

  11. Iowa State will set capacity at 30,000 for home games.  Interesting. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. macroboy


      Isn't that more than normal?


    3. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Doesn't seem fair that they could increase attendance due to a pandemic while others have to scrimp and suffer.

    4. Waldo


      Late to the party on this one. They surprisingly averaged around 60,000 last year. 

  12. Oldest piece of clothing that you still have?

    I think mine is a frat sweatshirt @ColoradoHusk should remember it, blue one and the elbows are totally gone.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Cdog923


      I have a state basketball shirt from 2000. 

    3. The Dude

      The Dude

      I think we're overlooking the fact that I own the hat of Abraham Lincoln.

    4. CheeseHusker


      I have a red Russell Athletic Husker #15 jersey that I bought in 1992. It was worn to many, many home games played between 1993 and 1999. It hasn't fit for a very long time, but it still hangs in my closet, next to the two #7s (red and white) and my Ahman Green Packers jersey.




  13. Smoked some shrimp today.  Dry rub of your choice.  Then melt about 2 sticks of butter, worcestershire sauce, and lemon...Pour it in the foil pan with the shrimp.  Smoke at 250 for about 25-30 minutes.  Eat the shrimp and get a loaf of French Bread to dip in the sauce...UNREAL

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. teachercd


      Nope...275 was as high as I went.  And it was not all that great!  I have heard only good things about smoking Papa Murphy's pizza.  I just didn't get it hot enough. 

    3. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Yeah, it's really more like grilling it or getting it to wood fired pizza temp. Smoking a pizza is a bit of a misnomer. I bet you'll like it a lot more when you try at a higher temp. Like I say I'm no expert but I'd guess you need to be minimum 350 and preferably about 400+, much the same as if you did it in your oven but with a little smokey goodness.

    4. teachercd


      Yeah...I am not doing it again at 275...but I wanted to try it out and see.

  14. Aunt Becky will serve 2 months!

    1. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      She better hang on to that soap.

    2. VectorVictor


      Aunt Becky is gonna be ripped at the end of that stay.

  15. JC Penny closing another 30% of stores.  Sears stores are basically gone...I can still remember getting dragged off to those stores when I was a kid.  

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      That's exactly what it was.:lol:


      The lingerie section of the Spiegel catalog...:eek:

    3. teachercd





      And...yes :)

    4. suh_fan93
  16. Anyone go out to eat yet?  I ate at a mexican place today.  F

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. teachercd


      Yeah, I have down Lowe's a lot.  I have not heard of Jukes!

    3. Moiraine


      I've been eating more restaurant food than ever since they shut down. Just not eating there. And I always tip.

    4. Branno


      @Moiraine same here. I've eaten "out" more since this started, but it's either delivered or put directly into my trunk by the staff.


      It's just sometimes hard to find the energy to cook right now.

  17. Okay, so a lot of you love to discuss social problems in the US...I have these so far but could use a few more for a class.  What do you got?




    Sexual Assault of women



    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Moiraine


      Who is the pope of Rome?

    3. NUance


      The media fanning the flames of racial tension.

      The inability of either political party to produce a viable candidate for POTUS in the last two elections.

      Sending nearly all U.S. manufacturing jobs overseas

      The increase in the world's net amount of pollution due to U.S. manufacturing jobs being sent overseas

      People who cheat at golf


    4. teachercd


      I could do an entire semester on golf cheaters!

  18. Name a movie that you think should/could be remade, next person agree or disagree and then pick yours.  I will start

    9 to 5

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Danny Bateman

      Danny Bateman

      Well yeah to Porky's. Although I'm not sure you can get away with a high-school kid peeping and getting his schlong cranked on through a hole in a wall today!


      I'm biased by how much I love the original but I think a Back to the Future reboot could be good fun. Although if the eras are adjusted the kid would be going back to the 80s or 90s so it might turn out a bit like Hot Tub Time Machine.

    3. teachercd


      Danny, that is interesting!  

      I think you almost have to make it like Hot Tub, sort of joking on itself.  

    4. Danny Bateman

      Danny Bateman

      If it turns out like that I'd be fine with it,  Hot Tub was a good movie.

  19. I will recommend Outer Banks on Netflix.  It is like a cross of The Outsiders (my favorite book ever because I read at a 7th grade level) and The Goonies. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. teachercd


      @JJ Husker Lets see how many other shows we can compare it too!


      Outsiders, Goonies, Ozarks...we need more!

    3. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      .....13 Reasons

    4. GSG


      I also recommend Outer Banks. We watched the whole thing in one weekend. 

  20. Name a movie you remember being on HBO all the time "back in the day".  I will start.  Night of the Comet.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more


      Rivers Edge ,Keanu Reeves 2nd movie I think, probably wrong on that but it was a pretty good flick

    3. The Dude

      The Dude

      The Sandlot

    4. Xmas32


      The Karate Kid


      Die Hard and Die Hard 2

  21. Most underrated 80's movie (did not check the dates so some might not be 80s)

    Just One of the Guys

    Three O'Clock High

    Johnny Dangerously 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. teachercd


      Summer School was really good!


      One Crazy Summer was totally underrated.  

    3. RedDenver



      Ice Pirates

      Moving Violations

    4. Xmas32


      Bad Boys

      Let It Ride


  22. Pandora or Spotify, which do you prefer? 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BIG ERN

      BIG ERN

      Spotify. I have tried them all. I listen to music everyday. I pay for the premium version of course since it is way better. 

    3. Xmas32


      Amazon Music although it appears Spotify is a little better on the curated playlist part.  Since I'm an existing Prime customer I got to try it out for .99/mo for 3 months or something crazy cheap and now it's only $8/mo which seems cheaper than the alternatives.

    4. 308_Husker


      Youtube Music is nice, but the inconsistency in volume levels from song to song sometimes makes it hard to listen to. That issue mainly occurs from playlists of various songs.


      I prefer Pandora to Spotify for the reason BigRedBuster mentioned. I can just click and listen.

  23. Why don't orphans play baseball?



    They can't find home.

    1. Loebarth


      :facepalm: i know you were attempting to be funny but sadly, some things just aren't funny.

  24. An atheist, a Crossfitter, and a vegan walk into a bar.

    I know because they told me.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BigRedBuster


      What is a crossfitter?

    3. teachercd


      People that do crossfit, the workout.

    4. funhusker


      That's what happens when you stare at your phone while walking...

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