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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/2019 in all areas

  1. I'm a bit late to this discussion so I been doing a bit of this: This is why I am sooooooooo glad I gave up 'talk radio' a few years ago. But for the grace of God, so go I..... We are seeing an example of the Cult of Trump in action here. Nothing personal here Shelback but I think you have some shell shock going on here. You may have been shocked by the actions of the previous admin because it deeply violated your cultural sensitivities, but you are showing signs of belonging to a cult - denial, misrepresentation of the facts, conspiracy, etc. When I was in college I saw some good friends get entangled into a cult and many are still in the same group. A cult can be political as well. When we start closing our ears to others and do not consider the views of others and esp the views of those who are on the opposite side of the coin, we are at risk. It doesn't mean we have to believe like others but it is more a matter of being open for the purpose of understanding. Some of these same characteristics from the article below can be found in the Cult of Trump. My comments are in red. https://medium.com/@zelphontheshelf/10-signs-youre-probably-in-a-cult-1921eb5a3857 Cults aren’t as easy to spot as you might think. Most cults don’t wear robes or live in communes. In fact, most cult members don’t even realize they’re in a cult. During my 25 years as an unwitting cult member, I would often watch documentaries and read about other cults. As I researched, I noticed 10 specific patterns that helped me recognize that I myself was in a cult: 1. The leader is the ultimate authority If you’re not allowed to criticize your leader, even if the criticism is true, you’re probably in a cult. Cults begin with a charismatic leader who claims some supreme knowledge. They may call themselves a prophet, messiah, messenger, or an enlightened teacher. They can also be CEOs, military officials, politicians, and self-help gurus. Cult leaders convince members to forfeit their critical thinking ability in return for a sense of belonging, authority, and purpose. To members, it doesn’t matter what the evidence or logic may suggest, the leader is always right, and their misdeeds are always justified. Criticism of the leader is forbidden. This fits Trump to a "T". He cannot be criticized. All news is fake news unless it is Fox News as long as Fox News reports it the way he wants it. Trump's MO is to cut people down who oppose him and he will do so pro-activiely, un-provoked by his target. 2. The group suppresses skepticism If you’re only allowed to study your organization through approved sources, you’re probably in a cult. Cults view critical thinking as an infectious disease and every effort is made to suppress it. Doubting members are encouraged to isolate themselves from outside influences and focus solely on the doctrine of the cult. Criticism is forbidden. People who contradict the group are viewed as persecutors and are often given labels like “anti,” “apostate,” or “suppressive person.” Members are discouraged from consuming any material that is critical of the group. What is true of Trump is true of Trump supporters. They do not consider the evidence, regardless of how overwhelming it may be. Ex-supporters who wise up, are beaten verbally for leaving the group and presenting the inside story of what it was like being in the cult. Trump supports do not confront the facts being presented but confront the messenger - the former Trump supporter. The GOP in the resent hearings wt Cohen was a prime example. They could not destroy the facts so they sought to discredit the messenger. That was their full defense. Worse off, they should have been seeking truth. But Cult members don't seek truth when they think they have all of the truth already. 3. The group delegitimizes former members If you can’t think of a legitimate reason for leaving your group, you’re probably in a cult. Because the cult considers itself the ultimate authority on truth, it can’t imagine anybody leaving it with their integrity intact. Thus, it has to perpetuate a false narrative that former members were deceived, proud, immoral, or lazy. If former members speak out, they are dismissed as bitter, angry, dishonest or evil. Cults often impose some kind of shunning to shame former members and prevent them from infecting other members with the truth. See my comments in # 2 above. More on the GOP. As most of you know, I was a lifer GOP (except that one vote for Sen McGovern in the SD senate race in 1976). I was never so ashamed of the GOP as I was watching the Cohen testimony. They should have been asking questions that got to the truth - they could have done so without trying to destroy Cohen as a person. 4. The group is paranoid about the outside world If your group insists the end of the world is near, you’re probably in a cult. Cults position themselves as the sole refuge from an evil outside world that is intent on their destruction. Cults thrive on conspiracy theories, catastrophic thinking, and persecution complexes. In an effort to draw in more paying members, cults are often very aggressive in their recruitment efforts which are usually justified as “saving” people from the evil world. Those who reject the cult’s message are unelect, prideful, evil, or stupid. Trump at the GOP convention sets himself up as the "only one' who can solve today's problems. The 'only one' who can fix the swamp. So not only does Trump have this "Messiah" complex but his supporters build this complex up every day. Trump wants to save all of us from immigrants, legal or illegal, from all of the bad deals that all of the previous presidents have made, etc. While I believe in a border wall of some kind and that security must be a part of immigration reform, Trump has made the wall the holy grail of his admin. It must be protected at all cost for it is protecting us from the mean world outside of those walls. 5. The group relies on shame cycles If you need your group in order to feel worthy, loved, or sufficient, you’re probably in a cult. Cult leaders trap members in shame cycles by imposing abnormally strict codes of conduct (usually prescriptions about diet, appearance, sex, relationships, media), guilting members for their shortcomings, and then positioning themselves as the unique remedy to the feelings of guilt which they themselves created. Cult members are made to believe they are insufficient or unworthy on their own and that the only way to become worthy is to confess their shortcomings to the group or leader. The leader then becomes the meditiator of worthiness and the foundation of the member’s self esteem. Leaders who can make followers feel bad about anything can use shame to manipulate followers into doing anything, even if it’s against their own self-interest or better judgment. Some of us come from conservative families and we have conservative friends - and we too are conservative. However, I know @BigRedBuster has commented on this before, it is difficult to talk to family and friends, even as a conservative about Trump. Never Trumpers who may agree with some of Trump's policies are shamed because they don't believe in the Cult leader himself. If we dare point out his unfitness for the office (too many things to mentioned on that now), his unprofessionalism, his lack of seriousness, and his ethical deficiencies (and criminality), we are immediately shamed and labeled as infidels. 6. The leader is above the law If you’re held to a different moral standard, specifically in regard to sex, you’re probably in a cult. A prevalent idea among cult leaders is that they are above the law, be it human or divine. This idea allows them to exploit their followers economically and sexually without repercussions. When confronted, they do not confess, but create justifications for their impropriety. Sexual grooming of members is common. Loyal cult members will perform any amount of “mental gymnastics” to justify or ignore the leader’s behavior. Really do I need to comment on this This is all to evident to anyone with an open mind. I added the bold to the 'without repercussions. The way Trump did business, the way he did his taxes, his foundation, his family life/marriages - The fact that he said he never had a reason to ask for forgiveness (in response to a question during the election if he's asked God for forgiveness). Nothing more needs to be said. 7. The group uses “thought reform” methods If your serious questions are answered with cliches, you’re probably in a cult. Indoctrination or “brainwashing” is the process through which a cult slowly breaks down a person’s sense of identity and ability to think rationally. Behaviors like excessive fasting, prayer, hypnosis, scripture reading, chanting, meditation, or drug usage can all be used to increase a person’s vulnerability to the leader’s suggestions. The hallmark of indoctrination is the use of thought-terminating cliches. Platitudes like “follow the leader” or “doubt your doubts” are regurgitated over and over so that members don’t have to critically analyze complex issues. Critical analysis skills are greatly missing wt Trump followers. They don't have to believe the more liberal side of the press. They don't have to leave their conservative political convictions to be able to analyze what is going on. They just have to be independent thinkers - free of the cult propaganda handed down by Trump, FoxNews etc. 8. The group is elitist If your group is the solution for all the world’s problems, you’re probably in a cult. Cults see themselves as the enlightened, chosen, and elect organization tasked with radically transforming individual lives and the entire world. This elitism creates greater sense of group unity and responsibility centered on a united purpose. However, this sense of responsibility is often manipulated by cult leaders who coerce members into risky financial behavior, sexual favors, free manual labor, or heightened recruitment efforts in order to “further the cause.” See # 4 above. Trump says and thinks no one can solve today's problems but himself. He portrays himself as the smartest man in the room (how many times has he said how great he is or how he is smarter than all of the generals, etc - beyond counting). The Cult also portrays Trump policies (doctrines of faith) as the only way to solve our problems. 9. There is no financial transparency If you’re not allowed to know what the group does with their money, you’re probably in a cult. A group that refuses to disclose its finances is a huge red flag. Ethical organizations have nothing to hide. Cult leaders tend to live opulently while their followers are required to make financial sacrifices. Members are often encouraged to pay their offerings even if it means putting their families at risk. Where are those Trump income tax reports . Enough said. Yet Trump is above the law (# 6 above) so they aren't released and since he has a cult following, no one inside his cult demands the release since they aren't practicing critical thinking skills. And besides the Cult leader cannot be questioned. 10. The group performs secret rites If there are secret teachings or ceremonies you didn’t discover until after you joined, you’re probably in a cult. Cults use secret rituals as rites of passage that solidify a member’s loyalty to the group. Initiation into these rites usually only comes after a member has undergone certain tests or made adequate financial contributions. Often, cult initiations are confusing, bizarre, or even offensive. This mental dissonance between their sense of confusion and their loyalty to the “inner circle” convinces the initiate to double their efforts in order to properly appreciate the proceedings. This only further entrenches them in a shame cycle, making them even more susceptible to manipulation. Maybe anything MAGA, that hand gesture. I haven't seen a Nazi salute yet but if he is re-elected who knows what will occur. Also, if he isn't reelected, what will be the response of his admin and his followers - I can see it being challenged and Trump refusing to leave the office.
    10 points
  2. Good work bragging on being right when you're completely wrong. Maybe you're getting eye rolled for going on and on about something that didn't happen.
    8 points
  3. If I really wanted to help the team, I would use up one of Iowa's official visits and take up their time and effort to recruit me. I would even commit to them and make them think I'm solid. Then on signing day I would flip to Nebraska and leave them scrambling to fill a spot with their 5th choice. Unfortunately, you just don't see recruits who are team players these days.
    8 points
  4. I whole concept that universities are indoctrination centers for liberals is just bonkers.
    6 points
  5. Do you recognize this animal?
    5 points
  6. @TGHusker Good post. I will also add on #1,2 and 7. The GOP's attack on education and science. Anyone who dares teach something that goes against their doctrine, must be squashed and ridiculed as radical, fake, liberal, conspiracy, unAmerican...etc.
    5 points
  7. Yes, absolutely. I'd rather be shot in the head than be slowly roasted alive. And don't kid yourself. I voted for Hillary, but I know she's crooked as a question mark. I'd be calling her out on her bulls#!t, too. It's just that she wouldn't be selling the country to our worst enemy, Putin.
    3 points
  8. 3 points
  9. Criminal Enterprise - sounds like thats what SDNY (Trump Org) and potentially Schiffs’ committee is looking at.
    3 points
  10. Not sure why people are rolling their eyes at this. The GOP has been utterly negligent in their duty to the country the past 2 years, to hold the president accountable. They also refused to vote on a supreme court justice before that. What’s the stopping point for them? They should be on board with these investigations.
    3 points
  11. Yes, your post was, yet you still felt the need to inconvenience those electrons and steal a second of our lives.
    3 points
  12. I'm having a hard time deciding exactly who is eating crow at this point...
    3 points
  13. Haha. Yeah, Gary and Damon both have trailing voices. I bounce back and forth, and almost everything in podcast form. A little S&B, USC, and some Severe. Obviously the 247 Husker podcast, and OWH's Pick 6 podcast, even HuskerExtra's podcast. There is always something Husker related that is worth listening to if you look for it. And if not, Joe Rogan's podcast is always f'n good.
    3 points
  14. We can't possibly follow both of these instructions at once. Are we supposed to flip a coin?
    3 points
  15. Spring Football look-a-like thread?
    3 points
  16. Transferring from UNK. Need to get him IMO
    2 points
  17. Facts are facts: You were celebrating being right about a player being injured and that turned out to be false. That's a pretty bad look. But instead of being apologetic about it, you're doubling-down. Yikes. Yes, you've shown the lack of feelings. In spades.
    2 points
  18. Yeah, just figured there'd be no reason for family member to lie to him.
    2 points
  19. You went full Sean Callahan. Never go full Sean Callahan.
    2 points
  20. The post below this one will accurately describe the last two years with Trump.
    2 points
  21. I understand. My post was a poor chance at a joke.
    2 points
  22. But seriously. Let's be a bit realistic. We haven't been able to practice outside at home AT ALL this year. They've only been able to take a full batting practice before one game (the first game of the season). We got swept by the defending national champs who could roll out one All-American pitcher after another. Oregon State had also been in Arizona for two weeks before those games getting in practice time. Other than that, we're 4-2 with a win over a Top 10 team. It seems pretty whiny to continually be talking about only beating how bad you seem to think we're doing.
    2 points
  23. This is pretty reminiscent of the strategy by Sinclair media, who explicitly cut a deal with the Trump campaign for "fair coverage" prior to the 2016 election, of pushing must-run opinion segments featuring Trump burnout Boris Epshteyn fluffing Trump with this same type of crap. The problem is they run these segments in the middle of local news. Implying it's fact-based and not opinion. People sure love to complain about the liberal media bias but the conservative/Republican media powers that be sure have some pretty dark aspirations, too, iMO.
    2 points
  24. U.S. Attonery Huber from Utah is still investigating FBI FISI and Uranium one, still waiting. I believe Trump due to the fact these politicians are hiding something by their action of investigation and more investigation. Obama Berry should of been investigated, why did he get a pass?! Double standards? https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/the-historic-results-of-president-donald-j-trumps-first-two-years-in-office/
    2 points
  25. At the time he did not know, until later. Cohen forgot to mention that.
    2 points
  26. Verdu continues to be my favorite asst coach
    2 points
  27. 2 points
  28. Somebody better tell OTHusker so he can redirect that sweet sweet Beatrice rage.
    2 points
  29. It's a joke. You know........something to laugh at.
    2 points
  30. I was there no note cards extremely fluid and polished talked about why he loves it here from hunting antelope in aurthur to canoing the niobrara to just having friendly engaging people everywhere talked about why recruits love the city and family atmosphere culture frost is creating in the program giving credit to others the guy is a rock star
    2 points
  31. Mf’ers... this guy is going to build f’ing dynasty. Get ready for another 25 yr Reign. He just gets it, specifically for Nebraska.
    2 points
  32. So Hillary would have been better?
    1 point
  33. Welcome to America.
    1 point
  34. Look again https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jan/26/hillary-clinton-received-800000-votes-from-nonciti/ https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/three-million-votes-in-presidential-election-cast-by-illegal-aliens/ https://www.mercurynews.com/2017/01/26/trump-says-illegal-votes-cost-him-california-heres-why-thats-preposterous/ and again https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/most-undocumented-immigrants-live-in-areas-that-trump-lost/
    1 point
  35. God Bless America and the military
    1 point
  36. Well, keep believing the main stream media. Do you believe in America? We were sold out by politians, older veterans know they did. I do not follow infowars, I think Alex is a fake.
    1 point
  37. Burks was the big one for me. Nebraska needed him desperately for 125 and couldn't get him. He stated that wrestling room partners were a big reason for his decision to Okie State and I cant fault him for that. That being said things change and Okie State already has another commitment from someone else for the exact same weight. Hope Manning and Co. continue to go after him.
    1 point
  38. It is pretty disappointing seeing 2 of the best wrestlers in the state, Moomey and Burkes, heading out of state for wrestling. Both are going to D1 schools, Moomey to Cornell and Burkes to Okie State. I don't blame either of them because they are both going to great programs and will benefit greatly from it.
    1 point
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