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  1. Rhule is sitting on $40 million of Carolina cash. He has zero need to be here. I'm taking that as a good sign that he wants to be here, and that he wants to rebuild this program.
    19 points
  2. If you want to go back and remember the state of affairs when Frost was fired & Mickey was elevated from Assistant HC to Interim - we were looking at the remainder of a season with Chin’s defense. Busch was moved from Special Teams to DC and you were blind if you did not see a stunning difference on the field almost immediately. Even coaching around significant injuries, we began to see a reemergence of a Blackshirt mentality. The effort on the field was obvious - we shut out teams for entire halves multiple times. It would be great to see what Busch could do with bringing in his own guys. Regardless of where he goes, he is a HELL of a coach and I tip my cap at the job he did. I’d hate to see what the final scores would have been this year without MJ making that single change. Thank you Mickey, I’m sure that was not an easy thing to do, but you gave those defensive players the kind of coach & scheme that they needed.
    15 points
  3. Shoutout to Mickey Joseph! He took over a mess that Frosty left us! He loves this program and even though he wasn’t perfect he set us off into the sunset with a W in Iowa City! You are a standup man representing this program exceptionally and I hope that you stick around in some capacity to continue to salvage our program! We have been blessed to have someone with his leadership abilities and his fire to not only lead these young man on the field but off the field as well! Thanks Mickey! I think I speak for all of us when I say you are a TRUE HUSKER and we can’t thank you enough! GBR!!!! Now let’s !!!
    13 points
  4. I've been semi-exhausted by many of our former players for the better part of the last 15 years. I respect what they did for the program. I respect their knowledge. I respect their place in the history. But, most of them are just like most of the fans, and they have very little idea of what they're talking about or what the program needs to be better. At least, not any more than most of the fans. A lot of the 90's guys have gotten more quiet since the experiment with their boy Frost failed so miraculously. I don't mean to sound petty, but some of them treated the last 4-5 years like a high school reunion... like they were top dogs on campus again reliving their glory days. We also still have former Bo players who not-so-cryptically like to dunk on the fans and administration about 'see, see how hard it was to win 9 games?' They all just see what they want to see. I don't mind someone not liking the Rhule hire. That's fair. But, I don't get or support the pettiness some are showing.
    13 points
  5. Mickey isn't a head coach......yet. I think it'd be best for all parties if they were able to work something out, but if it doesn't oh well. Rhule needs to run this the way he wants to run it. The fix this team needs is far bigger than anything Mickey can help with. At the risk of sounding like a douche, I don't care what Crick or any other former player thinks about this situation. We haven't been to a bowl in 6 years. We haven't been relevant in two decades. Give your twitter accounts a rest.
    11 points
  6. I would recommend to all Nebraska fans to not worry about who from the 2022 staff stays under Rhule, and what that means for guys transferring out. You will all save a bunch of heart ache from it. There are going to be things that are unfavorable over the next few weeks or months. Just think about the long-term trajectory of the program.
    8 points
  7. He took this job because he knows it's a 95% chance it will also end with a multimillion dollar buyout.
    8 points
  8. Tired of the former players doing the circle jerk
    8 points
  9. Rhule develops guys and puts them in the nfl. Temple had 11 guys drafted during a 3 year period while he was there, more than doubled the number they had had in the previous decade combined. TEMPLE. He also put his fair share of dudes in the nfl in a short period of taking over the dumpster fire at Baylor with only 45 scholarship players to begin with. Kids want a path to NFL and he can do that.
    8 points
  10. Please leave race out of this conversation. No one knows if that had anything to do with this hiring process. Mickey had a chance to win at least two more games, and the same mistakes were made. If he were HC material, we would have won against MInny and WIsky, even if that meant taking over the play calling from Whipple. Things didn't happen that needed to happen. I lobbied for him early, but the longer the season went on, it was noticable that he didn't have the pedigree for the job at this point. I will give anyone the fact that this was not his team or staff, but you still were in position to win 2 games that you didn't. Let Mickey leave or stay, but please don't pull out the race card.
    7 points
  11. This is a f#&%up hire. A mistake by Trev or whoever is calling the shots (7.5 mill check writer.) Nebraska is not Texas. This is not the Big 12. Rhule will ulimately get to 7 ish wins at NU, be fired, and someone will write another 7.5 mill check. It is getting ridiculous. If Mickey is not assistant head coach, and lead recruiter I am out. Way to go NU, you had a Black HC for as long as you could stand it I guess.
    7 points
  12. I've convinced myself that Rhule will be interested in MJ because that's what he did when he went to Baylor - found the guy with the recruiting ties and brought him on board. Of course, it takes both sides to make something work.
    7 points
  13. Husker fans are crazy about keeping assistants. People are out on Twitter listing like 5 coaches they hope Rhule keeps. The team won 4 games, not happening.
    7 points
  14. I think we go 8-4 next year. Instant progress. Not a ton of work to do, really.
    7 points
  15. Thread locked due to coaching announcement! Welcome to Nebraska Coach Rhule!
    7 points
  16. Bring your own pitchforks. I'll crowdsource the torches.
    6 points
  17. I give the hire a D minus which is the 2nd highest grade I had for any of the hires cause he has done some rebuilding. Urban Meyer would have been an A plus
    6 points
  18. I think at least two QBs and two RBs are basically a given. Thompson is a question mark at best. I'd be surprised if Smothers, Purdy and Haarberg all stay. And Watson might decommit. But we'll probably add a transfer, especially if Thompson leaves. Yant sounds like he's basically gone. Which doesn't hurt my feelings. Grant could very well leave. Probably 2-3 of WRs as well. Palmer is one. I guess IGC is already gone but I wasn't counting him. Hardy and Grimes seem unlikely to see the field here. Tommi Hill might look to start over (again). I don't see a bunch of OL defections though I continue to be surprised Lynn adn Conn are still here. Likely getting at least a couple of transfers so that might push a couple to look elsewhere. The to-be-sophomores on the DL - Weaver (now OL?), Black and Buckley - seem questionable at best. We should return a solid group of LBs but Snodgrass seems to have been passed by and not much has been heard from Kpai, Malcom or Gbayor. Likely 1-2 out of that group. Nelson and Mathis might have put in their time in college. Tyreke Johnson seems to be a non-factor. Omar Brown made some noise but barely saw the field. NPG doesn't seem to be figuring it out. Probably a couple other defections if Fisher doesn't come back. That's 22 or so without any real big surprises, of which there are always a couple.
    6 points
  19. Agree with the bolded which is why Mickey probably wasn’t ever seriously considered. His late game time management and timeout use was pretty bad. That’s not really in dispute. His second half adjustments weren’t good and he wouldn’t override the OC and play LS. All things a competent HC would do and be better at. Not everyone is head coach material no matter the feels people have for MJ. At this time, He is what he is and he’s really good at what that is……being a great recruiter and position coach. Facts are a stubborn thing to the believers.
    6 points
  20. Keeping Ron Brown around falls under the "fans need to let go of the past" category.
    6 points
  21. We already tried a former Husker QB with zero HC experience at the P5 level. Mickey might be the greatest college HC to ever live, but the NU football program cannot afford to gamble its future on another unproven inexperienced HC. Matt is going to be bring player performance and win stability to the program. Something we have not tasted as fans since the Bo years.
    6 points
  22. Best of luck to Coach Rhule.
    6 points
  23. Alberts ran this coaching search as close to the vest and efficiently than any of our last 3! Give Trev credit for that. Hitting the ground running with an interview already on GameDay! We aren’t f’ing around for sure….
    6 points
  24. Sounds like Auburn wanted Rhule, but Rhule preferred Nebraska. Auburn is going with Hugh Freeze instead.
    6 points
  25. For those complaining about the timing of the announcement, I think Trev has handled it about as well as he could: Didn't allow a lot of names to be leaked during the season, which allowed the players to focus the best they could on the games. Yes, I know Rhule's name came out yesterday before the game, but that allowed the players and Mickey to have one final game together as team and head coach NU announces it officially this morning, and makes arrangements for Rhule to appear on ESPN Gameday Official press conference will be Sunday or Monday, Rhule can start bringing in a staff and do their best to retain the current commits and add to this year's recruiting class, along with thinking about filling holes in the transfer portal
    6 points
  26. 5 points
  27. He could hire Shanle to coach our linebackers to play the way they did in that 2001 Colorado game. People say that game was a turning point for the program.
    5 points
  28. MJ did something that two previous NU coaches couldn't. Two guys with previous HC experience. Beat Iowa. Thanks coach!
    5 points
  29. We're going to need a list of all currently living former players and update it with their reaction to the Rhule hire.
    5 points
  30. I don't disagree that Mickey would be key to #1. But Mickey is not the only very good recruiter out there. We aren't sunk if he leaves.
    5 points
  31. I think he was the top of our list. I’m not sure anybody turned us down. Possibly Meyer…..possibly Fickell but I wouldn’t view either of those as a rebuke to Nebraska. Meyer doesn’t need to coach and sure doesn’t need to take any chances with his coaching reputation. And Fickell going any place outside of Ohio probably just ain’t happening. Flash is no kind of resume. We don’t need or want flash. What we got is what we needed, a serious tough nose coach who will build the lines and develop players and finally get us winning more games than we lose. Homerun IMO.
    5 points
  32. Lol I loved how pissed off he was over his gunner blowing that punt coverage last night. Let that energy spill over to the team!
    5 points
  33. Go get bent. It's been 7 years. We are horrible team and likely played spoiler for the division championship to our border rival. Stop being a sour puss that we beat you. The amount of s#!t Iowa fans have spewed at Nebraska since joining the B1G pales in comparison to what Husker fans have vented the last 15 hours.
    5 points
  34. I'm somewhat surprised that so many fans are opposed to this hire, but I guess I shouldn't be. It would've been like this no matter who was hired.
    5 points
  35. I’m excited. I feel we got an experienced coach that understands what it takes to turn a s#!t show into a winner.
    5 points
  36. We got to 777 pages before this was announced. Not bad, guys.
    5 points
  37. 5 points
  38. This is us after yesterday and I don't even care. Embrace the suck. Screw Iowa.
    5 points
  39. I can only wish you would full stop.
    5 points
  40. 5 points
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