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  1. IF Mickey thumped some dude for sleeping with his wife, Ima give Mickey a pass. The law might not, but I would. And also hope Mickey has a good divorce attorney...
    16 points
  2. Seems like he was committed to Joseph more than Nebraska. Oh well. Next.
    15 points
  3. I haven’t heard a thing but if that was the situation, call me crazy but, wouldn’t the first reaction be to see if you could join in or at least watch? Kinda serious.
    14 points
  4. This thread is going way too far for some of you. A moderator already dropped a verbal warning in this thread to stop with the personal attacks. I just handed out two separate warnings due to failures to heed that guidance (alongside existing board rules). Let's drop the personal attacks and keep things civil, please.
    13 points
  5. I always get a kick out of new posters here bickering with long-term members as if they know them. It makes me think they're a formerly banned member using a sock.
    12 points
  6. I have no idea how I would react and hope I am never placed in that situation. I have seen some really good people do some really bad things when placed under extreme stress. Those of you judging should pump the brakes a bit imo. If everything being reported is true, what he did isn't right but if you have never lived through a similar situation, the reality is you have no idea how you would react.
    11 points
  7. We get it.... you want the thread locked.... it's the offseason and when stuff like this happens discussion is bound to occur on the topic. You can always stay out of the thread if you don't care for the topic. Everyone is speculating right now across every platform so this isn't unique to Huskerboard.
    10 points
  8. Seems like you have some sand in your clam buddy. However, spoken like a true simp. I am doing what in America, we call innocent until proven guilty and gathering facts. You on the other hand are acting like you are from the late 1600's Salem, and want to burn at the stake and give out scarlet letters out before getting all the facts. That's a nice mob mentality you have there bud. Money says you are a millennial.
    10 points
  9. to summarize the facts: MIckey came home to find his wife in bed with her female trainer, who turned into Mickey's friend Steve, who may or may not be a woman now, but soon MJs name will be cleared. Got it. I'll wait for the facts. Not that I feel entitled to them or that the matter is any of my business.
    9 points
  10. Really? Do you have kids? I'm pretty sure if I caught someone abusing my daughter they would get strangled. There was a story a few years back when a father caught some guy sexually abusing his daughter outside and he ended up beating the guy to death. Was his life in danger? nope. Did he go to jail for murder? Also no. Pretty sure he wouldn't go to jail if he strangled him either.
    9 points
  11. Can we use a different acronym for Rhule? Seeing you post about HCMR gave me PTSD flashbacks.
    9 points
  12. Do you mean is it ok to strangle a woman if she's cheating on you? Am I understanding your question right? If so do you want to think about if you really, really want to say that out loud?
    9 points
  13. OK, so IF the wife/friend story is true and Mickey was not violent towards his wife (just the other dude), can we keep him?
    8 points
  14. So that's three ex-Husker quarterbacks having a less than heroic 2022.
    8 points
  15. How about we just lock all the threads pertaining to MJ and this incident until ALL the facts come out. This would allow most to have civil discussions about the other things going on with Husker football, like other assistant hirings and recruiting.
    8 points
  16. Also, on her old dead twitter (Priscilla Arzaga), she says Lebron James is the Greatest NBA player....so that is a "RED FLAG" for me. LMAO
    8 points
  17. you’ve spent this entire thread defending and justifying domestic abuse, and then somehow acting like you are smarter than the people calling you out on your bulls#!t. get your s#!t together, clown
    8 points
  18. My hot take? We won't be talking about this in a couple months (possibly weeks) and it means very little to the Nebraska Cornhuskers moving forward. Just a gut punch that will fade quickly, as the question of whether Mickey Joseph will be retained has a clear resolution. Hey, remember when some folks were insisting that character doesn't matter if a coach knows how to win? Character matters.
    7 points
  19. If your a dude, slammin another dudes wife, that dude who's wife your slammin shows up and roughs you up, and after the dude who slams other dudes wives is roughed up and wallowing in the shame of his slammin, calls the police to make sure the dude who roughs up people who slam his wife ends up in the slammer, the dude that slams people's wife is in fact, no dude at all.
    7 points
  20. But regardless Mickey's hand or hands are alleged to be around her throat to the point the victim describes not being able to breath. It's not uncommon for witnesses to observe things and then retell them inaccurately. If LPD is smart here they advised her to get a scan of her throat for possible internal injuries. These would occur when a strangulation happens. Hopefully they also obtained medical consent to obtain these records from the victim. Even if he's cleared of this in the end he's gone folks.
    6 points
  21. There are a couple things going on here. If you were entertaining the image of Mickey Joseph strangling his wife, would it change the narrative if you found out he was actually fighting with a man he caught with his wife? Yes. Absolutely. Is one scenario more excusable than the other? Yes. Absolutely. It just is. But does it excuse Mickey for behavior we are all legally required to control? No. Should the consequences be severe regardless of who was in the room? Yes. Has the court of public opinion already cost Joseph millions, regardless of the legal findings still to come? Yes. What are the chances these revelations will be murky and nuanced and creepy? 100% Is everyone in here wrong and right at the same time? Maybe!
    6 points
  22. You know what? If we find out that there was a person violating one of Mickey's kids I'll eat my words. Until then I stick to them. The number of people on this thread who are defending and rationalizing this situation by outlining scenarios where you think battery and strangulation would be ok is frightening. Truly.
    6 points
  23. WOW. Can't believe I have to type this. There is never a reason good enough to justify a person strangling another. Man. Woman. Unless your life was in danger there is no acceptable reason for that. And the fact that you double downed and then used the faces above - you must be a real winner.
    6 points
  24. What needs to happen is that Ruhle needs to develop the offense and defense and hire O and D Coordinators to execute his vision and not their vision. I am convinced that's what Saban does. He sets the strategy, and the coordinators follow it. If Satterfield is someone that Ruhle can trust to execute Ruhle's vision, then I've got less of a problem with this.
    6 points
  25. I don't believe the thread is "out of control", however I do believe some peoples emotions are "out of control".
    6 points
  26. You are absolutely crazy. Rhule should have nothing to do with him. Rhule doesn't have a relationship with Mickey. He doesn't owe Mickey anything to bring him back to NU.
    6 points
  27. I love how all these fans are like "This guy sucks, this guy sucks, this guy sucks," but each of these guys, regardless of how they performed in the NFL, were all at one point in time considered good enough coaches to be NFL coaches. I'm gonna trust the guy who is a proven evaluator of talent, has coached 3 10 + win teams, won a conference championship, and is well respected in the business by everyone without the last name Shanle...
    6 points
  28. The bolded hits home. We are concerned about losing guys from a 4 win team....Throw in Palmer was 2nd team and our best player...The 6 year super seniors were part of a team that never went to a bowl game, 23 wins in 6 years...Unsure if I take off the Husker colored glasses that I see one guy that can't be replaced even by a true freshman. Ad that's so freaking sad...
    5 points
  29. Hausmann leaving would suck. That kid is going to be really good
    5 points
  30. For those worrying about where we go from here (which doesn't appear to be a lot, thankfully), while this will be a temporary pain point for NU fans, I think Rhule will secretly see it as a positive for his coaching career at NU. Rhule's not going to be forced to wine and dine Mickey and pay a super high contract to someone he has never worked with Rhule can hire a WR coach at a reasonable salary, and pay his other assistants more, as there is more of the pie to split up Rhule will not have the shadow of Mickey or the doubt all of the Mickey lovers around for the next few years; Rhule will be able to run his program without the specter of "could Mickey have done better" by half of the Nebraska fans out there There was always going to be short-term pain of lost recruits and transfers who were loyal to Mickey, but there were always going to be some bad things coming from a transition. This makes it easier for Rhule, the program, and the rest of the fan base to move forward.
    5 points
  31. It was never my intent to suggest that the singular act of being arrested was going to result in him being fired. That's a ridiculous notion to be caught up on. It has been clearly implied (and directly stated) multiple times that he could be fired because of the situation. And the police obviously have evidence/probable cause or else there likely wouldn't have been an arrest. The university doesn't need to wait for full due process (i.e. a trial, verdicts) to make an employment determination.
    5 points
  32. Something we agree on. Hey Ladies, Mickey’s home!
    5 points
  33. Wow.... anger due to being betrayed in the most intimate of ways by the person you love has absolutely nothing to do with "viewing women as possessions." Strange, strange thing to say.
    5 points
  34. Thank you for finding this article and the details on this story. However, Baldwin jumping out of Joseph's car which the article states is a lot different than "Mickey driving the getaway car when Scott Baldwin ran naked through Lincoln". Joseph was just out with Baldwin that night, as his friend. He was in no way trying to be an accomplice to Baldwin being off his meds and having a psychotic episode. As the story states, Joseph called the police, as he feared for the behavior of his friend.
    5 points
  35. Everything is speculation at this point, but to answer your hypothetical; No it does not change the narrative. Even if one party walks in on their partner in the act, you pull out your phone, take a photo of the indiscretion and then immediately head to a lawyer. It should never, ever become physical.
    5 points
  36. We go to Minneapolis on August 31, 2023
    5 points
  37. Turner Gill was just implicated in the FTX meltdown and Tommy Armstrong beat up a hobo.
    4 points
  38. Five years ago all the evidence said Scott Frost was doing everything right. Hindsight is a b!^@h. Ignoring the part where he lost a ton of games, I'm trying to remember the first clear-eyed indicators that Scott wasn't doing his job very well. IIRC, we were even pleased he got his coaching staff buddies to follow him to Nebraska, presuming familiarity and that UCF/Nebraska halo trumped more experienced and expensive big name hires. I think Matt Rhule is a lot more of a grown up than Scott Frost, and that's going to make a big difference.
    4 points
  39. He does have the right to do what he wants with the company. Apple has the right to do what they want. But, some seem to think apple should be punished by the government just because they might decide not to offer the app in their App Store. Which, was a lie that Elon pushed.
    4 points
  40. Dang, hopefully Rhule can convince him to reconsider after he looks around.
    4 points
  41. I'd like to run this passage by the HB legal staff. It's a section out of MJ original contract pertaining to cause. https://nebraska.edu/-/media/projects/unca/docs/transparency/contracts/interim-head-football-coach-mickey-joseph-contract-of-employment.pdf
    4 points
  42. I'd just change one word of the above - it wouldn't be excusable, but it would be understandable. Neither scenario is excusable unless this was a situation where someone was being abused or their life was at risk. If two consenting adults were hooking up with people other than their sig others I'd say the husband/wife/friend should and would be pissed, and I'd understand they'd be angry, but it wouldn't make any sort of battery or strangulation excusable.
    4 points
  43. Is it sad I thought the same thing?
    4 points
  44. 1. A high school softball coach that didn't work for the school gets fired. 2. An NFL offensive line coach - Arizona Cardinals (Private Entity) 3. Story said they began their investigation in May and fired him in July 4. charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, a fourth-degree felony, and battery 5. Noble appeared in front of a judge at a Sacramento federal court Friday. The appearance lasted 25 minutes, and he was in the custody of the U.S. Marshalls. In the documents, Noble was said to have been in a chat room on the messaging app Kik that was conducted by an undercover federal agent in Florida. The agent noticed a user named “numerounoginger” posted videos of underage age girls performing sexual acts and commented on several posts. 6. charged with conspiracy to commit mail fraud The closest to the current situation is The Arizona Cardinals situation. I'm sure there was at least someone confirming the behavior. The rest of the examples have something we have not be given yet.....Evidence which gives you charges. It'll come. But any conclusion drawn upon absolutely zero evidence is lazy and ignorant.
    4 points
  45. For those of you who have been outspoken regarding due process and wrongful terminations... as I posited, coaches frequently get fired following arrests, long before due process and the legal system plays itself out. We'll see what happens with Mickey, but the notion that firing him for his arrest (and the charges) is a 'wrongful termination lawsuit waiting to happen' is pure imagination. If this was such a concern, you'd think termination would be an unlikely result. https://www.wbtv.com/2022/05/18/lake-norman-hs-softball-coach-arrested-fired-after-inappropriate-conduct-with-minor/ https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/35090073/cardinals-assistant-coach-sean-kugler-fired-groping-woman-sources-say https://www.wrtv.com/news/local-news/crime/hamilton-southeastern-coach-arrested-fired-after-stalking-wisconsin-woman-through-onlyfans-court-doc https://www.krqe.com/news/crime/espanola-basketball-coach-fired-after-allegedly-pointing-gun-at-former-player/ https://www.kron4.com/news/california/uc-davis-water-polo-coach-arrested-on-child-porn-charges/ https://www.kvue.com/article/news/longhorns-tennis-coach-fired/269-38210be5-171a-4229-b3fd-7677f9d00929
    4 points
  46. you sir are welcomed to interpret this how ever you see fit. We can beat up Would/should all day long. The fact that anyone is “ok” with firing someone based upon the information we have is troublesome. I will allow you to come to your conclusion without insulting your ability to read. “I imagine” our conclusions are different and that’s ok. The second there is one shred of evidence he’s gone and I’m fine with that. The Hosehead Nacho example is strong, but lacks practicality. Firing someone on an accusation is dangerous no matter how you look at it and the likelihood of it happening with the evidence we have been presented, which is none, is very low. The negative PR at this this point is a result of the accusation. That will change quickly with evidence. Once that transition happens, if indeed it does, it’s a whole new ball game. The irony of this entire discussion is how I’m being called out for the same things several are actually doing. These are hard discussions. The lazy will say one is defending a wife beater. You’re not doing that, but I guarantee that has gone through the minds of several. I took the exact same stance with the two kids the ultimately got kicked off team for rape a few years back. We all need to be advocates for due process and not the angry mob mentality. We live in a ‘bizarro’ world where in the court of Twitterbook you’re guilty until proven innocent. It’s far easier to be outraged than see the process through. Quite frankly, I think it’s scary.
    4 points
  47. Newly found footage of Trev deciding not to make Mickey Joseph the permanent HC:
    4 points
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