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  1. How about you take off your s#!t colored glasses and come back tp reality. Do you grade out offensive lineman across the nation as a whole? My guess is you don't and this statement is beyond flawed.
    10 points
  2. Just like we told you how Trump was a moron in 2015 and it was obvious to anybody with ears that it was going to be a disaster, I'm going to make a mistake and try to tell you again: DeSantis is the same sort of moron. I get that Republican voters are too far gone to be reasoned with, but just like when I see a kid about to stick a fork into a light socket I feel like it's my duty to try and prevent them from making a pretty obvious mistake.
    9 points
  3. Sorry, but you can go back to fawning over DeSantis for acting like he found voter fraud and for his totally serious and not at all a political side-show public health policies. His well detailed and highly publicized policy proposals aimed at helping the most vulnerable Americans - and not just being a moronic politician lacking any substance whatsoever who's only political gambit is faking outrage at immigrants, public health policy, public education and really anything Fox News is mad about at that particular moment- is just the sort of leader America needs and would make the founding Fathers beam with patriotic pride.
    7 points
  4. Please tell me a current or recent Colorado player that’ll get these kids attention? Deion is a brand of course they’ll use him. And all these labels people put on him but when he speaks and the way he runs his program I don’t understand how you come to the conclusion without personal bias
    6 points
  5. Flare and sizzle last if there is substance. If prime gets them to a bowl game they will be buzzing.
    6 points
  6. S Corey Collier https://www.on3.com/db/corey-collier-26097/ EDGE Chief Borders https://www.on3.com/db/chief-borders-21161/ both have 3 years of eligibility left
    6 points
  7. Yeah. Did my post fail to define "nuance" enough for you? These are all interesting and valuable conversations as new information emerges. Do either of these arguments negate the lives saved by the vaccine, or warrant the demonization of Tony Fauci for political purposes? That's the nuance part.
    5 points
  8. Again, the science and policy surrounding COVID is chock full of nuance and moving targets. No one would be stupid enough to claim everything was handled perfectly. But many are stupid enough to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Because Americans aren't great at nuance, and the GOP literally doesn't know the meaning of the word, we've entered the Jail Fauci phase of our collective meltdown.
    5 points
  9. Seems like he just sucks the oxygen out of the room. "All about me". I'm sure they'll have an uptick in recruiting and maybe it'll show on the field but after awhile his act will wear thin.
    5 points
  10. This is one of my favorite pictures DE Grant Wistrom 1998 1st round DT Jason Peter 1998 1st round DL Mike Rucker 1999 2nd round DT Jason Wiltz 1999 4th round LB Jay Foreman 1999 5th round Also pictured: some guy from Isidore Newman HS in New Orleans.
    5 points
  11. More on Russian asset Rand Paul
    5 points
  12. You basing this off of??? Not being snarky bc I put stock into your insight. I have read other places that we are in a good spot.
    4 points
  13. I can't tell if I spilled Kool Aid on my pants or I just got too excited
    4 points
  14. My momma said no matter what I do in life that I'm her little
    4 points
  15. Rhule only offers 0* players WTF
    4 points
  16. I'm starting to think this one is not over yet.
    4 points
  17. 3 points
  18. This is the most annoying thing about that split championship. Nebraska would’ve absolutely destroyed Michigan (or anyone) that year. That is not an opinion, it is a fact. But they hid in their cherished Rose Bowl and struggled with Ryan Leaf. I was at the 97 Orange Bowl. Our defense and OL should have all been charged with assault and battery. It was a brutal beatdown and it would’ve been the same or even worse vs Michigan.
    3 points
  19. Hey you can bend as many gents as you please, but this is family forum
    3 points
  20. tOSU just had a different qb commit and the rumor is the Raiola fam loves Rhule
    3 points
  21. OK....care to give us some form of summation as to what was said in the article?
    3 points
  22. How the AP gave the NC to Michigan that year is beyond me after watching both play in their bowl games. Perhaps it was Nebraska fatigue. Fortunately the Coach's poll got it right. I have no doubts what-so-ever that Nebraska would have done the same if not worse to Michigan that we did to Tenn. Fortunately we ended up with the nice big trophy and Michigan got a participation plaque
    3 points
  23. I think the Purdue hire is a very good one. There are a lot of ways to be successful. Scheme doesn’t matter. Results do.
    3 points
  24. Never took himself too seriously. Gave his time whenever he could. Had a brilliant mind. His sense of humor could make anyone's day brighter. Thank you coach Leach for everything and going out a true winner.
    3 points
  25. I hear ya on the passion part, been tough sledding getting pumped for a perennial sub .500 team. We're the only p5 team to not go to a bowl in 5 years, right? I think Rhule will bring the excitement and passion back. Its like Memorial stadium is my wife of 30 years, and said wife wants to introduce another woman into the equation to spice things up. A woman who is new in town from carolina, says all the right things and demands excellence in the trenches. Not sure what trenches im referring to at this point but lets just say im at half mast and its not even spring ball yet
    3 points
  26. How about we just call him by his name?
    3 points
  27. You are a loser if you really think this way about a 19 year old, young man.
    3 points
  28. Are we good with stereotyping again? I sort of thought we were trying to get away from that...gosh.
    2 points
  29. I'm not going to get my hopes up until I see something way more substantial that he's actually seriously looking at us again.
    2 points
  30. Any time this comes up with Michigan fans I'm like your best defender was a corner. Great he would have shut down our best receiver (whoever that was). Their offense wasn't great either.
    2 points
  31. So, if Gov Newsome is crying uncle on the border will liberals finally believe Biden screwed this up? https://www.foxnews.com/politics/newsom-says-california-break-flood-illegal-migrants-title-42-expires
    2 points
  32. Correct. But also consider they allowed last years starting QB to break his jaw, get this year's starting QB injured with a torn labrum, as well as his one of his backups to end up with 3 injured QBs across two seasons. Even not accounting for getting their QBs injured, they allow their QBs to get pressured at one of highest percentages in the country, were 102nd in sack percentage, and were 113th in yards per rush, and while being led by backup QBs led an offense that was dead last in the country by being nearly 40 yards per game worse than the second worst team over those stretch of games.
    2 points
  33. You're almost certainly correct. Because the Republican Party is totally serious about policy - why they've decided to officially not run on policy the last two elections is because Democrats would steal their ideas - they're likely to reveal a full fleged proposal to help every day Americans. Unlike previous "policy", which included the refusal of government money for Healthcare and to sue the federal government for daring to help the poor - causing untold harm to hundreds of thousands of America's poorest citizens - this time is different!
    2 points
  34. Agree. Like if PJ Fleck as a former nfl superstar. Exhausting.
    2 points
  35. Somewhat disagree. They have said this technology is still a number of decades away. We need alternatives till that happens.....if it ever happens. I'm a firm believer that we need to keep developing many different forms of power. Yes, all the other forms have their drawbacks. But, they all have their positives too. Use all of them when appropriate. For instance, I dream of a day when my house is solar and the technology has advanced even farther to make it even more efficient. Then, have an electric car to where I'm not paying for power for my car when charged at home. Then, maybe 50 years from now, when this fusion technology has advanced enough, it can take over for the public power supplies around the world.
    2 points
  36. Word is Rhule tried to get in the door here, but was told "sorry, too late" (similar to Flores). And another bang up job by Frost and Co not putting any effort into this kid from SoDak.
    2 points
  37. I have never understood the need to grant a nickname to coaches and players. Their mommas already gave them a name.
    2 points
  38. Not gonna lie, even though I know what this thread is about, I read that as Head Coach Mike Riley
    2 points
  39. we're still on the 'elected representatives in the US government aren't necessarily in a position of leadership' gaslight?
    2 points
  40. Simple. Don't let them get that close in the first place
    2 points
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