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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/2023 in all areas

  1. Cool. Stop posting here then
    10 points
  2. Terms agreed upon in principle. 10 years for $100 million plus incentives that could bring contract’s value to $130 million. $75 million of contract guaranteed. Assistant pool to be highest in college football.
    9 points
  3. We learned that Hutmacher and Robinson are coming back next year. That's a small silver lining here.
    8 points
  4. The last three plays of this game summed up the current state of the program. Driving to win - interception. Need a stop to make the opponent FG tougher - gashed up the middle. Then, lose to a kicker who hadn’t kicked all year. Because he has a winning mindset. These kids had no will to win the West. The undefeated October was their trophy. They thought they had a bowl locked. Then their true colors showed. No slander when I say this. They’re losers.
    7 points
  5. Thank you. Satterfield is far from perfect, but he called a good enough game for us to win. We had stupid penalties, dropped passes, missed blocks, missed tackles, missed receivers. This was a team loss.
    7 points
  6. The team has not learned how to win. there is nothing materially different than last year
    6 points
  7. Northwestern did more with less. They also had way more turmoil.
    6 points
  8. Are you for real? That was some of the worst coaching I’ve seen in that fourth quarter. Rhule and Satt killed the chances of winning.
    6 points
  9. I don’t know how good our offense can be, but considering it’s year 1 and all of the injuries and poor QB play, I don’t think any of us have seen what this offense even looks like.
    5 points
  10. The fact that Rhule isn’t even considering firing Satterfield, his buddy, is very similar to the nepotism of the last staff. After chinander was fired the defense did a complete 180. Just think if Frost had done his job and pulled the trigger when he should have. We are seeing it all over again just on the other side of the ball. Rhule hitching his wagon to Satterfield and what he brought with him will be his downfall.
    5 points
  11. I learned that Matt Rhule is a coach and not Gandolf or Dumbledore. There's only so much he can do in the first season. You can't make ice cream out of horse droppings. Now we need to focus on what the team needs because we can't change what we were this season. I didn't think we were going to win five games this year. Much less go to a bowl. There were moments this year where the team really did look good and then it always fell apart. I will become optimistic about next season starting now. I'm going to remain so I can be there for the big win. I know it's coming. I have faith. This season never had much of a chance.
    5 points
  12. 5 points
  13. 7 losses. In this division. That’s bad.
    5 points
  14. Before the game I was mentally prepared that we were most likely going to lose this game, in some crazy fashion. I know we have the injuries to our running backs and O-line, but even still - until we have an Offensive Coordinator who specializes and favors the running game we will not be a good program. Rhule has the same/sometimes worse clock managment and game management decisions as Frost - and that's saying something! They were 5-3 and only needed to win 1 game and couldn't do it! Any good will Rhule and staff built up with this fan base at the 5-3 mark will all have to be regained.
    5 points
  15. Our starting QB next year isn’t on the roster our o line doesn’t move anything and still finds ways to get penalties in bad situations posters last week complaining about clock management from Rhule… just stop it- chubba’s pick is a prime example of the lose lose decision these coaches have every week. Greatest coaching in the world isn’t gonna stop stupidity from showing itself
    5 points
  16. You can't possibly have watched this game and think the refs were good.
    5 points
  17. Nobody likes you. Please go away. You've been the turd in the punch bowl ever since Nebraska didn't recruit your kid. Go root for Iowa.
    5 points
  18. So, the clock doesn't even run for an entire play. How does the ref on the field not notice that and adjust the play clock? How does Purdy play reasonably well all game, then throw a baffling INT at the end? How does the defense shut Iowa down the entire second half, then forget how to tackle on a critical play late in the game?
    5 points
  19. Guy has one foot inbounds and the other is four inches out of bounds and it wasn’t 30 seconds after a whistle.
    5 points
  20. Iowa doesn't have to do anything, just wait for Nebraska to do something stupid.
    5 points
  21. Every one wants to talk about the bad and this team definitely has a long way to go, but there were some bright spots along the way. Nash Hutmacher's improvement was very nice to see. Was nice to see Emmett Johnson step up with all the injuries at RB and show he is a good player. Jalen Lloyd showing off his big play ability was really fun. The young defensive guys like Cameron Lenhardt and Princewill Umanmielan showing great promise. What are some of your favorite parts of the season or players that really caught your eye?
    4 points
  22. Casey Thompson was by far the most impactful loss
    4 points
  23. 2017 Bright Spots From The Season 2018 Bright Spots From The Season 2019 Bright Spots From The Season 2020 Bright Spots From The Season 2021 Bright Spots From The Season 2022 Bright Spots From The Season 2023 Bright Spots From The Season
    4 points
  24. Oh, my bad. I guess that’s why we only won 5 games. Should have paid him $8 mil across the board instead of backloading it.
    4 points
  25. -The number of kids that played on Defense -The young talent on Defense -the fact they are probably going to blow up the south endzone. This will help preserve sellout streak.
    4 points
  26. Probably should ask this again after everyone sobers up
    4 points
  27. For those who are arguing that Rhule did a great job this season, just step back and look at what northwestern’s coach did. Arguably, the northwestern coach has one tenth of the experience that Rhule has and he has half the talent in his team tha Rhule has yet he got his team bowl eligible and we could not win a single game after being 5-3 to get to a bowl. By comparison, coach Rhule has severely underperformed in his first year given the ease of schedule and the remarkable fan base supporting this team. Again, the fans deserve better than this s#!tshow. The best think about husker football is the fans and their support for this undeserving team.
    4 points
  28. I don't care about deserving it. I just want more practices.
    4 points
  29. You're not the hero of HuskerBoard.
    4 points
  30. 0-4 to end the season. A losing record again. Bad mistakes late. Bad Time management. The team and coaching this season wasn't any better than the last 6 years.
    4 points
  31. Not seeing any benefit from this thread.
    4 points
  32. -B1G refs are still absolutely clueless. -The offense finds a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory over and over. -We need counseling as a state.
    4 points
  33. I learned that rhule and Satterfield need to take a whole week to learn how to make end of game decisions and to get their team prepared. Lost confidence in rhule.
    4 points
  34. Is this the same doctor you go to for your shoe lifts?
    4 points
  35. As long as your dumb a$$ isn't here, no one will care who's left
    4 points
  36. Satt has to go. End of discussion. No offensive identity. No scheme. No rhythm. Nada...A good OC can make the O look competent. Even without starters or vets...
    4 points
  37. Yeah, please never post here again.
    4 points
  38. You know what, get this s#!t out of here. Our players had a lot of chances and we dropped the ball and missed the kicks and threw the INT and gave up the big run. I don’t think Satt is great but s#!t these players deserve some criticism. We are soft and play poorly in key situations.
    4 points
  39. This offense is seriously handicapped by his incompetence
    4 points
  40. Are we just going to ignore the tight ends now?
    4 points
  41. So far I don’t see WRs helping Purdy. Like to see him use legs if nothing there but he’s not forcing throws that aren’t there.
    4 points
  42. 4 points
  43. Wait, why did this get moved to Rumorville? I mean it says in all caps it is CONFIRMED
    4 points
  44. This is dumb. However, I did hear that he interviewed!? Any one else hear that? Because if so, that changes my opinion of Rhule.
    4 points
  45. The battles we go through life,
    4 points
  46. RB is easier to find. Sure I would love to get this kid. Bottom line is if you can’t win the LOS you are not winning in the B1G or SEC. Go play in the Big 12 or ACC. It’s the OL that makes the RB, not the other way around. Frost and Riley never got this. I am hoping Rhule does.
    3 points
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