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Status Updates posted by ZRod

  1. Good night to read a boom or watch a movie. Maybe go to bed real early and get a jump start on the next day.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ZRod


      I think it's probably easier to learn in Mi since the runs are pretty short. We will definitely be hitting some of the hills around here before winter is over. 

    3. NUance


      Wut?  So GSG lives in Colorado and went skiing in Michigan for the first time. And ZRod lives in Michigan and went skiing in Colorado for the first time.  You guys are doing it wrong.  lol

    4. RedDenver


      No, only GSG did that wrong.

  2. Worst thing aboust DST is that it's now fully dark again when I get up in the morning... #depressing

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ZRod


      I mean, I don't care which end of the day gets more sun. I'll deal with it. My biggest gripe is adjusting to this nonsense, and having to go through all the negatives of dark mornings and blinding sunrises/sets all over again.


      At least the sun hardly shines in Michigan. Never thought I would say that...

    3. Moiraine


      Yes I hate it. I don't know what it is but waking up to darkness is awful. I don't care if it's pitch black when I get off work. I actually find it relaxing to drive in the dark. And I can hang out in the sunlight on weekends.

    4. Husker Richard

      Husker Richard

      Been training for a half marathon before work and it was just starting to get light out for my morning runs. Now I have to wait another month for that. I hate running in the dark. 

  3. Friday night and I need a fight My motorcycle and a switchblade knife Handful of grease in my hair feels right But what I need to make me tight are Girls, Girls, Girls Long legs and burgundy lips Girls, Dancin' down on Sunset Strip Girls Red lips, fingertips

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MLB 51

      MLB 51

      It's f'ing'SLAYER. Get it right. lol

    3. macroboy
    4. In the Deed the Glory

      In the Deed the Glory

      Who the hell ruined Motley Crue with that?

  4. Weatherman here in Tampa thinks the Sandhills are the Rockies.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ZRod


      What's a good place to eat here saunders?

    3. onlyHskrfaninIL
    4. ZRod


      There's nothing on that menu under 25 bucks except sides and booze!

  5. Cleaning out my parents basement to get ready for their move and I found a 1996 copy of Oregon Trail. Looks like I won't be productive for the rest of the day!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ZRod


      But if I use a browser I don't get the nostalgia of booting up in DOS Whislebritches

    3. C N Red

      C N Red

      Who has a computer that will even play it anymore?

    4. ColoradoHusk


      hope your wagon doesn't break any axles

  6. I just hope tschu doesn't take this out on the board.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. True2tRA


      Dude, I'm a Broncos fan and as much fun as it is to watch him during the regular season, when the pressure of the post season is on, it's nearly unbearable to watch. I'd love to see Osweiler get a shot, but it's hard to boot Manning if he wants to continue.

    3. True2tRA


      I think it's pretty clear Brady is the better of the two.

    4. ZRod


      You don't say! Tom, Peyton, and Eli should make a commercial like Montana, Flutie, Walker, and Jackson did.

  7. I still hate Texas, but goddammit I feel sorry for Charlie Strong...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. True2tRA


      People will feel bad for the sh#t storm Charlie Strong walked into, but despise Mike Riley and want to see improvement NOW! It's kinda funny.

    3. commando


      texas with the first score of the game

    4. ZRod


      I had a feeling they were going to show some fight, but not like this.

  8. How bipolar is this board going to be when we win tomorrow?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. NoLongerN


      Man, I'll be totally stoked with a win. Especially since I think we get blown out by 20. I think Cook has an amazing day and it won't surprise me to see them score a defensive TD as well. I've turned totally pessimistic about this team. I'm willing to believe in MR but so far he has done dang near the opposite of what I thought he would do. Puzzled. I won't throw stones ... but my mind says we get blown out ... my heart will be tickled pink to pull a big upset. It wi...

    3. NebraskaHarry


      Considering that most of us are pretty disappointed, I'd say a win would bring us a little joy. Even if just for a week, few days, or few hours. But there's still a problem.

    4. Redux


      I fully expect to beat MSU tomorrow.....then fall to Rutgers.

  9. Gather round children and I'll tell you of the great booby ban of '09, and how it led to fall of Husker Football!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. C N Red

      C N Red

      I actually believe it was March 9th, 2011.

    3. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Tell us more uncle Z.

    4. ZRod


      Despite the good racks, he just couldn't get the same whacks.


      "If there is no nipple, I don't get the tickle!" Bo screamed

  10. Two days until Eric Church. Giggity!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Redux


      No....no we aren't

    3. Redux


      But you can imagine what it would be like huhhhb?!!

    4. ZRod


      *pats him on the back*

  11. Cracked my phone screen for the first time in 15 years. Gaaaaaaaaaaw! It's only a half inch by quarter inch shatter on the edge, and the screen works fine. So I got that going for me, which is nice.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Danny Bateman

      Danny Bateman

      It's going to get worse!


      *cue evil laugh*

    3. ZRod


      Its already did...


      Thanks dick.

    4. C N Red

      C N Red

      Wtf?? You cracked the screen on a bag phone?? Who still has a 15 year old phone? Hehehe.

  12. Rescue is underway for the boys stuck in the cave in Thailand. 6 have made it out so far.


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. The Dude

      The Dude

      A 5th kid has been rescued.

    3. ZRod


      8 boys total are now out. 

  13. Another day in America, another mass shooting... 12 dead near Pepperdine University, including a LEO with 29 years of service.




    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. HuskerNBigD


      @Redux I think you might be on to something with both those points. Ever since Columbine there has been this desensitization and glorification of mass shootings. Couple that with action movies and what not, and especially too lax of gun laws and you've got yourself a huge issue. I think that Pandora's box has been open for far too long to think a rounding up of weapons could be extremely successful, but something has got to change. Stricter background checks and preventative measures would be a damn good start. 

    3. commando


      any regulation at all is fought tooth and nail by the NRA and the current administration so new laws are out of the question.  heck....the evil libs enacted exactly 1 gun control law while obama was president (a law designed to let law enforcement organizations trade info easier about mental patients) and trump repealed that law.    so i guess our best possible answer is to  ignore the shootings

    4. Enhance


      All, please be mindful of our guidelines with politically-themed content in status updates. If you want to discuss the NRA, gun control, or similar topics related to this recent shooting, please do so in P&R. I don't have a problem with sharing the news of the mass shooting. Thank you.

  14. Anybody else find it really annoying when you hear co-workers clipping their nails as their desk?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Scarlet Overkill

      Scarlet Overkill

      My coworker does it every day.  That's the least annoying thing about him.

    3. Xmas32


      Borderline psychotic behavior IMO. 

    4. HuskerInLostWages


      @Dilly Dilly I will be your character witness, smite him, it must be done.

  15. Ricky Gervais wanted for murder. Absolutely brutal scene.




    He literally murdered all of Hollywood and Apple last night at the Golden Globes.



    NSFW warning. It's mostly censored but there's one or two naughty words.





    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ZRod


      Bourdain hung himself, and he's always alluded to his depression throughout his shows.

    3. Savage Husker

      Savage Husker

      @ZRod Correct you are. Just having a little fun with conspiracies

    4. Stone Cold

      Stone Cold

      Always thought he was a bit of a prick, but that s#!t was straight savage.  Ive never seen so many shocked faces in my life.

  16. Winter is coming.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. HuskerNationNick


      No snow here in Des Moines lol. Sucks to be you guys! :P

    3. SECHusker


      +1000 @huzkerbob

    4. ZRod


      Two people lolz

  17. Oh Matt Millen you are definitely not a doctor.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. HuskerfaninOkieland


      And just like that...Vandy is losing again

    3. HuskerfaninOkieland


      You said ZRod...terrible defenses on the field tonight

    4. ZRod


      I was just saying why would you run it and then he cuts it loose...

  18. Anybody think we'll see Thursday night games on BTN anytime soon?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Foppa


      Haha well played, NUance. But the B1G will alter daylight savings time by several hours and NU will compete TV time with the Savannah State vs Richmond matchup.

    3. StPaulHusker


      I think they should give it a try. Let's see how they compete with ESPN and NFL for viewers. I know I would have rather tuned in last night to watch Indiana-Purdue over Mississippi St-Kentucky or the NFL game. That's just me, though.

    4. Landlord


      They won't compete with either of them. I wouldn't try it. I would just open up the possibility of B1G teams playing on ESPN Thursday nights.

  19. Bourbon glazed salmon, and a couple glasses of bourbon on the rocks mmmm!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. NUance


      No criticism here. I go thru a 1.75 of Jim Beam every couple months.

    3. ZRod


      It was alright btw Foppa. First time I ever tried it in the oven and it was little over cook, but not bad. Far too cold to grill right now.

    4. HuskerNationNick


      And a bourbon float for desert! Lol

  20. The sky is crazy right now! One side has a half moon and the big dipper and the other is constant flashes of lightning.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ZRod


      Yeah, it was more of a had to be there deal. But not bad for the first storm of the year.

    3. walksalone


      Eb, if you ever get any solid shots, would you mind sending them my way?

    4. EbylHusker


      Sure, I can do that. It's just a hobby, though, and I'm not sure how many chances I'll get this year to even attempt it (time constraints on my side). But yeah, if I end up with anything good I'll share them.

  21. Greg Schiano, thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Maudfather
    3. suh_fan93
    4. The Dude

      The Dude

      If you want Nebraska to be the dirtiest team in the Big Ten, he's your guy.

  22. Ok. What did I miss?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. beanman


      yes, and mantis and rotoriot


    3. ZRod
    4. macroboy


      I kind of thought rotoriot was a fake account for one of BanHammer 3.

  23. Whew! Though I got banned, then I restarted my phone.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ZRod


      Your no Peyton Manning. :P

    3. True2tRA


      You're no daisy......

    4. ZRod


      Nonsense, I have not yet begun to defile myself.

  24. I want my hour back!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. NUance


      Thanks Obama.

    3. Moiraine


      This is the busiest week of my life so of course an hour was taken from me.

    4. ZRod


      Got a big project.

  25. Woke up this morning smelling like vanilla, with an empty wallet and glitter on my face.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Redux


      So, down at the ol cake shop again eh?

    3. GSG


      What's a wallet? I have a guy that carries my cash in a briefcase

    4. 1Huskermom


      You were attacked by a Children's Librarian, weren't you? I know some of them: they always carry glitter.

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