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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/2018 in Posts

  1. 5 points
  2. My question to republicans would be, what values? because to me they seem to want to live in Russia, their policies have basically created an Oligopoly, they are fiercely socially conservative on issues like gay rights, they want to bend the political rules through things like gerrymandering and voter disenfranchisement to make sure they are always in power even without being supported by the majority, they want state propaganda for the press. Ohh and how could I forget, they've been fine with things like torturing people. In a lot of ways it seems like Republicans want exactly what Russia has.
    5 points
  3. I'll be shocked if anyone in the GOP actually does anything here. They've stood idly by for one clusterf#&% after another the past 2+ years. Even this current issue was on our radar way back then. I said before the 2016 election and I'll say again, this party deserves to die for tying itself to Trump. I just hope our country comes away in tact.
    4 points
  4. The notion that the 80's and Reagan's leadership was a time of tax cuts and small government is dubious at best. Reagan raised taxes plenty of times after the 81 tax cut (as did Bush), he expanded the size of government and spending, nearly tripling the federal budget deficit. Meanwhile he was giving a wink and nod with lines in speeches about "Welfare Queens" and "Chicago women" as he undid and flat out ignored Affirmative Action policies. Reagan argued against the Fair Housing Act, saying, "If an individual wants to discriminate against Negroes or others in selling or renting his house, it is his right to do so." He claimed Jefferson Davis was a hero of his, opposed making MLK Day a holiday, and said the Voting Rights Act was humiliating to the South. Some folks may not have joined the GOP out of racist fervor, but plenty didn't mind it, which I'm not sure is any better.
    4 points
  5. Agree - most of the time, the simplest, most straightforward,obvious answer is the correct answer. 1. Early 2000s Trump Inc run's into financial problems 2. Trump Inc - near bankruptcy 3. Banks stop providing loans 4. Trump gets loan from foreign bank (thanks Judge Kennedy's son) 5. Russians start buying whole floors on Trump projects 6. Trump's properties are heavily leveraged by Russian cash 7. Trump refuses to release his taxes 8. Trump tower meeting wt the Russians 9. Russian get involved in USA elections to defeat (1st option) or 2ndly to discredit a Clinton presidency 10. Russia voices disapproval of Romney selection as SOS as he is even harder on Russia than Clinton 11. Trump acting like a lap dog to Putin yesterday It is clear to me that the simple, clear, straightforward answer is that Putin has the goods on Trump and Trump has to do his bidding.
    4 points
  6. I'm no mathemagician, but I believe 1964 was more than 10 years ago. The republicans being the party of Abraham Lincoln was a loooooooong time ago. After the Civil Rights Act, the GOP became the party of Barry Goldwater, Strom Thurmond, and Richard Nixon, culminating in the de-evolution that we are witnessing now.
    4 points
  7. I'm almost ashamed to post this but I finally got around to watching Breaking Bad. Holy. Crap. It was stupendous. I immediately fired up Better Call Saul afterwards.
    4 points
  8. Abolish the NRA.
    4 points
  9. Ummm... the history of the Civil Rights movement disagrees with you. And the signs were there going back to at least the 1990's when I too left the Republican Party.
    4 points
  10. A little humor in this dismal situation .lol
    3 points
  11. I'm sorry, what are you saying here?
    3 points
  12. Let's take a moment from our regular complaints about the press (that we all have) and give credit where credit is due. Use this thread to highlight any members of the press who are doing the job America needs them to do. First up, my new crush, Jonathon Lemire from the Associated Press. In the midst of the debacle in Helsinki, Lemire stood face to face with Putin & his puppet and asked the questions that needed to be asked. You know a question from a member of the press has hit home when this is the reaction from your team. In the future, this will be the caption dictionaries use under the word "downcast." But wait - there's more! Lemire didn't just ask Trump the question that needed to be asked, he asked another one, of Putin.
    2 points
  13. baghdad bob has a new gig
    2 points
  14. I'm glad you posted this. I was actually starting to look for the transcript of this answer. It makes absolutely no sense to change it to "wouldn't" when you put it in context with everything else he said. This guy is a blubbering idiot and trying to cover his ass for a huge mistake he has made. It reminds me of a second grader that was caught swearing in school and now has to explain himself to his mommy.
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. I'm still trying to figure out if you think that the Democrats were the racist party until 2008 when Barack Obama got elected as President
    2 points
  17. Come on guys! Cut this s#!t out and grow up!
    2 points
  18. I've watched something called Nailed It, but it was most certainly not about cooking...
    2 points
  19. Here is where I think some of the 'rub' is that Comfortably Numb may be trying to say (I don't pretend to speak for him - just trying to read between the lines -- so he can correct me as needed). Christian compassion and giving is to be internally motivated out of a love of God and a love for our neighbor. It is not an external compulsion that motivates our giving and care. Knapp accurately and thoughtfully captured the essence of Christian giving and what is to be our heart. (Knapp - one day I hope you return to your faith roots - you have a good heart. But with that I affirm that one can have a good heart wtout a particular faith) The rub is this: Socialism is an external "mechanism' which exerts pressure via taxes forcing others to be "compassionate' in the way and to the recipients of the govt choosing. In that way, it is not different than any other govt - democratic or otherwise - it may exert more pressure than let's say a very conservative or libertarian democratic govt and it may exert less pressure than a full bore communist govt - looking at the extremes. Govts should be all about providing a safety net for its citizens - the debate is where to balance it out - how much 'giving' comes from private sector and how much from the public sector. If govts take so much through very high taxes it will leave little funds for individuals (Christian or non-Christian, religious or non-religious) to give freely as their conscience dictates to the individuals or organizations they wish to personally assist. I will say that the USA as the world's richest nation could have a greater and more encompassing safety net than what it does have. If our priorities were right we would be spending less money in some areas so that we could provide better health care and other assistance to the needy. However, the USA has also taken on the burden of caring for the world in so many other areas. Without our military, much of the world may be under dictatorships now. We are usually the first nation to help in a disaster - providing food, medical supplies, etc for people around the world. So we cannot flippantly say - just cut the military or cut foreign aid. We could however make better choices - like not fighting 2 wars in the MidEast at the same time. That could have funded a lot of safety net things here. This isn't a matter of being compassionate or not - it is a matter of how or the method by which compassion is to be administered in a free society. Too much 'govt sponsored' compassion leaves less funds available for private donors (unless you are the very wealthy) to contribute freely as they desire. So I think in an ideal world - socialism would work and we should and could all endorse it. But we aren't in an ideal world - there is too much selfishness at every level (sin) to make it not work. As a Christian we believe the ideal is yet to come. In the mean time we are called to render to Cesar that which is Cesar's and render to God that which belongs to God(our lives). And if we live in a society where Cesar is unusually large, we are to trust God for grace to give sacrificially both to Cesar and directly to our neighbor as our conscience dictates. If we live in a society where Cesar is small, then as Christians we aren't to let the god of materialism to take over our hearts and the best way to do that is to give generously and freely to those who are in need out of a hear of obedience to God and love for our neighbor. Let me add: it isn't just in socialism that the sin of selfishness can ruin the utopia we try to build. Capitalism, at its core, has a lot of 'self interest'. So while the left leaning person may try to build a utopia through govt largeness, and while the right leaning may try to build a utopia via capitalism both utopias will ultimately fail because each are vulnerable to the seed of destruction - our internal selfishness or self interest.
    2 points
  20. Oregon looking for another Christian French. https://n.rivals.com/content/prospects/2011/christian-french-27913#school-interests
    2 points
  21. Meh. Riley was the king of top groups.
    2 points
  22. No, it shows that Americans are tired of the GOP cozying up to Russia. Remember when Republicans decrying the "Russian reset" was a thing?
    2 points
  23. Jesus didn't invent those ideas/ideals. They can be found in philosophical tenets that pre- and post-date Jesus, as well as religions that pre- and post-date his time. So atheist Socialists who embrace loving one another, caring for the less fortunate, feeding & clothing the poor & hungry... they're just embracing basic human ideals. I wouldn't think humans doing those things is really that much of a head-scratcher.
    2 points
  24. Rand Paul today vs. Rand Paul during the campaign. What changed?
    2 points
  25. Reaction from some conservative representatives coming in.
    2 points
  26. lol.....he's right you know
    2 points
  27. I thought Vincent Chase already played Aquaman.
    2 points
  28. My sources tell me it will be after today and before the first game. I might need to get some better sources...
    2 points
  29. He claimed in an interview from maybe 5 years ago that he had met Putin, but who knows which time he was lying. Does anyone else think Russia or Trump either has something on Rand Paul or is giving him money? Or is he just a moron? His comments are ridiculous and he voted against the sanctiona. He says the Republicans speaking out against Trump over this are either war hawks or Trump-haters.
    2 points
  30. For anyone trying to come up with any other reason for Trump's actions, Occam's Razor is your friend. Also, this:
    2 points
  31. The 99 defense for a dollar is a steal.
    2 points
  32. I think Taylor Martinez and Tommy Armstrong would have been legends and considered some of the GOATs if they had played for Coach Osborne. Instead, well...you know what happened.
    2 points
  33. This is becoming huge. There are a lot of allegations and puzzle pieces that are starting to fall in place, and too many coincidences to just be happenstance. The Reddit comments mention all the other puppets Putin tried to create in Europe and how they resemble the Soviet puppets of old. I had actually forgotten that Russia tried to hack Marcon's campaign in the 11th hour. Glad his team was cunning enough to lay a trap for them. It's so sad that I massively respect Macron and Trudaeu as world leaders, over the US President. The American Public, all of us need to wake up. This is about to become much larger than we ever thought. There are no longer Trump supporters and Never Trumpers. You are either an American or a Russian sympathizer, and the latter is a traitor.
    2 points
  34. I have said for some time now...T-Mart will be remembered soooooooo fondly as time goes on. So many asshats simply never understood the numbers he put up.
    2 points
  35. You mean, the fans that nearly ran him out of town, and right into Colorado's outstretched arms?
    2 points
  36. trump: i can shoot somebody on times square and my supporters won't leave me
    2 points
  37. The BEST interpretation you'll hear from Trump supporters or right-leaning folks on the Russia matter is "Who knows how it will work out?" You've seen it right here on Huskerboard. That tact ignores a mountain of evidence about why this man shouldn't be trusted alone with Vladimir Putin. At best it's indifference and at worst it's willful ignorance of the harm this will cause. This is about the closest to broad consensus we can get as a nation anymore. Something is up with Russia, and our president's conduct is extremely suspect. We will have to see what Mueller ultimately says on the matter. It seems like he's hurtling towards a conclusion that will ultimately be very damning for Trump and the GOP itself. Winning issue for the Dems, right? So we should probably resign ourselves to another 6 years of GOP control.
    2 points
  38. Said he doesn't have a top list but Nebraska is recruiting him hard. Said he thinks he can play either safety or corner.
    1 point
  39. The fact that this meeting was allowed to happen without witnesses is probably the most ridiculous thing that’s happened during Trumps presidency , and that’s saying a lot. Why was this ever allowed to happen in the first place? My suspicion all along has been that Donnie is in massive financial debt to Putin? Putin owns Trump and this meeting was for Trump to receive his orders from Putin on what to say and how he wants things done .
    1 point
  40. Going to see a lot of old stored up points being used over the next couple years
    1 point
  41. lol....you never do answer. you just state something and never answer anyone who questions your statement.
    1 point
  42. ^ Damn right Brendon, good ol "NU"
    1 point
  43. I read through this entire thread, and just... I mean I always knew it was out there, but the insidiousness of white racism , and how at times it can be so subtle while and incredibly brazen--is just mind-numbing.
    1 point
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