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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/2020 in Posts

  1. 4 points
  2. "What is clear is that it all came down to the president and what he wanted; no one else appears to have supported his position." Yeah. Total nothingburger. I can see why Moscow Mitch wants to immediately acquit on all charges.
    4 points
  3. There was an image in last nights Rose Bowl, a mix of green and yellow juxtaposed against a mix of red and white in the stands. Both fan bases’ respectful colors paled in comparison to the beautiful sunset colors above that was reminiscent of a cotton candy pink, with a little purple mixed in. This bowl game meant more than both progrums combined, yet both still tried to stake their claim as being the champ in the moment. Little did most viewers realize, this moment meant more to Husker nation than both the teams playing in the actual game. in one corner, we had the the red and white we’ve come to despise the past few years yet deep down respect because they play a style that we once represented. Sure, we are conference foes, but there’s an adoration that exists within this forum towards good ole Bucky that put up one helluva fight tonight; despite them having our number. I know deep down quite a few of you squinted like I did and imagined that was our beloved Huskers in red and white asserting our will in the grand daddy of them all. And who could blame us? Well, thankfully my wife slapped me a good one and made me realize that’s not us at all- I love you Trudy, thank you again for reminding me who I really am. *quick tangent* (you see, Trudy and I met one fine fall Saturday at memorial back in 94 and we haven’t looked back since. Sure, one of us has lost our faith at times but the other has always been there to pick the other one up and remind the other that outside Ohio state, the rest of this conference has done nothing but suck a fat D since we joined. We always tell one another that we’ve seen better days. Not only that, we are both pragmatic people and realize that while we’ve lived through a dense fog for 2 decades, eventually that bright bright sun of ours will burn through that dense fog and bring back the beautiful scenery Lincoln deserves. Thank you Trudy for reminding me that the world is for the taking and I shouldn’t stake my self worth based on other progrums) In the other corner represented the victor and our hope for our reign moving forward. Some may scoff at those ridiculous jerseys, but dem boys from the 503 showed tonight what true football is about. They flummoxed, intimidated and asserted their will against dem boys from Madison to the likes we haven’t seen in Lincoln in quite sometime. I, like most of the majority here on dis here board, leave this game with a slight stiffy knowing that the man who helped build this squad from the fine state of Oregon is the head honcho patrolling the sideline of Tom Osborne field to this day. Tonight, in the grand daddy of dem all, was a battle of MEN on the lines. When I harken back to our faithful Huskers, I sheepishly admit we have nothin but boys out there the last few years. Well, I for one am sick of trotting our these o and d lines who would barely make a D2 squad proud. To those who say Scotty 2 Hotty’s play style won’t work in the Big10 I tell you to watch this game. It’s all about talent at the end of the day and tonight I witnessed a battle in the trenches where perhaps we’d have one guy worth being on their level. I know with full confidence that Scotty2Hotty is bringing in the hogmollies we need to make this progrum tick and I, for one, couldn’t be prouder. Have hope my brethren, this is a glimpse of not only the future but also a return to prosperity that we haven’t seen since the end of the 20th century. Sure; Oregon won and rightfully so, but when I saw that cotton candy skyline I was reminded of a sweet sweet nectar that is Husker dominance that will reassert itself in 2020. That sky was beautiful, much like our future. I bid adieu #GBR
    3 points
  4. I think many of you are discounting how physical of a team chip kelly and helfrich had. Sure they had an incredible qb and spread the field with fast skill guys but that offense was 100% built on running the ball down your throat and setup the offense in efficient 2nd 4, 3rd and short situations. the amount of o linemen and front seven they Placed in the nfl was impressive and they consistently went toe to toe with the best SEC and big 10 teams that were more classic “power football” the main point was more of a shot at many on this board questioning the direction of this program. We need o line talent and size period, regardless of what style we try and implement. Both those teams last night showcased this
    3 points
  5. Our recruiting classes have always been ranked higher than our divisional opponents, but we have lost so many guys to attrition, that what we have been left with isn't so. We lost half of our first class under Frost. Many guys off of our last couple Riley classes. We don't have that many good players left from the 16' 17' and 18' classes.
    3 points
  6. I agree that Herbert enjoying his success at Oregon has zero to do with Frost, and that Herbert's successes are due to the staffs at Oregon. However, the statement was that Frost gets "zero" credit for this year's Oregon team. Frost was the lead recruiter for Herbert who was a 4-year starter at Oregon. While it's probably a minimal percentage of Frost's impact on the Oregon team this year, I think it's "more than zero" based on the fact that Frost recruited Herbert to Oregon, and Herbert was a big reason for Oregon's success. If Frost had named Gebbia the starter over Martinez at NU and succeeded with Gebbia at QB, people would have rightfully commented that Frost was able to enjoy the success of Riley recruiting QB as talented as Gebbia.
    3 points
  7. Sorry, but Scott gets zero credit for this Oregon team. Cristobal has recruited very well, and brought a toughness never seen in that program. The credit goes to him and his staff. Their future looks bright. And the area code in Eugene is 541.
    3 points
  8. Here are my reasons for optimism for Frost. 1) Frost is a Nebraska-native and NU alum, so he knows how the success of the football team is important to the foundation of the state and people. He can sell top recruits what it's like to play at Nebraska. He has a deep understanding of the overall program which Callahan, Bo, and Riley didn't. 2) Frost has played for and coached with some of the best coaches in college and pro football. These include: Osborne, Walsh, Parcells, Belichik, Dungy, Tomlin, Snyder, and Kelly. I think Frost has learned a great deal from these coaches, and tries to combine their philosophies with his own. 3) Frost has played and coached at high levels on both sides of the ball. While he is known as an offensive coach, he has extensive experience and knowledge of the defensive side, as well. 4) Frost has experience in winning programs. He was a winner at Nebraska as a player, a winner at Oregon as an assistant coach, and was a winner at UCF as the head coach. I think Frost knows what it takes to be a part and lead a winning program.
    3 points
  9. Even though we should have made a bowl game, unless people look at these type of things don't understand that he took over a complete turd.
    3 points
  10. Crazy how off our numbers were once Frost took over in regards to upper classmen and position schollies. 20' Seniors QB: 0 RB: 1 (who was a juco) WR: 1 TE: 1 DL: 1 CB: 1
    3 points
  11. I don't really think that's the case. They wouldn't have been allowed to sign if we weren't fairly confident they'll make it. And we're not going to know any more about if they will or not in the next month.
    3 points
  12. fwiw...there is 1 evil person we killed that maybe we shouldn't have. saddam was evil in every sense of the word....but if we hadn't killed him our forever war in iraq would not have started and isis would not have risen .
    2 points
  13. Your sarcasm detector is broken
    2 points
  14. Yes! More war! The one thing we can always count on in this country! This war will make Afghanistan look easy...even though we are still there with no victory in sight and the taliban is bigger than when we first started. How will we pay for it? Kudos to any journalist or corporate media hack to ask that question. News flash: they wont.
    2 points
  15. I will take a .9382 composite "mid grade" 4* any day. He actually has a higher composite grading then Greene.
    2 points
  16. There it is. Always look forward to when we get a commit and this comment pops up.
    2 points
  17. It lets you vote after they commit. I feel so guilty.
    2 points
  18. Ahhh, country life problems! Cow tipping and drone flying
    2 points
  19. Only one way to find out!
    2 points
  20. The issue I'm having is people saying only known white supremacists can use the sign in a racist way. If the person isn't already known to be a white supremacists then the symbol isn't racist is the argument I disagree with. I think people can be racist and use the symbol in a racist way even if we didn't know that they were racist before.
    2 points
  21. Can't forget the throat slash at OU IIRC. That might have also been the F'in Hillbillies quote. Burning boats and slashing throats....... He did have some good quotes "Restore the Order" and did recruit well......
    2 points
  22. Trudy is the real Rose Bowl Game Presented by Northwestern Mutual MVP. The sky mirroring off the Ducks metallic helmets looked pretty damn cool
    2 points
  23. I am at a loss for words.... I would like to thank the Vegas odds makers who I basically followed for a good chunk of my picks because I have zero faith in my own picking abilities.
    2 points
  24. I always carry my .44 Magnum on my hip. Haven't paid for a meal in over 15 years.
    2 points
  25. I found this today and thought it was interesting. Going into fall camp in 2017 his third year Riley only had 77 scholarships filled and 14 offensive lineman on scholarship. As well as only 7 scholarship wide receivers. We essentially had a self imposed 8 scholarship penalty. Things will change before fall camp, but Frost currently has 88 scholarships (planning for attrition) as well as 18 scholarship lineman and 11 scholarship wide receivers. It's amazing how badly Riley mismanaged the roster and it's taking time for Frost to rebuild it.
    2 points
  26. He's not even 6'5? Wow I thought we were recruiting size, this is dumb
    2 points
  27. How does Peter suggest Pelosi end the game? Because sweeping articles of impeachment wouldn't have gotten him impeached either, the Republicans will defend him until the end. What was Pelosi supposed to do? Because sweeping impeachment articles would have just gotten the defense of 'Pelosi is too ambitious and now the Dems are just throwing s#!t at the wall to see what sticks.' That's the thing, no matter the strategy, Trumps supporters will have a spin. So what does Peter think should happen to fix this situation? Because Pelosi isn't a wizard.
    2 points
  28. those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
    2 points
  29. Do we teach people nowadays that nothing is just A=B? That there are many things that are triggered when there is action and/or inaction? Seems to me the crap we're dealing with is just stupidity and simplistic thinking. I'm not sure if this admin is able to think beyond one step or just chooses to do the one step because it's quick and dirty and then they can give their followers a catch phrase to chant and tout as an "accomplishment". They don't give a crap about the ramifications (insert Barr's comment about how he doesn't care about his legacy of actions as he'll be dead), and their base doesn't care or simply doesn't comprehend the possible outcomes and how things will be impacted. (ex. red states losing farm income because of tariffs, jobs because of coal mining and company shut downs, all people at working wage getting walloped by no tax break trickle down, and being impacted negatively by the healthcare debacle. etc) We pay more in total to NATO? Get out of it. We don't like France today? Tax wine and cheese. People coming to the US? Build a wall. Poland wants to invade Germany? Fine. Want more made in America? Give tariffs to China.
    2 points
  30. if germany wants to invade poland...why should we care?
    2 points
  31. Horrible person with their thumb on a dead man's trigger to a nuke dying is not a good thing.
    1 point
  32. Great get. If/when Frost gets things going on the field Nebraska could flirt with a top 10 classes.
    1 point
  33. It's crazy how bad Riley was at everything.
    1 point
  34. Yeah, but Clemson, Notre Dame, Florida, Miami and USC aren't located in the middle of nowhere. And I don't think the program is dead. Some of us just think there's nothing wrong with 6, 7 or 8 win seasons and that "expecting" more than that, on a consistent basis, is just unrealistic in the new landscape of college football. And don't be surprised by a few 4 or 5 win seasons thrown in there as well.
    1 point
  35. As far as I know, very few. They do not have to file flight information unless they are going into restricted areas like around airports.
    1 point
  36. I understand where things are today. My point is how can you say we should expect 6-7 with a great 9 nine year as a outlier season from time to time when Wisconsin who has less advantages than Nebraska? Yet they routinely win 10-11. We should be able to match and exceed their ceiling. Historically we have. We are a top 5 all time team. Or does the first 100+ years not matter just the last 10-15? I would side with the 90% to define NU football not the 10% even though it is the most recent.
    1 point
  37. my theory is that our country got there when we started to worship guns rather than having them as tools.
    1 point
  38. I record movies and put them in my dvr recordings that are in my tv and that is what I meant! Excuse Me!!
    1 point
  39. Said right now his top schools are Nebraska, Florida, Texas A & M and Oregon. Says Nebraska, Florida and Texas A & M are recruiting him the hardest. Said he is 'for sure' going to visit Nebraska.
    1 point
  40. Oh boy. If he does well there I'm pretty sure about 90% of Husker fan's heads will explode
    1 point
  41. Gotcha. If he commits to us we'll trust Rivals, and if doesn't 247.
    1 point
  42. My guess is he goes to Georgia, gets drafted by the bengals and has a great career
    1 point
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