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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/2021 in Posts

  1. The Original Pandering was done by the US Military paying the NFL to get the National Anthem shown on TV before games, and to have a whole month of military awareness gear worn by coaches, staff, and players.
    5 points
  2. Nuts to that. I love the trash talk, I don't care what the score is, up a 100 or down 100 I am running my mouth. That's just me though.
    3 points
  3. I was reading an article on CNN trying to correlate anti-vax folks with people who believe Biden didn’t legitimately win the 2020. They sited that 1/3 of the people who believe the latter have been vaccinated. They noted one prominent figure in that camp, who also has urged people to get the vaccine. “Former President Donald Trump, for example, is a big promoter of false conspiracy theories about the election but he actually has gotten the vaccine and has urged others to get vaccinated.” They also mentioned Republicans who were pushing the vaccine late last year who are no longer pushing it due to conspiracy theories or misinformation. For misinformation, the article sited Rand Paul who is not taking it due to natural immunity. I know many that fall into this camp. For conspiracy theories, they sited a Congressman who was worried about the government invading people’s privacy and ultimately taking their guns away. Seems like a stretch, but this would fall into the distrust of government category I have mentioned in other posts. Lastly they cited that since kids and younger folks have had minor reactions to this virus, there isn’t a feeling of urgency to get vaccinated. I think most of this jives with what I have observed, other than the taking of guns part.
    3 points
  4. Yep, you forgot Cory Ross. how about this then: Jeff Kinney to Tony Davis to Monte Anthony to IM Hipp to Jarvis Redwine to Roger Craig to Mike Rozier to Keith Jones to Ken Clark to Derek Brown to Calvin Jones to Lawrence Phillips to Ahman Green to Dan Alexander to Correll Buckhalter to Dahrran Diedrick That’s a hell of a 35 year stretch of productivity!
    3 points
  5. Wow that is a lot of drama going on there. Our country is possibly going from vaccines to masks again. Extra strength protection. So prepare to do both. Hopefully we won't have to.
    3 points
  6. Oh yea. Forgot about him. I'm a Fu%$in Dumba$$.
    2 points
  7. LETS GO!!! unreal from Fred and Matt. The future is BRIGHT! Welcome Ramel!!
    2 points
  8. "...if people were responsible and just got vaccinated." - Scarlet Wow. Did you talk to California yet? They want to hear your thoughts
    2 points
  9. We all have the right to complain. If it wasn’t for complainers this site would’ve folded up long ago. However it would be nice if some hereabouts would take about 10 to 20% off.
    2 points
  10. Let me ask it another way. What conservative principles are important enough to you for you to continue to support the Republican Party - even after the insurrection and the continued vaccine misinformation campaign leading to the deaths of thousands?
    2 points
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHa4xhsWfaQ Beginning at approx 44 seconds on a Project Husker You could tell Trev wanted to silence Mark May, but Trev had more class than that.
    1 point
  12. I've never lived in another country before, but the consternation among some Americans surrounding nationalism is fairly amazing to me as an American. There are the people who take little pride in U.S. nationalism because of slights against them (perceived or actual) and there are people who take overt pride in U.S. nationalism, often to a fault and to the point where they refuse to believe someone else isn't involved in their shared experience. I often wonder if this is unique to us because of our melting pot society, or if other countries experience it to this degree as well. The whole anthem thing doesn't bother me one way or the other. The steps the NFL is taking are not too dissimilar from what Formula 1 has promoted with the #EndRacism campaign. Playing our anthem before international competition has always made sense to me but I've never quite understood it prior to entertainment events.
    1 point
  13. Frost is running that QB centric system that worked so well @UCF. It has been a while since you have had a very dangerous quarterback. Was it Crouch? I am not even sure who was quarterback back in the Callahan era when both teams scoring in the 50s.
    1 point
  14. Dang. Knew I’d miss somebody. Good catch!
    1 point
  15. Great season takes a small shot and makes it a slightly less small shot as well..
    1 point
  16. Do you mean this from the POV that football is the cash cow and should have a majority of focus from the AD, or that the other major sports are all in good places right now, and football needs all the help it can get?
    1 point
  17. that's neither here nor there. i was answering the question why men's golf and tennis were added if wrestling was dropped due to scholarship numbers. the summit league would only allow UNO to join if they had all the sports the rest of the conference had. they don't add them, they stay D2.
    1 point
  18. Most of us would call 99 Solich's best team.
    1 point
  19. we should be nearing herd immunity by now...but noooooo....the anti vax crowd apparently wants this to continue. and somehow the right wing propaganda machine figures this is a good thing.
    1 point
  20. Lol. The pandering continues.
    1 point
  21. Most people I know over 40 that haven’t been vaccinated are still waiting to see if there is fallout from the vax, or had covid and think they don’t need it. I don’t hear many conspiracy theory reasons. This. At least around here.
    1 point
  22. Brandon Jackson to Marlon Lucky to Roy Helu to Burkhead to Abdullah was a hell of a 9 year stretch of productivity.
    1 point
  23. And right on cue in comes @Archy1221 with a deflection to cover for his bungled comprehension of what Biden said and for his logic fail when he couldn't see that his take on people being responsible for killing people should not only apply to the use of guns but also to the willful ignorance of not getting vaccinated, spreading a deadly disease, or as his ilk is doing now, spreading disinformation about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines. Easy read. So predictable.
    1 point
  24. He knows that. But somehow guns gotta make it into every story he has
    1 point
  25. At this point, with very effective and safe vaccines available to nearly every one in the USA, the human action of not getting vaccinated or of spreading disinformation about the vaccines, has hurt a lot of people.
    1 point
  26. I specifically remember Frost saying we weren't a good enough team to make those mistakes and win. This year is put up or shutup on that front. He's had time to recruit his guys, and instill his culture.
    1 point
  27. Sounds kinda like a threat Why wait two more years? If you’re not enjoying it, get out. Nobody is stopping you or even asking you to stay. I can guarantee you that absolutely no other coach will care as much for this program or put forth the effort that SF will and does. So if you’re fed up with him after three years, leave. BTW I’ve got two more years invested than you do.
    1 point
  28. Most people I know over 40 that haven’t been vaccinated are still waiting to see if there is fallout from the vax, or had covid and think they don’t need it. I don’t hear many conspiracy theory reasons. I also think very few will change their mind. Most of the unvaccinated are under 40 and I don’t think many under 30 get their covid news from Instagram, Twitter or YouTube. They would rather watch the next reincarnation of jack a$$ the movie to laugh at people doing crap they should not do at home. but mostly there is so much distrust of the media and government that getting involved with social media filtering of covid news will a) lead to more ‘filtering’ for political purposes and b) lead to more distrust of both. maybe there is a way to figure out why so many under 40 are blowing off the vaccine and then figure out how to convince them otherwise. Targeted adds, like the Uncle Sam posters from WWII. Sorry bad example. Celebrity endorsements? Celebs have mostly lost credibility. Bribe them with weed and booze? 500 dollar tax free bonus when you get shot number two? Seems like we should be smart enough to come up with something other than censorship, which can easily be abused.
    1 point
  29. 7 years is enough time but that doesn’t have jack to do with the contract. The University should be fully behind any coach….until they aren’t. They can’t let their support decrease based on relative lack of progress. It has to be an all in or all out deal imo.
    1 point
  30. So people are responsible for their actions when they kill people with guns. It's not the gun's fault. But they not responsible for their actions when they kill people by not getting vaccinated. It's the virus's fault even though getting vaccinated would greatly reduce the risk of infection and transmission. Got it. The world according to @Archy1221
    1 point
  31. The Texas A&M atrocity should have been there too.
    1 point
  32. This "resolution" won't really have an impact on curriculum, according to one Cornell law professor. Even if the regents affirmed the resolution, it wouldn't really have power to do anything. In fact, I'm pretty sure regents don't have the power to mandate what type of curriculum is or isn't taught on a college campus. But, it's just great to see our Governor kissing a$$ in yet another instance of right wing nonsense. Color me unsurprised.
    1 point
  33. I've been a fan as long as most anyone on this board, and I'm also of the opinion that if we get blown out by Oklahoma and lose to Illinois, Sparty or Northwestern, the stands are going to be pretty lean for the rest of the home schedule. I was at the Iowa game a few years ago where 1/4 to 1/3 of the stadium were Hawkeye fans. That could be up to half - looking a lot like Notre Dame's stadium when we invaded - if we have a losing record heading into that game. And if that happens, I'd say the sellout streak is toast next year.
    1 point
  34. So if a sell out is a sell out, but a sell out can still count if you have a third empty stadium, or your stadium gets taken over by 50%+ of the other team's fans... doesn't seem like a sell out is worth very much.
    1 point
  35. I was there. He was right in front of us. And then he wasn't.
    1 point
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