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Pedro Guerrero

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Status Updates posted by Pedro Guerrero

  1. According to the dude on 90th and Dodge yesterday, Judgment Day is this Saturday at 6:00.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Ratt Mhule

      Ratt Mhule

      Dang, I have a baseball game. Either the players will have no coach if Im raptured up or our game will be delayed due to earthquakes bc none of us were saved. I'll find a replacement just in case Im raptured up...

    3. Roark


      Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, hide yo husbands, cuz they rapturin' errbody out here.



      Thats no good for me. See if I can reschedule for Thursday..

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. C N Red

      C N Red

      I didn't read the article, but was it a statutory rape? I knew two boys who got statutory rape. They were 17, had sex with a girl who was 16. It was consensual. The girls parent found out so pressed charges against the boys. I don't consider either of the boys a rapist nor should I believe they should be. It all depends on the case and circumstance.

    3. StPaulHusker


      Here you go, CNRed:


      "At one point, the girl was on the ground, naked, unmoving and silent, according to two witnesses who testified. Richmond, they said, had exposed himself while he was right next to her.


      Richmond then moved behind her, with his hands between her legs, penetrating her with his fingers, a witness said.


      Later he commented on an uploaded YouTube video showing him with the girl "lol song of the night was definitely Rape Me"

    4. C N Red

      C N Red

      Ya, that guy should not be able to get a schollie to play football anywhere. POS

  2. Huskerboard a Political Forum with a little football talk mixed in. I wish it was August already.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Moiraine


      I only read status updates if I'm extremely bored or if something catches my eye, like someone whining about there being too much political discussion. I usually forget they exist.

    3. Pedro Guerrero

      Pedro Guerrero

      Wasn't whining. You cats can talk politics all you want. It was an observation that most of the time I check the board lately the football forum isn't very busy but the political always has an updated post. FWIW: not talking piolitics on this site doesn't mean I don't have an interest in my country. Just means I don't want to discuss here.

    4. Redux


      It's best not to engage her, she's just not friendly

  3. Husker safety P.J. Smith said. "If we could just wear black jerseys here sometime. … We all talk about that (as players). But we're all about tradition here, so that's not going to happen."

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. tschu


      If the defense is averaging less than 3 ppg through at least 10 games, then the team can wear black for one game. How's that?

    3. RedNLeader


      No kidding give the ol'blue hairs something to yell about! For one I'am all for tradition..I love it! But if the players want something diff...and its ok with Bo and the rest of the staff...then we have no choice in the matter.

    4. HUSKER 37

      HUSKER 37

      Never really respected ASU that much even though I've lived here for 21? years..But I am a little embarrassed for them following so many other teams..But sometimes I guess you have to let your kids give themself the "reverse mohawk" and not worry what anyone else thinks

  4. Does anyone have Sprint for their cell service?  Thinking of switching from Verizon but don't know yet since they are the only provider we have ever had.  

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. khaake


      We're in Lincoln and switched to sprint a couple of years ago (from Verizon). We've been happy with them so far.

    3. RedSavage


      Verizon has much better coverage, especially in rural areas but you pay for it

    4. Judoka


      Switched to Sprint from Verizon last year and I have no complaints so far.

  5. Did they really just say the Will Henry ran a 4.41 and his vertical is 39.5 inches?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Red Tape

      Red Tape

      158? Have you seen him lately. Dude is pretty big

    3. PaulCrewe


      It is a joke

    4. BIG ERN

      BIG ERN

      Probably another Chris Brooks story but worse.

  6. Boxing is officially dead.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ZRod


      Boxing need real heavy weight competition again.

    3. Redux


      It will be dead when Connor KO's Floyd

    4. The Dude

      The Dude

      The fight got huge ratings.

  7. What percentage of people that say “I hope I’m wrong” actually “hope they are wrong”?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NM11046


      Same percentage of people that mean it when they say "I'm not racist, but ...",  "I don't mean to be rude, but ..."  Not to rain on your parade, but ..."It doesn't bother me, but ..."

    3. NoLongerN


      I said :bigredn: would most likely be 7-5, perhaps 8-4 but a better possibility to be 6-6 then 8-4.  I hoped I was wrong ... still might be.  I lose either way.

    4. 4skers89


      Same percentage as people that "to tell you the truth" are LIARS.

  8. How do you stop a dynasty? You drop the program. Interesting choice UNO.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. corncraze


      they have hockey...

    3. omattian09


      until blais leaves in the next few years and they slowly slip to mediocrity in every sport

    4. corncraze


      Their in the WCHA the best hockey conference in the nation. I think their in the right direction

  9. If Dirk was as good as Larry Legend he wouldn’t have been sitting on the bench last night during Dallas two biggest defensive positions. Don’t give me the “He was sick” stuff either, that didn’t stop him from playing offense.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pedro Guerrero

      Pedro Guerrero

      Small lineup or not Dirk doesn’t play defense and was on the bench when it was time for a defensive stop. Larry Bird would not have been on the bench small, medium or large lineup.


      Dirk is great but he is no Larry Bird.


    3. Hercules


      comparing Dirk to Bird is about as laughable as comparing Lebron to Jordan.

    4. Ratt Mhule

      Ratt Mhule

      Well talk to Magic Johnson then bc he is the one that started making the comparison. Your right, he isn't the best defender in the league. He is not that athletic. But this series, he has really stepped up his defense.

  10. I like big butts

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SECHusker


      You other brothers can't deny

    3. ColoradoHusk


      When a girl walks in with an itty-bitty waist, and a round thing in your face.

    4. Redux


      You get sprung!

  11. We traded one former Hawkeye whinhad 103rd ranked defense for another former Hawkeye who had the 95th ranked.  Upgrade

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pedro Guerrero

      Pedro Guerrero

      The ranks I posted were yards per game.  Which can be a bit misleading. 

    3. swmohusker


      Chinander faced some more potent offenses than Bobby D.  Minny gashing you is a little different than USF and Memphis.  

    4. Cdog923


      "It's not about yards, ma'am, it's about points" 


      - Bo Pelini

  12. "I have decided to retire young. Thanks for the cheese. Catch ya's later." Connor McGregor

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Dude

      The Dude

      Third loss, but his first loss to a 10-loss journeyman.


      Decent chance he's pulling a Mayweather here.

    3. Redux


      I'm assuming this isn't permanent.

    4. Day by Day

      Day by Day

      Dana White pulled him from the upcoming UFC because he refused to show up and do promotional stuff, etc... I heard an interview with Dana White a little bit ago.

  13. Watched The Last Jedi again.  It’s still a turd.


    Luke’s death - still lame

    Leia flying - still stupid

    Finn/Rose - still bad

    Snoke’s ending - still unfulfilling 

    Ren’s high waisted pants - still awkward 

    Poe - still underutilized 

    Holdo - still unnecessary 


    The throne room fight was still pretty cool.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pedro Guerrero

      Pedro Guerrero

      You’re welcome 

    3. brophog


      Ignore the Star Wars stuff, it's a bad movie without all of those complaints. 

    4. whateveritis1224


      I'm sorry Pedro, but you're a manbaby now because you did not like The Last Jedi. /s

  14. Taking the boy to his first Husker game on Saturday. Should be a great night for football.

    1. fro daddy

      fro daddy

      Awesome! How old is he newearth?

    2. Hoosker


      Awesome! Savor the moment my man. It meant so much to me the first time my dad took me to a Husker game. I'm sure we won't disappoint him.

    3. Pedro Guerrero

      Pedro Guerrero

      He is 8. I keep reminding him that I didn't get to go to my first game until I was 18.

  15. A guy at work just told me “We are going to have to outscore teams to win” REALLY????????????

    1. Husker Richard

      Husker Richard

      Have you seen our defense?

    2. knapplc


      Did he cite examples of teams who win without outscoring their opponents?

    3. jsneb83


      Well the 2009 Big XII championship come to mind.

  16. Lady 2 people down from us at the game told the 2 boys in front of her that they needed to sit down because they were impeding on her view. She didn’t care that her ginormous butt was impeding on our sitting space. 3 seats became 2 as soon as she arrived.

    1. NUance


      Hey! She didn't choose to be fat.


      Well, I guess she did choose to supersize those 1,500 Big Mac meals.

    2. C N Red

      C N Red

      She was just there until we got a sack and then she scurried to the nearest McDonald's to wait in line until it became Sunday.

  17. Going in to todays games I am tied with Obama. I can end with more points though. Does this mean I can run the country better as well?

    1. huKSer


      Yes You Can!

    2. NUpolo8


      Yes, but sadly anyone could

  18. Do you think Bo is happy that he didn’t go to Miami?

    1. NoLongerN
    2. krc1995


      he was never going to go. He pulled a reverse Bubba, before the original Bubba

  19. Does the Cavanaugh (eightlaces) dude still post his articles here? If not why did he stop?

    1. NUance
    2. NoLongerN


      Pretty understandable why not to me.

  20. I'm still winning $1000 gift cards. I don't know what I'm going to do with all of them.

    1. ScottyIce


      Me too man! I've racked up a lot of cash the past few days.


      PS admin I'm on "safari" on my iPhone.

  21. Welcome back Trev.

    1. Huskerzoo


      Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please 

  22. USC hires Clay Helton. Maybe not a "splash" hire but it looks like the right hire for now.

    1. zoogs


      Yeah, there are some really mixed opinions on this one. It's also a really safe play, though. I like it.

  23. Does Todd McShane not own Twitter anymore? 

    1. Mavric


      Seems to have sold his shares...

  24. “Fan Day” being on a Friday from 2:00 to 3:30 is LAME!!!!!!!!!

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