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Status Updates posted by gobiggergoredder

  1. Would it be weird if a baseball coach just wore khakis and a polo instead of a uniform?

    1. Loe Doesnt Know

      Loe Doesnt Know

      Baseball is a sport of tradition. Managers in uniform is one of those traditions so yes and not only weird but also a huge fail imo.

    2. Red Five

      Red Five

      Personally, I think all sports managers/coaches should dress like players.  Football coaches in pads.  Basketball coaches in tank tops and shorts.  Soccer coaches in shorts and knee high socks.


      And John Cook in butt hugger shorts.


    3. The Dude

      The Dude

      Carlin had a bit about this.  Imagine Bill Parcells in a New York Giants uniform.

  2. Can you just buy tickets to  the game in Ireland?  All I see is trip packages.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gobiggergoredder


      Thank you sir, I have a dump truck full of flight and hotel miles and I'd like to make this happen.

    3. teachercd


      Worst case, just go.  You will get tickets once you are there without a problem.

    4. Savage Husker

      Savage Husker

      If it’s anything like a game against Miami, don’t buy through the university. Wait for the second hand sites to drop their prices to $25, instead of paying $90

  3. Made $800 on LNK bump this morning.  Thanks Wisky fans!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. 4skers89


      $800 cash or 8 travel vouchers each worth $100?

    3. gobiggergoredder


      @4skers89....cash card.  @VectorVictor...asking for a friend?


    4. VectorVictor


      @gobiggergoreddernah, looking for a career change, wanted to pick up the lingo. 

  4. I’d like to start biking.  Paved trails and what not.  I’d like to get something decent, but not go all in.  What kind of things should I be looking for in a bike?  Suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Toe


      Second the buy something cheap & see if you want to stick with it idea. But first hit up a bike shop or two and try a few different bikes. Get a feel for what types of bikes are out there, and what size you need. Then hit up Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace for something cheap that fits your basic wants. If you stick with it, you can get something nicer down the road.

    3. OH HSKR FAN


      Great advice.   Go cheap with your first bike purchase.

    4. ladyhawke


      Check bike store bulletin boards, eBay, etc. for good less expensive  bikes. If you have any friends who cycle, take a spin on theirs to see how you like it. 

      Fit is the most important point in my opinion because if your bike doesn’t fit you, you will be miserable and stop trying!

  5. This Cheez-It bowl is a dumpster fire

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ladyhawke


      I thought the same thing. We could’ve beat the crap out of both of those teams, Minnesota (which we did) and Georgia Tech as well!  

      One of the commentators mentioned that the Big Ten West will be up for grabs next year with Purdue and Nebraska moving up the ranks!  Can’t wait for the 2019 season! GBR!:bigredn:

    3. Scarlet Overkill

      Scarlet Overkill

      I can't wrap my mind around the fact that we couldn't pull off at least 6 games this year.  This wasn't a 4-8 team.  

    4. krc1995


      Don't judge all 4-8 teams by their records. Which is kind of a pun but kind of true too. I guess the same could be said for any record-always look at how they got there

  6. Is Defense in Big12 that bad or offenses that good?

    1. brophog


      These offenses are starting to really take hold in the NFL. No one can stop them there, either. 

  7. The Moos sat in front of me on the plane this morning.  Blue jeans and a brown jacket carrying a duffle bag.  Just looked like anyone else.  Kind of cool.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. B.B. Hemingway

      B.B. Hemingway

      Geez. What are the wedding colors @ColoradoHusk :D

    3. StPaulHusker


      Athletic Directors.........They're just like us!!!

    4. 4skers89


      I believe S&B said Moos arrived last year on this date. Happy Moos day everyone!

  8. Poor Ralphie



    1. Thanks_Tom RR

      Thanks_Tom RR

      That looked like a well attended HS football game. The thousand or so fans in attendance have great school spirit. What schools were playing?

    2. commando


      he missed #44.   

  9. Heard Shawn Callahan on KFAB this morning about how bad Iowa’s offense is.....  I expect a career day for several Iowa players.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MLB 51

      MLB 51

      Yes, but Nebraska is crappy at home.

    3. ladyhawke
    4. gobiggergoredder


      Noah Fant did have 2 TDS....just saying

  10. I know everybody wants Frost back in Lincoln and I think that's great, but there are bigger questions.  How does Lincoln get a Waffle House?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nebfanatic


      You can take one from down here in Biloxi. I gave 3 within a mile of my house. @TonyStalloni you don't go to waffle house to be impressed, you go to waffle house to satisfy your drunk munchies with a delicious absorbant waffle.

    3. TonyStalloni


      Maybe I was there on a bad day but I've had better waffles at a motel breakfast buffet.  I remember the bacon being very good but the waffles were forgettable.

    4. krc1995


      It’s the whole smothered, covered, diced, chunked, scattered hash browns. 

  11. How bad would the fighting Cosby's of Temple destroy us?



      temple is good team, really impressed

    2. Scratchtown


      Temple is really good.

  12. Washington State is 5-2. When did that happen?

    1. It'sNotAFakeID


      They gave Mike Leach time ;-)

    2. gobiggergoredder


      He's good. I can't believe it took another program that many years to hire him.


  13. BTN Live just went through their list of top quarterbacks in the west. Went through four quarterbacks and no mention of Tommy? Come on.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Decked


      Wes Lunt is pretty good. I think he's second in the division IMO.

    3. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      I agree but who in the West has even come close to his numbers through 2 games? I really don't know but would be surprised if anyone is close.

    4. True2tRA


      Preach On JJ! Preach! Off my ignore list, and straight to the Preacher Man! Can't make sense of it, the Lord must be at work here! Can I get an amen!?

  14. Nick Diaz is going to get worked.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Apathy


      Nick Diaz is one tough dude so I wouldn't go that far. Plus Dilva is not only coming off a 2 fight losing streak but nasty ankle injury

    3. True2tRA


      I wouldn't count anyone out of a fight. Diaz surely has a shot, but I think Silva is going to be a tough matchup. Silvia's reach and movement will be tough for Diaz to deal with. Damn..as we speak Alves pulls one out of his ass.....

    4. Danny Bateman

      Danny Bateman

      That was a hell of a kick. He was getting dominated pretty well too. I like UFC because fights can literally turn on a dime like that.

  15. Anyone thinking about getting a Buick after seeing these commercials 1,000 times?

  16. Kenny Mayne doing SC this morning. Good stuff.

    1. Hoosker



    2. CornHOLIO


      Whatever happened to Kenny Wayne Shepherd?

  17. Another targeting garbage call. Gamechanger.

  18. Leaving a receiver exposed used to be poor QB play. Now it is targeting.

  19. If you're ever just driving through Eastern Iowa and you see the National Motorcyle Museum...Stop. Pretty awesome.

  20. Going to Alice in Chains at Pinewood Bowl Friday. Do you have to bring your own chairs there? Never been there.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PaulCrewe


      You mean that people actually sit at concerts?!?


    3. HUSKER 37

      HUSKER 37

      You're just getting around to telling me NOW? My best friend lives a couple of miles from there, and AIC is the latest favourite band of mine that my Son has been stealing from me..

    4. HUSKER 37

      HUSKER 37

      Last time I saw a concert there was Cheap Trick and we had to sit on blankets.

  21. Youtube 'Avery Drummer'

    1. HuskerThor


      Seen him. He is amazing. Hot for teacher I think it was. 6 yrs old and better than most professional drummers.

    2. HuskerThor


      just posted a link in "What are you listening to now" thread.

    3. gobiggergoredder


      'Girls, Girls, Girls'. The kid is ridiculous. It's like his parents raided my iPod.

  22. You can't go anywhere without being asked if you want girl scout cookies. When will this be over?

    1. C N Red

      C N Red

      I had trouble finding them in small town area i live. Was gettin worried then got some yesterday which was first time ive seen anyone selling them.

    2. deedsker


      Send them my way. I went home and the people my parents buy through had already sold out. Haven't got any in two years!!!

  23. Cool Ranch Taco Supreme..Pretty Decent.

    1. Chaddyboxer


      hmmmmm....may have to try one of those diabetic bombs...

  24. If you have FuelTV...Stann v Silva is a war.

    1. GSG


      That was a doozy!

  25. Lincoln have a snow removal plan?

    1. ZRod
    2. Ringer02
    3. tschu


      The snowplows go back and forth over Cornhusker and O streets 6,000 times even when they're cleared off, ignoring all other streets. That's the main plan.

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