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Status Updates posted by Apathy

  1. I hate watching NFL games on FOX because the picture quality is straight trash. 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ZRod


      I mean the fact that Romo can tell you what the play is before they run it..  that's what you want in a color commentator. Plus his shear joy and love of the game always comes through.

    3. The Dude

      The Dude

      Were you watching FoxHD or just regular Fox?


      I don't mind Aikman so much.  Buck would drag anyone down.

    4. Apathy


      @ZRod agreed


      @The Dude it was in HD. Both CBS and NBC were perfect. It’s always like this for NFL games on Fox for me and College is decent too but not as bad

  2. Edelman wins SB MVP but don’t let that fool ya....he was suspended 4 games this year for using PED’s. And we’re to believe that the patriots don’t cheat ha

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. The Dude

      The Dude

      They're probably average in terms of cheating.

    3. Judoka


      I didn't have an issue with Belichick for the taping "scandal."  Bill Cowher stated back in 2014 that pretty much everyone does it, the only difference is the Belichick got caught.  As for the PEDs, you don't get as jacked as these guys can get without them.

    4. B.B. Hemingway

      B.B. Hemingway

      I get so tired of the "Patriots are cheaters" BS. That organization is just that much better than everyone else. One pro-bowler on that defense and they absolutely shutdown one of the best offenses in the league.



  3. Got $3,200 more in my taxes compared to last year. This is one happy camper

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    2. ZRod


      What you get back doesn't really mean anything though. You have to look at what you are actually paying for taxes.

    3. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Thank you @ZRod. I don't file till the last minute cuz I usually have to send in more money. And if I am due a refund, it just gets applied to next year's estimated taxes.

    4. khaake


      The problem is that most people use tax refunds as a savings account (some as their only savings). When the refund is unexpectedly less, it hurts.

  4. I’m a Ford guy but man those 2019 Rams are super nice and got me thinking about getting a 19’ Ram Rebel. Much better luxury interior than the Ford and all that storage you get in the center console, back floor and box storage. 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. NebraskaHarry


      Are you one of those guys that trades his truck in every 1 or 2 years?

    3. B.B. Hemingway

      B.B. Hemingway

      @NebraskaHarry Me? Not now, no. When I was a kid I would buy old trucks that I thought were priced right, fix a few things on them, maybe drive them for awhile, and then sell them for a profit. It was just a hobby when I was 16-22.... In those 6 or 7 years, I probably owned 20-25 trucks.


      Before the 2019 I had a 2013 that I bought new. I traded it in for the 2019 3500 because of all the hauling I was doing. The 1500 wasn't cutting it. Before the 2013 it was a 2005 Silverado..... Before that an 84 GMC Pickup....Before that, the mess I described above.:lol:


      I bought the 67 C-10 3 years ago. I'll probably keep it for the rest of my life. My dream truck.

  5. Had no idea that Dan Aykroyd was balls deep into UFO’s, ghost and Bigfoot. Joe Rogan’s podcast with Aykroyd was amazing

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Judoka


      A lot of Ghostbusters wasn't acting on his part.

    3. B.B. Hemingway

      B.B. Hemingway

      Come on guys! Dan has had FOUR ufo sightings!

    4. Stone Cold

      Stone Cold

      Well he was a ghostbuster so i would hope to god he knew a thing or two.

  6. Yikes that Tesla truck looks hideous....was seriously hoping that Elon was trolling us but nope. Rivian has nothing to worry about. 

  7. Baby Huskerjock is a boy!!! Hopefully a future Husker!!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. krc1995


      ah congrats to you and your wife, BUT how could you saddle that boy with a christmas season holiday birthday? Poor son will get dual xmas/bday presents forever.

    3. HUSKER 37

      HUSKER 37

      How big is he now? And congrats...Any 10yd dash times yet?


    4. NUance


      A HUGE congratulation to you, jock. Well done sir.

  8. The new trailer for the Dark Knight Rises came out today and its freakin SICK!!! TDKR > Spiderman > The Avengers

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Foppa


      I've already seen it...it came out here in New Zealand two weeks ago. It's pretty good, with the exception of Scarlet Johansen. Wow she is a terrible actress.

    3. Blackshirts007


      not sure if serious...

    4. HuskerInLostWages


      I care not about her acting, I care about her sweater puppets.

  9. The Dark Knight Rises will be 2 hours and 40 minutes long.....EPIC!!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Blackshirts007


      it wasn't going to be bane, it was going to be the riddler and joker again, but you can thank health ledger for that

    3. 95huskers


      no way that you can re create what ledger did in those movies...

    4. Apathy


      I'm not worried about Bane what so ever. Tom Hardy is an amazing actor.

  10. Where can I see Season 5 Episode 2 of Breaking Bad online? Its not available at AMC.com

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Excel


      I tried iTunes where I had bought the last three, the newest one is for sale only as part of a season pass.

    3. Minnesota_husker


      If one person were to use a website that maybe wasnt super legal.. one might type in tvduck but I would never say that out loud after Knapp said not to use a website like TVduck... :)

    4. tschu


      I recommend torrenting it...its the easiest and cheapest. Mods will likely delete this comment though.

  11. Don't buy a Netgear wireless router cause if you experience any problems with it, you'll end up talking to a tech from the Middle Eastern and they'll charge you an arm and a leg to get it fixed.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. beanman


      I've had both, and my Netgear went into the garbage. Linksys router still works great after 8 years.

    3. C N Red

      C N Red

      Never had problem with mine. Thrn again if it sharts the bed i will just buy a new router. Pretty cheap.

    4. tschu


      Linksys >>>>> Netgear. Lol netgear.

  12. So the fiancée just informed me that we are suppose to get the ring bear, junior groomsmen and junior bridesmaid a wedding gift. Ummm is this normal to do?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. LSLHusker


      Okay, well, uh... candlesticks always make a nice gift. Asst Coach Larry - Bull Durham

    3. Minnesota_husker


      Not sure what the JR bridesmaid and groomsmen are but we got our groomsmen, bridesmaids, ring bearer(wish we could have had a bear), flower girl and ushers a gift.

    4. NUance


      Divide up a carton of Marlboros for them, and give 'em each a lighter.

  13. 3 officers dead and 7 else injured in Baton Rogue, LA. This is what happens when you inform people of misguided and false assumptions and conclusions of every police shooting before the facts come out.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. huKSer


      krc - today is nation ice cream day if that helps

    3. Apathy


      National ice cream day.....yes might have to take my son to Dairy Queen or Wendys

    4. krc1995


      Too late for blue bell now

  14. Wife and I adopted a 3 month old puppy last night

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Apathy


      He is a Pug/Pomeranian mix. We gave my son the option to name him which he chose Jacob haha. I told him that’s a humans name and he doesn’t care, so any Jacobs on this board, I’m going to apologize on my sons behalf haha

    3. Scarlet Overkill

      Scarlet Overkill

      Almost all of our animals (and there have been a lot of them over the years) have had people names.  

    4. ColoradoHusk


      We’ve had dogs named after Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake. My daughter named our current dog Sydney. 

  15. Wow Bill Paxton dies at age 61....loved him in a lot of movies

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. The Dude

      The Dude

      This one hurts.

    3. huKSer


      I first thought that it was Bill Pullman

    4. funhusker
  16. Man what breath of fresh air Trump provided the American people last night....great speech!!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. QMany


      Stop with the persecution complex.

    3. StPaulHusker
    4. Cdog923


      Great troll. Tremendous troll.

  17. James O'Keefe is the real MVP

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Apathy


      Oh Zrod you're so wrong....have a nice day

    3. QMany


      Dewiz. Dodge, dip, dive, duck, and dodge.

    4. Apathy


      Love that movie

  18. Well the doctor confirmed my biggest fear.....my dog has nasal cancer. Surgery won't help him so just going to spoil him till it's time for him to leave me for good

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. NM11046


      I'm so sorry Dewiz. Many, many hamburgers and scratches.

    3. funhusker


      Like many have said, it sucks. Enjoy the time. I'm coming to grips that this is the last summer with my lab too. She will be 13 in December and is starting to have a lot of hip/joint issues. Sucks dammit.

    4. ColoradoHusk


      That sucks. Hope you can enjoy the last bit of time you can have with your pup.

  19. Baby girl entered the world by c-section at 2:48 PM weighing at 7 1/2 pounds and 19" long. Mom was running a 104/105 temp but that's down now and she's not in any pain.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. RedDenver


      Wishes of good health to all

    3. ColoradoHusk


      Congrats, hope mom and baby are doing well. 

    4. ladyhawke


      Oh! Poor Mom! But I'm sure she'll be fine. Baby girls are the best!  Congratulations! Will be praying for your family!

  20. Placed my house up for sale on Monday and have 3 offers so far. Wife and I placed an offer on what vary we’ll could be our next home too #blessed
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ColoradoHusk


      It's not a terrible idea teach, but the home loans are all dependent on the value of the home and the % of the home's value being borrowed.  That also may be regulated to what can be included in a mortgage loan.

    3. ScottyIce
    4. Apathy


      @ColoradoHusk we haven’t decided yet. We do have plenty of friends with trucks and trailers. 


      @ScottyIce Sadly moving from Nebraska to Sergeant Bluff, IA



  21. Man I love Joy Villa!!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ZRod


      You can have subway delivered now?

    3. commando


       i have never heard of joy villa.

    4. commando


      kk...looked her up.   still never heard anything she has ever sang.     i don't listen to MAGA radio so doubt i ever will.   lol

  22. Life is like a box of......?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lyons in the Sea of Red.
    3. huKSer


      chocolates . . . with thumb tacks in them

    4. NUance


      @da skers -- Bet your mamma told you that, right?

  23. Why play a whole year and then participate in spring drills to throw it all away and transfer...doesn't make any sense. I'd like to say good luck Green but I'm too pissed to say it.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Apathy


      @Huskershark - Playing time. Why go through all that work to just transfer to sit out a year?

      @tschu - Really he was only a Freshman lol wow really.....derp de derp.

    3. tschu


      I was responding to blackshirts007 in case you're too dense to figure that out

    4. Apathy


      I figured it was directed toward my status update because you responded to it my bad. Looks like I owe you a beer.....no homo lol

  24. Anybody have their house built rather than buying one already on the market? Any suggestions or tips? My wife and I are thinking about having our new house built rather than searching for that perfect house.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. krc1995


      I am getting ready to begin this process as well. I wish this could be converted to a thread without everyone having to retype.?

    3. CornHOLIO


      Krc..Why don't you start it with a cut/paste?


    4. ccm420


      save up and get a construction loan and contract yourself. homes are middled out sooooo many times.

  25. Saw Iron Man 3......very disappointing movie. Can't wait for Man of Steel

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. huKSer


      Isn't steel automatically an up grade on iron?

    3. Junior


      I thought it was good, but damn I hate 3D.

    4. huskered17


      I liked it and my wife even liked it,so it must be good. lol.

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