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Ratt Mhule

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Status Updates posted by Ratt Mhule

  1. Gif duel 2012 between LSUFreek and CuppyCup has started. Go here to watch and vote for Mondays gif http://www.goodbullhunting.com/2012/10/15/3506142/round-1-gif-duel-2012-cuppycup-lsufreek

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Count 'Bility

      Count 'Bility

      LSUfreek based on detail and quality. Cuppy had a more creative idea, but LSUfreeks productions are second to none.

    3. AgMarauder04



    4. GSG


      2 girls, 1 cuppycup

  2. If you haven't seen the documentary on history channel "Mankind the story of all of us" I highly recommend it. Especially if you're a history buff like myself

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Dude

      The Dude

      It was pretty good. That intense military guy is hilarious.

    3. Ratt Mhule

      Ratt Mhule

      Who? Genghis Khan the Mongol leader?

    4. whateveritis1224


      Think he's talking about the guy who gives commentary on military tactics. Great series overall but I was disappointed in how it ended.

  3. My team just won a state championship. After six years of coaching, I can finally say I coached a state championship baseball team.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Husker from Kansas

      Husker from Kansas

      Congrats that is awesome!

    3. HANC


      Congrats to you and your team. Enjoy !!

    4. NUance


      That's pretty awesome! Congrats!!

  4. hammered drunk...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NUance


      plop, plop, fizz, fizz.


      Mornin' gents.

    3. ZRod


      I was hugging a toilet in the greater DC area when this was posted.

    4. OH HSKR FAN


      Gatorade is your friend.

  5. Just passed my radiology national boards! Now the hard part of finding a job in a saturated field

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chaddyboxer


      There's jobs out there, but I can't move out of Omaha right now.

    3. Ratt Mhule

      Ratt Mhule

      Same with x-ray techs. Go to California and you wont have any trouble. Just saturated in Nebraska. Good luck to you man! You will get one eventually

    4. NUance


      Congrats on passing the test! And good luck landing a job! (You too Chaddy!)

  6. Whoever decided to bring back "Who's Line Is It Anyways" deserves a raise! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. strigori


      Tuesdays at 7 on CW

    3. The Dude

      The Dude

      The rubber ducky song was great.

    4. VectorVictor


      The Drew Cary episodes and older ones are on YouTube if you're needing a good laugh.

  7. Just got back from Chicago. Nebraska only had 30 fans at this bar crawl. Michigan/Michigan St. and Illiniois had a great turnout. Illinios has a good fans base. Talked to some cool people. Purdue fan behind me trying to get into a bar was a complete dick trashing Nebraska. And a Minnesota fan said "get ready to pull your pants down and bend over" when we play Minnesota this year lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Foppa


      It sounds like you're a nobody. No offense ;p

    3. huKSer


      @ nobody - he could have been talking basketball?

    4. Nobody


      what's basketball?

  8. Miguel Cabrera has reached base safelty in 120 out of 125 games. The guy is a freaking machine!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MLB 51

      MLB 51

      To bad the guy is a DIQHEAD.

    3. Ratt Mhule

      Ratt Mhule

      Doubt it. He would have been caught by now. I hate when people claim PEDs when someone does good. Just the other day, I saw some people claiming Darin is on PEDs. Couldn't be further from the truth. And MLB, I know, he kinda is. Not really a fan of his, but you can't deny the guy is amazingly talented.

    4. MLB 51

      MLB 51

      I agree Po.

  9. Red Sox down 5-1 so I turn the channel thinking the game is over. When I flip back just to check, Papi hits a salami to tie it up!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Marf


      I'll give you a salami.

    3. Mike Mcdee

      Mike Mcdee

      Was on PEDs...

    4. Hoosker


      PEDs or not, you can't deny his ability to come through when it counts.

  10. I see a little silhouetto of a man. Scaramouche, scaramouche, will you do the fandango. Thunderbolt and lightning, very very frightening me....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TonyStalloni
    3. Roark


      We build this city on Rooooock aaaand Rooooooll! :)

    4. ZRod


      ^perma ban!

  11. My dad just asked me if I remember the 1982 out of bounds catch. Um dad, I wasn't born til 1987, so no, I don't remember it...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tschu


      Dad might have had a beer or two during the game?

    3. Ratt Mhule

      Ratt Mhule

      My dad doesn't drink haha

    4. scarletNcream


      I have literally hated Penn St since that day.

  12. Oh boy, that PC was hard to watch. Bo Badger doesn't give a f#*k...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HuskerInLostWages


      Sam definitely caught the brunt of Bo there.

    3. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      I guess if you can't win the game, you can always attack a journalist.

    4. True2tRA


      JJ SAMs an idiot. He deserves to be attacked

  13. Bought some of that flex caulk tonight, you guys. The cannon ball through the boat really sealed the deal for me

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Count 'Bility

      Count 'Bility

      Did you get the black caulk?

    3. The Dude

      The Dude

      You pay for caulk? ha!

    4. sd'sker


      'Seal the deal'. Funny.

  14. Only four more wins to #9wins, you guys. So close I can feel it...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. QMany


      I can't wait.

    3. Chaddyboxer
    4. NUance


      Hey, if we get more than nine wins can we carry some of the extra wins over to count for next years nine wins?



  15. The most blatant holding penalty Ive seen not being called just gave Auburn this upcoming TD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Redux


      Whatever makes for good tv

    3. Stumpy1


      The PI call on that drive was BS also.

    4. jsneb83


      The SEC wants 2-3 teams in the playoffs, they got to give Auburn a chance.

  16. God I hate that stupid AT&T commercial.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ratt Mhule

      Ratt Mhule

      Yes, that's the one. Where hes talking about spicy food

    3. Danny Bateman

      Danny Bateman

      Would love to punch. I think the chick from the ones at the store is a hottie.

    4. admo


      ATT: Subliminal message to Embrace Outsourcing

  17. How pissed is TheSker right now being 7-0?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      He sure hasn't posted much since we've been winning. Just a few posts discounting our victories. Thought maybe he got banned but no, the results just aren't what he likes to see. Bet he's back in a heartbeat if/when we happen to lose. So there's that to look forward to...

    3. teachercd


      I guess I don't even remember him.

    4. TheSker


      I guess I'm not sure why you'd think I'm "pissed" about being 7-0 Rike? But I appreciate you thinking of me.....I guess....

  18. Just came to the realization that Jonathon Taylor is only a freshman. We get the honor and privelage of watching him run all over us for three more years. Finally get rid of Borland and Fumagalli, but this kid will just step in a take their place as a Husker killer. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Well isn't this a fun fact to begin our Monday. Great.

    3. KingBlank


      3 star unrecruitable here

    4. Scratchtown


      That dude is better than any RB recruited to NU since Ameer

  19. I almost forgot how gay call of duty can be. Well I remember now...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Haspula


      what? call of duty is the best game series ever

    3. shpadoinklehusker


      is that the black ops game? I was looking into getting it. Would it be worth it?

    4. Ratt Mhule

      Ratt Mhule

      Yes, I love respawning and getting shot by a player and a chopper at the same time before I can even move

  20. Man I hope we don't play every game next year at 11 like the rest of the Big 10

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Enhance


      I despite 11 a.m. games. I really do, especially as a student, because if you want good seats you're going to have to get there at 9:30 a.m.

    3. Enhance


      I could have had East tickets this year but my girlfriend and some others could only get South, but next year we should be Eastin' it up.

    4. Husker Richard

      Husker Richard

      You better get there real early for East stadium seats....Earlier than South.......

  21. Good luck to all college students taking finals this week! Kill them

  22. Damn, I didn't realize how good the Big 10 is at bball. OSU #1, MSU #18, Illinois #22 and Purdue #13

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Parl Celini

      Parl Celini

      Penn State also has a tough team in basketball.

    3. redout22


      Nuten compared to the Big East though. kinda feel bad for TCU

    4. mmmtodd


      TCU doesnt feel bad tho. their football team is their jewel, and theyre gonna wreck that conference.

  23. Love Kyle Korver, but he got posterized by Blake Griffin last night. Anyone else see the Clippers/Bulls highlights on Sportscenter?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ratt Mhule

      Ratt Mhule

      Blake Griffin jumped over him as Korver was jumping for the ball also. Thats posterization at its finest

    3. GSG


      I'm going to have to agree with the posterization.

    4. HuskerNLimbo


      Blake Griffin is posterizing everyone. No big deal. Just add Korver to the list of victims!

  24. Im actually watching Monday Night RAW tonight bc The Rock returned last week

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ratt Mhule

      Ratt Mhule

      Did he comeback tonight? I dvrd it

    3. PaulCrewe


      Yeah HHH vs the Undertaker at Wrestlemania

    4. RedNLeader


      No rock...but i have to cena took it to the rock in his lil rap...HHH vs The Undertaker would be great stuff


  25. Pretty sad WWE has to bring all the old guys back just to get people to watch. The Rock, JBL and now Stone Cold. Where's Mankind?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mmmtodd


      im not a fan or anything, but havent they always done that? kinda part of the shtick, aint it?

    3. ADS


      They need to bring back Rowdy Roddy Piper

    4. Ratt Mhule

      Ratt Mhule

      Aspeedlin, they have before and hes just really fat now. I know he had cancer, so maybe hes lost some weight fighting it, but who knows

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